18/(dont have a title:/)

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Living with my dad is absolute hell. He makes me wear 'boy' clothes. I had to leave all my make up with Peggy. And he's homophobic. I was so much happier with the Washington's.

"...Pride parade in downtown Manhattan this week."

My dad groans and turns off the tv. I look up from my book. "What's wrong?"

"Gays and the lgbt thing and whatever."

"Oh." I look back at my book but I can't help but think about Francis. What if my dad finds out? He's coming over to help me with class work tomorrow too. I really hope he doesn't find out...

I close the book and put it in my backpack. "I'm going to bed, dad. Good night."

He nods and I go upstairs and lock the door. I fall on my bed and take out my phone.

Francis😍❤️: Are you okay?

🐢: Yes. Why?

Francis😍❤️; I'm just worried about you. I love you

🐢: I love you too

Francis😍❤️: Go to sleep ❤️

I plug my phone in and put it on the nightstand. I can't sleep. My mind keeps going back to my dad finding out about us. I finally calm myself down and close my eyes.

"Are you sure this is okay?"

"Francis, I'm positive."

I open the door to see my dad isn't home. I lead Francis upstairs to my room and close the door.

"Just so long as we don't do anything, we won't get in trouble," I assure him.

He nods and takes out his laptop. "Our project was about Anthony Ramos, right?"

"Yep." I pull out some paper and a pencil and write down what I know about him. About five minutes later, I have a whole page of notes. I look up from the paper. "Do you think this is enough?"

"It should be."

I put down the paper. "Let's take a break," I say and stretch.

"It's been five minutes," he laughs.

"And?" I say and kiss his cheek.

He leans in and kisses me gently and I tilt my head to deepen the kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him down on top of me. He moves his lips to my collarbone and leaves marks. I bite my lip and hear footsteps coming down the hall. I quickly push him off of me and grab the paper again just as the door opens.

"Hey dad," I say trying to stay calm.

"Hey," he says and nods. "What was that noise I heard in here?"

I look around the room looking for an excuse. "Oh, I stubbed my toe."

He nods again and leaves. I look at Francis and let out a sigh of relief.

The next day after school I head out to the baseball and softball fields. My dad is legit forcing me to tryout for baseball and it pisses me the hell off.

"I don't think I'm gonna make it," Angelica says.

"Angie, you're good at softball and volleyball. I'm sure you'll make it. Hell, you're the reason the team went to state last year."

She looks down at the ground and kicks the ground with her cleats. "Thanks John. I hope you do good."

"You too Ange."

I look at the boys trying out for baseball. Thomas Jefferson, Aaron Burr, Levi Weeks, Charles Lee, Benjamin Talmadge, Caleb Brewster, Abraham Woodhul, and me. I feel like someone's missing, but I don't know who. Then I hear him.


I turn and see none other Alexander fucking Hamilton.

"Hey Hamilton."

"I didn't know you were into baseball."

"Yeah, me neither," I mutter. The coach blows the whistle and we take the field.

After tryouts Alex drives me home. "You think you made it?"


"What'd you try out for again?"


"If you make the team, Jefferson might be off."


"Yeah. Last season I heard he was pitcher and I saw you play today and you're good."

"Thanks, I guess."

"Well, we'll find out tomorrow if we made it or not."

We pull up at my house and I grab my stuff. "Hey John?"


"Will you text me? I feel like we don't talk that much anymore."

"I'll try. Good night Alex," I say as I get out of the car and go in the house.

The next morning, everyone is crowding around the gym doors. I finally make it up to look at the list and in the very middle I see, Alexander Hamilton
John Laurens

Phat Oof :/

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