chapter 54

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Mark chuckled, "You sleepy?". Jack shook his head, "nuu" he said a bit sleepily.

Mark chuckled, "Yes you are, you child." He joked. Jack pouted, "I'm not a child" he whined. 

Mark chuckled, "You sound like one right now.". "S-shut up" jack said tired.

"You wanna go to sleep, love?" Mark asked lovingly. Jack nodded, "y-yes" he said tired and rubbed his eyes

Mark smiled, "Alright." He picked Jack up and walked out of the water.  felix saw the two and walked over, "what's wrong" he asked looking at jack and mark. Jack laid his head on marks chest and closed his eyes

"Jacky's sleepy." Mark said, looking at Jack lovingly.  Jack cuddled up to mark. Felix nodded, "ok" he said smiling.

Mark smiled at Felix and sat on the sand with Jack cuddled up to him in his lap. Jack fell asleep in Marks arms

Mark held Jack close and smiled at the sleeping male. Felix smiled and walked over to marzia and sat down next to her.   

*in jacks dream* 

Jack was at a park but when he looked down, he saw that he was when he was a little boy.  Another kid, way bigger than Jack walked over to him, he had blonde hair and brown eyes. He pushed Jack, "Look who it is" He cooed evilly. 

Jack frowned, "l-leave m-me a-alone" he stuttered out. "What are you gonna do if I don't?" He smirked.

Jack rolled his eyes and tried to ignore the kid and started to walk away. The kid grabbed Jack's arm roughly. Suddenly, a kid walked over, "Leave him alone, Johnny."

Jack looked over and saw a boy that a bit taller than jack and had black hair and brown eyes. Jack knew that was but didn't say anything.  The blonde looked at the Raven and snarled, "What are you gonna do about it?" The Raven smirked, "Wouldn't it be a shame if your mom found out about what you're doing to poor Sean McLoughlin?" The blonde's eyes widened and he let go of Jack, "Fine. Whatever. You can have your boyfriend, Mark." Johnny scoffed and walked away.

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