The Morning After

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"I don't know your name, but you can share it with me- so I know what to scream this time?" A soft voice cooed in her ear, Maria waking to the gentle feeling of lips ghosting over her cheek.
Her eyes fluttered open slowly, the cream ceiling of her apartment coming into view. She turned her head slowly, smiling at the gorgeous young girl in bed beside her. Maria sighed through her nose and tilted her head back, humming softly as the girl began leaving delicate kisses down her neck. "Is it... Jessica?"
Maria laughed a little, arching her back from the warm mattress. "Jasmine! I see you as a Jasmine..." the girl grinned confidently, Maria shaking her head slowly.
"Nope, but good try," she whispered, the girl resuming leaving little love bites along her tan skin.

"Uhmm, Angelica?" The girl grinned. Maria laughed a little before freezing, shooting upright suddenly.
"Your name is Angelica?" She questioned slowly, furrowing her brows and tugging the blanket up over herself more.
"No- no not mine- I'm so sorry I have to be somewhere," Maria gasped, stumbling out of bed and running to her chest of draws to grab an outfit. The girl frowned a little, sinking back into the crisp white pillows of Maria's bed, now slightly stained by makeup in patches.

Maria grabbed a crimson red Lulu Lemon sports bra, tugging it on with a pair of black leggings that hugged her curvy figure nicely.
"Where are you going?" The girl watched her dress, fingers fiddling with the blanket.
"I have a dance... thing." Maria chuckled nervously, throwing on a loose off-the-shoulder jumper to finish it off, running to the full body mirror by her door to attempt to tame her wild mane of hair. "I'll be back later if you want to hang around? Feel free to use whatever in the kitchen- I think there's poptarts..."
The girl's expression lit up at that and she nodded eagerly.

Maria proceeded to drench herself in deodorant and Victoria's Secret 'Love Spell' perfume, shoving a purse of makeup and a variety of dance shoes into a drawstring bag.
"I should be back later- there's like no chance I'm gonna make this audition, but I'll never know if I don't try," she sighed with a tired smile, hopping to the door as she slipped on her Bloch high-tops. "And the name's Maria, Maria Lewis."


[dialogue in italics is delivered in French]

His neck was sore, his legs were numb, his ears were popping and really, he was just ready to get the hell though security and to this audition- if he was lucky he'd arrive a minute before they started. The flight was delayed, and Alex didn't seem to be the only one who was distressed. People scurried this way and that frantically, like ants who's anthill had just been stepped on. It was just disorienting Alex to no end.
He shoved through the crowds, attempting to spot his luggage on the conveyor belt, but he was short compared to the other people around and ended up lost in a sea of frustrated people alike to himself.

"Mother there's no need to worry, I'll make you proud," a smooth French accent caught Alex's attention- possibly because it was the only sound within the vicinity that wasn't made up of colourful curse-words. He glanced over to see a tall figure with a flawless build- his calf muscles were insane. By the way he held himself Alex immediately knew he was a classically trained ballerina, anyone could've picked it to be honest. No normal man performs subtle tendus while on the phone, it was a strange nervous tick to have. The man hung up the phone and immediately Alex dashed over in a sudden burst of adrenaline.

"Pardon me- erm, are you eating the Limelight auditions, also?" He attempted to deliver fluently, biting the inside of his cheek skeptically. The man chuckled a little and nodded.
"Yes, I am eating the auditions," he smirked, Alex's cheeks warming slightly.
"Ah shit- sorry, um, it's been a while, I'm a bit rusty," he spoke quickly, rubbing his neck awkwardly.
"No it's fine, Marquis de Lafayette," he nodded his head politely and held out a hand, Alex reaching forward to shake it quickly.
"Hamilton, Alexander," he introduced before returning his hand to his pocket, jigging nervously as he looked around. "The audition starts soon, and I don't know if we'll make it in time-" he began to express his panic but Lafayette waved him off nonchalantly.

"Come with me, we will, where is your luggage?" Alex cringed at that, glancing over to the conveyor belt with a heavy sigh. Lafayette laughed a little and moved past Alex towards the luggage train, squeezing his shoulder as he did. "What colour?"
"Green," Alex piped up, following Lafayette hopefully and squeezing between the mountains of people. In literally seconds Lafayette had retrieved his small green suitcase, bringing it to Alex with a warm smile. "Than- Merci!"
Lafayette beamed and ushered Alex along with a wave of his hand, guiding him to the international terminal exit and to a bay of vehicles waiting to pick people up.

"Where have you come from?" Lafayette made short conversation politely, weaving between crowds expertly until he reached a sleek black vehicle. His mother had said the ride was already waiting.
"The... Caribbean," Alex murmured, eyes widening slightly when he laid eyes on the car Lafayette was beginning to pack his luggage into.
"Exotic," Lafayette smirked, turning to Alex and raising his eyebrows suggestively before grabbing his luggage and slotting into the boot strategically, this was some kind of Tetris right here. Alex laughed nervously, squeezing the strap of his carry on.
"Yeah, kept the social media exciting," he snickered, figuring that might be something this guy was into- he seemed like a socialite.

"Hm, I don't use social media." Lafayette shrugged nonchalantly, opening the car door and holding it for Alex. He leant his elbows on it casually, though his stance was still controlled and poised, feet turned out and back arched delicately. He was either extremely dedicated to ballet or extremely gay. "My parents say it's a distraction, another variable that could keep me from winning," he rolled his eyes.
"Oh, so you're really in it to win it then?" Alex murmured nervously, slipping into the car and shifting over so Lafayette could get in too. To that, he laughed.

"Me? Non, my parents? Oui!" Lafayette laughed, raking a hand back through his hair and patting his fluffy curls. "You know- you know what my mother said? If you are not coming home with a trophy- do not come home at all."
"Oh shit," Alex murmured with wide eyes, tugging his seatbelt on as the car began to drive. "How do you cope with that kind of pressure-"
Lafayette cut him off with a nonchalant wave of his hand, strapping his seatbelt on too and crossing his legs carefully.
"Whole life, it's nothing new. Champagne?" He grinned, reaching into a cooler in the centre console. Alex's eyes widened and he couldn't help but laugh.

"Before the audition? What would your parents say about that?" He chuckled, furrowing his brows.
"That's the point, it's all about rebellion mon ami, join me in a revolution against parietal pressure!" He beamed, already pouring two glasses. How could Alex say no to this?

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