Chapter 1

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Soldiers screams rang through your ears, bringing you back to reality.
"O-ok!" You called out, you picked your pistol up, as you tried to aim for one of the Talon troops, your hand shook nervously.
You missed, your hand was shaking too much.
The troop turned your direction and rained down on you with his machine gun.
You jumped down, behind the crate.
"GOD DAMMIT!" Soldier yelled, filling the troop with bullets.
He grabbed your hand and pulled you up.
"Get your head back in the fight!" He growled.
"U-understood.." you looked down at your feet.

You saw the door next to you explode in a flurry of flames.
More Talon troops flooded through and opened fire.
"I'M HIT!" Torbjorn called out, reeling in agony.
Soldier leaped over the crate and returned fire at the troops, then ran to Torbjorn and dropped his biotic field next to him.
"Heal up, Soldier.." he grunted, kneeling next to him and aiming at the door, ready for anymore troops.
You shivered and crawled out from your hiding spot.
"(Y/N), get over here now!" 76 Barked at you, making you jump.
You anxiously made your way towards him.
"You need to get your head on the game, you hear me?" He growled.
"I.. I'm sorry, captain.." you mumbled.
"I'm.. I'm better now, thank you." Torbjorn sighed.

"Alright let's move on.." 76 grumbled, storming into the next room, weapon raised.
"Don't let him get to you." Torbjorn patted your back.
You followed the two of them.
The next room was dark, you could still see, but just barely.
You could see it before you got inside, Torbjorn and 76 had got there before you.

But before you stepped through to the next room, the door slammed shut, locking itself, making you jump.
"CAPTIAN!" You called out, pounding on the door.
"We hear you (Y/N)!" He yelled.
"Torbjorn is working on opening the door, while we are here, you go find the main reactor ok? Set the detonation mine there and we all leave from there. Blow this thing and go home.."

Your eyes widened.
"I.. I, c-captain I dunno.." you shook nervously.
"LISTEN TO ME! YOU NEED TO DO THIS! THIS IS OUR ONLY SHOT, (Y/N)!" He barked. "They probably think all three of us got through here, they won't expect you! Do it!"

"Ok.. o-ok.." you stepped slowly away from the doorframe, looking around the room as you started jogging around.
There were signs around the base, pointing to the direction of the main reactor.
You started calming down after a minute, maybe 76 was right? You hadn't seen anyone.

A red streak of light then flashed past you.
You jumped, yelping. Your breath started speeding up, your heart rate doubled.
You heard someone giggling, the noise. Echoed through the dark hallways, bouncing off the walls, you couldn't tell which direction it was coming from.
It sounded.. feminine, British. But it filled your heart with terror.

You weren't alone.
Someone was watching you.

You kept walking, looking in all directions, you were utterly terrified. You clenched onto your tiny pistol tightly, as you made your way through the hallways.

You saw something at the end of the hallway, a red glowing light, facing you.
It started moving toward you slowly.
You aimed your pistol, your hand once again shaking.
The light disappeared.
You didn't hit it, it vanished just before you pulled the trigger.
You would have to be quick.
You started running in the direction that the signs pointed towards, you heard the giggling as you ran.
It clenched your heart with fear.

You reached the door to the main reactor room, you sighed.
Just before you opened the door, you heard
"Oi, Love!" Beside you.
Your head snapped to face a woman standing next to you, staring at you.
You screamed and jumped back, falling back in the process.
The woman stared down at you and giggled, it was the giggle you kept hearing!
"What'cha think you're doin?" She grinned, leaning against the wall.
She wore a red and black bomber jacket, and tight red leggings with two gun holsters on the sides, which had two pistols in them.
She also had black gloves that stretched down her forearm.
"I.. I" you stammered, terror in your eyes as you started backing away, still on the cold floor.
She took a step towards you.
You noticed two red marks on each side of her jawline, they looked like scars.
Her bright red eyes glowed softly in the darkness, it illuminated her brown spiky hair.
But she had a metal contraption on her chest, with a bright glowing red circle in the middle.
She chuckled, kneeling down next to you, her head tilted to one side.
"And why do you seem so terrified, Love?" She grinned.
You couldn't answer, you just froze, her face was just above yours. She stood up and brought a finger to behind her ear, pressing a button.
"I found him." She stated, still staring into your soul. "Understood."

You seemed to just come to your senses all of a sudden, you jumped up and aimed your pistol at her, still shaking.
She glanced at you and chuckled.
"One moment, please." She said into her comm.
She stood in front of you.
"Go on then, Love.." she smiled, clearly enjoying watching you so petrified.
"Pull the trigger." She leaned against the wall.
You obeyed and squeezed it.
She disappeared.

"Yeah, you could use some practice.." you heard from behind you. You jumped and turned around to see her standing there.
"W..what..?" You were befuddled.
She laughed.
"Confused?" She grinned.
Before she could reply she flicked her wrist, and in the blink of an eye, you crashed to the floor, she had you pinned, a knee pressed on your chest, and your arm in a breaking position over her thigh.
She brought her free hand up to her mouth and fake yawned, mocking you.

"Alright, playtimes over." She chuckled. "On your stomach, now."
She flipped you onto your stomach and brought out a thin rope.
She tied your hands together and pulled you up, holding you tight with one hand.
"He's under control, bringing him to you." She spoke into her comm.
"Hah, really?.. Ok." She laughed.
She shoved you to the floor and unholstered one of her pistols, she slammed it into your head, knocking you out.

Thanks for reading, I had a total blast writing this, I always had the idea to write this, but never thought anyone would like it. But you guys seemed rather excited when I uploaded the prologue!
I have lots of cool ideas I'm gonna implement into this story, I can't wait for you all to see what I have in mind..
Anyway, see you later you sexy motherfucking cunts dickheads assholes bitches bastards cucks dickbags.
Later. 😉

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