Chapter 3

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"What was that all about?"

"Why did she comfort you?"

"Why did she then go back and demand your silence?"

The questions flooded through your mind, overloading it.

You lay still on your bed, eyes closed tightly. You could hear people coughing and talking in the distance--presumably Talon agents--It made it a bit hard to concentrate on your thoughts.

Rolling over, you felt salty tears squeeze their way into your eyes.
You blinked, making them slip down your cheeks.
You started whimpering softly as you looked around the room.
Your eyes, scanning the dark walls met with a small blade on the ground, glancing down at your forearm.
You cried harder as you slowly stumbled over to the blade and picked it up.
You held it to your forearm, staring intently as sweat began dripping onto the cold metal, giving it a shine.

Was this really about to happen? After all those years in self harm relapse?

Tears streaming down your face as you pressed it. It slid into your forearm, you gasped in pain and dropped the knife, clenching your arm as blood seeped out of it, not heavily, but it was certainly not a paper cut.
You cried in agony, slamming against the wall.

"Hey! What's going on this time?!" Lena growled, before coming into your vision.
When she saw you, she froze.
She stared at your arm, then glanced up to your eyes, then back to your arm.
Blood started pumping a little harder.
She quickly unlocked the bars and pulled them open.

Grabbing your good hand, she dragged you out and down through the corridor.
Through the painful tears, you glanced up at her face.. she seemed very angry.
Though, she said nothing.

After a minute, you reached a room that had a sign above its door.
She pulled you in and forced you down to the seat.
"Woah, what going on? What happened here?" The doctor barked.
"Are you blind? His arm is cut deep!" Lena growled at him.
"Show me." He demanded, outstretching his hand, you sheepishly lifted your arm.
He grasped it and poked at your wound, making you whimper painfully.
"What.. what happened?" He grumbled, looking up at you.

You blanked, no idea what to say.

"An accident." Lena sighed.
You glanced up at her, her eyes stayed connected with your arm and the doctor.

"Ok.." The doctor mumbled quietly. "Come with me.." he ordered, standing up, you stood up with him.

"Ow!" You yelped as he wrapped a bandage tightly around it.
"Oh, be quiet! We haven't even started anything yet.." he growled.

You looked behind you, Lena had left.
The doctor pulled you into the next room, he took out a small mask, gas mask like. He placed it over your mouth and flicked two switches on the machine it was connected to.
A has started flooding through the wire and into your mouth and nostrils, you inhaled it deeply, it made you sleepy.
Trying to stay awake, you shook your head once he had removed the mask from you, but your attempts failed as your eyelids flickered before shutting, making you fall to the side.

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