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Roe's p.o.v.

I had an extra day off from the café this week, and no school so I was out thrifting with Ariel today since it was just us.

I was looking through the dresses for something I can wear to a spring wedding in Japan for myself and Ariel.

Although it always turned into a treasure hunt for us. For instance today I found a purple sparkly flowered Hitachilen hobo bag.

I love bags and purses, and finding such a big name designer's purse at the thrift store for seven bucks at half off, yup I claimed that puppy and she was in my cart. Just in time to, cause my current was worn out and smelled a little funny due to some spillage of some odd substance that I can't remember what it was, but never washed out fully.

I was hoping for similar luck on dresses. I searched while Ariel played on her Innotab the Brave game.

I wish my aunt had been able to come to cause trying dresses on and not losing my finds can be a challenge too.

At that moment my phone rang and played the Galavant theme telling us it was Tamaki, since when Ariel went to bed he'd hang out and watch it with me on Sundays lately

"Hey Tamaki, what's up?", I ask as I go through dresses.

"I stopped by your place and the café to see you and princess Ariel and neither of you were there so I was worried something bad might of happened. No one kidnapped you did they.", he says sounding dramatic and worried.

I just roll my eyes. Hey at least he's concerned for my welfare.

"Nope not kidnapped just thrifting.", I say putting the phone's blue tooth set on so I can multi-task.

"What's thrifting?", he asks.

"It's when you go to thrift stores and resale shops shopping. You know one person's junk is another person's treasure.", I say with a giggle.

"Oh, I see, um", he says like he wants to ask a question but is afraid too.

I notice he's usually nervous about lifestyle questions, but I'm not sure why.

"Spit it out or I'll tickle it out of you later.", I say teasing knowing I can make him talk if I tickle him.

"I don't wanna sound like a rich bastard.", he says nervous sounding.

"Why would I think that?", I say knowing he was raised away from to many poorer people that weren't his family's servants from talking to him about his childhood.

"Well Haruhi always got mad.", he says sadly "If I asked this type of question." while he talks I use the Facebook nearby friends thing to see he's nearby.

"Wise man once said there's no dumb questions just people so shoot.", I said.

"Is that where commoners get there clothes?", he says.

"Sometimes, some times not poor people and rich people go thrifting too because like I said one man's trash is another man's treasure.

Like I have in my cart a purse that brand new if I looked it up online runs two hundred bucks but here at the thrift store today it's marked seven dollars and I'm getting it for three fifty. Just depends on what your looking for. Besides even if your rich it's smart to be wise how you spend your money, there's nothing wrong with being thrifty.", I say as I see him outside the store as he enters the store and I wave him over.

"Thanks for not getting upset with me.", he says coming over.

"No problem, don't be afraid to ask me something Tamaki. We're friends and your question is far from offensive.", I say taking his hand as Ariel looks up happily.

"Tama's here yay!", she says holding her arms up in the cart as Tamaki hugs the wiggling preschooler who as usual plants butterfly kisses on his cheek.

"Mommy now that Tama's here can he come with me to look at the dresses?"

she says happily.

"Well that's up to Tamaki sweetie.", I say to her.

"Pwease Tama.", she says pulling out her puppy eyes on him. And it figures puppy eyes are Tamaki's kryptonite as he picks her up hugging her as she giggles merrily.

"Of course little princess, I'll help you pick out a dress.", he says and then lets her lead him to the dresses.

I eventually find a pink cherry blossom patterned dress and think it looks right, and go over to where Ariel and Tamaki are both still looking.

"Hey any luck?", I say as they both look at me.

"Nothing has sparklies, I want sparklies mommy.", she says as I start to comb the rack quickly.

"How about flowers?", I say finding one in Ariel's size rather fast.

"How'd you find one in her size so quick?", he asks.

"Eh, it's a mom thing.", I say showing my darker shade of pink haired mini me.

"But I wanted sparkles.", she says.

"when if I go to the craft store and get spray on sparkles to put on it?", I ask tilting my head.

"Okie doky.", she says.

"Well then let's try it on to make sure it fits sweetie.", I say grabbing my dress out as we walk to the fitting room doors.

"Hey Tamaki, can you watch the cart, I don't want someone to grab it and take my stuff out?", I ask.

"Only if I can see you in the dresses when you've got them on.", he says.

"Deal.", I say as me and my daughter go in the room to try our dresses on and then open the door which he's standing nearby.

"Whatcha think.", I say.

"Your so kawaii", he says glomping us as we giggle.

"What's kawi.", Ariel asks.

"Kawaii, it's Japanese for cute.", he says kneeling to her height.

"I like that word, its cute.", Ariel says as he ruffles her hair.

"Well we'll change back and then we can cash out.", I say taking her back in and changing back before we exit the changing room.

We then cash out as we notice it's raining out. "Well looks like we're gonna get all wet.", I say sighing.

"I think I can help with that.", he says pulling out his phone. A little bit later the car he rides in pulls up.

"Your chariot awaits milady.", he says making both of us giggle as he scoops up Ariel and opens the door and we run out to a car that's door is being opened. Tamaki put's Ariel in first then helps me in followed by him as I buckle Ariel into a newish car seat in the vehicle.

"Wow it's a real downpour.", I say as thunder goes off. "Should be some pretty lightning tonight."

"You like to watch lightning.", he says surprised.

"As long as I'm not getting hit by it. It's kind of pretty.", I say as Ariel drifts to sleep in her carseat.

Tamaki's p.o.v.

I look over at Roselia as she looks up through the moon window on our short drive. Then I get an Idea.

"Roe would you like to watch them from my place, I have a great view.", I say realizing I've never had her to my apartment here before.

"Sure sounds great.", she says smiling again at me again. I'm a little nervous though cause Haruhi used to complain every time I did something.

But Roselia's not like Haruhi, for one she's more feminine in her own way, she teases but doesn't get mad over whatever I do.

When we arrive I grab Ariel for Roe as she grabs there things and we run in to the elevator. We take it up, and Roe doesn't even flinch entering it. Haruhi thought the elevator was to extravagant.

When we enter, Ariel is fast asleep in my arms as we enter and I lay her down on the couch which Roe grab's the throw blanket for it and drapes it over the sleeping little girl.

This place is beautiful Tamaki, she says taking it in as I lead her over to the large window to watch the lightning as I notice she shiver's a little.

"Are you cold, I can find you something dry if your to wet.", I say feeling concerned.

"Just a little chilly.", she says brushing it off as I rub her arms to help her warm them up, surprised she's blushing.

"Oh look at that one.", she says pointing to a big one as I look at it then at her as she watches the lightning a childish awe on her face.

"I think this is the first time I've watched it. When I was younger I never thought to and when I dated Haruhi, she had a paralyzing fear of it.", I say as I look too, then am surprised when she wraps to arms around my waist leaning her head on my shoulder like it belongs there.

"I've always liked it. I'm more claustrophobic. My last boyfriend, the one that took me to the party used to like to lock me in a closet after he found out. I hate being closed in I panic.", she says making me blush, because she must really trust me, if she's willing to tell me a secret like this. Especially one that's been used against her. It makes a part of me angry at the thought that someone would harm Roselia.

"He wasn't much of a man then, you deserve better.", I say as she looks up at me with a smirk.

"Yes I do.", she says as I look down at her and we both chuckle.

"And Tamaki, I may not know Haruhi, but you deserve better too. Your a good guy, and deserve someone who can love you for you.

And she was wrong to break you heart.", she says.

"Thanks Rose, I don't think Haruhi bothers me as much as it used to.", I say smiling.

"Rose?", she asks.

"Because your a rose among the thorns.", I say.

"Ok, but I'll only let you get away with calling me that.", she says smirking up at me as I wrap to arms around her.

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