wedding and proposal

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Roe's p.o.v.

It was a fast week and true to there word Kai and Hikaru had Ariel as a flower girl in there wedding.

She was in this cute pink dress with kitty ears. Actually the twin bridesmaids had kitty ears too. Also the groom, his best man and Everyone else that came. Apparently it was a neko theme.

The bride is a big Hello Kitty fan so it was the grooms plan.

I sit by Tamaki as we wave at Ariel tossing flowers walking down the aisle ahead of Kai whose smiling excitedly.

She's in this wedding dress a lot like Rapunzel's and also has on her cat ears. It's got a lot of lace on it that sparkles, and her bouquet it made of light blue roses that match Hikaru''s rose color from the pictures when they were in the host club. She even had them in a head wreath she wore. Her shoes were a clear color. She looks up at her groom and there eyes lock and they both blush a moment. Its like there eyes are having an entire conversation.

The pair get to the front of the aisle and as they take there vows can't take there eyes off each other.

"Kai, you came into my life and you saw me for me, not just as one of the twins, or a prankster. You saw through everything, and broke into a world which until your cousin told us apart was just me and my twin. You were confident and when you were ripped from me I thought my heart would stop. I promise you from now on Kai that I'll always be there to protect you, care for you, and help keep you grounded. But I'll also be there to do the crazy things with you like when you need me to cosplay with you at a comic con, I love you Kai and your the best thing that's ever happened to me.", Hikaru says as Kai's eyes shine.

"Hikaru , I developed a crush for you early on. You and your brother made me feel so welcome when I first moved to Japan, and were among my first friends here. Since then you've always been there for me when I needed you. You kept me grounded, played with me, laughed , and on more than one occasion came to my rescue. Your my first kiss, my first boyfriend , and I look forward to a lifetime of firsts with you. I love you Hikaru.", Kai says in reply as Hikaru looks glossy eyed.

and as soon as all is said and done the grooms lips are on the bride's as he dips her. He then picks her up as he whispers into her ear.

We then make our way to the dinner and reception and start dancing.

Multiple members dance with Ariel, and Tamaki hogs me most of the night as well as a few with Ariel.

"So Rose, what kind of wedding would yours be?", he asks as we sit.

"You know I stopped thinking about it after I had Ariel.", I say as he slides my shoe off and starts to rub my foot.

"Well maybe you should think about it again.", he says. "How about a honeymoon destination."

"Wedding I don't know, maybe somewhere tropical for a Honeymoon though.", I say smiling.

"Why tropical?", he asks.

"Cause I love the beach.", I say "And I think I'd like an extra excuse to see the groom shirtless.", I say.

"That's what I tell Hikaru all the time, we need more excuses to get him shirtless.", Kai says as her and Hikaru come over.

"Well I won't be wearing it later.", Hikaru says.

"That's not all you won't be wearing.", Kai smirks back as they both blush.

"So where's your honeymoon?", I ask as Haruhi sits by me.

"Hikaru got a large Yacht so he can have me all to himself for a few weeks.", Kai says putting her hand on his chest leaning her head on his shoulder.

"Dang rich people.", mumbles Haruhi.

"Awe it's actually kind of sweet.", I say "It's so cute he doesn't wanna share you."

"It's mutual, I don't have to share him either.", she says.

"What's Kaoru think about this, you guys are always together.", Haruhi asks.

"He's busy with Ella.", he says pointing to his twin chatting with a redheaded female twin.

"Besides Kai's the one thing I don't share."

"Hey are you doing the glass clinking game?", I say as Hikaru looks confused.

"You know I don't think Hikaru knows that one.", Kai says smirking.

"No what's that?", he asks.

"Every time the glasses get clinked a lot like this", I say hitting my spoon lightly on the cup as the other American's in the room catch on and start. " The bride and groom have to kiss, even if the groom has to run across the room."

"I like that one.", he says then kisses Kai the gives a thumbs up and that continues from there.

"I like that game too.", Tamaki says.

Tamaki's p.o.v.

"Rose, I was thinking maybe the rest of the week I can show you more of Japan between hanging out with my friends.", I say.

"I'd like that.", she says as we dance some more, as I can't imagine her being someone else.

"Can I cut in.", Haruhi asks surprising me.

"Sure I should probably check on Ariel.", she says

"So you seem happy.", she says.

"Yea, Rose is beautiful, fun, exciting, loving, patient.", I say watching as Rose picks up a sleepy looking Ariel who cuddles to her.

"Ever miss us.", she says.

"At one time I did, then I fell for Roselia, and I realized I want to be Ariel's daddy." I say.

"I sometimes do.", Haruhi says shocking me.

"Well our ship sailed.", I say excusing myself to go help Rose with Ariel.

I offer to take the sleeping preschooler which she hands her over as we leave and catch the car back to my place she also falls asleep against me. When I arrive I'm surprised as my dad comes and takes Ariel in for me so I can take Rose in and we put both to bed.

When I exit Rose's room on the way to mine I bump into my father.

"Tamaki, I expect a wedding invite soon, that way I can officially be Ariel's grandpa.", he says making me grin. "She's perfect for you, and a lot like your mother don't let her go."

"Yes father.", I say heading to my room "I don't think I could let her go."

The next day I feel so excited and Ariel is too as we prepare to go site seeing with Kyoya. As we travel, Ariel's full of questions for her Uncle Kyoya as she calls him, and he's full of answers as he takes each one more patient than he did mine. Rose, kind of takes it all in, and occasionally takes pictures with her camera.

"So Roe, what is it your planning to do for a living after school.", he asks as she smiles at him.

"I was hoping to open a little café someday of my own.", she says happily as he writes in his book.

"Hey Kyoya, what do you keep track of in your book?", she says shocking me at her boldness.

"I put down information and notes on people.", he says.

"I see.", she says.

"Kyoya, if you ever visit where I go to school in the states, you should check out the one Rose works at.", Tamaki says.

"That would have to be soon since your almost done, then your visa expires and you have to return to Japan.", he says.

"Tama's gotta go away. No Tama-Daddy stay with Ariel.", says the little girl running to me hugging my legs as I scoop her up to wipe her tears breaking my heart to see it.

"Sometimes I forget your just in the states on a visa studying.", Rose says sadly.

No I can't be away from my girls, I can't stand Ariel or Rose sad cause I may leave. I can't leave them behind, they'd leave to big a gap. We spent the rest of the outing a little quieter and eventually stopped at a playground as Kyoya went to make a phone call.

"Rose, you know I love you right?", I say taking her hand as she faces me.

"Of course I know Tamaki, I love you too.", she says quietly as I finger the object in my pocket. I was going to wait for the perfect moment but I can't wait. I need to know she'll always be in my life.

"You and Ariel, let me in as part of your family, and I could never let you to go, Rose would you maybe come back to Japan with me after school and be my wife, and let me adopt Ariel so I can be her daddy?", I ask as she looks at me watery eyed nodding yes before she kisses me.

"Was that a yes?", I say.

"Yes of course it's a yes, I love you so much.", she says then we kiss again as Ariel runs up.

"Why's mommy sad?", she asks.

"These are happy tears baby, Tamaki just asked to officially become you daddy.", she says as the girls eyes light up then she dives at me hugging me also with happy tears.

"Tamaki are you making a scene again?", Kyoya comes back asking.

"Daddy doesn't make scenes.", Ariel says making me so excited I glomped the small girl.

"That's right Ariel, tell him Daddy doesn't make a scene.", I say smirking as she giggled happily.

Later that day after Ariel went to bed, me and Rose cuddled and kissed on the veranda, and I felt so happy as she wore my mother's ring.

I'd already talked to Kyoya so he's seeing to the adoption paper work as well as citizenship papers for my girls.

It looked like there'd be another Host Club wedding soon, and me and Rose would be next.

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