Chapter 6

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[Beth Kuhlmann]

I don't regret helping Dale out, especially because this put me in a favorable position for the near future. Unless Kara Hollister poses me as a threat, my job is safe.

The same can't be said about my level of focus right now. I'm supposed to sort e-mails and check the spam box to see whether some important messages end up there by accident; however, I can't bring myself to doing my job.

To my surprise, Jack Slaton seats at the desk next to mine, at my left. He usually works at the opposite side of the office, so I'm confused at why he changed seat. I smile at him, then turn my attention back to the desktop to no avail.

He notices I'm distracted and waves at me. "Beth! You look out of your element today. How about we grab coffee together instead?" I quickly accept the offer. I need caffeine, or else I'll burn out and put my entire project at risk.

Brian Hames is bewildered as Jack and I pass him while heading to the coffee shop down the street. He'll fire us within the next thirty minutes, but at this point I don't care anymore. I'm fed up with having to burn brain cells just to keep up with two pretentious assholes.

Jack leads me to the elevator and presses the button. He looks around, checking that there's no-one poking their nose in our business; then, we both hear a metallic noise. It doesn't come from the lift, but from something screeching on a surface.

He shrugs. "It must come from some construction site not far away. Let's just ignore it, okay?" I give him an uneasy glance. I don't know anything about the state of such sites lately; at the same time, I don't want to claim it as bullshit either.

In no more than two minutes, we're on ground floor. We leave the building without checking if the receptionist is there. It doesn't look like our absence is noticeable, though.

We walk for a few meters until Jack stops by a quaint coffee shop. Its entrance can be recognized by its orange sign, which has a logo with a fuming hot mug and the words 'Coffee Galore' written in italics and placed as to form a circle on it.

He gestures at me to follow him inside. "Come on, let's grab something and head back. I don't want any more bad surprises at the inspection." Oh no. He shouldn't have mentioned that. Hames Hollister is famous for the 'secret inspections' that take place whenever we expect them the least.

I admit. "I'm quite undecided, to be honest. I can't pick between the Matcha Latte or the Caramel Macchiato. Can you help me, please?" My pleading tone doesn't only catch his attention, but someone else's as well. More precisely, the lady at the counter.

She takes advantage of my struggle to offer a different suggestion. "Why don't you try our newest addition, the Rainbow Latte, instead? For regulars, we apply a 30% discount." Jack elbows me as a sign that I should accept the offer. I do so for a change. Maybe this new drink is exactly what I need.

"I'd love to try it!" I exclaim, after which Jack nods. So, two Rainbow Lattes for us. I can't wait to see if it's as good as the counter lady makes us believe. When it comes to tasting new things, I start off with the best intentions, but results aren't always satisfying.

Jack pays for both drinks; then, ten minutes of never ending waiting pass, during which I panic. What if Hames passes by and finds out I've barely put in any work? I can't be afford to be out of a job—rent doesn't pay itself.

When the lattes are ready, we both rush out of the café without looking back. The thought of becoming unemployed makes me uneasy. I don't have the connections to find another job quickly, but I can't go back to my parents either. I left their home on very bad terms six years ago over my life choices and they made it clear I'm no longer welcome at theirs.

I sip the drink while walking at brisk pace to keep up with Jack. As we reach Hames Hollister Corp's building, I take a breather, cup in hand, then head to the elevator. Jack asks me, "Are you okay, Beth? Your breath sounds ragged. Did I make you run?"

I pant. "Don't... worry... for me. I'm fine." I catch my breath, only to notice that the lift is already here on ground floor. I follow Jack inside and stare at him pushing the button to the twenty-second floor. That hellish office.

Our happy little moment together is over. We have to go back to work all walking on eggshells, fearing every minute we spend there might be our last. I mean, Hames and Hollister mentioned they'd cut dead wood to reduce expenses.

We finally enter the office but, to our surprise, no-one notices us. We slip back to our seats. I wave at Jack, and he blinks at me, before I turn my focus on the desktop. It looks like I have a lot of extra work to do. Is this a way for Hames to punish me for running off to the café?

I start working on a project at the speed of light. The earlier I turn all of them in, the better. I might even get away with what I did with Jack just an hour ago. I check the document's form, make sure I don't leave a single mistake behind, and save the file before I move to the next one.


Two hours and a half have passed since I returned from Coffee Galore with Jack. I won't forget their Rainbow Latte because, as of now, it's the only thing that can distract me from what awaits me. Yes, I'm in Hames and Hollister's office. Alone.

This usually means three things: a promotion, a demotion, or dismissal. I'm sure it's the latter. I can't shake this feeling Hollister will make me pay for just taking a break to unwind. I've been badly burnt out lately, but neither she nor her partner in crime seems to care.

At least, she doesn't get the first word this time. Hames speaks up. "Beth, do you even have an idea of what your little escape at a stupid coffee shop with Jack meant for the other workers?" he asks in a condescending tone, making me want to ditch him and the viper and return with the resignation letter.

I don't answer the question. Instead, I rebut. "Sir, I apologize for that, but you hardly ever gives us breaks. I needed one. If I hadn't gone to what you call a 'stupid coffee shop,' I wouldn't have recovered and caught up with my projects." He doesn't appreciate my clap back, to which he glares at me.

I'm done being treated as this office's donkey. Just because my social skills are close to zero and the only people who approach me without ulterior motives are Jenny, Bella and Jack, it doesn't mean the rest can treat me as scum.

I conclude. "Mr. Hames, Mrs. Hollister... If this title is appropriate for you. I'm resigning, effective from now. I've just realized this firm is far from being the ideal workplace." Hames and Hollister, as predicted, fume. Their eyes could pop out of their orbits for how furious they are.

Kara Hollister might not have the first word, but she gets the last. "Get out, wussy. Don't you dare come even near this building, okay?"

I turn my back at her and her spineless collaborator without saying a word. I simply flip them off, then leave the office slamming the door. If it were for me, Hames Hollister Corp. could go bankrupt tomorrow.

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