Chapter 8

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[Bella Hennings]

Hunter is an idiot. He believes he has feelings for me. He reeks of desperation. His alpha male façade hides a profound insecurity that stems from his inability to approach women in a sensible manner without embarrassing himself or, worse, making the unlucky who go on a date with him look bad.

He thinks one night together made us closer. He's wrong. I still want Dale first, more than him for sure. Should I be honest, though? What if Dale refuses to have to do anything for me just because I hooked up with a bozo who's supposed to marry Jenny?

I need to stop being paranoid. If it's meant to be, fine. Otherwise, I'll just move on, as I've always done. When a door shuts on my face, a gate opens behind my back.


I'm more shocked to see Dale at the post office than he is to see me. I suspect he knows I did one thing or two with Hunter, but I don't think this is the right place to come clean. Still, I can't stop fidgeting with my bracelets. I have all eyes on me now, especially Dale's.

I furrow my eyebrows, then hiss at him. "Haven't you seen enough, Dale?" I lean closer to him and whisper in his ear. "If you wanted to hook up with me again, you could've just texted me." He knows I'm teasing him. I just want to make sure he won't embarrass me.

"I know everything, Bella. Did you at least put him in his place?" I don't like that he just talks about that in public. We'd be much better off doing so on a perfectly made bed. Plus, I'm supposed to pay bills here, not make out. But, if he wants to spice such a boring chore up, he's more than welcome to do so.

"We could talk about it more in front of a drink. Now, I'm here just for the bills, love. Sorry." I love teasing him. It satisfies me as much as a glass of port or getting the juice from Jenny or Beth. He plays tough and hard to reach, but he can't fool me for his own good.

"You. I. Drink. Bed." These four words are enough for me to make me reconsider teasing him. He wants me now. Who am I to resist? At this point, I hope my turn comes quick so that I can have fun with him. We'll be happy together and I'll forget the loser. Easy, right?


I must do something. Dale is pissed for having to wait for me for a whole hour. If anything, it's on the slow as fuck post office worker. A glass of the best wine in my possession isn't enough. Wearing my most dazzling jewels and lingerie isn't either. What can I do?

I twirl around for him, but he's still unimpressed. Fuck him. What does he want? If he doesn't give me a hint, it's his loss. "If you keep up with that shitty attitude, I'll go and fuck Hunter instead. Do you want to see me fall in that loser's arms? Come on, it's not fucking Hames Hollister Corp." I hiss, throwing a glare as hot as fire at him.

He chuckles. "Now, this is what I wanted to see from you from the get go. Passion. Fire. Desire. Come to me." No. If he wants me, he has to conquer me. I'll play hard to get, so that he finally understands I'm not the shallow little girl other people think I am.

I pick my high heels from the floor and hand them to him. He stares at them, having no idea of what to do with them. I keep my lips sealed. No suggestions. Hopefully, he gets rid of the stone cold manager façade and shows me his warmer, more passionate side like the first time.

He throws the heels at me like darts. I avoid the first shoe; as I pick it up again, the other one lands straight on my face. It hurts like Hell. Dale wants war, so I'll give him back what he desires. I start pulling the blankets from his bed. I'm aware he's sitting on them, but I must get back at him for that stunt.

He moves as soon as he notices they're moving. I jump on him to block him. My hair fall on his cheeks. He has no other choice than look at me. He fidgets with my necklace, but I slap his hand. "Don't touch it!" I hiss.

Fearing he'll pull another of his nasty tricks, I go for a softer tone. "Kiss me, instead. My lips are a lot more precious than this necklace." There's a chance I'm lying as much as I'm telling the truth. But I want him to find out. If I blurt out my doubt, I'll ruin everything.

He obeys as he turns me upside down. Now, he's at the top and I'm at the bottom. I press my lips on his. My teeth clash with his tongue. His eyes could spit fire from how much desire they show. It's like the first time, but with extra spice.

Our bodies are chained to one another. Our souls are linked through a bond that's hard to break. Nothing can set us apart, at least not now. We're meant to be together, I'm sure.


Every time I sleep with Dale, I'm convinced he's the right one. My life is like a dream, I'm his queen and he's my king. So, why does Hunter have to pop up every time I'm determined to ask Dale our for good? Is he so stupid not to understand he's just the third wheel between us?

It's been only three hours since Dale left the house; yet, he's already here. Does he want some fucking money? I can't give him any, let even a moment of my time. He needs to stay out of my life. I can't hurt Dale. I can't burn myself because I struggle to contain my passion. I must write that loser off now.

I offer him a drink to put him at ease, so that I can take the reins and put an end to this absurd and ridiculous situation. "So, Hunter, I suppose you're here to discuss business. Or, perhaps, you need some advice with Jenny. In that case, I'll tell you straight: she doesn't want to marry you. She despises you."

He glares at me, but I remain unfazed. "As if I don't know. Do you think I'm an idiot, Bella? Do you think I enjoy being both yours and Jenny's third wheel?" He laughs sarcastically, which prompts me to roll my eyes at him. Why does he always have to say the wrong thing at the wrong time?

I pour him another drinking in attempt to shut him up. Hopefully, he'll leave after this. However, he insists. "Bella, we can't go on like that. It's obvious that you're into Dale, but keeping me as a backup option is convenient to you. I warn you, I'm not your toy." His look turns darker, making me wonder if not paying him any attention this time will have serious consequences.

"Listen, Bella, it's time to make a decision. It's either me or him. If you can't commit to a serious relationship, then leave both of us alone, okay?" His words detone like a bomb. He has a point: I must make a sound choice, or I'll be left with nothing but debris.

I'm doomed.

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