C'est l'heure...

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Sorry if u don't understand French, you can use google translate from French to English, just copy the title and paste it.
(Lmao I learned the how to speak French in my class and decided to make a French title, btw the French is killing me)

Anyways enjoy the chap!

Valt woke up in a strange room, correction, a very creepy room. He was locked in chains, locked with a pole behind him, the more he struggled, the more the chains tighten around his wrist and could eventually cut his entire hand off. Valt groaned in pain as the chains firm from his struggle, all he could do was sit there with both hand tied back, the footsteps from a person had broke the silence of the room making the poor blunette startled as he look up from to see who's foot step it was. Red Eye had entered the room, he had held Valt's bey and throwing it up and down as a gesture to tease Valt.

'HEY! Let Valtryek go!'


An electrical shock was sent through Valt's body, he hollered in agony as strokes were sent to him, when it stopped he was slightly twitching, still recovering from his jolt attack that Red Eye had put him in. The masked blader stared at Valt, still throwing his bey up and down in order to keep him occupied, Valt had gaze up again only seeing the same sight of Valtryek being thrown up and down by the other version of Shu.

'You've caused it.' Red eye says

'I've caused what?'

'It's your fault that I'm a part of Shu.'

Valt was a bombshell now, he was on the roll of crying out loud, he caused this problem and he had made another megalomaniac version of Shu come out. Tears built up in the corner of the Valtryek blader's eyes, he couldn't help but whimper at the thought of him causing all of this mess, this was too much to handle for the boy, Valt lowered his head down to the point where he's almost touching the ground then cried. Not caring too much, Red Eye threw Valt's bey to somewhere near Valt and stormed out of the dungeon like room.


'...Sheila...sheila!' Jay cried

'Ugh...what happened?' Sheila questioned

'Red eye knocked you out, he had whacked you with a freaking baseball bat!' Jay replied

Looking at her surroundings, Shu and the rest of the gang were sitting there nervously waiting for her to wake up. Kensuke had looked at the female and dashed to her, the boys noticed it and followed the ventriloquist, before Sheila knew it, Kensuke had hugged her somewhat worriedly, before he pulled away he heterochromia female saw a smile on his face, which made her slightly heat up at the sight. Once Kensuke had pulled away, the boys came up after him and, let's just say, she was showered with questions here and there.

'SHEILA! My god are you okay?!'

'Shei! Dude speak to me!'

'Recovered yet?!'

'STOP!' The female yelled

Everybody immediately stopped their questioning and had shut up, looking rather annoyed at the boys, she finally calmed down and explained to them that everything is okay and she is fully awake. Remembering that Red Eye had took Valt away, the female told the crew about what exactly happened to the Valt and they agreed, Shu couldn't stop his twitch-like breathing and look down to the ground.

'If I didn't get jealous, then none of this crap would've happened...' Shu thought

'It's okay to get jealous Shu, everybody does that.' Aiko spoke

Shu gazed up instantly, how did Aiko read his mind with ease and get the right words straight from his mind? All the albino could do was stare in shock at what the green-haired female had said.

'Oh, I didn't tell you that Aiko's newfound power was to read other people's minds.' Jay answered

The boys never knew this would happen, moving on. They had agreed to stick together for the journey and got each other's back no matter what, the search for the blunette had begun. The more they enter the forest, the more darker it became, to the point that they can't see almost anything Aiko had to shift into an mini dragon and make fire torches for everyone to hold, then shift back to her normal self. The crew almost tripped over an vine that they didn't see due to the lack of light, then Wakiya being Wakiya, tires himself out from walking and in the end Rantaro was the one who had to carry him.

Hearing a brief sound of swishing in front of the crew, Jay and the other girls sprinted to the location making the boys also have to chase after them. Jay stood in terror of what she saw, Sheila can't help but take a step back from the location, soon, the boys did the same thing, but eventually they had to move on, inside the building, Aiko was sweating intensively since the place looked precisely like the lab that they grew up in. Poking Sheila's arm, she started to freak out before she even knew it, Honcho had absolutely no idea what's going on but he's creeped out at the sight so instead he grabbed the nearest thing to him, which in this case was Jay.

(A/n: seeing ships here?)

Hearing a quite fainted sound from the left side of the hall they're walking in, the gang took a turn at the hall, to their surprise it wasn't Valt in the room, but rather a masquerade mask displayed in a glass box. Took the wrong turn, when they realized the sound was from the mask, Wakiya...almost screamed like a girl before Daigo and Shu had to shut him up, if you are a ordinary person then you couldn't hear the sound waves vibrating through your ears, the sound rang through the girls ears making them grab their head in pain, but the signal was different, it sounded like voices instead of actual sound.

'He's not here...
Not in this room,
There's a switch in the wall,
To save him from his doom...'

The girls looked around the room, no seeing any sort of switch appearing in the view. The boys looked at them in peculiar manner, not knowing what they are planning to do, shrugging it off, Honcho volunteered to join the girls in the search for the switch in the wall. Few moments later, Sheila had found the switch and flipped it, revealing a private get-away passage to an unknown destination, hesitantly stepping in at first, but once they heard a quite desperate cry, quicker than quick sand they rushed in the passage way.

Was it Valt's cry...?



Sry if this thing was absolutely killing you.

I may have depression guys...lmao okay I don't

Anyways see ya in the next chap!


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