Trust Me!

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So, our problem is gone...

Yes, the crew is still traumatized from the whole thing then can't sleep probably at night, and since the room plans has changed it was even harder for the guys to get comfortable with. Well, at least for the people who has to share a room with a boy or a girl, so it's no surprise if they feel uncomfortable with the person they are sharing rooms with, Honcho just whined since he has to share his space with 2 girls but you can count Jay as a boy. Not to mention, tomorrow the gang has to battle again which makes the whole thing even more stressful and tiring for them, not getting enough sleep was one of the issue.

The morning was pretty hard to get up honestly, cause you never get to sleep properly and still the rest of them were recovering from the incident, so let me explain or rather show you what their morning was like. In Valt and Shu's room Valt was the sleepy head that doesn't even remember anything at all before someone tells him, in Honcho's room he was the only one in there since the two girls got out to clear their mind, Kensuke was also left alone cause Sheila had gone with the girls. Later, they all met downstairs at the lobby of the stadium just waiting for each other, and I know that bey battles can be a nail-biter at some point of the game but none of them is going to accept defeat especially Wakiya since he's hot headed at times.

Valt somehow, was still the sunshine of the group jumping up and down getting psyched for the battles, while the rest of the gang were just slouching on either the walls or the couch that was in the café, yeah you may assume that everyone has a lazy day sometimes, but before a battle was making them more lazier. Aiko ordered everyone a cream-latte since they don't want to pass out when battling with others, but she orders herself a treat from all of the stress she's on, a chocolate mocha and all of that for 25 bucks, each of them were happy to see that Aiko had brought them latte and they drank it happily, and I don't mean sip by sip, I mean they drank all of it in 4 gulps.

Sure Valt might wanna try it but he might get...overload...

Sweeping that aside, all of them got in the room that they were instructed to go to, this time the battle was different, the bey crew was allowed to choose their partner since this is a double battle for all of them. Yeah, double battle sounds like they won't even exist in the beyblade world but it does, apparently, and so pickings were all focused on either Shu or other boys/girls, sure you can say that some of the girls-

Correction, ALL of the girls

Want to be partners with Shu, they think that battling together will spark something between them but no, the guys in the group won't let that happen, so when the director said it was time for their pick, a wave of girls bigger than a wave of Zac's fangirls were rushing and fighting their way to get to Shu, but one girl accidentally pushed another which eventually pushes another and that one girl fell down from the wave and bumps into Sheila. And, saying that if she doesn't get enough snoozing, then oh my god she will kill you if you started a physical action to her, turning around to face the girl she eventually sees a wave of girls following behind her.

Telling the girl to step aside and telling Valt and the rest of the crew too, the female faces a tsunami of girls stampeding in order to get to Shu, they are going to die soon.

'STOP!' Sheila yells

The wave came to an halt.

'Look, I'm on a bad mood today, and if you are going to choose someone, pick someone nearest to you, don't go rushing to MY brother for some STUPID thinking that something will spark between the both of you. So, get out of my sight, BEFORE I kill all of you.'

Yep, the problem was solved, the girl that fell of the wave soon back-offed as well after hearing the heterochromia female's threat and ran off to who knows where, her anger soon cooled down after seeing Valt and Shu partner up and all of her OTP's being chosen at the right moment when she was about to explode. She started to look for Aiko but the girl already teamed-up with some other girl, so feeling a little bit left out, she soon finds Kensuke to work with.

(Le time skip)

After the battles, all of them were out of steam and none of them managed to stand up straight, why is that? Well, battling take a lot of energy as you may know, but the stress that was pressuring them were even harder to carry so it not a big deal if they suddenly black out on the floor of the lobby and get a bruise on their foreheads. Shu however, is using what's left of his energy to ask Valt is he wants to go to the park with him, and if you're wondering then, yes, it is a date. Just something simple to start off, nothing to sappy or big just small and simple, being his usual self Shu was resting on a couch with his sibling also being sprawled all over it, it was Shu's idea to start off with and Aiko recommended a restaurant nearby but siblings always got each other's backs, so in the end they agreed with the park idea.

A few minutes later, Shu gathered the courage to tell Valt if he wanted to go the park with him, without any signs of blushing or stuttering or anything else, of he did that Valt would knew immediately that he was trying to ask him out, it was kind of a instinct that grew when they were younger so when they were young, whenever Shu wanted to ask Valt to play with him he would always stare at the ground stutters and much more. So, with the courage gathered in him, the albino male walks towards Valt, keeping calm to not do anything that he wasn't supposed to do, and with that he had the confidence to tell him.

'Uh, Valt...'


'Would you like to go the park with me?' Shu says almost feeling his face heat up.

'Sure! Why not!'

Giving a genuine smile to his partner, Shu took Valt by the hand as he was waving at Honcho meaning bye, soon the two were out of the building. Everyone peeked out of their hiding places and look at the pair that was exiting the stadium, smirking at the scene the girls had promised the rest of them that they would secretly spy on them and take photos to one day blackmail Shu in the future, it will take some time to get the right moment at the right time without being to suspicious to the other people.


So the park is only a few blocks away.

Valt being Valt, he gets jumpy from the excitement and couldn't help but slightly skip on the way, the blunette knew that he shouldn't get too much attention from the people on the street that could make Shu feel embarrassed so tiny skips is his best choice of not attracting too much stares. When they were at the gate of the park, Valt was amazed at how this park was so spacious and beautiful at the same time, there were flower bushes everywhere and some part of America they do grow Japanese trees and the tree that Valt saw was a Wisteria tree from Japan.

( image down below ⬇️⬇️⬇️ )

'Wow! Is that a Wisteria tree I see!' Valt exclaimed

Shu looked to where Valt was pointing at, it was true that Valt saw the magnificent tree from afar but honestly Shu couldn't help but gaze it for awhile feeling this sort of aura that surrounds the tree. Smiling at the blunette, they started walking inside the park, noticing more and more things pop up on the way, while the two were busy looking at the sight Sheila and Aiko were on their mission 'impossible', they already took some pictures and, let's be honest they are adorable and so good to look at.

They noticed a spot where you could pick flowers, an idea popped into Valt's head as he says to Shu to wait for him, less than 2 minutes, he came back with something behind his back, smiling at the albino blader he finally showed what he has been doing for the last 2 minutes, it was two flower crowns that he made from the flowers. Looking rather surprised that Valt can even do crafts, but as he was stuck in his thoughts the Valtryek blader had already placed the flower crowns on Shu's head admiring his art work.

Snapping out of his trance, he felt flowers on top of his head as he reached for the crown that Valt made then smiled at him for the gift, from the bushes came out an camera then with a quiet 'snap' the pic was taken. Peeking out to see on their own, Aiko's fangirlism might have been too loud which makes the boys turn their heads around pretty sharply. Shrugging the thought off, the two walks away from the bush still complimenting on Valt's masterpiece.

'You almost got us CAUGHT!' Sheila quietly scolded

'Sorry! I can't help but squeal when my OTP is happening!' Aiko explained

'Just keep quiet, they're going to cut us off if we don't hurry.' Sheila says as the two got out of the bush

After awhile of walking inside the park, they finally reached the Wisteria tree that Valt saw. It looked even more magical when up close there's even a park bench under it, sure Valt's tired from the walking so he's happy to see a spot that he can actually sit, collapsing on the park bench the blunette and albino male was also getting a bit tired from the walking, Valt started to wear off his excitement as he was starting to close his eyes for a quick nap, sure Shu didn't mind since that way he could adore Valt's sleepy face which makes him all fuzzy inside.

From a random bush, popped out two girls chasing their OTP down and taking pictures of the two, Aiko can't help but stop her squealing by shaking Sheila repeatedly and just won't stop. Camera ready in hand, they were so going to take the most epic snapshot of Valt and Shu.

Seeing that Valt was already asleep, he leaned forward for a peck on the forehead ( which was quickly snapshotted by the girls) and resting his head on Valt's. Soon, the other male was taking a short nap too, from this point the girls quietly stepped out of the bush and took a close pic so that the boys can see why they were volunteering to take the pictures. So with a few setups done, they had the best picture.

(OMFG! 🔝🔝🔝😍😍😍☺️☺️☺️)

-Later on the day-

'Check out this one!' Jay exclaims

'This is so beautiful...' Honcho says

'This is why we asked you for the pictures' Daigo says quite proudly

So...I guess that the girls did their job

And Shu was happy he's with Valt again...



I have finished the story, yes a really happy ending

If u think this story is finished, well, ur wrong my friend.

There will be a few extra chaps before the real ending!


Anyway, stay tuned and see ya again in the next chap!


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