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Happy and I weren't far from the tower. Apparently we are farther from the kingdom than we thought. Happy was out seeing how far the castle was, I was writing my novel.

"Lushee!!" Happy called.

"Hap-..." I looked up and saw Happy carrying a stranger.

"Lushee, he's hurt!" Happy exclaimed.

"Where?" I asked getting up.

"His chest." Happy laid him down gently on the grass, while I took his scarf and shirt off.

  (AN//NOSE BLEEDS for daysssss)

"I'll heal him." I took some strands of my hair and put it to his chest.

'Flower, gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine
Heal what has been hurt
Change the Fates' design
Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine
What once was mine'

I sang quietly. When I finished singing, the stranger didn't awaken.

"Happy, scratch him." I said looking at him.

"Aye, Sir!" Happy scratched him on his arm.

"OUCHIEEEEE!" The stranger yelped.

"Sh!" I hushed the stranger.

Then I realized what I was doing and hid inside my hair.

"Uhh..." The stranger said.

"Don't hurt me please..." I fell to my knees and came out of my hair.

"Is that all hair?" He asked.

"Yeah, but you can't have it!" I yelped grabbing a frying pan from my bag.

"Oi, lady I don't want no one's hair. But where's my scar!?" He asked looking everywhere.

"I have it." I held the scarf up.

"Thank god...please give it to me." He begged.

'Hmm, I could use this to my advantage.'

"If you take me to see the floating lights." I said.

"No." He said.

"Fine, you won't be getting this back then." I held the scarf up and started to open my bag.

"Wait! Wait! Fine...I'll do it." He agreed.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"Now give me my scarf." He growled.

"Not until I see the lights." I bargained.

"Fine." He sighed.

"I'm Natsu by the way." He held his hand out.

"Lucy." I shook his hand.

"Well, how long is the journey to the kingdom from here?" I asked.

"About one or two days. Why?" He asked.

"Because, mother says I'm not allowed outside."

"She also abuses Lucy and acts like Lucy is a maid." Happy chimed.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" Natsu pointed to Happy.

"This is Happy. He's my cat." I smiled and motioned for Happy to lay in my arms.

"Woah." Natsu said as he reached an arm out to pet Happy.

"Happy doesn't bite, you can pet him." I said.

"Okay." He pet Happy slowly.

"Lushee has been taking care of me since I was a little kit." Happy said.

"What's that?" I said squinting my eyes.

"What's wh-" Natsu ran up and ripped the flier from the tree.

"They always get the hair wrong." He said looking at the picture.

"Okay?" I questioned him.

"Anyways, shall we? We're wasting daylight." Natsu asked impatiently.


We walked for a long time, it was mainly silent, well aside from Happy talking it was. Happy believed something was very off about Natsu...I believe him. When we were walking, I made sure to be cautious of my surroundings, but then I wondered:

'Am I supposed to be cautious about the person I'm with?'  

I looked Natsu up and down and made sure he didn't hold any weapons, but if he did, I would have my frying pan anyway. While looking around, I spotted some berries.

"Hey, you guys hungry?" I asked Happy and Natsu.

"Is it fish?" Happy asked, a piece of drool spilling over.

"No, they're berries." I responded holding them up.

"Lucy, unless you want to die, I suggest not eating them." Natsu looked me dead serious.

"Okay..." I slowly set them down.

"Anyways, what made you want to know about the floating lights?" Natsu asked.

"Well, they always appear on my birthday, so I was wondering what they were." I said looking at the sky.

"Do they have some weird looking insignia?" Natsu asked.

"Yeah, why?" I asked him back.

"Does it look like this?" Natsu turned his arm and showed a red looking symbol.

"Yeah." I said averting my eyes to his eyes.

After answering his question, Natsu looked very grim, yet he still kept walking.

"Let's go get something to eat." He growled.

"Alright, where should we go?" I asked looking at his back.

"I don't know. Where do you want to go?" He looked to me.

"About that...I've never been to a restraunt." I averted my gaze to the floor.

"What? Have you lived in a tower your whole life?"

"Natsu..." My tears started welling up.

"Natsu...That subject is a very sensitive spot for Lucy...She has live in a tower with her so called 'mother' her whole life. She has never set a finger outside into the real world. I came to Lucy, because I can fly. She didn't find me, she took me in." Happy answered the question for me.

"Lucy..." Natsu looked to my pitifully.

"Let's just go." I mumbled walking past him.

"Aye, sir!" Happy flew out of my arms and decided to fly for a while.

"We're are going to have to camp for tonight," Natsu said looking to the sky.

"Okay, sounds good." I responded.

"Let's get food!" Happy's stomach grumbled.

"Yeah, let's." I smiled and handed him some fish.


After we all ate, we all laid down for some well deserved rest. I was thinking about giving Natsu his scarf back when I realized, if I had done that, he would probably leave me here alone. I looked down at Happy and smiled at him. Then I heard cackling in the near-by bushes.

"My, my...what do we have here?" A familiar voice asked.

"Mother, I want to see the lights." I said frowning.

"Too bad dearie, you're coming with me." She said grabbing my arm.

"No." I pulled my arm from her grasp.

"Before I even think of going back to that tower, I will be dead." I sneered.

"Lusheeeee." Happy smiled in his sleep.

"Fine, but don't come crying back to me if you need protection." She walked away grinning.

"I won't." I growled and laid back down.

I quickly fell asleep.


"Luigi, wake up. We have a long day ahead." Natsu said.

"It's Lucy and I know." I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"Happy, come on bud. We have to get up." I said wiggling his tail.

"Lushee!" Happy jumped into my arms, "I'm ready to go." He smiled started sleeping again.

"So, " Natsu started.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing." He snorted.

"No seriously, what is it?" I asked angered.

"Your hair." He laughed.

"I don't see myself laughing at you're cotton candy hair." I retaliated.

"That's a new one." He responded packing up the camping gear.

"Whatever." I sighed walking away.

"Oi, Lucy I could use some help." He yelled.

"I know." I said not looking back.

After a while, Natsu finished packing up all the camping gear and caught up with Happy and I. We eventually made it to the entering bridge of the castle.

"It's wonderful." I said looking at all the people. 

"Yeah." Happy agreed.

"Let's go get some food or somethin'!" Natsu chimed and ran ahead.

"Wait up!" I said running after him.

While waiting for the food to come, Natsu asked a lot of questions, some for me, some for Happy. At times, Happy would have to answer for me. The questions he asked, they were tough. When we finished eating, we grabbed our things and started our journey. After a while, we made it to the entrance bridge of the kingdom. When walking around, people gave me strange looks. Some started to cry and cry, others started searching for kingdom guards. Natsu and I decided it would be best for me to wear a cloak. Natsu was already wearing a cloak, despite Happy's protests. We looked around, bought some merchandise and ended up finishing looking around at around 4:00. What did we do in that spare time? We danced. I dragged him over to the town square where we danced. After an hour of dancing, we went sight-seeing. We finished sight-seeing at 6:45. Natsu then pulled me to the docs. There was a small wooden boat tied to the docs. We all piled in and soon, we were in the middle of the vast lake. I learned that the kingdom had four lakes surrounding it. The four lakes names? They were named after other princesses. Levy, Erza, Juvia, and Mira. I also heard we have small forests named after more princesses. I was staying in one named Wendy. The other forest's name was Lisanna.

"You having fun?" Natsu asked pulling me from my thoughts.

"Yes, thank you for all of this. Look, I know I probably should've given this back sooner but...Happy had suspicions and so did I." I started.

"I understand...being in a tower for so long must have great impact. I bet you were scared when you stepped outside." Natsu looked in the water.

"But being afraid isn't all that bad. At least you have your defenses. I mean, it must be difficult using a metal pan for a weapon." He chuckled.

"Not really, it's just a swing." I giggled along.

"Well here you go." I handed him his scarf. What he did next shocked me.

"Over this long journey, I've learned that the scarf isn't what made me stay and give you this joy. What made me stay is you. Your determination to see these 'floating lanterns'. Instead of listening to your mother and letting her hold you back, you went ahead and did the impossible or what your mother would think of as disrespectful. But it really isn't disrespectful at all. What she did was unreasonable and disrespectful. I've been meaning to tell you a few things anyway. I'm a wanted thief. I never did tell you about my childhood. So please, before Happy flies you away or you demand me to row you back hear me-"

"Natsu." I clamped my hand over his mouth.

"I don't care about those fliers. I only care about you. If that damned tower has taught me anything, it's to learn the whole truth before making assumptions." I took my hand off of his mouth, "But I would love to learn more about your childhood, if it's not too hard." I said gently.

"When I was younger, my parents abandon me. Eventually, a bunch of thief found me and took me in. But instead of being a fatherly of motherly figure, they taught me how to steal. So when I was old enough to fend for myself, I left them. I tried to stop the bad habits by running into the Wendy forest, where you were. Since then, I haven't stolen anything." Natsu explained.

"Why is your scarf so important Natzu?" Happy asked.

"This is the only thing my parents left me with." Natsu answered.

"I'm sorry Natsu." I carefully slid over to sit next to him, then hugged him.

"It's not your fault. I'm sorry for you too, Luce." He hugged my back, and eventually, Happy joined.

After that heartfelt moment...Natsu pulled something out and it made some tears fall from my eyes.

"I bought these for us. These are the right lanterns right?"

"Yes they are and they're wonderful...just as I would imagine." I cried.

"Well you don't have to imagine anymore." He kissed my cheek and hugged me tight.

"Happy Birthday Luce/Lushee!" Happy and Natsu said in unison.

"Thank you both." I enveloped them both in a hug.

"Let's light them and let them float!" Happy squealed.

After lighting them, we released them and watched them float away in the canoe. It was beautiful. We got off Lake Levy, and got onto the docs when...

"Princess Lucy?" A bunch of people asked.

"Hey it's that thief!" Another bunch yelled.

"STOP!" I yelled.

"Don't hurt Natsu. He has changed. I may be the princess, I don't know. But please, don't hurt Natsu!" I yelled pushing him behind me.


"NATSU!" I looked down in horror at a gunshot wound.

"NO!" I yelled crying.

'Flower, gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine
Heal what has been hurt
Change the Fates' design
Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine
What once was mine'

I healed him. His gun shot wound gone.

"Princess Lucy has returned!!!" All the people shouted.

"If I am a princess I'm ordering you to leave Natsu alone! Natsu gave me back here. Some woman named Gotham took me! So don't hurt Natsu. He found me and brought me here." I still hung over him.

"Fine, but in order for your mother Gotham to not hurt him you have to come home with me." She declared.

"Fine." I said raising to my feet.

"Don't do it Lucy!" Natsu and the other townsfolk shouted in protest.

"I'm sorry." I said with tears running down.

"Lucy." Natsu cried, "Come here." He said quietly.

"What is it?" I asked kneeling to his level.

All of a sudden I heard a snip. My hair was now only down to my butt.

"Natsu!" I shouted.

I looked back to Gotham and she was already dead.

"Let's get you home." I heard two voices behind me.

"Mother? Father?" I asked.

"Yes honey. your home. In the Sumerian Kingdom." Mother answered.

"Please don't hurt Natsu." I begged them.

"We won't." They both hugged me.

"Natsu go over there!" Happy declared.

Natsu came over and we all hugged him and dragged Happy in also.


After a lot of time Natsu and Lucy got married and now have two children running around the house. A daughter named Nashi and a son name Luke.

"Kids, go to the garden your father and I will meet you out there in a second." Lucy sand sweetly.

"Yes mommy!" They both answered running out the back doors.

"in a little while, we will be meeting with the other kingdoms. It's a conference. We will be staying at one kingdom after Queen Juvia is found and Princess Erza's fight for her hand is over. We will be staying for a long amount of time." Lucy explained to Natsu.

"I see, as long as the whole family is going I'm fine with it. But on one condition....Happy's family comes with!" Natsu says.

"Deal, now let's go play with the kids." Lucy says running out the door.

"KIDS WE'RE COMING!" Natsu says.

And they all lives Happily Ever After!

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