Happy Ending

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Eugene paces in his cell, worrying about (Y/n). The doors open. Eugene sees that it's the Captain. "Let's get this over with, Rider." The captain said. "Where are we going?" The Captain gives a stern look. Eugene puts a hand on his neck. "Oh..." Gothel takes out the last flower in (Y/n)'s hair, letting it flow loose. "There, it never happened." She drops the flower in a basket and walks out. "Now, wash up for dinner. I'm making hazelnut soup." (Y/n)'s head hangs low and Gothel sighs. "I really did try, (Y/n). I tried to warn you what was out there. The world is dark, and selfish, and cruel. If it finds even the slightest ray of sunshine. It destroys it." She said. Gothel leaves the room, closing the curtains behind her. (Y/n) pulls out the flag from her hands that Eugene got for her. Pascal leans on her hips, turning blue, and comforts (Y/n). She lays on her bed and looks up at the paintings on her walls. She pulls up the flag and finds that the sunburst on her flag was embedded in her paintings. Anything that remotely resembles the sunburst flashes before her eyes. (Y/n) has a blurry vision of a sunburst mobile and the King and Queen looking down lovingly at her in her crib. 

(Y/n) then remembers the mosaic of the King, Queen, and the baby princess. (Y/n) places the crown on her head and looks on mesmerized. (Y/n) finally realizes that she is the lost princess. "Agh!" (Y/n) knocks on her dressing table. Eugene is led by two guards in the hallway and passes by the Stabbington Brothers' cell. Anger overcame Eugene, so he knocks down the two guards beside him, jumps over his cuffs, and apprehends Sideburns. "How did you know about her? Tell me, now!" He demanded. "It wasn't us. It was the old lady." He said. "Old lady...?" He gets apprehended by guards again. "Agh! Wait, no, wait! You don't understand, she's in trouble. Wait!" "(Y/n)?" Gothel climbs the stairs to (Y/n)'s room. "(Y/n), what's going on up there?" She asked. (Y/n) was panting, coming to full realization. Gothel stops at the entrance of (Y/n)'s room. "Are you all right?" (Y/n) gasps and comes out of her room. "I'm the lost princess." She said quietly. "Oh, please, speak up, (Y/n). You know how I hate the mumbling." Gothel said. "I am the lost princess. Aren't I?" Gothel is speechless. "Did I mumble, Mother? Or should I even call you that?" (Y/n) demands. Gothel tries to pretend that (Y/n) was acting foolish. " Oh, (Y/n), do you even hear yourself? Why would you ask such a ridiculous question?" Gothel goes in for a hug, but (Y/n) pushes her back.

"It was you! It was all you." She said. "Everything that I did was to protect you." (Y/n) pushes away Gothel. "(Y/n)!" (Y/n) descends the stairs. " I've spent my entire life, hiding from people who would use me for my power." She continued. "(Y/n)!" "But I should have been hiding... from you." She said. "Where will you go?" Gothel asked. Eugene keeps fighting off the guards, but they finally apprehend him. "He won't be there for you." She added. "What did you do to him?" (Y/n) asked. Eugene sees through a window that he's headed to the gallows. "That criminal is to be hanged for his crimes." (Y/n) gasps. "No..." she said. "Now, now. It's all right. Listen to me. All of this is as it should be." Gothel replied. Gothel was about to pat (Y/n)'s hair, but (Y/n) apprehends her hand. "No! You were wrong about the world." Gothel tries to free her hand, but (Y/n)'s grip was too strong. "And you were wrong about me. And I will never let you use my hair again!"  "Errgh...!" Gothel finally frees herself but causes the mirror to shatter. Gothel pants. (Y/n) walks away. "You want me to be the bad guy? Fine. Now I'm the bad guy." Gothel walks menacingly to (Y/n). The Captain and guards lead a struggling 

Eugene to the gallows room. As they lead him to the door, Eugene sees a small ceramic unicorn on a ledge. All of the doors suddenly shut. "What's this?" The captain bangs on the door. "Open up." Shorty slides the peephole open. "What's the password?" He asked. "What?" The guard asked. "What?" The captain asked. "Nope." Shorty said. "Open this door." The captain said. "Not even close." Shorty said. "You have three seconds. One..." The guard on the left gets pulled by a hook. "Two..." The guard on the right gets whisked away. "Three..." The Captain turns around to see Eugene alone. Attila hits the Captain with a frying pan."Frying pans. Who knew, right?" Eugene hears banging and a chase ensues between Eugene, the thugs, and the guards. The guards run into Ulf who mimes to mislead them. Vlad comes charging in, scaring the guards, and tackles them. Ulf looks at the camera, pretending to be surprised. They run outside with Eugene panting. They stop as they see an army of guards running down the stairs. Hook grabs Eugene and stands next to him. "Head down?" Hook asked. "Head down." He replied. "Arms in?" Hook asked. "Arms in." Eugene said. " Knees apart?" Hook asked. "Knees apart. Knees apart?" Vlad jumps down from a ledge. "Why... why do I need to keep my knees apar..." Vlad jumps on the other side of the wagon and Eugene is sent into the air. "Aaaaaaaah!" He screams.

Eugene saddles on Maximus just neatly. Maximus neighs. "Max. You brought them here?" Maximus nods. "Thank you." Maximus smiles, and motions to go. "No really, thank you. Uh, I feel maybe this whole time we've just been misunderstanding one another, and we're really just... " Maximus frowns. "Yeah, you're right. We should go." Guards come bursting out of the door, crossbow in hand. Maximus runs, dodging each arrow fired at them. Eugene sees more guards coming from another corner. Eugene realizes that Maximus is planning to jump off the wall. "Max." Maximus keeps picking up speed. "Max!" Maximus jumps off the wall just as the guards almost had him. "Max! Whoaaaaa!" Maximus neighs and slides down a roof. A girl watches as Maximus leaps down, lands on the ground, and continues running. "Okay, Max, let's see how fast you can run." Maximus neighs in reply and speeds away from Corona. Maximus leaps over a tree and runs downhill. They reach the tower. Eugene jumps off and calls out to (Y/n). "(Y/n)." No response. "(Y/n), let down your hair." Still no response. 

Eugene attempts to climb on his own until (Y/n)'s hair falls from the window. Eugene climbs it. Eugene makes it to the top and climbs through the window. "(Y/n), I thought I'd never see you again. Huh?" Eugene sees that (Y/n) is chained and gagged. "Mm-mm, mm-mm!" (Y/n) shouted. Eugene is stabbed by Gothel. "Mm-mm! Mm... " (Y/n) shouted. "Now look what you've done, (Y/n)." Eugene struggles. Oh, don't worry, dear." She steps over Eugene. "Our secret will die with him." Eugene struggles more. "Mm-mm, mm..." (Y/n) said. "And as for us, hmm!" Pascal sees Gothel pull on the chains and runs out. "We are going where no one will ever find you again." Gothel tries to lead (Y/n) into the secret stairway, but she keeps pulling away from her. "Mm-mm!" Pascal bites a piece of Gothel's dress. Gothel shakes him off, sending him into a wall and knocking him out. "(Y/n), really. Enough already. Stop fighting me." (Y/n) frees herself from her gag. "No! I won't stop. For every minute of the rest of my life, I will fight. I will never stop trying to get away from you." (Y/n) said. "No! I won't stop. For every minute of the rest of my life, I will fight. I will never stop trying to get away from you." She catches her breath. "But, if you let me save him... I will go with you." She said. "No. No, (Y/n)." Eugene begged. Pascal reawakens. 

"I'll never run, I'll never try to escape. Just let me heal him. And you and I will be together. Forever, just like you want. Everything will be the way it was. I promise. Just like you want. Just... let me... heal him." (Y/n) said. Gothel approves and chains Eugene. "In case you get any ideas about following us." Gothel leaves Eugene to (Y/n) as she slides over to him. "Eu... Eugene!" Eugene coughs and wrenches. "Ah, ahhh!" (Y/n) removes his hand to see the gashing wound. "Oh, I'm so sorry. Everything is gonna be okay, though." (Y/n) said. (Y/n) tries to put some hair on the wound, but Eugene refuses. "No, (Y/n)!" He shouted. "I promise, you have to trust me." She said. "No..." Eugene said. "Come on. Just breathe." (Y/n) said. "I can't let you do this." Eugene said. "And I can't let you die." (Y/n) said. Eugene coughs. "But if you do this ..." (Y/n) shushes him gently. Then you... will die." He said. "Hey. It's gonna be all right." Eugene forces a smile. (Y/n) is about to sing the incantation. (Y/n), waitt..." Eugene approaches (Y/n), slices her hair with a broken shard of the mirror, and drops limp. 

Her hair turns dark brown from the cut ends to the roots."Eugene, what...?" (Y/n) asked. "Nooo!" (Y/n)'s golden hair turns dark brown quickly along its length. Gothel tries to wrap herself around the remaining golden hair, but it turns brown. "No... No! No..." her hand ages. "No! What have you done? What have you done?" Her hair turns white and she rapidly ages. "No!" Gothel runs to her shattered mirror, showing her aging to an elderly woman, and covers her face with her hood. "No, no, no, nooo! No, no, no, noooo." Pascal pulls a length of hair, tripping Gothel who falls from the tower. "No!" (Y/n) stretches her hands as if to stop it from happening. "Arghhh! Nooooooooo!" Gothel and her dress turn to dust before her cloak hits the ground. (Y/n) returns to Eugene. "No, no, no, no, no, Eugene." Eugene coughs. "Oh. Look at me, look at me, I'm right here. Don't go, stay with me, Eugene." She puts Eugene's hand on her hair and sings the incantation, but it has no effect. "Flower gleam and glow, let your power shine, make the clock reverse, bring back what once was mine." She sung. "(Y/n)..." he said quietly. "What?" She asked. "You were my new dream." He said, and she sobs. "And you were mine." Eugene breathes his last breath. Tears well up in (Y/n)'s eyes.

(Y/n): Heal what has been hurt
Change the fate's design
Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine
What once was mine

As (Y/n) sobs, a tear falls on Eugene's cheek and absorbs inside his skin. A small burst of sun travels down Eugene's body. His wound glows, causing a massive burst of wind and light to travel throughout the room. (Y/n) watches as an image of the magic flower glows in Eugene's wound. The light fades and revives him. Eugene slowly wakes up. "(Y/n)?" He asked. "Eugene." (Y/n) said happily. "Did I ever tell you I've got a thing for brunettes?" He asked. "Eugene!" (Y/n) embraces Eugene and kisses him. A guard bursts through the door. The King and Queen immediately stop what they were doing. The guard nods, knowing exactly what that meant. The King and Queen run down the hallway, anxious. They reach the doors and stopped for a moment, looking at each other and feeling nervous. The doors open to reveal (Y/n) with Eugene. The Queen takes a step and tries to recognize (Y/n). The Queen slowly walks up to (Y/n) and puts a hand on her cheek, knowing that this is their daughter. They smile at each other and the Queen pulls her into a hug. (Y/n) looks up to see the King, her father, who joins in on the hug. It was a royal family reunion. They all kneel on the ground, never breaking their embrace. Eugene takes her hand and gets pulled into the embrace. "Whoa!" King, Queen, (Y/n), and Eugene hug.

EUGENE: (V.O.) Well, you could imagine what happened next. Dreams came true all over the place. That guy went on to become the most famous concert pianist in the world, if you can believe it.

A piece of paper was stuck on Hook's hook and he flings his hook into the air. The kingdom rejoiced, for the lost princess had now returned. The party lasted an entire week, and honestly I don't remember much of it. Big was hit by Hook's hook. His helmet ended up on a woman's head.

EUGENE: (V.O.) And this guy? Well, he eventually found true love.

Ulf is miming.

EUGENE: (V.O.) As for this guy, well, I assume he's happy. He's never told me otherwise.

Guards raise frying pans to Maximus.

EUGENE: (V.O.) Thanks to Maximus, crime in the kingdom disappeared almost overnight.

A guard hurriedly presents a green apple to Maximus.

EUGENE: (V.O.) As did most of the apples.

Maximus eats the apple.

EUGENE: (V.O.) Pascal? Never changed.

(Y/n) picks up Pascal

EUGENE: (V.O.) At last, (Y/n) was home and she finally had a real family.

(Y/n)'s parents walk up to hug (Y/n).

EUGENE: (V.O.) She was a princess worth waiting for. (A little girl gives (Y/n) a flower. (Y/n) puts it in the little girl's hair.) Beloved by all, she led her kingdom with all the grace and wisdom that her parents did before her.

(Y/n) hugs the little girl and waves goodbye to her and the baby

EUGENE: (V.O.) And as for me, well, I started going by Eugene again. Stopped thieving and basically turned it all around.

(Y/n) then notices that her crown was gone. Already knowing that it was Eugene, she gestures for her crown back.

EUGENE: (V.O.) But I know what the big question is. Did (Y/n) and I ever get married?

Eugene pulls out the crown and tries to keep it away from her. (Y/n) dips him, rolls her eyes, and kisses him, returning her crown. Pascal blushes and covers his eyes.

EUGENE: (V.O.) Well, I am pleased to tell you that after years and years of asking, and asking, and asking. I finally said yes.

(Y/n): (V.O.) Eugene.

EUGENE: (V.O.) All right, I asked her.

(Y/n): (V.O.) And we're living happily ever after.

EUGENE: (V.O.) Yes, we are.

Shorty, raised by lanterns and still dressed as cupid, nods.

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