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Authors Note: Guys... I'm sorry... The story end is getting closer... It was fun making this story but the good stuff has to end...


Remember the story messing with my mind? Its so complicated so I just wrote down until I figure out how to connect it.

And did you remember when I said I want to make a story about getting transported to a new world? Guess what, I finally have an idea on how to make it!

Its about (y/n) fighting in a war and then everything goes to shit, he ended up getting transported to a new world...with a tank!

And if you're hungry for more tank related stories then check out "Projekt: Kampfpanzer" written by BlackAngel1945. Its an interesting story so check it out!


As all of the tanks travel to the main base to prepare for war, you and the tank group your in is traveling in a slow pace due to T95 'Doom Turtle' and TOG 2. You and the other tanks decided to drive in a slow pace to stay with the two heavy tanks because it would be rude to leave them behind, and they would be great at defending if you guys get ambushed.

Right now you were sitting behind Tiger P's turret.

You: *sigh* How far is the main base anyways?

Tiger P: Were probably 3km right now so it would take an hour before we get there.

She slightly turned her turret.

Tiger P: But it would take us a while to get there because of those two...

She's obviously means T95 and TOG 2.

T95 & TOG 2: Well we're sorry that were slow! Do you really have to emphasize that were the main cause of the slow trip!?

As they said that, ASU-57 started circling them.

ASU-57: You guys are obviously slowing us down! Lose some weight overweight american and you too sinking ship!

ASU-57 is obviously trying to piss of the the super heavy tanks, but since the two tanks are mature, they just sighed stayed quiet and internally cried about their weight.

You felt bad about the two tanks, so you decided to encourage them with the stories in WoT when you use those tanks.

But as you're about to share your stories to them...


Tiger P: AMBUSH!

She screamed as a tank shell almost landed on hetzer.

Hetzer: Ah! Where are they!?

Another shell almost struck the group which caused it to reveal the location of the enemy.

You: There they are! Start shooting back!

Tiger P: (Y/N)! Take cov-


Another shell struck before Tiger P can finish what she is saying and the shell landed close to you leaving you knocked out.

AMX-13: (Y/N)!

M5 Stuart: No one hurts my big brother! *fires back*

All tanks fired back at the enemy.

As you're knocked out you heard a call from someone unknown.

"Free us!"

You suddenly woke up from being knocked out and saw the enemies direction.

The friendly tanks are still in their tank form. If a tank girl(tank) shoots another tank girl(human form) will instantly take them out.

Your tank friends told you while traveling a while ago.

You notice that most of them are having a hard time hitting there targets, probably because its been a long time since they've been in a war.

So you decided to help out hitting the enemies by manually controlling them.

You then made a sprint to T95 since she has the most powerful gun in the bunch.

As you reach her, you climbed to her hatch.

T95: (Y/N)! You're awake! Wait! What are you doing!?

You didn't hear her because it was too noisy from the cannon shots.

As you got inside, you then started manning the gun controls.

T95: (Y/N)! NO! I'm not ready yet! AH~!

You forcefully aimed the gun at the enemy and...


You pressed the trigger knocking out the enemy with pin point accuracy.

You: T95! Turn to the right now!

T95: .......

She slowly turned right so you can take a hit on another target.

You: Also load HE.

T95: ...Okay...

You looked back at the ammo rack and saw the HE shell slowly floated to the breach.

You: Okay... so that's how they reload...

You looked back at the sights and aimed carefully, but you weren't aiming for the enemy, you were aiming for the small cliff the enemy was standing next to.

After a moment you pressed the trigger and fired the shot.

The HE shell hits the cliff, causing it to make a landslide and fall to the enemies.

The other tanks are so impressed at the shot.

Hetzer: Nice hit!

TOG 2: Excellent shooting my fellow slow friend!

Tiger P: Where did you get the idea T95?

T95: ...It wasn't me...

T95 transforms to her human form causing you to fall off.

You: Hm. So that what happens to someone when they transform to their human form.

Every tank transformed to their human form and gave you a surprised look.

Type 97: Did onii-chan just.......

AMX-13: Oh my... (y/n) is so aggressive that he just.....

You gave a clueless look.

You: What?

Suddenly T95 gets up and hugged you to the ground.

T95: I'm ready to follow your orders commander~

You: What the?! Oh no...

You remember when you forcefully controlled T92 which caused her to be your "slave".

T95 is still hugging you and feels like she's trying to pin you down so she can have the 'advantage'.

T95: Commander~ My body and soul belongs to you now, so you can do anything you want to me~

The other tanks that are watching, are now starting to blush hard.

And you're also blushing hard since you have low experience with women and the fact that you're a tank nerd virgin...


Our stalk- observer is looking at T95 with huge anger, sure she can shoot her but it has no effect on her since she's heavily armored and the fact that she might hurt (Y/n).

???: That bitch! (Y/N) BELONGS TO ME!

She ran out from the bushes close to the tanks and fired a point blank shot at T95.

But not to kill her, but to loosen her grip on (y/n).


It all happened so fast as a random tank girl shot T95 in the face loosening her hug on you.

???: (Y/N)! Lets become one!

She quickly grabbed your collar and now dragging away from the rest of the tanks.

You: Ah!

T95: Commander!

T95 tried to chase both of you... but even in her human form, she's still slow...

The other faster tanks tried to catch both of you but the girl who is now kidnapping you threw smoke grenades to escape more easier.


After few moments, your kidnapper stopped and throws you to the ground.

You: Ow! What was that for?!

???: Sorry (Y/N), I can't hold myself at looking at you with those girls, I want you to be mine...

You slowly fixed your position to have a better look at the person who just kidnapped you.

???: I'm SU-100.

You stared at her for a minute...

SU-100: Ah~! (Y/N) is licking my body with his perverted gazes~!

You: .......


Authors Note: This story isn't going to end yet! Ahahahaha! Its gonna take a lot before this story ends! Ahahahaha!

*rides of in an advanced M1 Abrams that will be used in the fantasy world story soon*


Random crap I do when nothing to do in school......

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