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Authors note: Sorry if I wasn't active for a while. I got distracted by playing War Thunder (had to be played in minimum graphics and it still crashes from time to time) and the internet got knocked out for almost a week.

And also because I created my currently one-shot story I made, "Unexpected Fantasy World" (Please take read it and tell me what you think)

So sorry again for being inactive for a while...


In the forest, you were running away from a crazy girl, who for some reason, madly in love with you. As you run, you heard SU-100 screaming through the forest.

SU-100: (Y/N)! Stop running and I'll lessen the punishment that I'll give you! I'll probably just tie you up in my bed and torture you!

You: Oh hell no!

You then saw a flash from the forest behind you and you realized that SU-100 transformed to her tank form to catch up with you. The trees in the forest you're running in is pretty far from the others so tanks can easily move around.

But the forest also holds lots of thick bushes for you to hide, besides, when a tank girl is in their tank form, their visibility decreases.

So you hid in a big bush next to a big tree and waited for the Soviet tank destroyer to pass by. Few seconds later and SU-100 passed by in high speed while ramming huge bushes and small trees.

At least you were smart to hide next to a huge tree which tanks would avoid since it would damage them, slow them down, or stop them.

After SU-100 passed by, you come out from the bush and looked around the huge forest.

You: Where will I go now?

You walked around the forest while being alert not to end up running back to the "crazy obsessed tank girl." As you walk around for 10 minutes, you found the exit of the forest while also finding a dirt road.

The dirt road looks like it has been used recently due to the tracks, tank tracks. It doesn't look it came from SU-100 so you decided to follow the tracks and the road.


In the distance, a new tank girl is also stalki-observing you. She was hidden behind heavy foliage and using binoculars to look at you...

???: *giggles* Thank you (Y/N), thank you from running away from her. Now I can have you to all myself...

The unknown tank girl moves away from her hiding spot and starts walking to your direction.

???: You don't need those girls (Y/N), I'm the only one you nee-


???: AH!

Her words were cut when a corrupt tank girl shoots her, but luckily, the shot from the corrupt tank girl missed.

???: You bastard! You won't kill me! And you won't stop from having (Y/N)!

The unknown tank girl then started fighting back using her somewhat huge gun.


As you follow the road, you heard cannon shots in the distance, and judging from the sound, the guns are probably huge.

You: A fight nearby? Must get away from it! I want to help but I'm not those overly kind protagonists who foolishly try help strangers even though they can't help at all!

You ran away from the fight nearby and continue following the road.

You: Oh? Is that a Jeep?

You saw a somewhat abandoned Willy's Jeep. You decided to check it out.

You: Does this thing still works? Because this thing will be very useful for running away from some hormonal tank girls.

Looking around the jeep, it seems like it still works despite looking like it had been abandoned for a long time. After few seconds you found a key under the drivers seat.

You tried to start the jeep and it works.

You: Hey! It's working really fine! Now I can outrun those horny tanks... Assuming they won't use their Machine guns to knock out this jeep...

You took the jeep and continued your way to follow the path.

Unknown to you, the road leads to the main base.

The base full of hormonal tank girls...


In the main base, multiple tank girls are now preparing for war by making plans, preparing and making the parts they need, and practicing.

And even though a lot of tanks have reached the base and getting ready for a huge war, some tanks are still travelling to get there.

And one of them is Centurion Mk.5 who is still on the road and travelling alone.

She was in human form since she was a bit bored and probably spent the last few days in her tank form.

Centurion: I can't believe I'm going to get late. I'm one of the toughest and best tank in this world, so I need to help in the war!

She complained to herself as she continue in to travel the empty dirt road.

It was true that the Centurion was one of the best tanks made in WW2. Though it never entered in combat in WW2, it entered combat in the Korean War in 1950. It was one of the widely used tank around world and some still in service, though some are now used as APC's or maybe turned into recovery vehicles.

As she travels the empty lifeless road she hears another vehicle behind her. She prepares herself and goes to her tank form just in case its a corrupted tank girl she'll face.

But to her surprise she saw a jeep operated by someone. Tank girls don't need to operate vehicles since they can just turn to their tank forms and travel that way.

She continued to look at the jeep, as it gets closer she noticed the driver.

It was you...

Centurion: A male?

She said in a clueless and confused manner. During the peacetime in this world, she's usually alone doing her own things so she has little knowledge of what's happening to the other tanks.

And it was also the reason why she was late. She got the message when the corrupted tanks started to appear but the place she was living in was pretty far away so we have her being late.

The jeep stopped five meters away from her. The driver seems to be a bit afraid but not too afraid to back off while making a scared face.

Centurion looks at you and she confirmed that you're not a threat or not a threat at all. She transforms to her human form and walks towards you.

Centurion: Who are you and what's your business?

She asked in a strict professional tone like a real soldier. You just gave her a look before answering.

You: Who me? I'm (Y/N) the only male in this world and I'm looking for the main base...

She looked at you head to toe before-

You: Hey!? What the hell are you doing!?

Centurion: Making sure you're not a girl pretending to be boy.

She just suddenly groped your 'cannon' and answered your question in no-to-nonsense tone.

After she's done groping it she gave you one more glance and said.

Centurion: Follow me. I know the place you're looking for.

She said as she turns away from her and turns back to her tank form. Deep inside, Centurion is pretty excited to show to the other tanks that she found a male.

Unknown to her, most tanks already know by now...

You on the other hand did nothing but follow her since she looks trustworthy enough...

It took an hour of driving in silence before both of you passed the hills and through the open fields before seeing a huge base in the distance.

Centurion: We're here...


Get a free loli that comes with a P90 to fight off the FBI.

I drew this when I heard about SAO Alternative: GGO.

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