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[Type text] Writ­ing 03

[Type text] Writ­ing 03

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Writ­ing an in­for­mal let­ter...........................................................................00 Bài viết 1 đến 10........................................................................................02 - 11 Re­lax 1.......................................................................................................12 - 13 Bài viết 11 đến 20......................................................................................14 - 23 Re­lax 2.......................................................................................................24 Bài viết 21 đến 30......................................................................................25 - 34 Re­lax 3.......................................................................................................35 Bài viết 31 đến 40......................................................................................36 - 45 Cross­word..................................................................................................46 Lời kết.......................................................................................................47 Cred­its.......................................................................................................48

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 00

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 1.Địa chỉ của bạn 2. Ngày tháng năm viết thư 3.Lời chào đầu thư 4. Nội dung thư 5. Lời chào cuối thư 6. Chữ ký 7. P/S 1

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Binh Son dis­trict, Quảng Ngãi province Novem­ber 28th, 2007 Dear my wife First­ly, I want to tell I love you and our daugh­ter so much. This is my one month in Quang Ngai province. At here, It is very hot in day­time, but it is cool in night. My works are busy, I usu­al­ly get up at six o’clock then wash face, brush teeth and have break­fast. At 6.45 o’clock, I come the site by of­fice’s au­to­mo­bile. At the site of Dung Quat Re­fin­ery, al­most peo­ple are busy, al­most equip­ments work with high pow­er. The site is very large, it is about 100 hectare square me­ters in area. How­ev­er, tem­po­rary streets are very bad, there­fore, walk is very dif­fi­cult. Each day, I walk ev­ery­where in the site to check all works is con­tin­uing. Be­cause, it is very hot in day­time, I am very tired, and very hun­gry and my skin is black­er than it in the past. I tell to you about my works and my life in the site of Dung Quat Re­fin­ery, you don’t wor­ry for me, I know a way to care for my­self. And you, how are you? I hope you are fine and of­ten re­mem­ber me. Please, tell me about our daugh­ter. I re­mem­ber her so much. Write me as soon as. Give love to you and our daugh­ter. Yours. Bài viết của phitruong Binh Son dis­trict, Quảng Ngãi province Novem­ber 28th, 2007 Dear my wife, First­ly, I want to tell you that ( sau tell luôn có ngừoi )I love miss you and our daugh­ter so much. This is my one first month (dùng số thứ tự )in Quang Ngai province. At h Here, It is very hot in the day­time, but it is cool in at night. My works are is busy,( work không đếm được nên không thêm s ) I usu­al­ly get up at six o’clock then I wash my face, brush my teeth and have break­fast. At 6.45 o’clock, I come to the site by in of­fice’s au­to­mo­bile ( khi nói chung chung thì dùng by ,nói cụ thể xenào thì dùng in ). At the site of Dung Quat Re­fin­ery, al­most peo­ple are busy, al­most equip­ments works with high pow­er. The site is very large, it is about 100 hectare square me­ters in area square hectare . How­ev­er, tem­po­rary streets are very bad, there­fore, walk is very dif­fi­cult. Each day, I walk ev­ery­where in the site to check if all works is con­tin­uing. Be­cause(, )it is very hot in the day­time, I am very tired, and very hun­gry and my skin is black­er than it used to in the past. I tell to you about my works and my life in the site of Dung Quat Re­fin­ery, you don’t wor­ry for about me, I know athe way to care for my­self. And you, how are you? I hope you are fine and of­ten re­mem­ber miss me(nhớ nhung dùng miss ). Please, tell me about our daugh­ter. I re­mem­ber miss her so much. Write me as soon as pos­si­ble . Give love to you and our daugh­ter. Yours. Love, Cuối thư có chữ ký chứ ! Bài sửa của Well­frog 2

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Bài viết của Ween Nha Trang De­cem­ber 1,2007 Dear Tuyen, I have been in Nha Trang for 3 days. Air is very pure. I like beach­es of Nha Trang.They are blue,very beau­ti­ful and al­so deep.At night it is qui­et. I am wait­ing for ris­ing sun.I know any­one goes to beach al­ways hope to see sun­rise.So am i.I wish you were here with me.That's great!.I hear that the weath­er of Saigon now be­gin to be cold,isn't it? Re­mem­ber to wear on your coat! I will be back soon.I did buy sou­ver­nia for you.Miss you much! Love. Nha Trang De­cem­ber 1th, 2007 Dear Tuyen, I have been in Nha Trang for 3 days. Air is very pure. I like the beach­es of in Nha Trang.They are blue,very beau­ti­ful and al­so deep.At night it is qui­et. I am wait­ing for ris­ing sun sun­rise .I know any­one who goes to beach al­ways hopes to see the sight of sun­rise.So am i.do I .I wish you were here with me.That's great!.I hear that the weath­er of Saigon now be­gins to be cold ( is get­ting cold­er ),isn't doesn't it? Re­mem­ber to wear on your coat! I will be back soon.I did buy a sou­ver­nia for you.Miss you much! Love., Dùng cấu trúc “cũng vậy” chú ý dùng trợ động từ cho đúng . Phải nhìn câu đầu có trợ động từ gì thì câu sau phải như vậy She can go .So can I . She is nice .So am I She went there .So did I . Bài sửa của Well­frog 3

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Bài viết của hamthi­tu­uyen 9 Le Quang Dinh Vung Tau De­cem­ber, 2, 2007 Dear Ngoc Thanks for your let­ter. I'm pleased to hear you had an en­joy­able Christ­mas va­ca­tion­We re­ceived our first semester re­port a few days ago. I got good grades for Sci­ence, En­glish and Hist­to­ry, but my math re­sult was poor. My math teach­er asked me to spend more time on it. I must study hard­er next semester. It is al­most Tet. That's the Lu­nar New Year Fes­ti­val in Vi­et Nam. I think I told you about it in my last let­ter. We're go­ing to hue tonight to cel­ebrate the fes­ti­val with my grand­moth­er. I'll send you a post­card from there. Write soon and tell me all your news. Re­gards, Uyen 9 Le Quang Dinh Vung Tau De­cem­ber(, ) 2th,2007 ( phẩy đúng chổ ) Dear Ngoc, Thanks for your let­ter. I'm pleased to hear that you had an en­joy­able Christ­mas va­ca­tion .We re­ceived our first semester re­port a few days ago. I got good grades forin Sci­ence, En­glish and Hist­to­ry, but my math re­sult was poor. My math teach­er asked me to spend more time on it. I must study hard­er next semester. It is al­most Tet, the Lu­nar New Year Fes­ti­val in Vi­et Nam, is now com­ing near­er . That's the Lu­nar New Year Fes­ti­val in Vi­et Nam. I think I told you about it in my last let­ter. We're go­ing to hHue tonight to cel­ebrate the fes­ti­val with my grand­moth­er. I'll send you a post­card from there. Write soon and tell me all your news. Re­gards, Uyen Bài sửa của Well­frog 4

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Bài viết của my­dream­toslb Vung Tau City 2nd,De­cem­ber, 2007 Dear Mom, My love­ly mom,ac­tu­al­ly,this is the first time I have been alone but there has been much in­ter­ests .To­day,the sec­ond day in my week­ly va­ca­tion,I got up ear­ly at 6 o'clock and went ahead to the sea(op­po­site to my re­stroom) to see the ris­ing of the sun,a red sky,it was an in­pres­sive­ness.Then I had break­fast with a loaf of bread.Rapid­ly,I have been ready to take a trav­el.I have vis­it­ed many places as:Nui Lon(Great moun­tain),Nui Nho(Small moun­tain),Thich Ca Phat Dai,Petroleum port....Es­pe­cial­ly,I am re­al­ly im­pres­sive with fresh air and streets in Vung Tau.Ha­long street is be­side and around the sea,it is very ro­mamtic for who want to ride a cou­ple-​bi­cy­cle. My mom,I will come back home to­mor­row but I will re­mem­ber the 1st va­ca­tion,Vung Tau city.Re­turn my fam­ily,I will have presents for you and all mem­bers.Thanks to mom for this va­ca­tion. See you to­mor­row. Love, your child Vung Tau City 2nd,De­cem­ber 2nd, 2007 Dear Mom, My love­ly mom,ac­tu­al­ly,this is the first time I have been alone ,but there has been much in­ter­ests .To­day,the sec­ond day in my week­ly va­ca­tion,I got up ear­ly at 6 o'clock and went ahead ( straight ) to the sea(op­po­site to my re­stroom) (không cần đóng ngoặc ) to see the ris­ing of the sun sun­rise ,a red sky,it .I was an in­pres­sive­ness­re­al­ly im­pres­sive .Then I had break­fast with a loaf of bread for break­fast.Rapid­ly,I have been ready to take a trav­el.I have vis­it­ed many places such as:Nui Lon(Great moun­tain),Nui Nho(Small moun­tain),Thich Ca Phat Dai,Petroleum port....Es­pe­cial­ly,I am re­al­ly im­pres­sive with on fresh air and streets in Vung Tau.Ha­long street is be­side and around the sea,it is very ro­mam­ntic for those who want to ride a cou­ple-​bi­cy­cle. My mom ! I will come back home to­mor­row, but I will re­mem­ber ( nev­er for­get ) the 1st va­ca­tion(,) in Vung Tau city.Re­turn­ing to my fam­ily,I will have presents for you and all the oth­er mem­bers.Thanks to mom for this va­ca­tion. See you to­mor­row. Love, your child( nên dùng son /daugh­ter ) Bài sửa của Well­frog 5

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Bài viết của pen­den -------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------57K Bui Thi Xu­an Street, -------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------Da Lat City -------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------De­cem­ber 2nd, 2007. Dear Mom, I'm very sad, I have just failed my En­glish ex­am. I tried my best but I couldn'd pass it. I am re­al­ly sor­ry for mak­ing you dis­ap­point­ed.Now,I am stay­ing at a ho­tel.Al­though It is very big and lux­uri­ous ,I feel un­com­fort­able. The weath­er is very cold. Some­times, it rains very heav­ily and the tem­per­ature drops un­der 10C .The food is very good but it isn't as de­li­cious as food you cook .Our home is still the best place. I have on­ly gone away for two days, but I miss you ,Dad and Lai a lot .I won­der if all of you are well.I will come home next Sun­day. Mom,al­ways take care you­self. Your daugh­ter, Pe den. 57K Bui Thi Xu­an Street, Da Lat City De­cem­ber 2nd, 2007 Dear Mom, I'm very sad(,) be­cause I have just failed my En­glish ex­am. I tried my best ,but I couldn'td pass it. I am re­al­ly sor­ry for mak­ing you dis­ap­point­ed.Now,I am stay­ing at a ho­tel.( thi rớt còn đi chơi -> sướng nhỉ ! )Al­though It is very big( large rộng lớn ) and lux­uri­ous ,I feel un­com­fort­able. The weath­er is very cold. Some­times, it rains very heav­ily and the tem­per­ature drops un­der 10C .The food is very good ,but it isn't as de­li­cious as the food you cook .Our home is still the best place. I have on­ly gone away for two days, but I miss you ,Dad and Lai a lot .I won­der if all of you are well.I will come home next Sun­day. Mom,al­ways take care your­self. Your daugh­ter, Pe den. Muốn cho chữ nằm bên phải thì tô đen rồi lick vào biểu tựong “căn phải ” phía trái kế bên chữ “ cở” Bài sửa của Well­frog 6

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Bài viết của Mr ZigZag Long Xuyen city De­cem­ber 4th 2007 Dear sis­ter ! How is your famil­ly? You study well , aren't you? You have hap­py when you ar­rive at Viet­Nam , aren't you? With me , I very hap­py when you and me to­geth­er play “ Bat Tron”. That's time, I don't for­get. I wish you will ar­rive Viet­Nam again. But if you don't ar­rive, I will go to Cana­da. If I study En­glish well, af­ter fin­ish class 11 , I will go to Cana­da. I am try­ing best to study En­glish now. Set your mind at rest , I will try one best. To 20:48 p.m. The let­ter is so long that I should stop now. I hope a near day , I will miss you. Bye bye see you again. I will meet you ,Let wait.....!!!!! Best wish ZigZag Long Xuyen city De­cem­ber 4th ,2007 (thiếu dấu phẩy chổ này ) Dear sis­ter ! How is your famil­ly? You study well , aren't don't you? ( câu hỏi đuôi phải nhìn câu trước để lấy trợ động từ )You have are hap­py( tính từ phải có to be ) when you ar­rive at in Viet­Nam , aren't you? With for me , I am very hap­py when you and me I to­geth­er play “ Bat Tron”. That's the time(,) I don't for­get. I wish hope ( wish dùng cho chuyện khó xãy ra và câu sau phải chia quá khứ )you will ar­rive come to Viet­Nam again. ButHow­ev­er , if you don't ar­rive come , I will go to Cana­da. If I study En­glish well, af­ter fin­ish­ing class grade 11 , I will go to Cana­da. I am try­ing my best to study En­glish now. Set your mind at rest take it easy , I will try one­my best. To It is now 20:48 p.m. The let­ter is so long that I should stop now. I hope a near some­day , I will miss meet you. Bye bye see you again. I will meet you ,Let wait.....!!!!! Best wish, ZigZag Chú ý cấu trúc câu với các yếu tố chủ từ ,động từ ... Bài sửa của Well­frog 7

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Bài viết của KDP’C De­cem­ber 5th, 2007 Dear Mum, I've been liv­ing here for a week. The weath­er in Amer­ica is cold. It's not cold like the weath­er in Hanoi but it's still in­ter­est­ing be­cause of snow.I've sent you a post­card with this let­ter. It's a pic­ture which I took with sis­ter Ha's chil­dren. The snow per­son takes us a hours to make. It's beau­ti­ful, isn't it? The chil­dren are big­ger than the last time you saw them.They are well-​be­haved and love me so much. We've been play­ing to­geth­er all day.( you know, I like chil­dren very much ). Al­though their par­ents have been be­ing far from home for a such long time , they don't be­have like pam­pered chil­dren. I told them that their par­ents would be in Viet­nam till the end of next week. But they said they didn't care for their par­ents as much as their grand­moth­er be­cause they thought their par­ents are old enough to take care of them­selves and their grand­mum is too old to do this.They won­der if she could take care of her­self or not. They want to send you some snow by post but I said the snow would melt , so it's an im­pos­si­ble task. It takes me a long time to ex­plain to them that rea­son .Any­way, they're very cute, aren't they ? Ev­ery­thing is O.K here . You re­mem­ber to tell my sis­ter that the chil­dren are fine and I can do ev­ery­thing on my con­trol . On the frist days , I couldn't sleep well .In the morn­ing, I didn't know how to cook Amer­ican dish­es be­cause the chil­dren couldn't eat Viet­namese food . In the af­ter­noon, I al­so didn't know what I should do when some sis­ter Ha 's neigh­bour dropped in to ask me about the gar­den . I guess they want to buy it .They brought many things such as food, wine for us .I think they want to per­suade me to tell sis­ter Ha about their need . Be­cause of them, I have to stay at home and try to not go out in a few last af­ter­noon . In the evening, I and the chil­dren watched T.V . The chil­dren are al­lowed watch­ing T,V un­till 9.00 p.m , then I took them to their bed . I have to read sto­ries for them . I like this work al­though it's a bit hard . It's a good chance for the chil­dren to lis­ten to Viet­namese .They use En­glish too much , so their Viet­namese isn't very good . I'm get­ting used to liv­ing here, so don't wor­ry about me and the chil­dren . Take care of your­self Love, KDP'C P/s: By the way, the chil­dren want to have a pic­ture of you . Could you send them one , mum ? place? De­cem­ber 5th, 2007 Dear Mum, I've been liv­ing here for a week. The weath­er in Amer­ica is cold. It's not so cold as like the weath­er in Hanoi( like dùng để nối 2 danh từ ), but it's still in­ter­est­ing be­cause of the snow.I 've sent will send ( chưa gởi mà? ) you a post­card with this let­ter. It's a pic­ture which I took with sis­ter Ha's chil­dren­my sis­ter's chil­dren. The snow per­son It takes us a hours to make a snow per­son . It's beau­ti­ful, isn't it? The chil­dren are big­ger than the last time you saw them.They are well-​be­haved and love me so much. We've been play­ing to­geth­er all day.( you know, I like chil­dren very much ). Al­though their par­ents have been be­ing ( to be không dúng tiếp diễn )far from home for a such long time , they don't be­have like pam­pered chil­dren. I told them that their par­ents would be in Viet­nam till the end of next week. But they said they didn't care for their par­ents as much as their grand­moth­er be­cause they thought their par­ents are were old enough to take care of them­selves and their grand­mum is too old to do this.They won­dered if she could take care of her­self or not. They want­ed to send you some snow by post ,but I said the snow would melt , so it's was an im­pos­si­ble task. It takes took me a long time to ex­plain to them that rea­son .Any­way, they're very cute, aren't they? Ev­ery­thing is O.K here . You re­mem­ber to tell my sis­ter that the chil­dren are fine and I can do ev­ery­thing on my con­trol . On the first days , I couldn't sleep well .In the morn­ing, I didn't know how to cook Amer­ican dish­es be­cause the chil­dren couldn't eat Viet­namese food . In the af­ter­noon, I al­so didn't know what I should do when some sis­ter Ha 's neigh­bours dropped in to ask me about the gar­den . I guessed they want­ed to buy it .They brought many things such as food, wine for us .I think thought they want­ed to per­suade me to tell sis­ter Ha about their need . Be­cause of them, I have had to stay at home and try tried to not to go out in a few last fol­low­ing af­ter­noon . In the evening, I and the chil­dren watched T.V . The chil­dren arewere al­lowed watch­ing to watch T,V un­till 9.00 p.m , then I took them to their bed . I have had to read sto­ries for­to them . I like this work al­though it's a bit hard . It's a good chance for the chil­dren to lis­ten to Viet­namese .They use En­glish­too much ,so their Viet­namese isn't very good . I'm get­ting used to liv­ing here, so don't wor­ry about me and the chil­dren . Take care of your­self Love, KDP'C P/s: By the way, the chil­dren want to have a pic­ture of yours . Could you send them one , mum chú ý cách dùng thì bạn nhé,bài viết rất thú vị Bài sửa của Well­frog 8

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Bài viết của taham­in­htam Ho Chi Minh city De­cem­ber 6th, 2007 Dear wife, It last­ed three months when you were far away from me.Ev­ery­day I al­ways think about you, I miss you so much, I miss the time when we were in Chi­na. It was won­der­ful. I want to tell you that it is the hap­pi­est time in my life. Athough we are not to­geth­er, I will al­ways love you. So, you must be­lieve that love has strong pow­er and if we love each oth­er, we will be to­geth­er. Miss you so much. Love, Tam Ho Chi Minh city De­cem­ber 6th, 2007 Dear wife, It last­ed is three months when since you were far away from me.( chú ý cấu trúc câu này để lần sau viết tốt hơn )Ev­ery­day I al­ways think about you, I miss you so much, I miss the time when we were in Chi­na. It was won­der­ful. I want to tell you that it is was the hap­pi­est time in my life. Al­though we are not to­geth­er, I will al­ways love you for­ev­er. So There­fore , ( so không dùng đầu câu )you must be­lieve that love has strong pow­er and if we love each oth­er, we will be to­geth­er. Miss you so much. Love, Tam CẢM ĐỘNG CHO TÌNH CẢM CỦA BẠN QUÁ ,CHÚC BẠN SỚM SUM HỌP CÙNG HIỀN THÊCỦA MÌNH Bài sửa của Well­frog 9

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Bài viết của Anh Tuyen Nha Trang city Ju­ly, 2007 Dear hus­band, First­ly, I want to tell you that I missed you so much. You too, aren't you? Now, I'll tell about my hol­iday in Nha Trang sea city. To­day is my fourth day in here. Ev­ery day, i used to get up at 5'00 oclock to walk around the beach, see sun­rise and then swim in the sea. Then I have break fast in ho­tel. The dish is very de­li­cious. Al­most, they are tra­di­tion­al food as PHO, BANH XEO... Af­ter that, I go out for a sight­see­ing some places with my friends. That are Thap Ba, Hon Chong, Hon Tre, Hon Tam... The sight is very nice and the air is clean. I took a lot of pho­to­graph. The evening, we have ex­cel­lent din­er with sea food. I like eat crab, lob­ster... (-_-). Then we were walk­ing to­geth­er along Tran Phu road. Next sun­day, i'll come back home. I'll give you some pret­ty gift. Miss you much, my love ! Love, Tuyen Nha Trang city Ju­ly 12th, 2007 Dear hus­band, First­ly, I want to tell you that I missed you so much. You are,too, aren't you? Now, I'll tell about my hol­iday in Nha Trang sea city. To­day is my fourth day in here. Ev­ery day, i used to I get up at 5'00 oclock to walk around the beach( used to dùng chỉ hành động ở quá khứ mà bây giờ không còn nữa ), see sun­rise and then swim in the sea. Then I have break fast in at a ho­tel. The dish­es is are very de­li­cious. Al­most, they Most of them are tra­di­tion­al foods such as PHO, BANH XEO... Af­ter that, I we go out for a sight­see­ing at some places with my friends That are such as Thap Ba, Hon Chong, Hon Tre, Hon Tam... The sight is very nice and the air is clean. I took a lot of pho­to­graph. In The evening, we had have an ex­cel­lent din­ner with sea food. I like to eat crabs, lob­sters... (-_-). Then we were walk­ing walked to­geth­er along Tran Phu road. Next sun­day, i'll come back home. I'll give you some pret­ty gifts. Miss you much, my love ! Love, Tuyen Cần chú ý dùng thì cho thống nhất Bài sửa của Well­frog 10

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Bài viết của heo­con­vn04 Nha Trang city 7 Dec,2007 Dear Thanh, How are you? It's nice to hear you have a new job. Con­grat­ula­tion on your job. I'm on my va­ca­tion. I re­al­ly miss you so I write the let­ter for you. I want to tell you about Nha Trang. It's an in­ter­st­ing place for re­lax­ing . There are a lot of be­at­iful beach­es, pure air and fresh seafood. You know I en­joy the sun ris­ing in the ear­ly morn­ing. Af­ter that, i can swim un­til in the evening. I vis­it lots of is­lands. The wa­ter there is very pure so i can see col­or­ful fish­es and corals. I'm re­al­ly like seasfood. It's deli­ci­uos and very cheap. when I walk on the sand near the beach. I can hear sound of wind and wave at night. It's ro­man­tic. I find down some fan­tas­tic coffe shops. I will in­tro­duce you when you get there. The lo­cal peo­ple are friendlỵ They all­way sim­le when they meet the tourists.I'm amaz­ing when i see the sou­venirs that are made shell.They are won­der­ful and lovelỵ I will get it for you. I take so much the pho­tographs. I will show you when i come back home. That's all for now. I'll be com­ing home in the next week. I can't wait to see you. Much love, Nha Trang city 7 Dec De­cem­ber 7th,2007(nhớ viết đúng theo mẫu nha ) Dear Thanh, How are you? It's nice to hear you have a new job. Con­grat­ula­tion on your job ! . I'm on my va­ca­tion. I re­al­ly miss you ,so I write the let­ter for am writ­ing to you now . I want to tell you about Nha Trang. It's an in­ter­est­ing place for re­lax­ing . There are a lot of beau­ti­ful beach­es, pure air and fresh seafood. You know ,I en­joy the sun­ris­ing in the ear­ly morn­ing. Af­ter that,i I can swim un­til in the evening. I vis­it lots of is­lands. The wa­ter there is very pure clear ( nước trong ),soi I can see col­or­ful fish­es and corals. I'm re­al­ly like seasfood. It's both deli­ci­uous and very cheap. when I walk on the sand near the beach. I can hear the sound of wind and wave at night. It's ro­man­tic. I find down out some fan­tas­tic cof­fee shops. I will in­tro­duce to you when you get there. The lo­cal peo­ple are friendlỵ They all­way sim­le al­ways sim­ple when they meet the tourists( không xác định không dùng the ).I'm amazinged when i I see the sou­venirs that are made of shells ( made of : làm bằng ).They are won­der­ful and lovelỵ I will get it­some for you. I take so much­many the pho­tographs.( pho­tographs đếm được phải dùng many còn much dùng với danh từ khôgn đếm được )) I will show you when i I come back home. That's all for now. I'll be com­ing come back home in the next week. I can't wait to see you. Much love, both ... and : vừa ...vừa It is both de­li­cious and cheap : nó vừa rẽ vừa ngon 11

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Re­lax 12

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Re­lax 13

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Bài viết của anhmail­vn BUI THI VAN ANH 123ABC Street VUNG TAU City Dear aunt, This is the first day i'm be here. Ev­ery­thing is very won­der­ful. I wish you could be here to en­joy with me. The sea is very blue and clear,you can see the fish is swim­ming. The weath­er al­so is good, you can play all day but nev­er feel bor­ing. The food is very de­li­cious ,spe­cial sea food,they al­way fresh. The night of VUNG TAU is quit. In here, you can go away the noisy of city and have an in­ter­est­ing time. But i'm al­so miss youso much and when i com­plete this trav­el i'll give you a gift.Good bye you See you lat­er anh BUI THI VAN ANH 123ABC Street VUNG TAU City ( ngày tháng ? ) Dear aunt, This is the first day i I'm be here. Ev­ery­thing is very won­der­ful. I wish you could be here to en­joy with me. The sea is very blue and clear,you can see the fish is fish­es swim­ming. The weath­er is al­so is good fine , ( thời tiết tốt dùng fine chứ không dùng good nhé )you can play all day but nev­er feel boringed. The food here is very de­li­cious ,spe­cial­ly sea food,they are al­ways fresh. The night of in VUNG TAU is qui­et. In here, you can go away get rid of ( thoát khỏi ) the noisye of the city and have an in­ter­est­ing time. But ( but không dùng đầu câu )i'm I ( miss là động từ không dùng với to be nhé )al­so miss you so much and when i com­plete this trav­el I come back I 'll give you a gift.Good bye you See you lat­er anh Sau các động từ giác quan như : see ,watch , hear ,no­tice .... là một túc từ rồi đến động từ thêm ing hoặc nguyên mẫu chứ không được chia thì I see him runs out ( sai) vì động từ run chia thì I see him run­ning/ run out ( đúng ) Bài sửa của Well­frog 14

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 dear my broth­er, Long, you're my best broth­er. And that is a rea­son i love you so mụch But you know? your be­hav­ior made our par­ents so sad. i think you can do it bet­ter.But why? I have nev­er writ­ten any let­ters for you. But now, i want you al­ways the best son of my par­ents. You can? I think so. Now you must try your best in learn­ing and share your feel­ings ,your think­ing to me or to my sis­ter. any­how, you're my good broth­er. And you will go home in new year, won't you? i love you. Your lit­tle sis­ter. SAO KHÔNG VIẾT NGÀY THÁNG ? dear my broth­er, Long, you're my best broth­er. And that is a rea­son why I i love you so mụch, But you know? ,your be­hav­ior mad­kes our par­ents so sad. i I think you can do it bet­ter.But why? I have nev­er writ­ten any let­ters for to you. But now, i I want you al­ways to be the best son of my par­ents. You can? I think so. Now you must try your best in learn­ing and share your feel­ings ,your think­ing toabout me or to my sis­ter. any­how, you're my good broth­er. And you will go home in new year, won't you? i I love you. Your lit­tle sis­ter Bài sửa của Well­frog 15

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Bài viết của ku­unon New York 22/12/2007 Dear mum I have writ­ten this let­ter af­ter a long time. Ev­ery body still file, are they? I aways miss you and ev­ery body .Some­times i want the time to elapse more quick­ly so that i can come back to Viet­nam. I have stud­ied 3 years in uni­ver­si­ty in US and con­tin­ue study­ing in a year to grad­uate. I hope that ev­ery­thing will finẹ By the way ,I want to tell you about my fos­ter fa­ther i adopt­ed 3 months ago. His name is Tony Adams. He is a lec­tur­er. I was ac­quaint­ed with him at a sem­inar about my ma­jor. He helped me when i have prob­lem in my life and my studỵ He is 45 years old but still sin­gle. I and him of­ten met to­geth­er on Sat­ur­day or Sun­day and we talk about ev­ery thing with fun­ny. In oder to strength­en tie with me, i ađopte me as a child and i agreed hap­pi­ly.I will tell you more in next let­ter. Noel is ap­proach­ing, i wish ev­ery­body won­der­ful and hap­py Mer­ry Christ­mas. All my love Hoang New York 22/12/2007 De­cem­ber 22nd,2007 Dear mum, I have writ­ten this let­ter af­ter a long time. Ev­ery body is still file fine , aren't they? I aways miss you and ev­ery body .Some­times i I want the time to elapse more quick­ly so that i Ican come back to Viet­nam. I have stud­ied for 3 years in at a uni­ver­si­ty in US and con­tin­ue study­ing in for a year to grad­uate. I hope that ev­ery­thing will be finẹ smooth (suôn sẻ ) By the way ,I want to tell you about my fos­ter-​fa­ther ,who adopt­ed me as his son 3 months ago. His name is Tony Adams. He is a lec­tur­er. I was ac­quaint­ed with him at a sem­inar about on my ma­jor. He helpeds me when i Ihave prob­lem in my life and my studỵ He is 45 years old but still sin­gle. I and him he of­ten meet to­geth­er on Sat­ur­day or Sun­day and we talk about ev­ery thing with fun­ny for fun . In oder to strength­en tie te re­la­tion­ship with me, [s] i[/S he ađopt­ed me as a child his son and i I agreed hap­pi­ly.I will tell you more in next let­ter. Noel is ap­proach­ing, i I wish ev­ery­body won­der­ful and hap­py Mer­ry Christ­mas. chữ ký ????? Bài sửa của Well­frog 16

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Bài viết của pink­girl183 Hoai An dic­trict Binh Dinh province 18th Match, 2007 Dear un­cle Hung, I'm writ­ing to ask you for per­mis­sion about our vis­it your com­put­er fac­torỵ Re­cent­ly, we have stud­ied about com­put­er but my school doesn’t have any com­put­er for us to prac­tice. That is the rea­son why my class have a plan to vis­it a com­put­er fac­to­ry in the lo­cal area. For­rtu­nate­ly, your com­put­er fac­to­ry is near our school . So it is con­ve­nient for us to go there by bus. If you ac­cept, I and forty one class­mates will vis­it your fac­to­ry from 8.30am till 10.30 am this sun­day . Are you free at that time? I hope you will al­low us to vis­it your fac­to­ry and help us know how com­put­er are made and how to use them. If you are busy, can you please have some­one al­low us to give us some in­for­ma­tion about the com­put­ers. Be­sides, we al­so want to talk to the work­ers there to know more about their work. That is all my sug­ges­tions. I hope you will help us. I'm look­ing for­ward to hear­ing your re­spond. Please write or call me by the phone at 111222333 to tell me your idea as soon as pos­si­ble. Your sin­cere­ly pink­girl Mong sư phụ Well­frog “vạch lá tìm sâu” hộ bài viết của pink­girl.Thanks ! Hoai An dic­trict Binh Dinh province 18th Match18th , 2007 Dear un­cle Hung, I'm writ­ing to ask you for per­mis­sion about our vis­it to your com­put­er fac­torỵ( danh từ vis­it phải có to + nơi chốn ) Re­cent­ly, we have stud­ied about com­put­er sci­ence , but my school doesn’t have any com­put­ers for us to prac­tice. That is the rea­son why my class have a plan to vis­it a com­put­er fac­to­ry in the lo­cal area. For­rtu­nate­ly, your com­put­er fac­to­ry is near our school (. ) ,So it is con­ve­nient for us to go there by bus. If you ac­cept, I and forty one my class­mates will vis­it your fac­to­ry from 8.30am till 10.30 am this sun­day . Are you free at that time? I hope you will al­low us to vis­it your fac­to­ry and help us know how com­put­ers are made and how to use them. If you are busy, can you please have some­one al­low us to give us some in­for­ma­tion about the com­put­ers. Be­sides, we al­so want to talk to the work­ers there to know more about their work. That is all my sug­ges­tions. I hope you will help us. I'm look­ing for­ward to hear­ing your re­spond. Please write or call me by the phone at 111222333 to tell me your idea as soon as pos­si­ble. Your sin­cere­ly, pink­girl [col­or=“Ma­gen­ta”]Mong sư phụ Well­frog “vạch lá tìm sâu” hộ bài viết của pink­girl.Thanks ! SÂU ĐÓ CẢ BẦY ,nhớ lần sau tránh chúng nhé Bài sửa của Well­frog 17

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Bài viết của muathu2008 De­cem­ber, 12th, 2007 Dear my hus­band This is my sec­ond day in HCM City. Al­thought, HCM city is very nice, but I don't want go to any­where, be­cause i very miss you, i think­ing about you all free­time. I very buzy, I have to work 10 hour a day. I like the weath­er here but i don't like food, i miss so much have meal in my fam­ily. I hope to back home as soon as pos­si­bil­ity. I miss you a lot . Give my love to the fam­ily . De­cem­ber(, )12th, 2007 ( chú ý chỉ một dấu phẩy ở đây thôi ) Dear my hus­band, This is my sec­ond day in HCM City. Al­thought, HCM city is very nice, but ( trong câu đã dùng al­though thì không dùng but nữa nhé )I don't want to go to any­where, b .Be­cause i I very miss you very much ,i I think­ing about you all free­timethe time . I am very buzsy, I have to work 10 hours a day. I like the weath­er here ,bu­ti I don't like food .i I miss so much have meal in my fam­ily( sai cấu trúc ,câu không có chủ từ ). I hope to come back home as soon as pos­si­bil­ityle. I miss you a lot . Give my love to the fam­ily . CHỮ KÝ ? Bài sửa của Well­frog 18

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Bài viết của sauhoang Sai Gon De­cem­ber 14th, 2007 Dear Aunt, I haven't writ­ten to you since in­ter­na­tion­al tele­phone ser­vice ap­peared in in­ter­net. This ser­vice is very cheap. The USvoiz­card I buy can call to USA over three hours. For­mer­ly, ev­ery time I had want­ed to con­fide in you, I called you through in­ter­net. I re­mem­ber you said ev­ery time you are sad you like read­ing my let­ters again. There­fore, to­day in­stead of con­fid­ing in you by tele­phone, I con­fide in you by let­ter. For fre­quent­ly call­ing you, I am not in the habit of writ­ing to you. To­day I write this let­ter to get in­to the habit of do­ing that. I re­al­ized I had been wrong to lie to you. This must sur­prise you. I am sure that you will won­der what I lied to you about. Maybe you will be very an­gry about what I say fol­low­ing. Most of my friends have new mod­el of mo­tor­bike. For im­itat­ing their lifetyle, I want­ed have things they have but I hadn't enough mon­ey to buy them. There­fore, I thought out how I could ask for your mon­ey. I lied that I had been se­vi­ous ill­ness. I need­ed a lot of mon­ey to op­er­ate. I knew you were very wor­ry to hear about that news. You im­me­di­ate­ly sent five thou­sand dol­lars for me. I spent a part of them on buy­ing a new mod­el of mo­tor­bike. I wast­ed re­main­der on in­dug­ing in dis­si­pa­tion at Danc­ing-​floor. Think­ing of what I did, I feel re­gret very much. I feel that I am not wor­thy of your love. There­fore, writ­ing this let­ter, I on­ly want to apol­ogise and beg you for for­give­ness. I knew I had be­traied your trust, my par­ents's and those who love me. I beg you for for­give­ness again. I promise I will give my mind to ỉm­prov­ing my stud­ies to be use­ful with my life and so­ci­ety. Love, Your nephew Hoa Sai Gon De­cem­ber 14th, 2007 Dear Aunt, I haven't writ­ten to you since in­ter­na­tion­al tele­phone ser­vice ap­peared was avail­able in the iIn­ter­net.( phải có the và viết hoa chử In­ter­net ) This ser­vice is very cheap. The USvoiz­card US voice card I buy can be used to call to USA over three hours.( card bản thân nó đâu biết gọi ? ) For­mer­ly, ev­ery time I had want­ed to con­fide in you, I called you through the In­ter­net. I re­mem­ber you said ev­ery time you are were sad you liked read­ing my let­ters again. There­fore, to­day in­stead of con­fid­ing in you by tele­phone, I con­fide in you by let­ters. For Be­cause of fre­quent­ly call­ing you, I am not in the habit of writ­ing to you. To­day I write this let­ter to get in­to the habit of do­ing that. I re­al­ized I had been wrong to lie to you. This must sur­prise you. I am sure that you will won­der what I lied to you about. Maybe you will be very an­gry about what I say fol­low­ing. Most of my friends have new mod­els of mo­tor­bikes. For im­itat­ing their life tyle, I want­ed to have things they have ,but I hadn't enough mon­ey to buy them. There­fore, I thought out up ( nghỉ ra )how I could ask for your mon­ey. I lied that I had been se­vi­ous ill­ness se­ri­ous­ly ill . I need­ed a lot of mon­ey to op­er­ate spend . I knew you were very wor­ryied to hear about that news.( to be + tính từ ) You im­me­di­ate­ly sent five thou­sand dol­lars for me.( send to : gởi đến , send for : gởi dùm ) I spent a part some of them on buy­ing a new mod­el of mo­tor­bike of new mod­el . I wast­ed re­main­der on in­dulging in dis­si­pa­tion at Danc­ing-​floors. Think­ing of what I did, I feel re­gret re­gret­table( sau feel là tính từ ) very much. I feel that I am not wor­thy of your love. There­fore, writ­ing this let­ter, I on­ly want to apol­ogize and beg you for for­give­ness. I knew I had be­traied be­trayed ( trước có nguyên âm thì không đổi y -> i )your trust, my par­ents's and those who love me.( số nhiều có S rồi thì khi dùng sở hửu không thêm S nữa ) I beg you for for­give­ness again. I promise I will give my mind to ỉm­prov­ing my stud­ies y to be use­ful with my life and to so­ci­ety. Love, Your nephew Bài sửa của Well­frog 19

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Bài viết của nguyen­thy Ho Chi Minh City Dec 14,2007 Dear Trang, I didn't write let­ter to you for long time. How are you? I liv­ing in HCMC. At frist my life is very dif­fi­cult. Step by step, I can fall in line with life in here. I work­ing in small com­pa­ny, the job is sta­ble. How about you? would you like to Hochim­inh City? i will pick you up to go on a sight­see­ing of Hochim­inh City. please let me know if you agree. Hear you soon re­gards, Thy Ho Chi Minh City Dec 14,2007 Dear Trang, I didn't write haven't writ­ten let­ter to you for long time.( for + khoảng thời gi­an dùng hiện tại hoàn thành ) How are you? I am liv­ing in HCMC. At frirst, my life is very dif­fi­cult. Step by step, I can fall in line with get used to ( quen dần ) life in here. I am work­ing in a small com­pa­ny,; the job is sta­ble. How about you? would you like to go to Hochim­inh City? i I will pick you up to go on a sight­see­ing of Hochim­inh around the City. please let me know if you agree. Hear you soon re­gards, Thy Bài sửa của Well­frog 20

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Bài viết của Ho Thi Minh Anh Dear teach­er, Time pass quick­ly aren't you? I don't think that we got ac­cquain­tance near­ly 5 months. Do you re­mem­ber the first time we met each oth­er? Very sus­prised and in­ter­est­ing, and I don't think that you are my teach­er and will teach me with the time for 3 days of work. You taught me many things for my present work. Now, I don't think that on­ly 3 days changed my life. I don't know that you paid much at­ten­tion to me, so when we end that course, I said good­bye to you as nor­mal, but when I had come back my house, I re­ceived you mes­sage with love­ly words. From that, our re­la­tion­ship be­comes close­ly. You sent mes­sages to me ev­ery­day and emails, phonecalls etc. All things make me feel very hap­py. I still think that our re­la­tion­ship will be for­ev­er, but I want to stop ev­ery­thing here, be­cause I don't want to af­fect to my present life as well you. There­fore, this af­ter­noon, I sent my mes­sage to you and re­quest that you should for­get me, con­cen­trate on your work. When I say this, I am very sad, be­cause I know that I can't for­get you eas­ily. I am be­ing sad, I re­ceived a phonecall from you, lis­ten­ing your smile, ad­vices I for­got that I should for­get you. What can I should do now? Please give me your ad­vices my teach­er. Dear teach­er, Time pass­es quick­ly aren't you? isn't it I don't think that we 've got ac­cquain­tance for near­ly 5 months. Do you re­mem­ber the first time we met each oth­er?It was Very sus­rprised­ing and in­ter­est­ing, and I do­didn't think that you are was my teach­er and will­would teach me with the time for 3 days of work. You taught me many things for my present work. Now, I don't think that on­ly 3 days changed my life. I do­didn't know that you paid much at­ten­tion to me, so when we end­ed that course, I said good­bye to you as nor­mal, but when I had come came back my house­home , I re­ceived your mes­sage with love­ly words. From that, Since then , our re­la­tion­ship has be­comes close­lyr. You sentd mes­sages and emails to me ev­ery­day and emails, phonecalls etc. All things make me feel very hap­py. I still think that our re­la­tion­ship will be for­ev­er, but I want to stop ev­ery­thing here, be­cause I don't want to af­fect to my present life as well as yours. There­fore, this af­ter­noon, I sent my mes­sage to you and re­quêst­ed that you should for­get me, con­cen­trate on your work. When I say this, I am very sad, be­cause I know that I can't for­get you eas­ily. I am be­ing sad, I re­ceived a phone call from you, lis­ten­ing to your smile, ad­vices .I for­got that I should for­get you. What can should I should do now? Please give me your ad­vices, my teach­er ( ad­vice là danh từ không đếm đựoc ,không bao giờ thêm s ) Chú ý chia thì cho đúng ngữ cảnh Bài sửa của Well­frog 21

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Bài viết của ht­tb Hi miss well­fog! I am a new mem­ber. This is the first i write about this top­ic. I want to write a let­ter to my close friend. She is THUY LINH, she is study­ing in Chi­nese. Ha Noi cap­ital Sat­ur­day, De­cem­ber 22nd 2007 Dear LINH! The first words, I wish you have good health, hap­pi­ness and suc­cess. Are you ok? I was in­deed hap­py when I heard news about you. Last week­end, it was warm, I went to vis­it your par­ents. When I came, your par­ents were watch­ing TV, They had just seen me, im­me­di­ate­ly they said that: ‘Linh will come back Viet­nam on this tet hol­iday’. We didn’t meet each oth­er a long time so I miss you very much. I am sure you too. How is your work­ing? Last let­ter, I re­ceived your pho­tograp. You looked fat­ter but more beau­ti­ful. It is truth. In this time, I have to try to pass my im­por­tant ex­am­ina­tion. Some­time, I felt very tense and wor­ries. But now ev­ery­thing is ok be­cause I know you will be sat­ify if I pass the ex­am. And we will have a lots time to re­lax when you come back VN. I will try my best. There is a spe­cial thing, it’s my se­cret. I have just been boy friend. He is very won­der­ful, this is his pho­tograp. I will tell more about him next let­ter. I ‘m look­ing forawd your re­ply! Loves from ht­tb Hi miss well­fog!(You wrote his name wrong, this is quite un­po­lite to some­body ) I am a new mem­ber. This is the first time i I have writ­ten write about this top­ic (Chú ý: This is the first time I have/he has done some­thing--> Đây là 1 điểm ngữ pháp khá nhiều bạn bị sai , đây là mẫu câu ở hiện tại, còn nếu là quá khứ thì chỉ cần lùi 1 thì : That was the first time I had/ he had done some­thing ) . I want to write a let­ter to my close friend. She is THUY LINH, she is study­ing in Chi­nese Chi­na. Ha Noi cap­ital Sat­ur­day, De­cem­ber 22nd 2007 Dear LINH! The first words First­ly , I wish you have good health, hap­pi­ness and suc­cess. Are you ok? I was in­deed hap­py when I heard news about you. Last week­end, it was warm, I went to vis­it your par­ents. When I came, your par­ents were watch­ing TV, They had just seen me, im­me­di­ate­ly they said that: ‘Linh will come back to Viet­nam on this Tet hol­iday’. We didn’t meet haven't met each oth­er for a long time so I miss you very much. I am sure you too. How is your work­ing? Last let­ter, I re­ceived your pho­to­graph. You looked fat­ter but more beau­ti­ful. It is the truth. In this time, I have to try to pass my im­por­tant ex­am­ina­tion. Some­times, I felt very tense and wor­ries wor­ry. But now ev­ery­thing is ok be­cause I know you will be sat­ify sat­is­fied if I pass the ex­am. And we will have a lots time to re­lax when you come back to VN. I will try my best. There is a spe­cial thing, it’s my se­cret. I have just been had a boy friend. He is very won­der­ful, this is his pho­to­graph. I will tell you more about him next let­ter. I ‘m look­ing forawd for­ward to your re­ply! Loves, from ht­tb 22

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Bài viết của ht­tb 53 Binh Long Street Ho Chi Minh City June 15th, 2007. Dear Huong NHien, I write this let­ter to tell with you about my em­bar­rass­ing ex­pe­ri­ence. My most em­br­rass­ing ex­pe­ri­ence hap­penned three months ago when I trav­elled to Ho Chi Minh city in sum­mer hol­ida. I stayed HCM City for about two week. In that time, I went for a pic­nic with my un­cle and my sis­ter on Sun­da. That day, when I woke up in the morn­ing the sky was blue and I didn't think the weath­er would be so bad af­ter thạt There fore, I didn't bring my rain coat with me. More, I knew that the weath­er of HCM City al­ways sun in the morn­ing and rain in the af­ter­noon. Then I was caught in the rain on a sum­mer af­ter­noọn In that evening, I was bad­ly ịll It was the most fright­en­ing ex­pe­ri­ence of my life. It made me ap­pre­ci­ate my health more. Love, ht­th Dear Huong NHien, I write this let­ter to tell with you about my em­bar­rass­ing ex­pe­ri­ence. My most em­bar­rass­ing ex­pe­ri­ence hap­penned three months ago when I trav­elled to Ho Chi Minh city in sum­mer hol­iday. I stayed in HCM City for about two weeks. In that time, I went for a pic­nic with my un­cle and my sis­ter on Sun­day. That day, when I woke up in the morn­ing, the sky was blue and I didn't think the weath­er would be so bad af­ter thạt. There­fore (Không viết cách nhau nha bạn) , I didn't bring my rain coat with me. More­over , I knew that the weath­er of HCM City was al­ways sun sun­ny in the morn­ing and rain rainy in the af­ter­noon. Then But I was caught in the rain on in a sum­mer af­ter­noọn . In that evening, I was bad­ly ịll then .It was the most fright­en­ing ?? (em­bar­rass­ing với fright­en­ing đâu có giống nhau đâu bạn ) ex­pe­ri­ence of my life. It made me ap­pre­ci­ate my health more. (Bạn kết thúc ở đây thì đột ngột quá ) And fi­nal­ly, I want to ask you a ques­tion. What's your most em­bar­rass­ing ex­pe­ri­ence? Can you tell me in your re­ply? I'm look­ing for­ward to hear­ing from you. Love, ht­th Bài sửa của Kawa­ia­mi 23

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 24 Re­lax

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Bài viết của sauhoang Sai Gon De­cem­ber 29th, 2007 Dear Mom, It's just over one month that the new year be­gins. Time elaps­es quick­ly, don't you think so? Three years have elapsed since I was away from home, but I think as if I have re­cent­ly been away from home. I have lived in the strange land for three years, i.e it was two Tet cel­ebra­tion that I didn't gath­er around our fam­ily. The Tet be­fore last I didn't go back home be­cause I hadn't enough mon­ey to ride on a train. The Tet last I saved a lit­tle mon­ey, but I didn't buy train tick­et, mom. It was too dif­fi­cult to buy the tick­et for go­ing to cen­tral provinces and north provinces on days near Tet. Many peo­ple who wait­ed for buy­ing the tick­et all day long still not get. You know, I don't ride on a car be­cause of car-​sick. I had two Tet hol­iday in HCM city. Here at­most­phere of Tet was dif­fer­ent from one in our own na­tive place, mom. It seemed to be sad­der ev­ery­day ac­tiv­ities. Streets were not clowd­ed. Shops stopped buy­ing. Al­most any­house closed door very tight. The range of aparment where I am liv­ing was very qui­et at Tet hol­iday be­cause those who live in one went back their home to have Tet cel­ebra­tion with their fam­ily. I was in my aparment alone, so I felt so lone­ly. I didn't know where I went on Tet hol­iday. I al­so didn't know to any­one here. I wished Tet hol­iday elapse very quick­ly to re­turn to work. Mom, This year is near­ing it's end. I don't know whether I will go back home to have Tet cel­ebra­tion with the fam­ily be­cause I can't buy train tick­et now. I asked my boss for a day leave to buy the tick­et, but still not get, mom. This Tet if I don't go back home, at first I will say to the fam­ily on the oc­ca­sion of Tet cel­ebra­tion wish ev­ery­one in the fam­ily a hap­py new year! It's very late at night. I al­so write quite many. I stop here. I will write more the next let­ter. You take care of your health Give my love to the fam­ily love, Hoa Sai Gon De­cem­ber 29th, 2007 Dear Mom, It's in just over one month that the new year will be­gins. Time elaps­es quick­ly, don't you think so? Three years haves elapsed ( thời gi­an luôn dùng số ít )since I was away from home, but I think as if I have had re­cent­ly been away from home. ( sau as if dùng quá khứ giả định ) I have lived in the strange land for three years, i.e it was on two Tet cel­ebra­tions that I didn't gath­er around our fam­ily. The Tet be­fore last I didn't go back home be­cause I hadn't enough mon­ey to ride on a train. The Tet last Tet I saved a lit­tle mon­ey, but I didn't buy any train tick­ets, mom. It was too dif­fi­cult to buy the a tick­et for go­ing to cen­tral provinces and north provinces on days near Tet. Many peo­ple who wait­ed for buy­ing the tick­ets all day long still did­not get any­thing . You know, I don't ride on a trav­el by car be­cause of car-​sick. I had spent two Tet hol­iday in HCM city. Here at­most­phere of Tet was dif­fer­ent from one in our own na­tive place, mom. It seemed to be sad­der ev­ery­day ac­tiv­ities seemed sad­der . Streets were not clowd­ed. Shops stopped buy­ing were un­able to find cus­tomers . Al­most any­most hous­es closed had doors closed very tight. The range of aparments where I am liv­ing was very qui­et at Tet hol­iday be­cause those who live in one those who lived there went back their home to have Tet cel­ebra­tion with their fam­ilyies . I was in my aparment alone, so I felt so lone­ly. I didn't know where I went on Tet hol­iday. I al­so didn't know to any­one here. I wished Tet hol­iday had elapsed very quick­ly for me to re­turn to my work. Mom, This year is near­ing it's go­ing to end. I don't know whether I will go back home to have spend Tet cel­ebra­tion with the fam­ily be­cause I can't buy any train tick­ets now. I asked my boss for a day leave to buy the tick­et, but still not get I can't buy one , mom. This Tet if I don't go back home, at first I will say to wish the whole fam­ily on the oc­ca­sion of Tet cel­ebra­tion wish ev­ery­one in the fam­ily a hap­py new year! It's very late at night. now ,I al­so write quite many have writ­ten a lot . I stop here. I will write more the in next let­ter. You take care of your health Give my love to the fam­ily love, Hoa Bài sửa của Well­frog 25

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Bài viết của fall_in_love Ha noi city De­cem­ber 31,2007 Dear Ly! This mo­ment,you stay­ing in your house in Ge­man­ic. You have stayed here for 1 month. In that time we went to ev­ery­where and eat a lot of food.Are you re­mem­ber?we went to Ho Chi Minh mu­se­um, around the Hoan Kiem'lake and.... Some­time, we ate Grilled meat roll in Ta Thuong gate,noo­dles roll serve with beef.Oh,I re­mem­ber you a lot of.Next year, you come back a gain. love linh Ha noi city De­cem­ber 31st ,2007 Dear Ly! This mo­ment­time last year ,you I were stay­ing in at your house in Ge­man­ic. You have stayed there for 1 month. In At that time we went to ev­ery­where and eat ate a lot of food.Are Do you re­mem­ber?we went to Ho Chi Minh mu­se­um, around the Hoan Kiem'lake and.... Some­times, we ate Grilled meat roll in Ta Thuong gate,noo­dles roll serve with beef.Oh,I re­mem­ber miss you a lot of.Next year, youI will come back again. love, linh chú ý các lỗi thông thường ,như cách dùng to be ,cách đổi sang câu nghi vấn ,chia thì nhé Bài sửa của Well­frog 26

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Bài viết của zok­zok_on­line_k_1 Dear Anh, How are you ? How is your fam­ily ? It was a long time since I last took you - the last time we met each oth­er . I re­mem­ber you were very glad with a present gift for poor peo­ple . I am study­ing in the Hanoi Uni­ver­si­ty of Tech­nol­ogy and have got a job in the Toy­ota com­pa­ny , so I am very busy . I send my in­vi­ta­tion to you and I hope that you will at­tend the par­ty of mine . I want to cel­ebrate char­ita­ble day of us , so I am hav­ing a big bar­be­cue and ev­ery­body can meet one an­oth­er on Sun­day 4th Oc­to­ber . As a mat­ter of course I have in­vit­ed my rel­atives and friends . Yet , I am go­ing to in­vite a few peo­ple who are new good friends , so there will be a lot of peo­ple . I'd love to see you ! I not on­ly miss you but al­so want to know how is your life . The par­ty will be held at Kim Lien ho­tel , I think you know it , don’t you ? It's on Kim Lien street , so let's hope un­block in the traf­fic . I know it's quite a long dis­tance from your house to the ho­tel, but I be­lieve I will look ra­di­ant face of you . Send me as soon as you get this let­ter . I’m look­ing to see­ing you at the par­ty ! Oc­to­ber 31st 2007 , Ha Noi zok­zok_on­line_k_1 Ha Noi Oc­to­ber 31st, 2007 Dear Anh, How are you ? How is and your fam­ily ? It was is a long time since I last took saw you - the last time we met each oth­er . I re­mem­ber you were very glad with a present when get­ting a gift for poor peo­ple . I am study­ing in the at Hanoi Uni­ver­si­ty of Tech­nol­ogy and have got a job in the Toy­ota com­pa­ny , so I am very busy . I send my in­vi­ta­tion to you and I hope that you will at­tend the par­ty of mine . I want to cel­ebrate char­ita­ble day of us our char­ita­ble day( ngày từ thiện là ngày gì ? rất khó hiểu ), so I am hav­ing a big bar­be­cue and ev­ery­body can meet one an­oth­er on Sun­day 4th Oc­to­ber . As a mat­ter of courseAc­tu­al­ly , I have in­vit­ed many of my rel­atives and friends . Yet , I am go­ing to in­vite a few peo­ple who are new good friends , so there will be a lot of peo­ple . I'd love to see you ! I not on­ly miss you but al­so want to know how is your life is . ( không phải câu hỏi không đảo ngữ )The par­ty will be held at Kim Lien ho­tel , I think you know it , don’t you ? It's on Kim Lien street , so let's I hope un­block in the traf­fic will be not hold up .( gi­ao thông sẽ không bị ùn tắc ) I know it's quite a long dis­tance from your house to the ho­tel, but I be­lieve I will look see your ra­di­ant face of you . Send­Write me as soon as you get this let­ter . I’m look­ing for­ward to see­ing you at the par­ty ! Oc­to­ber 31st 2007 , Ha Noi( đặt ở trên ) zok­zok_on­line_k_1 Tránh dùng sở hửu kiểu N of sở hửu người a house of your ( of you là sai ) nên dùng your house Bài sửa của Well­frog 27

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Bài viết của thun­der­birdl9 Bài viết của thun­der­birdl9 Jarka­ta Novem­ber 19th,2005 Dear Bush I have stayed in Jakar­ta for a week. Ev­ery things are good. The ho­tel ser­vice is very fine. I have vis­it­ed many places such as Keong Mas Imax The­atre, Na­tion­al Mon­ument... The food here is very de­li­cious but so ex­pen­sive. I'm very hap­py but I al­so miss you. I will stay here for more 2 days, then I will come back to Viet­nam. Write me soon. Love Huy Jarka­ta Novem­ber 19th,2005 Dear Bush, I have stayed in Jakar­ta for a week. Ev­ery things are good. The ho­tel ser­vice is very fine good . I have vis­it­ed many places such as Keong Mas Imax The­atre, Na­tion­al Mon­ument... The food here is very de­li­cious but so ex­pen­sive. I'm very hap­py ,but I al­so miss you. I will stay here for more 2 days more , then I will come back to Viet­nam. Write me soon. Love, Huy Bài sửa của Well­frog 28

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Bài viết của saku­ra_92_ Bài viết của saku­ra_92_ Da Nang Jan­uary,7 th 2008 Dear Hoa, Are you fine? Did you fin­ish the semester? I hope all are good. My fam­ily was vis­it­ed HCM city in last week.This is the first i vis­it HCM with my fam­ily.We was vis­it many place such as Dam Sen park,Ben Thanh mar­ket...Spe­cial, in this vis­it i re­aly un­ex­pect­ed when to miss Phong.I don't think me can miss him and i very hap­py.Phong in­vit­ed me to come his house and we was take a pho­to to­geth­er.I think me will miss him very much.Can you vis­it me in this sum­mer? I will very hap­py if you come. Your friend, saku­ra Da Nang Jan­uary(,)7 th, 2008 (phẩy sau ngày chứ không phải tháng ) Dear Hoa, Are you fine? Did Have you fin­ished the semester? I hope all are good.( nên dùng : ev­ery thing is ok ) My fam­ily was vis­it­ed HCM city in last week.This is the first time I i have vis­it­ed HCM city with my fam­ily.( vis­it không dùng bị động ,mệnh đề đi sau the first time dùng hiện tại hoàn thành ) We was vis­it­ed many places such as Dam Sen park,Ben Thanh mar­ket...es­pe­cial­ly, in this vis­it i re­aly un­ex­pect­ed when to miss Phong Dur­ing this time ,I came across Phong ( come across : tình cờ gặp ).I don't think me can miss hadn't thought I could meet him and i ,so I was very hap­py.Phong in­vit­ed me to come his house and we was take took a pho­to to­geth­er.I think me I will miss him very much.Can you vis­it me in this sum­mer? I will be very hap­py if you come. ( hap­py là tính từ phải có be ở trước ) Your friend, saku­ra Bài viết của bạn phạm những lỗi sai rất cơ bản ,cần rút kinh nghiệm và học tập chăm chỉ hơn nhé Bài sửa của Well­frog 29

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Bài viết của join­tran_ Phan Thi­et,Jan­uary 7th,2002 Dear Tony, I have gone to Phan Thi­et for two days.How­ev­er I couldn't re­ply on you soon be­cause I had to found Ha's house first.Now I am stay­ing at her house.We went to the beach.It is not far from the city.It took us fif­teen minute to go there.It is a won­der­ful beach with blue sky on the morn­ing.We ate many seafoods which is spe­cial­ities in Phan Thi­et ,such as sea- sleeve,cock­les,etc.I am go­ing to be stay here more two days be­fore I re­turn my home­town. I will buy you a spe­cial gift.Please wait! See you in home.Please say “hel­lo” to your fam­ily Love, Joni Phan Thi­et,Jan­uary 7th,2002 Phan Thi­et Jan­uary 7th,2002 Dear Tony, I have gone to Phan Thi­et for two days.How­ev­er ,I couldn't re­ply on you soon be­cause I had to found find( sau TO là nguyên mẫu )Ha's house first.Now I am stay­ing at her house.We went to the beach.It is not far from the city.It took us fif­teen min­utés to go there.It is a won­der­ful beach with blue sky on in the morn­ing.We ate many a lot of seafoods which is spe­cial­itiesy in Phan Thi­et ,such as sea- sleeve,cock­les,etc.I am go­ing to be stay here for more two days be­fore I re­turn to my home­town. I will buy you a spe­cial gift.Please wait! See you in at home.Please say “hel­lo” Re­mem­ber me to your fam­ily( cho gởi lời thăm gia đình bạn ) Love, Joni Bài sửa của Well­frog 30

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Bài viết của Dorothy 04 02nd Street 07th Jan­uary 2008 Dear Yo, I re­ceive your card last week. Thanks for your warm care, I'm fine now. I've just fin­ish my first semester ex­am­ina­tion, the re­sult is not bad but I'm un­sat­is­fied. Oh, I won't men­tion about it any­more, let's re­lax! How is your va­ca­tion? Is it cold? Where are you stay­ing? I heard Seiko said that you had met Or­lan­do, did you take any pho­tos with him? It must be such an in­ter­est­ing ex­pe­ri­ence, I'm sure. I wish I had been with you. Will you stay there longer? Let me know when you will get home, okay? Don't for­get to take care of your­self. Hope that you'll en­joy it! Write to me soon. Love, Dorothy 04 02nd Street 07th Jan­uary Jan­uary 07th , 2008 Dear Yo, I re­ceived your card last week. Thanks for your warm care, I'm fine now. I've just fin­ished my first semester ex­am­ina­tion, the re­sult is not bad ,but I'm un­sat­is­fied. Oh, I won't men­tion about( men­tion không dùng giới từ ) it any­more, let's re­lax! How is your va­ca­tion? Is it cold? Where are you stay­ing? I heard Seiko said that you had met Or­lan­do, did you take any pho­tos with him? It must be such an in­ter­est­ing ex­pe­ri­ence, I'm sure. I wish I had been with you. Will you stay there longer? Let me know when you will get home, okay? Don't for­get to take care of your­self. Hope that you'll en­joy it! Write to me soon. Love, Dorothy Bài sửa của Well­frog 31

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Bài viết của Yes­ter­day_all2912 Dear Mary! For a long time, I don't meet you. How are you? Do you still work at your far­ther's com­pa­ny?.Ah,how are your par­ents?. I have just grad­uat­ed for 2 months. Now,I 'm work­ing at my cousin's com­pa­ny. That is con­structi­nal com­pan­ny.I in­tend to learn course of En­glish at next month.But I don't know which the school is good. Can you help me? What do you in­tend for next time? I think you should take part in a course which you like. Oh!12PM, I have to stop writ­ting here. Give for me to your par­ents. I wait for your let­ter. Love Yes­ter­day_all2912 ( sao không có nơi chốn ,ngày tháng ? ) Dear Mary! For a long time, I don't meet haven't met you. ( dùng thì hiện tại hoàn thành ) How are you? Do you still work at for your far­ther's com­pa­ny?.Ah,how are your par­ents?. I have just grad­uat­ed for 2 months. Now,I 'm work­ing at for my cousin's com­pa­ny. That is a con­struc­tion­al com­pan­ny.I in­tend to learn take a course of En­glish at next month.But How­ev­er, ( but không đứng đầu câu )I don't know which the school is good. Can you help me? What do you in­tend for­to do next time? I think you should take part in a course which you like. Oh!12PM, I have to stop writ­ting here. Give for Re­mem­ber me to your par­ents. I wait for your let­ter. Love, Yes­ter­day_all2912 Bài sửa của Well­frog 32

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Bài viết của thuy­phuong291 hai phong city jan­uary 11th, 2008 dear love­ly sis­ter! i know you're go­ing to be have a ba­by on next month and i'm so hap­py to con­grat­ulate to you. I'm ex­pect­ing to see my niece. How about her? i'm sure she is beau­ti­ful and very love­ly. How is her name? i think you and your hus­band spent a lot of time to find her name, hi hi. peo­ple say that a young moth­er would rather take her own health to care her ba­by, there­fore you'd rather re­mem­ber it. i'll vis­it you soon. love, thuy Hai Phong city Jan­uary 11th, 2008 dear love­ly sis­ter! i know you're go­ing to be have a ba­by on next month ( trứoc next không dùng giời từ )and i'm so hap­py to con­grat­ulate to you. I'm ex­pect­ing to see my niece( chưa sanh sao biết niece ). How about her? i'm sure she is beau­ti­ful and very love­ly. HowWhat is her name? i think you and your hus­band must have spent a lot of time to find her name,( dùng cấu trúc must have + p.p để diễn tã sự dự đoán chắc hẵn đã xãy ra trong quá khứ ) hi hi. peo­ple say that a young moth­er would rather take her own health to care her ba­by, there­fore, you'd rather bet­ter re­mem­ber it.( had bet­ter : nên ,would rather : thích hơn )i'll vis­it you soon. love, thuy Tất cả các chữ I đều phải viết hoa nhé ! Bài sửa của Well­frog 33

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Bài viết của Đỗ Lâm Anh Ho Chi Minh City Jan , 12th , 2008 Dear Mom , It's 2 days since i went to Ho Chi Minh City. I feel very plea­sured with this trip. Ev­ery­thing is so won­der­ful ! Al­though it's an ex­cit­ing city, the air is fresh in the ear­ly morn­ing .I like this. Peo­ple are friend­ly here. Do you know what i like most? It's their voicẹ. It's very nice al­though i have to try me best to hear what they are say­ing. Ya, hear­ing North voice is very hard. We have vis­it­ed 2 fa­mous places. At the first day , we went to Ben Thanh mar­ket. Yeah , it was very crowed. There were many things to buy but do you know the price was very high. Then , we went to Dam Sen Park. It's was very in­ter­est­ing. We took part in many games here. We laughed and felt hap­py all the day. Ah, we al­so took many pho­tos when we were play­ing games.There are some pho­tos so fun­ny. The nigh is al­so beau­ti­ful here. It's very ide­al to walk with friends at night. To­day , we are go­ing to vis­it Ben Nha Rong Pork. I think it will be very in­test­ing , too. Take care and i'll write you soon ! Love , Your lit­tle girl , Lam Anh Ho Chi Minh City Jan ,Jan­uary 12th , 2008 Dear Mom , It's 2 days since i went to Ho Chi Minh City. I feel very plea­sured ( plea­sure là danh từ )with this trip. Ev­ery­thing is so won­der­ful ! Al­though it's an ex­cit­ing city, the air is fresh in the ear­ly morn­ing .I like this. Peo­ple are friend­ly here. Do you know what i like most? It's their voicẹ. It's very nice al­though i have to try me best to hear what they are say­ing. Ya, hear­ing North voice is very hard. We have vis­it­ed 2 fa­mous places. At On the first day , we went to Ben Thanh mar­ket. Yeah , it was very crowed. There were many things to buy, but do you know ,the price was very high. Then , we went to Dam Sen Park. It's was very in­ter­est­ing. We took part in many games here. We laughed and felt hap­py all the day. Ah, we al­so took many pho­tos when we were play­ing games.There are some pho­tos which are so fun­ny. The nigh is Nights are al­so beau­ti­ful here.( nói chung chung không dùng the ) It's very ide­al to walk with friends at night. To­day , we are go­ing to vis­it Ben Nha Rong Pork Port . I think it will be very in­ter­est­ing , too. Take care and i'll write you soon ! Love , Your lit­tle girl , Lam Anh Bài sửa của Well­frog 34

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 35 Re­lax

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Bài viết của sauhoang Sai Gon Jan­uary 12th, 2008 Dear Dad, maybe you will sup­prise when you hear from me. I in­deed have nev­er con­fid­ed in you for twen­ty years, though you anh I al­ways lived to­geth­er for­mer­ly. Not like my moth­er, who bring up me in her warm anh sweet love, you are cold and it is too dif­fi­cult for me to be close to you. You nev­er talk to me in a soft and sweet voice. Ev­ery time I made some mis­take, you on­ly stormed and hit me with some­thing you could snatch with­out ask­ing why I made one. Some­times I was hit by you with­out any rea­son. Such the way of your bring­ing up chil­dren un­in­ten­tion­al­ly cre­at­ed a ter­ri­ble gap in our love, which sep­arat­ed me( and my broth­ers) from you. Maybe you re­mem­ber why my broth­er left home with­out a word. I still re­mem­ber clear­ly my broth­er went to the cin­ema and re­turned home late in that evening. When he got up in the next morn­ing, he dis­cov­ered blood had come out of his mouth and soaked through his night clothes. In such sit­ua­tion, you would had had to care and ask about his health, if you hadn't been hot-​tem­pered, but you thought he had fought with some­one, so you shout­ed and threat­ened that you would beat him at mid­day be­cause you were busy plough­ing at the field in the ear­ly morn­ing. None of your chil­dren live with you now. Some got mar­ried and had his or her own house. The oth­ers left home to work in HCM city. I called my moth­er and she said you had worked as a brick­lay­er's as­sis­tant. I am sur­prised at that news. I kown it is too dif­fi­cult and hard for one who is over six­ty years old as you to work. I used to do it and I had hard ex­pe­ri­ence for it. I be­gan think­ing of you. The im­age of your hard do­ing in ragged dress sev­er­al times ap­peared in my dreams. I re­al­ized I had been a un­du­ti­ful child. I con­sid­ered from your rude and hot- tem­pered ex­te­ri­or you were a bad fa­ther, but I didn't know your mut­ed sac­ri­fice to me was very great, and I didn't feel it was the hap­pi­est source in my life that your over­flow­ing with source of spring-​love hid be­hind your rude and hot-​tem­pered look. I feel you are a great fa­ther now. I love you very much. Love, Hoa Sai Gon Jan­uary 12th, 2008 Dear Dad, maybe you will be sur­prised sup­prise when you hear from me. In­deed , I in­deed have nev­er con­fid­ed in you for twen­ty years, though you and I al­ways lived to­geth­er for­mer­ly used to live to­geth­er. Not Un­like my moth­er, who brought bring me up me in her warm and sweet love, you are cold and ,so it is too dif­fi­cult for me to be close to you. You nev­er talk to me in a soft and sweet voice. Ev­ery time I made some a mis­take, you on­ly stormed and hit me with some­thing you could snatch with­out ask­ing why I made one. had done so ( hoặc : ...ask­ing the rea­son )Some­times I was hit by you with­out any rea­son. Such the way of your such way of bring­ing up chil­dren un­in­ten­tion­al­ly cre­at­ed a ter­ri­ble huge gap in our love, which sep­arat­ed me( and my broth­ers) from you. Maybe you re­mem­ber why my broth­er left home with­out say­ing a word. I still re­mem­ber clear­ly my broth­er went to the cin­ema and re­turned home late in that evening. When he got up in the next morn­ing, he dis­cov­ered that blood had come out of his mouth and soaked through his night clothes. In such sit­ua­tion, you would hadve had to care and ask about his health, if you hadn't been hot- tem­pered, but .In­stead ,you thought he had fought with some­one, so you shout­ed and threat­ened that you would beat him at mid­day be­cause you were busy plough­ing atin the field in the ear­ly morn­ing. None of your chil­dren live with you now. Some got mar­ried and had his or her own house. The oth­ers left home to work in HCM city. I called my moth­er and she said you had worked as a brick­lay­er's as­sis­tant. I am was sur­prised at that news. I kown know it is a too dif­fi­cult and hard job for one who is over six­ty years old as like you to work­do . I used to do it and I had hard ex­pe­ri­ence for it.( as dùng với mệnh đề ,like dùng với cụm từ )I be­gan think­ing of you. The im­age of your im­age hard do­ing in ragged dress clothes sev­er­al times have ap­peared in my dreams sev­er­al times.( times : dùng hiện tại hoàn thành ) I re­al­ized I had been an un­du­ti­ful child. I con­sid­ered from your rude and hot- tem­pered ex­te­ri­or had thought that you were a bad fa­ther just be­cause of your rude and hot- tem­pered ex­te­ri­or, but .I didn't know your mut­ed sac­ri­fice in si­lence to me was very great, and I didn't feel re­al­ized that it was the hap­pi­est source in my life that your over­flow­ing with ,the source of spring-​love hid be­hind your rude and hot-​tem­pered look. I feel you are a great fa­ther now. I love you very much. Love, Hoa sur­prise là động từ với nghĩa là : làm cho (ai )ngạc nhiên ,cho nên khi sử dụng loại động từ này bạn phải cẩn thận .Muốn nói “ngạc nhiên ” bạn phải biến nó thành tính từ . The news sur­pris­es me : tin tức này làm tôi ngạc nhiên = I am sur­prised at the news : tôi ngạc nhiên về tin tức này . Nhữngg động từ thuộc dạng này là : wor­ry,amaze,bore,in­ter­est,em­bar­rass,please,dis­ap­point,... Đối với các động từ có giới từ theo sau htì có thể chen danh từ vào giữa nhưng không thể chen đại từ vào được I pick the book up đúng : tôi nhặt quyển sách lên I pick up the book đúng => khi túc từ là danh từ thì có thể đặt trước hay sau giới từ đều được Bài sửa của Well­frog 36

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Bài viết của bui quoc huy Ho chi minh city tues­day novẻm­ber 27th 2007 Dear huy, this is my fifth day in HCM citỵ i usu­al­ly get up ear­ly and have break­fast. i met a lot of peo­ple and have some new friends. ím very hap­pỵ i love ev­ery­one in here. yes­ter­day i met a pret­ty girl. she in­tro­duced for HCM and we went to many place. Maybe i loved her hehe . next month i'll come back with you. i miss ev­ery­one very mụch love you hah­haa. Good bye and see you again. Ho chi minh city tues­day nNovẻm­ber 27th ,2007( sau ngày phải có phẩy ) Dear hHuy, tThis is my fifth day in HCM citỵ i I usu­al­ly get up ear­ly and have break­fast. i I meet a lot of peo­ple and have some new friends.i I am very hap­pỵ i I love ev­ery­one in here. yYes­ter­day i I met a pret­ty girl. she in­tro­duced for HCM­ci­ty to me and we went to many places. Maybe ii I loved her hehe . nNext month i I 'll come back with you. i I miss ev­ery­one very mụch love you hah­haa. Good bye and see you again Lưu ý viết hoa các chữ đầu câu ,chữ I .Cuối thư phải có ghi tên mình Bài sửa của Well­frog 37

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Bài viết của loveU Di An dis­trict, Binh Duong provice Febru­ary, 2nd 2008 Dear my grand­moth­er, Are you strong? My mum and me are good. To­day, we've bought two sun­flow­er- pots. It's bright and beau­ti­ful. It takes me a whole morn­ing to look up. I feel tired but I'm very hap­py. . My fa­ther and my sis­ter have ar­rived Ha Tay for two weeks. She called me yes­ter­day; she said it was too cold to go any­where, and she didn't want to leave bed. Last night, my school or­ga­nized a ban­quet to eat and drink. each class dec­orat­ed your bar­rack gate, bought some food, cooked square gluti­nous rice cake, did ur­banes... It was great! I hope it'll con­tinute next year. My grand­moth­er, I love you very much. Hap­py new year!!! Your grand­daugh­ter P/S: My moth­er promise al­low­ing me to go coun­try­side in this hol­iday sum­mer. See you soon Di An dis­trict, Binh Duong provice Febru­ary(,) 2nd, 2008 Dear my grand­moth­er, Are you strong well /fine ? ( nói về sức khỏe ta dùng well hoặc fine chứ không dùng strong ,chữ này chỉ dùng để nói về sức mạnh ) My mum and me I are good­well . To­day, we've bought two sun­flow­er-​pots. It's bright and beau­ti­ful. It takes me a the whole morn­ing to look up chose . I feel tired , but I'm very hap­py. . My fa­ther and my sis­ter have ar­rived Ha Tay for two weeks. She called me yes­ter­day; she said it was too cold to go any­where, and she didn't want to leave her bed. Last night, my school or­ga­nized a ban­quet( to eat and drink)=> thừa . each class dec­orat­ed your their bar­rack gate, bought some food, cooked square gluti­nous rice cake, did ur­banes.( chữ gì đây ? ).. It was great! I hope it'll con­tinute be or­ga­nized again next year. My grand­moth­er(, ) ! I love you very much. Hap­py new year!!! Your grand­daugh­ter P/S: My moth­er promise al­low­ing to al­low me to go to the coun­try­side in this hol­iday sum­mer. See you soon Bài sửa của Well­frog 38

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Bài viết của hoahq Dear Nam, How are you? I've not writ­ten the let­ter to you for along time be­cause I am very busy with my work. I've just gone the tour in DaLat with my fam­ily, so on this oc­ca­sion I write a let­ter for you to tell about that tour. We be­gan to start at 7:AM and ar­rived to DaLat at 12:AM. Af­ter hire room at Kim Nguu ho­tel and take a rest, I and my par­ents went to around DaLat city. So at present in sum­mer, DaLat is cool, warm­ly and fresh air. I'm al­so like to see­ing the sun ris­ing ev­ery morn­ing. In DaLat, there are a lot of beau­ti­ful scener­ies which I can vis­it and take a lot of pic­tures. I and my par­ents vis­it­ed The Bao­Dai Place, Xu­an Huong lake, The Val­ley of Love, Lake of Signs and oth­er tour spots. In the evening, I and my par­ents walked along the road in the DaLat city and ride horse around Xu­an Huong Lake to see the beau­ty of evening city. Al­thought I've just stayed 3 days in DaLat but it was giv­en the im­pres­sion that I hard­ly for­get. I hope that you're shar­ing with me my hap­pi­ness. Please send my best ra­gards to you and your fam­ily. I'll write the let­ter for you in oth­er oc­ca­sions. I'm look­ing for­ward to hear­ing from you and see­ing you again. Friend­ly yours, Hung Dear Nam, How are you? I've not writ­ten the let­ter( thừa ) to you for along a long time be­cause I am very busy with my work. I've just gone the tour on a tríp in DaLat with my fam­ily, so on this oc­ca­sion I write a let­ter for you to tell you about that­tour. We be­gan to start­ed at 7:AM and ar­rived to in DaLat( thành phố dùng in) at 12:AM. Af­ter hire hir­ing a room at Kim Nguu ho­tel and take­ing a rest, I and my par­ents went to around DaLat city. So at present in sum­mer, DaLat is was cool, warm­ly and has fresh air. ( fresh air là danh từ khôgn thể đi chung vối tính từ ) I'm al­so like to see­ing the sun ris­ing ev­ery morn­ing. In DaLat, there are a lot of beau­ti­ful scener­ies which I can vis­it and take a lot of pic­tures. I and my par­ents vis­it­ed The Bao­Dai Place, Xu­an Huong lake, The Val­ley of Love, Lake of Signs and oth­er tour spots. In the evening, I and my par­entswe walked along the road in the DaLat city and rid­erode on horse around Xu­an Huong Lake to see the beau­ty of evening city in the evening . Al­thought I've just stayed for 3 days in DaLat but it was giv­en the im­pres­sion that I hard­ly for­get I was so im­pres­sive that I hard­ly for­got it . I hope that you're shar­ing with me my hap­pi­ness. Please send my best rae­gards to you and your fam­ily. I'll write the let­ter for you in on oth­er oc­ca­sions. I'm look­ing for­ward to hear­ing from you and see­ing you again. Friend­ly yours, Hung Bài sửa của Well­frog 39

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Bài viết của Cu_tè HP.VN. 11.3.2008 Dear Jay­Chou I'm a fan of you.You know,your songs are very melo­di­ous.I love them.I lis­ten to mu­sic ev­ery­day,spe­cial­ly your mu­sic.When I'm sad, I us­su­al­ly lis­sten to “ Noc­turne”.It's a good song I have ev­er known.I hope you can talk me about mu­sic.And I re­al­ly ad­mire you.At my school,many peo­ple like your mu­sic.They said: “ Jay­Chou is a ge­nious mu­si­cian.He is hand­some and street-​wise...v...”.It's true. I 'll tell you about a lit­tle about my­self, and you can do the same when you writte to me.I want to know you more. I live in city of Vi­et Nam called Hai Phong.It's a up­roar­ious city, but where I live , it's not near the cen­ter.It's qui­et.I live with my par­ents, my younger sis­ter,Chau.Both my fa­ther and moth­er are teach­ers. Ev­ery­day,in the morn­ing,I go to school,where I have a lot of friends.I like most sub­jects, but not all of them.In the evening,I us­su­al­ly cook din­ner with my mum.My mum cook well.At the week­ends I like go­ing fish­ing in coun­try­side. Now, I'm learn­ing very hard be­cause I take a maths test to­mor­row morn­ing. I'm look­ing for­ward to hear­ing from you! Write soon! Best whish­es Cu_tè HP.VN. 11.3.2008 <ko viết như thế này> Hai Phong Vi­et Nam March, 11st 2008 Dear Jay­Chou, I'm a fan of you.You know, your songs are very melo­di­ous, all of which I love them so much <viết như vậy sẽ log­ic hơn )>. I lis­ten to mu­sic ev­ery­day, es­pe­cial­ly your mu­sic. When I'm sad, I us­su­al­ly lis­sten to “ Noc­turne”, which is a good one of the best songs I have ev­er known en­joyed <NOTE bên dưới>. I hope you can talk with me about mu­sic. And I re­al­ly ad­mire you. At my school, many peo­ple like your mu­sic.They said: “ Jay­Chou is a ge­nious mu­si­cian. He is hand­some and street- wise...v...”.It's true. I'll tell you about a lit­tle about my­self, and you can do the same when you writte to me. I want to know more about you more. I live in a city of Vi­et Nam called Hai Phong. It it­self is an up­roar­ious city, but how­ev­er where I live is , it's not near the cen­ter so it's qui­et (and peace­ful). I live with my par­ents (both of them are teach­ers) and my younger sis­ter , Chau. Both my fa­ther and moth­er are teach­ers. Ev­ery­day, in the morn­ing, I go to school, where I have a lot of friends. I like most sub­jects, but not all of them. In the evening, I us­su­al­ly cook din­ner with my mum. My mum cooks well. At the week­ends I like go­ing fish­ing in coun­try­side. Now, I'm learn­ing very hard be­cause I am go­ing to take a maths test to­mor­row morn­ing. I'm look­ing for­ward to hear­ing from you! Write soon! Best whish­es Cu_tè Note: en­joy the mu­sic: thưởng thức âm nhạc Bài sửa của ATBS_Rozykiss 40

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Bài viết của Huu Nam Ho Chi Minh City, Jan, 12,2008 Dear my friends, wave# 14. I miss all of you very mụch Three months pass so week­ly and all of you have to fin­ish your projects. About me. Af­ter fin­ished train­ing in wave# 14, I have been do­ing and im­ple­ment­ing some of the im­prove­ments for pro­duc­tion. I have got­ten some di­fi­cult from find­ing corect da­ta but I am very hap­py be­cause I get a lot of co-​op­er­ation from some ex­pe­ri­ence peo­ple who have helped me to fin­ish my project. I am in­ter­est­ing my work be­cause it is sci­ence by ap­ple what I have learn from train­ing class. Thanks all my teach­ers and ad­min­nis­ter who help me in the past. Thanks and best re­gards. QA Nam Ho Chi Minh City, Jan, Jan­uary 12th,2008 Dear my friends, wave# 14. I miss all of you very mụch Three months has passed so week­ly and ;all of you have to fin­ish your projects.( 2 câu này của bạn không có mối liên quan nào về ngữ pháp cũng như về nội dung ! ) About me. Af­ter fin­ished­ing train­ing in wave# 14, I have been do­ing and im­ple­ment­ing some of the im­prove­ments for pro­duc­tion I had to work hard to im­prove the pro­duc­tiv­ity . I have got­ten some di­fi­cult from dif­fi­cul­ty find­ing cor­rect da­ta ,but I am very hap­py be­cause I get a lot of co-​op­er­ation from some ex­pe­ri­enced peo­ple who have helped me to fin­ish my project.( sau dif­fi­cul­ty là động từ thêm ing không có giới từ )I am in­ter­estinged in my work be­cause it is sci­ence by ap­ple I can ap­ply what I have learned from train­ing class­es. Thanks all my teach­ers and ad­min­is­ters ad­min­is­tra­tors who helped me in the past. Thanks and best re­gards. QA Nam Bài viết quá cao so với trình độ của bạn nên bạn gặp nhiều sai sót trong việc diễn tả ý tưởng ,cần chọn bài viết phù hợp với trình độ hơn nhé Bài sửa của Well­frog 41

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Bài viết của luck­ya Jan­uary, 20th, 08 Dear dad, At this time, you don't stay at home. Allth­ing is ok. You don't wor­ry. But I still want to write to tell you... When you 've gone, I haven't said good bye. And I haven't known when you 've gone out. I re­gret­ed coz it. I have writ­ten about you in my test. It was said very good. My teach­er said it had my large love and it made her touched. But I did­nt do like the test. I took care of you more than be­fore. But I think it was­nt enough. I want to say an apol­ogize about that. I hope you 'll come back as soon as you can. I miss you very much. Please keep in touch. Good luck to you! Your daugh­ter Jan­uary (,) 20th, 2008 ( chú ý từng dấu phẩy nhé ) Dear dad, At this time, you don't stay at home( bạn không nên viết những câu như thế này vì nó không chứa đựng thông tin nào cả : “bố không ở nhà lúc này ” => đương nhiên bố ở đâu thì bố biết rồi ,bạn viết câu đó ra chi ? ). Allth­ing Ev­ery­thing is ok.,so You don't wor­ry( nên dùng liên từ để nối các câu cho đoạn văn được mạch lạc ). But( but không bao giờ được sử dụng ở đầu câu ,nếu muốn sử dụng ý này thì dùng how­ev­er ) I still want to write to tell you many things ... When you 've gone left , I haven't said did not say good bye to you .( thì hiện tại hoàn thành không thể dùng trong mệnh đề có when ) And I haven't known when you 've gone out. I re­gret­ed coz it. cả đoạn này nên viết tóm lại như sau : I re­gret not see­ing you off ,but just be­cause I did not know when you left .( con hối hận vì đã không tiển đưa ba lên đường ,nhưng chỉ vì con không biết ba đi lúc nào ) I have writ­ten about you in my test. It was said very good. My teach­er said it had my large love and it made her touched. But I did­nt do like the test. When I wrote about you in my test at school ,my teach­er said it was such a good es­say that she felt moved be­cause of my love to you I took care of you more than be­fore., But I think it was­nt enough. I want to say an apol­ogize to you about for that. I hope you 'll come back as soon as you can. I miss you very much. Please keep in touch. Good luck to you! Your daugh­ter Bài sửa của Well­frog 42

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Bài viết của Emo­tion Lon­don city, Eng­land Jan­uary 7th 2008 Dear well­frog! I am here-​in Lon­don. I live with my fos­ter broth­er. He is David beck­ham and a foot­baller. He play for Manch­ester Unit­ed club. I met a friend here. She is Tsu­ki and very love­ly. I of­ten spoke to her in En­glish. Stu­ki helped me very much. The weath­er is fan­tas­tic. It has 4 sea­sons in a year: spring, sum­mer, au­tumn, win­ter. It is win­ter now and I am very cold. The peo­ple is very friend­ly. The food is good but it is ex­pen­sive. I saw a big clock in the cen­tre of the city last night. Its name is Big bang and it is very fa­mous. Lon­don is a in­ter­est­ing city. I went to Old Traf­fort sta­di­um and watched Manch­ester-​Chelsea last week­end. I took a lot of pho­tos with fa­mous foot­ballers such as: rooney, sa­ha, gig­gs...I am re­al­ly hap­py here. I will get home af­ter 10 days. See you! Miss you so much Emo­tion Lon­don city, Eng­land Jan­uary 7th ,2008[/right] Dear well­frog! I am here-​in Lon­don. I live with my fos­ter broth­er,David beck­ham . He is David beck­ham and a foot­baller who He plays for Manch­ester Unit­ed club. I met a friend here. She is Tsu­ki and ,a very love­ly girl.( dùng cấu trúc đồng cách danh từ ) I of­ten spoke speak to her in En­glish. Stuk­iShe al­so helpeds me very much( sự việc vẫn còn thì không dùng quá khứ ). The weath­er is fan­tas­tic. It has 4 sea­sons in a year: spring, sum­mer, au­tumn, win­ter. It is win­ter now and I am very cold. The peo­ple is very friend­ly. The food is good but it is ex­pen­sive. I saw a big clock in the cen­tre of the city last night. Its name is Big bang and it is very fa­mous. Lon­don is an in­ter­est­ing city. I went to Old Traf­fort sta­di­um and watched the Manch­ester- Chelsea match last week­end. I took a lot of pho­tos with of fa­mous foot­ballers such as: rooney, sa­ha, gig­gs...I am re­al­ly hap­py here. I will get home af­ter 10 days. See you! Miss you so much Emo­tion Bài sửa của Well­frog 43

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Bài viết của duyen­dao 04 02nd Street 07th Jan­uary 2008 Dear Yo, I re­ceive your card last week. Thanks for your warm care, I'm fine now. I've just fin­ish my first semester ex­am­ina­tion, the re­sult is not bad but I'm un­sat­is­fied. Oh, I won't men­tion about it any­more, let's re­lax! How is your va­ca­tion? Is it cold? Where are you stay­ing? I heard Seiko said that you had met Or­lan­do, did you take any pho­tos with him? It must be such an in­ter­est­ing ex­pe­ri­ence, I'm sure. I wish I had been with you. Will you stay there longer? Let me know when you will get home, okay? Don't for­get to take care of your­self. Hope that you'll en­joy it! Write to me soon. Love, Dorothy 04 02nd Street 07th Jan­uary Jan­uary 07th , 2008 Dear Yo, I re­ceived your card last week. Thanks for your warm care, I'm fine now. I've just fin­ished my first semester ex­am­ina­tion, the re­sult is not bad ,but I'm un­sat­is­fied. Oh, I won't men­tion about( men­tion không dùng giới từ ) it any­more, let's re­lax! How is your va­ca­tion? Is it cold? Where are you stay­ing? I heard Seiko said that you had met Or­lan­do, did you take any pho­tos with him? It must be such an in­ter­est­ing ex­pe­ri­ence, I'm sure. I wish I had been with you. Will you stay there longer? Let me know when you will get home, okay? Don't for­get to take care of your­self. Hope that you'll en­joy it! Write to me soon. Love, Dorothy Bài sửa của Well­frog 44

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Bài viết của nguyet­minh 28, Nov 2007 Dear grand­ma. I'm so sor­ry be­cause the last sum­mer I didn't went to the coun­try and vis­it you. But I so miss you now ! My dad told me that you were fine. I'm so hap­py. I write this let­ter to tell you about my life in Ha Noi city now. I still live com­fort­able and go to school ev­ery day. And I still study good. I am taller than the last time I met you about 7 cm. Now, I am study En­glish at Apo­lo school- this school is re­al­ly good ! Oh, I'm for­get , my fam­ily are fine, grand­ma, don't wor­ry , my sis­ters aren't sick . Last, I hope you have a good health. Next spring, I'll be came home and meet you. Love you , Minh P/S : Grand­ma, may you gave my love to my un­cles, aunt and cousin, please ? I 'm so love you ! 28, Nov 2007 Novem­ber 28th,2007 Dear grand­ma(.) , (dấu phẩy chứ không phải dấu chấm nhé ) I'm so sor­ry be­cause the last sum­mer I didn't went go ( mượn did thì động từ phải về nguyên mẫu )to the coun­try and­to vis­it you. But I so miss you so much now !( so cũng như very không dùng trước động từ ) My dad told tells me that you were are fine. I'm so hap­py.( chuyện vẫn còn là hiện tại không nên dùng quá khứ ) First­ly, I write this let­ter to tell you about my life in Ha Noi city now. I still live com­fort­ab­ley and go to school ev­ery day. And I still study good­well ( bổ nghĩa cho động từ phải dùng trạng từ well còn good là tính từ ). I am about 7 cm taller than the last time I met you about 7 cm( số lượng để trước so sánh ). Now, I am study­ing En­glish at Apo­lo school- this school is re­al­ly good ! Oh, I'm for­get , my fam­ily are fine, grand­ma, d .Don't wor­ry , my sis­ters aren't sick .( nên dùng still well : vẫn khỏe ) Last­ly, I hope you have a wish you good health.( con chúc bà dồi dào sức khỏe ) Next spring, I'll be came come home and meet you. Love you , Minh P/S : Grand­ma, may you gave my love to my un­cles, aunt and cousin, please ? I 'm so love you Bài sửa của Well­frog 45

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Cross­Word 46

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 Lời kết 47

[Type text] Writ­ing 03 C ed­its 48

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