32: The Big Question

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Ajit and Dahlia did their four traditional wedding rounds in the gurdwara and they were officially husband and wife.

I sat behind Ajit, and I felt a single tear roll down my eye. I was so happy for him. No matter what we've been through, I ultimately wanted the best for Ajit and I was so happy he was getting it.

Dahlia was the perfect match for him. I couldn't imagine his life... or frankly, my life without her. She took on the daunting ask of turning Ajit Ahuja into a better man. That was a task not all were suited for. She also came into my life, as a result of being with Ajit, and I was thankful for that, too.

After the ceremony, all the guests headed to the Gurdwara's langar hall to eat. Everybody indulged in some Punjabi Indian food. Many guests began leaving after that, but Ajit and Dahlia were busy taking wedding pictures at the backyard of the Gurdwara.

The guests remaining watched them as they did so, and took a seat at the tables placed there. The reception party would be tommorrow, which was a great choice. We were all pretty burnt out from the wedding and festivities , so we needed a chance to just relax and lounge around.

I scanned the guests looking for one in particular, Varun. To my surprise, Varun was standing at the corner of the "room," having a lively conversation with my mother. He seemed really excited about what he was talking about, using a lot of gestures and expressions. My mom just nodded, and she looked pretty intrigued by what he was saying.

I was restricting myself from just going there and joining their conversation, but I couldn't just intrude like that. I let Ajit alone with Varun to catch up, the same way my mom had done for me earlier. Even though, I didn't think that there was much that Varun and mother needed to talk about in private, I just thought it'd be best if I didn't interrupt.

I tore my gaze away from them, until I heard my mom laugh. I looked over at her, and my heart melted. Seeing her smile was my favorite thing in the world, and knowing that Varun was behind that smile melted my heart even more. Man, why did Varun have to be so perfect? It was getting genuinely annoying.

"Which is why my best friend, and Ajit's sister of course has some words to say," Dahlia announced loudly.

I looked over at her with a puzzled expression, "Huh?" I asked.

Dahlia shot me daggers with her eyes. Why would she urge me into giving a speech right now? Wasn't that more of a party thing? I wasn't even ready in the slightest. I guess I had to piece something together now.

I walked over to where Dahlia and Ajit stood and faced the crowd. Oh wow, there seemed to have been a larger crowd than expected. I guess a lot of people didn't go home right away.

"Why now?" I whispered in Dahlia's ear.

Her eyes were still wide and stern, as she said, "Because there'll be no time at the party, and I want to hear what'd you say," through gritted teeth.

"Bridezilla," I coughed, sarcastically.

She rolled her eyes, and I faced the audience again. "Hi everyone, thanks for making it," I started. "I know it means a lot to both Ajit and Dahlia, but it really means a lot to me too. In my wildest dreams I couldn't have dreamt up someone better suited for my brother, Ajit."

I turned to face Dahlia, "Dahlia, you have the ability to light up any room you walk into. You are this bright light, that me and everyone else in your life are just so blessed to have. You are truly the sunshine in this dark world, and I don't know what we'd do without you. You're unapologetically yourself, and you unapologetically love others with all of your heart, and I admire you for that. You deserve all of the happiness in the world, and I mean it."

Dahlia wiped a tear from her eye, and I leaned over to give her a hug. "Ah, my makeup," she said, while fanning herself.

I heard chuckles erupt from the audience, and I continued. This time I faced Ajit, "And Ajit... oh boy, where do I start with you. For the longest time, Ajit, I thought it was your life's mission to make my life miserable. There was a time where I hated you and I just couldn't stand you. "

Ajit gave a guilty and somewhat embarrassed look.

"But," I said, "...But I realized, underneath all of the overprotectiveness and overbearingness, it was just an older brother trying to protect his little sister. Again, even though you used whatever deranged way you thought would help, you were still ultimately just trying to help. Ever since you met Dahlia, you had this evolution. You became one of my greatest friends, as well. If there's one thing to know about Ajit is that if he's on your team, he'll be fiercely loyal, and look out for you as if he's on the battlefield with you. When I look at my best friend, that's all I could want in a guy for her, and no, I'm not just saying that because he's my brother, and now you're officially and finally my sister-in-law. I say that because you two are the ultimate pair, and I know you two are a pair that will remain indestructible forever."

Ajit walked over to me, and gave me a massive hug. I heard cheers erupt from the audience.

"Thank you... for everything," Ajit whispered in my ear.

I smiled, "It's what little sisters are for," I said.

I turned back to the audience and concluded by saying, "Let's give it up for Ajit and Dahlia."

The crowd cheered again, and I began making my way towards Ajit and Dahlia to stand near them.

To my surprise, Dahlia walked over to the center, and said, "Thank you so much for that speech, Tara. Now, it's time to hear from Varun."

Since when did Varun have a speech planned? Varun looked slightly distraught as he headed for the stage, shaking the nerves out of his hands. Oh no, he probably didn't have a speech planned, poor him. I knew Dahlia could put me on the spot like that because I'm her best friend, but why Varun? He was merely a guest at the wedding, and she didn't even personally know him that well.

Dahlia made her way back to me, and this time I shot her daggers with my eyes. "What're you doing," I asked, through gritted teeth.

"Oh, don't worry about it," she said, casually.

Varun cleared his throat, "I'm very happy to be here," he said, awkwardly.

He faced Ajit and Dahlia... and I guess me too. I gave him an encouraging thumbs up, and he slightly laughed, facing the ground. "So, I knew Ajit since way back when. He and I had a complicated, but full of love and respect, relationship. Ajit was someone who had my back during school when I got relentlessly bullied. He was the one to walk home with me, ensuring I'd get there safe, and even gave me his own house as a safe haven to crash at the days I had enough at home. He was a pure angel in my life. He never brought his helpfulness up in a malicious or rude way, he actually never brought it up at all. That's just the kind of person he is. I feel like the luckiest person to call him my best friend."

Varun now faced Dahlia, "And Dahlia, I wish we had gotten to know each other better, but from what I've heard and what I've witnessed you seem like an excellent girl for Ajit. I actually remember the beginning of your relationship. Ajit told me one of the first compliments you gave him on your first date was 'I really like the way your mind works,' and from that day on, I knew there was something special about you. What helped was the way Ajit smiled like an idiot every time he mentioned you. Now that he's got you for life, I imagine he's the happiest he could ever be. So, I'm so happy for you both, and wish you two the best marriage possible!

I began the clapping and even cheered for him loudly a couple of times. I was so proud of him, if he came up with all that on the spot, damn, was he intelligent. Varun stared at me, and I swore I saw a gleam in his eye. He had a bright smile, and the crowd's cheers slowly silenced.

For some reason, Varun stayed standing there. I motioned for Varun to come over to us, but he... still stood there.

"Varun," I called.

Varun faced me, and with a great smile he began walking towards me. Finally.

That was until, instead of stopping and standing with us, he grabbed my hand and pulled me with him to the position he was just at. Uh, what was he doing? I didn't want to give another speech.

"Now, ladies and gentlemen," Varun started again, "We've talked about one Ahuja, but I'd like to talk about the other one. The often overlooked, beauty that is Tara Ahuja."

I felt my cheeks turning a violent red color. What was he doing? This wasn't my wedding; there shouldn't have been this much attention on me. I turned my gaze over to Dahlia, who had a mischievous grin on her face. My brother had a smile he was trying to suppress. I looked out for my mom in the audience, and she had a guilty smile as well. What the hell was happening?

"Tara, you might've not even realized it but the way my life lights up when you're in it, is indescribable. You don't realize that suddenly the colors in the world become a little bit brighter, the music I hear sounds a little bit sweeter, and the days I have are incredibly better. You came into my life, and you made me yours. I am yours and I forever will be yours, whether you like it or not. I don't care if it sounds cheesy, but I can't help but notice that my heart skips a beat when I see you flutter your eyelashes. The butterflies overtake my body when we're in close distance to each other, and your words overtake my mind everytime we speak."

Tears were now streaming down my face. His words were just—just so sweet. I hated that he was ruining my makeup.

He grabbed my hands, "You've made me a mad man because all I want, and all I seem to see is you. You. You. You. All I want is you. All I want to be is with you."

My hands were shaking at this point, as I nodded with tears still streaming down. I think I knew where this was going. Butterflies were erupting in my stomach.

Varun pulled out a ring box, and got down on one-knee. I heard the gasps from the audience members, and I gasped myself. I brought my hands up to my face, hiding my face.

"Will you bless my existence, and spend the rest of your life with me?" he asked.

I felt the tears rushing down, as I took everything in for a moment. Dahlia was behind Ajit, trying to restrain herself from hollering in excitement. My mom was watching me with anticipation in her eyes. My brother was watching intently. I could see hints of excitement in his eyes, too.

Varun. The same Varun I had known almost my entire life, the same one who helped me through some of my darkest times, the same one who gave me my fair share of darkest times, the same one who I couldn't keep out of my life, was asking me to marry him.

Eighteen-year-old Tara, pre- the Varun fiasco, would be slightly intrigued by the dangerous idea of marrying Varun, but ultimately oppose it. She knew her recently deceased father would've hated for her to commit the ultimate betrayal. Eighteen-year-old Tara during the Varun fiasco would be completely for this marriage. She'd be daydreaming about it every day, and would melt at the thought of marrying Varun. Eighteen-year-old Tara post-the Varun fiasco would disprove of this marriage to the nth degree. She'd never want to get with the guy who left her so heartbroken and who betrayed her trust. She'd be disappointed I didn't find anyone else.

Varun stayed watching me with pleading eyes, on one knee; he was slightly shaking himself now, too. I could feel everybody in the audience holding their breath.

I began nodding rapidly, "Of course! Of course! Of course!" I exclaimed.

Varun slid the ring on and I began jumping up and down. He followed my actions. For a moment, he paused, and I knew why. He leaned down and enveloped his lips with mine. We slowly and passionately kissed one another, quickly pulling away since we had an audience. Cheers erupted all around us, and I felt myself heating up with all the anticipation and excitement.

I glanced over at Dahlia, who held a thumbs up. Then I looked at my mom, who also held a thumbs up, and then finally at Ajit, who did the same thing. My mind took me back to Ajit acting strangely in his room after his conversation with Varun. It took me back to Varun's animated conversation with my mom, and even though I didn't remember him talking to Dahlia one-on one, I'm sure he relied the message to her. They were all in on this. I couldn't believe that they all set this up for me and they all knew about it.

I had some of the best people in my life. This had to be one of the happiest days of my life. 

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