Ch. 15

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*Lily's POV*

I couldn't really remember all that much about growing up. In fact, now that I think about it, I spent a good chunk of my life down there...but we don't talk about that...

But ever since I had left that place, I've always been observing, watching, learning about humans and their functions. From day-to-day events to even a change in their tempo I have been able to study them. I even stalked this one guy for 8 weeks before giving up on his boring little life. He just went through the same routine everyday. Woke up at 6 A.M. Showered, ate breakfast, reviewed over his emails. Worked from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. After work, he'd go home and sit in front of the TV till 10 P.M. Then, he went to bed. He didn't really try to stray from that. No family meetings, going out with friends, just...sticking to the routine.

I guess that was one way people didn't go insane...but I think I heard that he ended up becoming a terrorist and had put up a bomb threat at work. It didn't ever blow up though. It made me wish I had stayed a little longer but, oh well.

But as far as arguments go...I haven't ever seen one play out so easily. Or, at least, with a happy end. Most arguments ended up with someone throwing up their hands in the air in anger or storming out of the place where it took place. There was nothing ever good about having arguments...even my own parents had their own from time to time...but that's for another day.

Seeing Mark and Wilford interacting as they are now after that little burst...seemed unreal. That maybe something was wrong with them and that they were just putting on an act. But through my observations that had to be wrong because Wilford often wore his emotions on his sleeve.

I got up and headed to the backyard as Dark and Google were listening to Mark and Wilford.

There wasn't too much back there. A couple of trees, a few chairs here and there...

I sat down on the porch's steps and just stared at the fence. Most would look up at the sky, at the ground, at anything that could help them escape their space...but I watched the fence. Out of any of those things, the fence was stable. The fence never moved, the fence never yelled, the fence never did anything to anyone. The fence was simply a fence. A fence whose sole job was just to keep out trespassers.

I remember the first time I jumped over a fence. It had been an odd day at school and these kids were walking behind me after school. I didn't know why but I had a strong inclination that these kids weren't trying to find a new route home being 2 months into the school year.

I dismissed the thought originally as being paranoid till I began to test out a few things. I turned corners, crossed streets, and did anything to try and get them off my tail but to no avail. Eventually I began running and they followed me in hot pursuit, realizing I had finally caught on. I wasn't going to let them have their way though.

I observed my area quickly and found that there was a relatively medium sized fence next to me. I decided to sprint forward some before attempting to scale it, which was pretty damn difficult. Especially with a pair of slightly bigger high top sneakers gained from that year's shoe run.

I was just at the top when I felt my shoe being tugged on. "Come on down girly!" one yelled.

But I refused and just kicked downward, hard. I heard the guy yelp and I propelled myself over the fence, earning a nice long scrape across my right leg from the fence.

I was able to get back to the orphanage just fine but from that point on I was to have a guide to help me get back. They were very surprised about how quickly I reacted. They kept commenting about how I was 'something special' and all these other things. It's not my fault that I was taught to act rather than to-

"Lily?" I blinked and looked over to see the pink mustached man was now sitting next to me. "Everything alright?" He touched my back lightly.

"...Yeah, I'm fine." I looked over to the fence. "Just staring at the fence."

"...The fence?" I nodded. "Why?"

I shrugged. "The fence is stable. The fence doesn't contain much movement or stray away from its task. The fence doesn't have all that much of a purpose and so doesn't have reason to have reactions. It doesn't change, it doesn't move, it doesn't speak. It's just a fence."

Wilford paused. " like stability then huh?"

I nodded. "The more something is stable, the less likely things will draw away from it harmed."

"And yet, here you are working in a field that is probably very unstable and the last place you'd ever think you'd be safe at," he countered.

I smirked. "Well, I guess that goes by interpretation. Most women my age can't even lift a finger to defend themselves or others-" I pulled out my knife and began twirling it. "At least I have that option."

I felt his eyes gaze at me and I looked up to him. "What?" He didn't respond. Instead, he just kept gazing at me in a way that made me want to take off in the other direction. Why was he staring at me like this??? What-

"...Your life wasn't stable either, was it?" he asked softly.

I blinked. "What?"

"Your life before the whole killing shenanigan; it wasn't stable, right?" He continued gazing at me with probably the softest eyes I have ever seen anyone gaze with. It actually...kind of scared me.

I looked away. "I guess it depends on what you call stable. But even if there was instability, it made me grow into the woman I am today. An independent, strong, healthy, and smart woman."

"...Right..." I felt his eyes draw away from me and I sighed in relief. "Lily?"


"...Do you ever think of doing something else?"

I raised an eyebrow and stared at him from the corner of my eye, seeing him look up into the sky. "What do you mean?"

"..." He sighed and got up. "I don't know, maybe it's just the Warfy talking..." He chuckled to himself and went to the door. "We're going to eat in a little bit if you want anything."

I nodded lightly as he went in and closed the door behind him. '...I wonder what he was talking about?'


*Wilford's POV*

I don't know what drew me to ask her that...I...I honestly don't even think about it much myself.

I already know that isn't possible. And anyway, I would get bored of not killing anyone off for a while...I don't know.

Maybe I was trying to find something within her.

I stared at her as she consumed the food in front of her objectively, not even trying to enjoy it. I wondered if she even had a 'favorite food' or if she was so far off that she didn't even try to think about that too much.

'No Wilford, she is not even close to being far off. This is just the mentality she has placed herself in...' That has to be it. There's no way that this woman could truly be that far from man from what I've seen. She just...keeps rejecting everything. Why? She wants stability, she wants to continue her life now, she thinks that she stands away from others. Why? Because of the way she was raised? Because of her line of thought? Because everyone else has faults?! Why, just-

"Wilford? Are you alright?" I looked up to see Dark eyeing me warily. I guess my expression had shown on my face.

I nodded, holding my head. "Yeah...just a migraine likely from...everything...I think I'm going to go to bed." They all nodded, Lily not even bothering to look up to me as I passed by her, going up the stairs and laying down in the bed.

I stared at the ceiling for a while, think of her. Thinking and trying to figure out why any of this was even happening or what could have led me and her to this point. The obvious answer was me taking her with me back home; no shit Sherlock. I just want her to realize what her perspectives are on humanity and herself are just...wrong. That they really aren't all that different. That society wasn't just filled with babbling emotional idiots. That somewhere in this world, there was meaning outside of her little bubble.

...That's my job right? To get her out of that. To make her see that...this world is something for her to be part of. I just have to make her see.

I closed my eyes and saw her staring over a horizon, her short hair being pushed aside slowly by the wind of her surroundings...Of...our surroundings.

I saw the way her eyes watched it with wonder, as if she had never seen anything like it before. I saw that soft smile make its way onto her lips as she gazed fervently at it...I saw...her me...

And then, just as everything before, she faded away and once again, I was alone. Watching the horizon by myself like countless times before. I chuckled softly and shook my head. Nothing's ever changed. And maybe...nothing will.

I picked my head up. No, I can't be thinking like that. I need to make Lily believe that there could be change and I can't be thinking like this.

I sighed and let darkness consume my vision as I fell asleep. 'I'll get her to see...there's so much more out there than she could ever know...'

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