Ch. 8

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Fan Art:

*Lily's POV*

"Already???" Wilford groaned.

"Wil, this isn't uncommon," Dark commented, stabbing into his eggs to bring up with ease.

Wilford continued to grumble as I heard a faint 'ding!'and I check the watch. On it was the next 'mission' along with some information. It made me wonder why it didn't ring last time but I let it slide. On it it read:

'Subject: Manny Brement

Location & Time: Benny Heights from 8 A.M.-5 PM

Grillby's from 6 P.M.-8 P.M.

Home from 9 P.M.-12 A.M.

Old building from 1 A.M.-4 A.M.'

I didn't bother reading much of the rest as I inspected closer at the 'old building' part. 'I wonder if he has a little secret he's keeping from the Misses...' It wouldn't have been the first time seeing this of course as most men who are tracked are a part of something higher than a normal day-to-day life. And it seemed that this 'Brement' person was no exception.

I exited the file and went back to eating the food in front of me. "Shouldn't be too hard to complete," I remarked.

"Oh really?" Dark questioned lightly, raising an eyebrow. I nodded and looked down to my food again. "Well...if that's the case then you and Wilford should go do it."

I choked on my food temporarily before getting it through correctly. I swallowed and looked back up to him. "You're kidding, right?"

"Well, if it's an easy job then less people should have to go and, being that I don't quite trust you won't run on us, Wilford is there to make sure you keep with your side of the deal," he explained rather calmly, taking a couple of swigs of his coffee. "Besides, Google and I have some business to attend to so if you two could do it in our place it would help immensely."

I rolled my eyes. "Alright alright..." 'I guess I'll go with the imp.'

I glanced over to him and he seemed to be...grinning. At his food. '...Yep. Definitely insane.'


*Time Skip!*

"You are aware that I can drive, right?" I asked as we settled into the car, Wilford taking the wheel.

"Yes I am perfectly aware of your driving skills but on our way to missions, I can't have you turning against me and taking off with the car," Wilford commented as he pulled out.

"Uh huh..." I groaned and laid my head back against the seat. "How long will it take to trust me?"

"It'll take as long as you keep trying to kill me..." he grumbled.

I sat up. "Hey that was your fault!"

"Who else would be doing that to you???"

"There have been-...cases."

"Name one."

'Well, there was that one pedestrian who had thought they had developed 'relations' with me...but that's not an example.' I groaned and he laughed.

"Come on, you have to loosen up a bit!" he exclaimed. Then, he began to put his hand over to me and...wiggle his fingers on my stomach.

I stared at the fingers and they tried going faster and prodding more. "...What are you doing?"

"Tickling you!"

"...I'm not ticklish..."

Wilford huffed and then removed his hands from there. "There has to be a way..." he grumbled to himself.

I thought about it and commented, "Well, there's that Warfy stuff you gave me the other day."

He raised an eyebrow at me before looking back to the road. "I thought you didn't want anything to do with that."

"Well I don't; I want to develop a tolerance so that if I'm hit with anything similar, it won't have the same effect on me as it did before," I explained clearly.

He nodded. "Well, if we get done with this job quickly then we can head home and get started right away." I nodded back and there was some silence shared in the car.


*Time Skip!*

As expected, the mission didn't take long at all. With a sniper shot from Wilford the man was dead and now we were going on back to the house. I wasn't super excited about the idea of going under the influence of the drug again but it's the only way to build a tolerance for it...It made me wonder...


"Hm?" he hummed as he was speeding down the highway.

"How did you get used to that kind of drug?"

He grinned slyly. "I'll tell you at some point as my methods may seem bizarre to you."

I rolled my eyes and huffed silently.

When we reached the house a little while after, I noticed that Dark and Google were still out. Oh well, that will be 2 people I won't have to worry about seeing me in a...weird space. I don't even know what to call it.

I followed him to his room and saw him take out a bag full of pills. I raised an eyebrow at him. "What? I don't always get a chance to make them so I make them in masses when I do!"

"Wait, you make them???"

"Why of course!" Wilford seemed slightly offended.

"...Why would you even make such a thing?"

"Eh, it helps to have a person a little off their rocker when they are answering questions...and..." I stared at him for his other response. He shook his head. "Well, let's get started, shall we?" He held out a pill to me.

I took it lightly and inspected the item. It was pink too... "How many of these did you give me before?"

He thought about it. "I think...5...or 6."


"Well if you weren't affected by the drinking I didn't know what to expect! You can't blame me!"

"Why...gah..." I shook my head and placed one in my mouth. It was already dissolving before it could reach my throat and already I could feel some of the effects drawing in, not as much as before though. I felt a little off as I looked for something to hold onto.

"Woah there!" Wilford took hold of my wrist and I fell against him. He felt...warm. Like a heating pad or something...I laxed in his grip and closed my eyes. Everything felt...nice. "...Lily?"

"Hm?" I hummed softly.

"...Er, are you alright?"


"...You realize you're against me, right?"

"...You feel warm."

"Were you cold?" he asked, chuckling.


I heard him sigh. "As much as I'm enjoying this, I'm gonna put you on the bed." I felt him move me away slightly and then sit me down on something soft. Right, the bed. This stuff is really getting to my head. I rubbed my eyes and looked over to him. He was staring.


He shrugged and proceeded to pop one into his mouth like candy. I blinked at him. "What?" he asked.

" just popped one in. Aren't you gonna be loopy too?" I questioned.

He chuckled. "Oh that's right, I forgot to tell you. You see-" he grinned, "-I'm always on it!"

I felt my face trying to make a confused look. "What do you mean??"

"I mean as I say, don't tell me you can't understand with just one!" he howled. I think, it sounded like he did. Fuck I hate this...I feel weak...but at the same time open? I can't describe it.

I looked around and tried to get my bearings. 'Alright. Drawer. Mirror. Pillows. Blankets. Sle-No! Hmm...Door. Plushies-Wait.' I blinked at the plushies. "Why...does someone like you have plushies?" I asked.

He perked up. "Oh! I love them! I love the way that they look and that they are soft! Here, I'll grab you some!"

"No that's really-ok." He hauled some over to me and plopped them down on the bed. "Thanks," I mumbled out.

He began to show them off. "THIS IS SCRUFFY!" He held up a dog one that seemed to be in a mess of yarn. "I got him from the toy store we were passing by and I saw his adorable eyeballs and I couldn't help it!" He tossed him over to me and I lightly held him before placing it down. Then he picked out another, a cat one that was pink. "This is Demmy, I think you can probably guess why I got her!" I nodded, feeling my lips curve up slightly. He seemed sort of cute when he's going on like this.

He kept going through all of the plushies and then there was one left. It was a small cat beast, one that seemed to be covered in thin pieces of string, two black beady eyes looking about. He handed it to me. "And this one...I actually forgot where I found it. But it wasn't in a good place and, having some mercy, I brought it back! It's name is-"

"Tiger." I blinked at this as I felt a memory form. I was at the orphanage again.

They were going around and around putting little boxes under our beds in the middle of the night. I couldn't tell why. Initially I thought they were just going to show the unwanted mercy and gas us. But when time passed and nothing happened, I decided to go look.

The box was wrapped with some sort of glittery silver wrapping. I recognized that it was for celebrating Christmas, the day where 'Santa' is supposed to come by and give presents to the kids on the good list. Anyway-

I tore it open lightly, being sure not to wake the others. Inside there was a little rag-doll like toy. It was a small toy just like the one I hold before me now. I didn't know what to think of it at first but...if this was something for us to have then...

I crawled back up on my bed and turned it around and stuff before looking into its eyes. I sighed. "Well, I suppose things like you need names, right?" It didn't respond, because it's a toy. I nodded to myself. " look like a why not just Tiger? It fits..."

Heh, now that I think of it, it looks more like a jaguar but it would've made no difference to me.

I made the toy nod and I put it next to my pillow. "Well, make yourself comfortable I guess; we're gonna be here for a while."

I pulled away from the flashback and blinked. I lost that toy some time ago. On one of my earlier missions now that I think about it.

I kept blinking at the toy. "Well, you can call him that but I call him Gerald," Wilford commented lowly, not seeing that I was in deep thought about this 'Gerald' of his.

I nodded and ran my fingers over it. "He's cute, I guess." I felt Wilford's eyes on me again. "What?"



*Wilford's POV*

'...She thinks that rundown ragdoll is cute, huh?' Out of all the toys, that one was cute. Is cute. She is strange...I like that.

It's either that or maybe the Warfy is getting to her. I didn't want to tell her that I only gave her 3 originally in case she backed out but, you know, she seems to be doing fine.

She began handing me back the toy but I waved it off. "You should keep it, I have plenty of my own."

She blinked and furrowed her eyes slightly. Cutely. "But, it's not mine-"

"Consider it being a house warming gift or even a 'Welcome to the Team' gift!" I exclaimed, pushing the toy back her way.

She blinked again before holding it close to her. "Thanks..." she muttered. She always has a lot of different emotions running through her with the substance. I admit, it's an interesting perspective. It kind of makes me wonder...No Wilford, she is trusting you and that is a lot. Considering she'd rather be far, far away from someone like you.

I sighed lightly to myself, looking away. But didn't anticipate her catching it. "What's wrong?"


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