chapter 34

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Chapter 34:


The teenager had blue veins on his forehead, he suddenly rushed to the cashier counter: "why are you here?!"

Quoc Minh's face was calm and fearless: "I work here".

The teenager firmly asserted: "Not true, I didn't see you when I came here two days ago, how can you work here. Did you follow Ha My to come here?".

"What are you doing?!", rushing to the cashier counter, Ha My pulled Tran Hao's shirt back.

She whispered: "why are you here again, where I go to work, can you stop breaking it?!"

"I came here to be a guest, not to bother you, but you have to explain it to me", he pointed to Quoc Minh's face: "why is this nerd here?!"

Embarrassed to press Tran Hao's arm down, Ha My pulled Tran Hao to a corner and whispered: "Please, he's my superior".

Quoc Minh has the same position as Giai Ky, it's just that Giai Ky has worked for a longer time, so he looks like a subordinate. But Quoc Minh's power is not inferior.

Moreover, when Giai Ky had to go to another store to temporarily manage for a few days, Quoc Minh was the successor to the store manager and also the instructor for Ha My.

"What, that nerd is your superior?", not too confident in Ha My's words, Tran Hao asked again: "Then why didn't you see him a few days ago, only you and your grandmother? Just some aunt?"

"It's the boss, she asked him to go to another job, so she's been absent for two days, don't make a fuss."

Frustrated, he pushed the frame of his glasses, Quoc Minh quickly changed his respectful attitude: "Hello, customer".

Doubtful considering Quoc Minh's attitude for a long time, seeing him work unlike a newcomer like Ha My, Tran Hao temporarily believed her words: "Then why did you come here to work?".

He hasn't forgotten what happened last time...

Ha My once said that she liked Quoc Minh because he studied well, could it be that she came here to work because of him?

Tran Hao suddenly grabbed her shoulder, sternly: "Did you come here for him?"

"Are you crazy?", didn't really want to answer his question, but if she didn't answer, Tran Hao would do something she couldn't imagine, had to explain: "when I got the job, Neither he nor I knew each other's presence."

Seeing that he was a little satisfied with what she said, Ha My did not have time to feel secure for long, then a few minutes later, Tran Hao took out his phone and said a few sentences, then left.

Unlike his usual attitude, Ha My suddenly felt nervous, she wanted to talk to Quoc Minh, but he didn't seem to want to contact her very much.

Sad, disappointed, Ha My had to put this aside.

Opening the blanket for the second time, feeling familiar and sticky under his body like last time, Quoc Minh had a headache and didn't know what to do.

He once heard a friend on the internet say, everyone has their own needs, no matter how cold they are, there will be times of heat, especially boys.

When he dreams that he is doing embarrassing things with someone, it may not mean that he likes the other person, it is simply his own desire in the relationship.

The other friend explained in great depth.

He can only have a few meanings, then the body of the person he is dreaming of, emits invisible waves, and he can catch those waves, the brain will analyze whether this person is the right object to ' mating' or not, and the dream he saw was the result of reacting to that information.

His current body is male, it wouldn't be strange for him to have sexual desires.


So does he like men or women???

"Yesterday you washed the blanket once, why did you wash it again today?"

A voice came from behind, Quoc Minh was startled.

"I...", sweating profusely, he didn't know why he had to feel guilty, while there was nothing wrong with him, it was just a natural reaction of the body.

Lu Jianhua scrutinized from top to bottom, then glanced at the blanket Quoc Minh was drying, smirking: "If you want to, just let it go naturally, don't hold back too much, it will be very harmful to your health."

His face flushed red, he pushed Lu Jianhua's shoulder, brushed past him, quickly carried his bag and left the room like the wind.

This guy Lu Jianhua, normally isn't he the most sleepy in the room, suddenly woke up so early today?

With a sigh of relief, Lu Jianhua grabbed the shirt in front of her chest.

Luckily he wasn't discovered...

Turning back to the bed, he pulled the blanket to wash, stopped in front of Song Trach's bed, he leaned over, his gentle eyes looked at the boy who was still innocent in his sleep.

Stroking his soft hair, Lu Jianhua gently placed a kiss on Tong Trach's lips, from gentle to deep, when he discovered that the man's body was stiff, he smiled lightly and brought his clothes to the bathroom.

Hearing the sound of the bathroom door closing, Song Trach hugged his red head and faced the wall.

He knows that Lu Jianhua has feelings for him, but the two have been friends since childhood, not wanting to give up is to quit, sometimes the habit is extremely scary.

Every time he thought of not having Lu Jianhua by his side, he was afraid. But, he is also a boy.

He had to choose to ignore it, and continue to be friends, Lu Jianhua seemed to know that too, so he did not act too much beyond friendship.

I don't understand why, in recent days, Lu Jianhua is like a hungry wolf, coming to him, making him unable to help, unable to breathe.

Rejecting Lu Jianhua's invitation to play football, Tong Trach quietly went to the empty field.

Toss -Lay-up- the position of putting the ball on the basket, he pulled his shirt to wipe his sweat, heaved a sigh of relief.

Only basketball can make him forget everything.

Suddenly, he fell into a hug.

Panicked, he turned around and met Lu Jianhua's eyes.

"Is this a busy thing you told me?", his eyes were deep and deep, Song Trach suddenly stopped breathing, he swallowed his saliva.

"You refuse me and go out alone like that, are you afraid of me?", the voice trembled in a low voice, his face was sad and painful.

Like Lu Jianhua from a few years ago, the atmosphere around the teenager was always melancholy. The boredom of life is like being able to infect others.

The teenager looks lazy.

The basketball rolled around at his feet, and even that teenager's eyes were too lazy to glance at him.

The brown-haired boy looked very stupid, curiously ran over: "Aren't you playing?"

The teenager didn't say no, still closed his eyes silently, if it weren't for his small belly undulating and breathing, the boy would have thought he was dead.

For some reason, the boy looked at him and felt like being with him.

A gentle breeze passed, a leaf fell in the boy's hair.

The teenager slowly opened his eyes, his sharp eyes examining the small animal that was resting on his leg sleeping soundly.

Without any care, he pulled his foot back, the boy just fell backwards, his head hitting the stone bench, making a sound.

Painfully shedding tears, the little boy cried loudly.

Without the slightest remorse for what he had just done, the teenager involuntarily turned his head to leave, but after that day, the boy came to him every day, following him constantly asking: "Do you want to play with me? are not?.

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