chapter 38

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Chapter 38:

In a certain kingdom, the king and queen gave birth to a princess, the king happily organized a month-long party for her, invited everyone in the kingdom to attend the ceremony, bless the princess.

The three fairies came and brought her good things. Only one fairy, uninvited, because the king heard, the dark fairy did not like parties, angry because the king ignored her, the fairy cast a curse on the beautiful princess pretty.

In the gloomy cry of the queen, the third fairy came out, another blessing came from her: "the princess will not die, but only fall into a deep sleep, until she meets the prince. of her life, waking her up with a kiss".

Seventeen years later, a handsome and handsome prince in a neighboring country, because he did not like the bondage of the palace, he liked the freedom to fly and jump, climbed on a white horse and rode into the deep forest to hunt and kill seaweed. play.

Accidentally, he was lost forever and could not find the way out, hanging around until the sun went down, the prince had to find firewood to light the fire overnight.

Suddenly, a voice sounded, and the prince was surprised.

Why is there a girl singing in the deep depths?

Curious to follow the song, the boy caught sight of the girl in a tattered dress, even so, her beauty was not overwhelmed, she joked, sang, and danced, making the prince fall in love.

Discovering a stranger, the girl was afraid to run away, the prince did not want to lose the girl, immediately chased and explained.

The two have been friends since then, singing, dancing, horseback riding, sightseeing, and having fun together.

Love also leads to budding...

"I'm not marrying some princess", decisively refused his father, the prince took the reins from his servant, let his father force him, he ran away: "I want to. Let's get married!"

The king blushed purple, angrily shouted: "Your son must marry the princess!!!".

As usual, the two made an appointment to meet, the prince arrived at the rendezvous point, but he waited for a long, long time and still did not see the other girl.

The moon was high, the prince knew that she was not coming today, sadly returned to the palace.

Since that day, he has not seen her again, even though he has come many times to wait for her.

Holding a rose in his hand, the prince fell in love...

The flower glowed, he panicked and threw the flower on the ground, three fairies appeared and told him everything.

It turned out that the neighboring princess was the one he loved for a long time, knowing she was in danger, he took the sword and chased her to the castle, where she was locked up.

Fighting against the dark fairy's hordes, he used his sword, killed the dark fairy, and chased the sleeping princess.

Closing his eyes, he kissed her soft lips, no matter how many times he still didn't feel enough, he sneaked without the eyes of outsiders, took her lips and sucked lightly.

He was angry at himself for not being able to control his lust for her, and not wanting to stop.

Hugging her soft waist, looking down from above, she snuggled into his chest.

Girls are so soft...

The scent is not like the smell of shower gel, hugging each other more and more, he passionately breathes the scent on the little girl.

Under the spotlight, she and him dance a romantic ending to the story.

So after today, he and she don't need to continue...

Letting go of Thanh Thu's hand, Quoc Minh turned to leave.

As for the running competition, he will accept himself to let loose again, enjoy the feeling of being next to her, and then return to himself...

Changed the outfit, he put on the gym uniform, and ran forward with her, how many times he ran alone to work, today there was another person beside him.

Afraid that she could not keep up with his speed, he tried to slow down a few steps.

The two of them ran together first, ranked first...

"Run faster, run faster!!!".

"Thanh Thu fighting!!!"

"Ha My fighting!!!"


The cheers and cheers of the students in the school were bustling, only he stood still, watching her compete.

Near the end, he turned to leave.

Around the air-breathing group, someone exclaimed in horror, he turned his head curiously to check it out.

Thanh Thu ranked first, but just past the line, she immediately tripped and fell, and rolled a few laps on the field.

Wanted to step up to hug her to the infirmary, but someone was faster than him, picked her up, and disappeared from the field.

Letting go of his hand, he burst out laughing...

"Why are you here, don't you think to play with everyone?!", accidentally caught Quoc Minh hiding in the wall. Song Trach happily ran over and patted his shoulder.

Looking at Song Trach for a moment, his voice sadly asked: "Then why are you here, you don't play?"

The women's 100m is done, now it's the men's 100m, Tong Trach is a campaigner, should he participate in the competition?

Song Trach shook his head: "No one let me compete, tomorrow the basketball team will participate in the spring tournament, they are afraid that I will get injured or something, so no one will let me participate", like him. It's so weak, it's all for his good, sorry to die.

Like a soulless man, he casually nodded.

Perhaps, Quoc Minh looks distinctly unusual, so even an innocent person like Tong Trach can recognize it and ask anxiously: "Tell me something, I swear I won't tell anyone." .

"I, if you like a same-sex person, what will you do?", falteringly asked Tong Trach, Quoc Minh waited for a long time but still didn't see him answer, his face widened in horror.

It seems that he asked the wrong person, he gloomily left with disappointment.

Just finished digesting Quoc Minh's question, Tong Trach did not see Quoc Minh's figure, he panicked and went to Lu Kien Hoa, punching Lu Kien Hoa.

Lu Kien Hoa was punched and didn't understand what was happening, extremely confused: "why did you hit me?".

Song Trach angrily sat on him, looked down from above, grabbed his collar and shouted: "Do you still ask, do you and Quoc Minh have anything to do with each other?!".


"He said he likes people of the same sex, except for you, I've never seen him close to anyone, moreover, the two of them have flirted with each other many times before. You and him have nothing to say. come out!!!".

"Too bad, he only said he likes people of the same sex, why do you think it's me?"

"If not you, then who?!".

"There is still Thanh Dinh in the room!!!"


Thanh Dinh: "!!!".

Where is this, who am I?

Opening the method is wrong, right?

Thanh Dinh looked at them in surprise, trembling: "What are you talking about me, why are you two...", lying on top of each other like that?

Lu Jianhua suddenly laughed, he grabbed Song Trach's head and pulled him down, proudly kissing deeply: "as you can see".

This time it's me offering meat to the wolf's mouth, not related to you.

Thanh Dinh: "!!!"

Knocking on the door of the infirmary a few times, waiting for the person inside to allow him to enter, he dared to enter.

"What are you doing here?"

"Are your legs okay?"

The female student lowered her eyes to look at the wound, the skin had been peeled off in a large patch, and there was still a little hydrogen peroxide on the wound.

Tong Quan Kiet said that he had to wait for it to be disinfected for a while before it could be dried and bandaged. Before he could finish treating her wound, he was told to leave. Being a supervisor doesn't have any free time...

As for Nhat Linh, although worried about Thanh Thu, but when it came to her competition, she had no choice but to delay and wait for the competition to end before she could run.

Her friends are not much better, all participating in the competition...

Enduring the burning pain, Thanh Thu nodded: "quite fine, it's okay".

"Let me bandage your wound!"

Not allowing her to refuse, he quickly went to sit across from her.

Not only her legs, arms and other places were also injured, fortunately a slight scratch.

Afraid that she would endure pain, long pain is not equal to short pain, he speeded up the treatment of the wound, then carefully bandaged her.

Both fell into a state of silence, no one spoke to anyone...

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