chapter 57

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Chapter 57:

"What are you doing here?", looking up at the sign, Thanh Thu asked skeptically.

"Thanh Dinh just called me, saying that if he passed by a place selling nutritional porridge, he bought a box of eel porridge for Quoc Minh."

After buying, the two stood in front of the school gate, waiting for a long time to see Thanh Dinh and the others come and lead them to the dormitory room.

Hearing the door open, the teenager became excited: "I'm well again, you guys don't lock me up!".

Getting used to the time of the body early, it is very difficult for him to stay in one place.  Only reading books calmed him down a bit, but he wasn't a bookworm, and there was nothing in the room except for the books he had finished reading.

Ask him to plow movies, he doesn't like to watch movies, tell him to play games, his phone is crap, can't do anything except go online, can play anything.

He was bored and almost crazy.

Running out of the toilet, Quoc Minh did not hold any image, until he saw the person entering, he froze for five seconds.

People outside the door were also startled by him, but looking at his condition, Thanh Thu's eyes flashed with worry and pain.

Quoc Minh is not fat, on the contrary, he is quite thin, now because of illness, his cheeks are still sunken in, his posture is wobbly as if he is about to fall, his eyes are deep like the first day he came to this world, a little bit.  The skin was nourished by him for several months, and disappeared within a few days.

Looking at Quoc Minh now, it is no different from the miserable people.

Nhat Linh also did not expect that he was so seriously ill, covered her mouth to see Thanh Thu, seeing that she did not react, she felt a little relieved.

Embarrassed for doing things in front of the person he liked, he scratched his head shyly: "Did you two come over to play, do you two want a drink?".

Hastily refused, Nhat Linh put food and milk on the table: "We came here to visit you, you don't have to work hard, you should sit down and rest".

Looking at Quoc Minh's miserable appearance, how could she not be afraid to let people serve her.

Soon entering the first room, Thanh Dinh politely said: "Let me get you water", opened the mini fridge, Thanh Dinh turned to ask: "What do you two want to drink?".

Nhat Linh: "I can do anything".

"Me too".

Nhat Linh is quite familiar with the four people in the room, she quickly adapts, jokes, and talks with the three Thanh Dinh people.

As for Thanh Thu, although it was not the first time she came here, she was still afraid of whether to stand or sit.

Seeing Thanh Thu so polite, Nhat Linh glanced at Tong Trach, asked for his help, Tong Trach very enthusiastically responded, dragged them all to spread newspapers in the middle of the room, then sat around, arranged numbers.  The food they just went out to buy to entertain the two visiting girls.

There is Thanh Thu here, because the previous day, two people, Song Trach and Lu Kien Hoa, did not dare to let Quoc Minh sit near Thanh Dinh.

Coincidentally, Nhat Linh wanted to make Thanh Thu happy, so she pushed her to sit next to Quoc Minh.

They all got along well, ignoring the two of them, leaving the two of them their own space, freely whispering to each other.

Unfortunately, because the two people were shy, no one spoke to anyone during the process.

Shrimps, snails, crab claws, chicken legs, there is also a big hot pot,....

All are his favorite dishes, Quoc Minh put his hand out, ready to pick up the chicken leg.

Thanh Dinh glanced, Tong Trach beside him showed no respect, patting his chopsticks.

Confused as to why, Quoc Minh was still resentful, Thanh Dinh spoke up: "If you didn't eat porridge in the morning, you would hold your stomach and vomit up and down, now you still want to eat these things, if you want to return to the land soon.  mom?"

"I'm fine, and didn't you guys buy it to eat?"

"That's right, but you don't have a part", happily someone met a disaster, Lu Jianhua gloated: "I'm fine, but my face is whiter than chalk".

"You guys..."

Tong Trach: "for the crime of liking rain, stomach pain and spicy food"

Suddenly, Thanh Thu turned to ask: "Can't you eat spicy?".

Quoc Minh hesitated, hesitated: "Okay, normal, still can eat", but who knows, suddenly that meal can't be eaten...

Thanh Dinh did not show any respect: "That's right, but my body is sick, my stomach is not good, I still eat chili peppers, make me vomit up and down, eat hard, don't know how to appreciate the body at all".

"I wonder when we got home, what the hell did you do to be so careless."

Quoc Minh: "...", friends with friends.

Thanh Thu: "....", so he was sick at the same time as you?

So at that time, she saw that he was a little wobbly, had to lean against the wall to enter, not that she was hallucinating...

Nhat Linh did not know what happened, but heard it, it seemed related to Thanh Thu, she did not dare to say too much.

"Let me clean this place up."

Quoc Minh: "I clean it up".

On the one hand, Thanh Dinh picked up dishes and chopsticks, and on the other hand said: "Stop it, Dad, go to bed to rest and help me", normally a few people in the room leave things indiscriminately, in the morning, Quoc Minh will clean up and put them on the table.  This time, Quoc Minh couldn't let the sick body clean up this pile of dirty things, moreover, if the water was soaked for a long time, he would have more serious illness.

So many things for Thanh Dinh to do alone, Nhat Linh was a little shy, raised her hand to ask for help, Thanh Thu also wanted to help Thanh Dinh but was refused.

Squatting in the toilet, Nhat Linh poured the leftovers into a plastic bag, took a sponge to rub soap on the dishes, and placed it in the bowl.

With skillful movements, Thanh Dinh was surprised, exclaiming: "I didn't expect a lady like you to know how to wash dishes".

Nhat Linh is very arrogant and brags: "What's more, I'm smart, how can I not know these things", also thanks to Mr. Kiet urging her to live independently, she is so good at it.

However, Tong Quan Kiet did not give any compliments, and said that it was a natural thing she had to do, today, seeing Thanh Dinh surprised by this, she enjoyed it very much.

Intelligence has nothing to do with washing dishes, only she can tell.

Whistling Thanh Dinh's hand, Nhat Linh surreptitiously whispered: "Is Quoc Minh still not allowed to step out of the room?"

Thanh Dinh was skeptical: "Why are you asking this?".

Nhat Linh sighed: "I plan to find an excuse to go back first..."

Thanh Dinh heard that, narrowed his eyes waiting for her to continue.

"Let Quoc Minh take Thanh Thu back, but it probably won't work", could not hide his disappointment, Nhat Linh was sluggish, also a little happy.

She did not want Quoc Minh and Thanh Thu to become a couple, because Quoc Minh wanted to cross the limit, even though the last step had not been taken, but she was afraid, he would kill Thanh Thu at any time.

Thanh Thu is very cold, the person she does not like, she does not allow to approach, let alone touch.  Quoc Minh can bring Thanh Thu back to his dormitory, can hug, kiss, even make traces, see Thanh Thu's reaction, Nhat Linh is sure that Thanh Thu must like Quoc Minh very badly.

Thanh Thu has very few things that make her happy or happy, that can make Thanh Thu happy.  Nhat Linh and Tong Quan Kiet accept to work hard, work a little, manage two people tightly, not allowing two people to do bad things, so Nhat Linh can cooperate for two people.

And when Quoc Minh dares to betray Thanh Thu, the two of them will settle accounts with Quoc Minh later.

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