chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

The afternoon sun is slowly coming down, in this class there is only one male student, the male student blankly stares at the phone in his hand, on the screen there are only a few numbers as if he wanted to call someone, just .. .

Fingers hesitated to dial the next number, Van Anh sat forever still could not remember what the last numbers were. She looked out the window and sighed.

Today is Friday, the thirteenth, November, year two not twenty-one. If I remember correctly, she just turned thirteen this year, her second sister is twenty-one.

Her older sister loves to read fantasy novels, through space, and strongly believes in space time. If she went to find her second sister, perhaps she would help her, but he couldn't remember the phone number, much less the way home.

That's right, living in the US for nearly ten years, the things that can be remembered are not much anymore...

Swallowing her saliva, she pulled out the tattered wallet of the whole body to see, inside there were only a few change of coins, not even enough for him to catch a motorbike taxi.

But giving up the way home, it was impossible, she had to get up and return to the original's dormitory, borrowing his bicycle.

As she walked and asked some people on the side of the road, she finally came to the road she was familiar with, having lived here since childhood.

Clutching the handrail, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes, she walked to the alley of her house.

And then, she realized...

The people who lived here, she didn't know anyone. Something insecurity, her heart tightened, she forced a smile and went into the house to ask: "hello".

The girl in a short skirt was preparing to take the car out of the house, when she saw a stranger coming to talk to her, she stopped and frowned: "What's wrong with you?".

"May I ask, is there anyone here named Tran Ngoc Thanh Tram?"
"No, you've found the wrong house," the girl shook her head.

"So, do you know anyone named Tran Thi Van Anh?", she frantically continued to ask.

The girl still shook her head in response.

A little impatient with the stranger in front of her, the girl thought maybe this guy had some bad intentions, lost patience and wanted to leave.

Van Anh now panicked to stop the other girl: "What about Tran Thanh Sang, do you know anyone named Tran Thanh Sang?".

Right, at this time, her uncle is the head of the family, her uncle is also a person who is very happy to get along with the village and hamlet. People might not know her, her second sister, but it's impossible not to know her uncle.

"No, I said I don't know, you're looking at the wrong place, please stay out of my way", seeing the male student in front of him with a bewildered face, and even tears. The girl was sympathetic, but her voice was still rough and impatient.

It looked like he was on to something, but she couldn't help it, she had work to do and needed to leave urgently.

Locking the door carefully, the girl sped away.

Van Anh stood bewilderedly looking at her familiar house, drying her tears, still not believing that she could not find her family, she went to a few neighbors' houses to inquire. Their answers were the same, 'don't know'.

At this time, Van Anh was really scared.

In her mind as confused as a termite, Van Anh forgot even the old bicycle of the original body to stay, staggered forward without any destination.

She just walked like that while crying like a lost child.

Squatting on the side of the road, she buried her face in her elbows, sobbing until she felt tired.

Choking something in her throat made her uncomfortable, Van Anh took a deep breath to calm her mind. Now she remembered something.

This world does not seem to have epidemic C.

In the second year of twenty-two, a few months before the New Year, a huge epidemic raged, lasting up to two zero twenty-two, but since yesterday until now, she has not seen any information related to the disease. related to C translation in the newspaper, or heard from anyone.

That means the world she is in, is a parallel world, everything related to her disappears, or important events are unlikely to happen while here.

But since she could fly from the other world to here, she must have accidentally touched something connected with this world.

What is something...

What about the elevator?

"What kind of pervert you are."

Originally, she didn't want to care, but suddenly she was pulled by someone, and there was no way to pay attention to the person pulling her.

The female student was a head shorter than her, her forehead was full of sweat: "wait for me".

The girl said while panting.

What the hell do you eat that goes so fast, you can't hear it forever, you're lucky to catch up, otherwise I'm gone.

"Do you need my help?", she wanted to push the female student's hand away, but this female student was extremely stubborn, she could not let go no matter how much she struggled. Van Anh frowned angrily.

The female student pointed to her face: "Have you forgotten me, you and I have met before".

It was dark, the street lights were scattered a few times, basically there was not enough light for her to see clearly. The original body was still tall, Van Anh could only bow his head to observe the female student.

The bruise on her face throbbed a few times, Van Anh pointed at the female student's face: "It's her".

The female student happily: "Oh, it's me".

"I have already told that very clearly to the superintendent, I'm not a pervert, are you still looking for me to fight", thought someone, it turned out to be the female student who accompanied her to the supervisor's room. Van Anh resisted turning her arm around, hoping to get rid of the female student.

The female student panicked, clutching Van Anh's wrist more tightly, she constantly gestured: "behind, behind".

Looking in the direction the female student pointed, Van Anh glimpsed a figure hiding in the dark corner.

As a woman, after all, she knew how serious this was. It's really frustrating to be angry, but you can't help but help.

She pulled the female student's shoulder, pushed it forward, then loudly said: "Hurry up and go home".

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