chapter 66

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Chapter 66:

"Looks like you've fallen today, huh?", the female student scoffed.

Holding a cup of strawberry jelly milk tea in her hand, sitting down on a chair, the girl sighed sadly: "Oh, I just met a young man with a girlfriend, real coins".

The female student pointed to Tran Hao: "Does that guy also have a girlfriend?", she just saw the male student standing at the counter promoting the sale of this boy, could not be mistaken.

"He's cocky, I don't like this kind of person", he's hot-tempered, at a glance, he knows that the rich man is difficult to please, she does not like such people, getting to know each other will be very tiring.

The female student laughed: "yet you go flirting with your brother in the counter, this brother is no less arrogant than the other, that's still strict", this shop she often goes to, in the past, many times she  saw Quoc Minh scolding the other two employees, his tone was extremely strict, although after that, he still helped the two, but his words were extremely difficult to hear.

"Really?", the girl raised an eyebrow, turned to look at Quoc Minh: "but I think he's just difficult."

She really wants to conquer this person, unfortunately he already has a girlfriend.

It was getting dark, most of the people in the shop had left, a few others had just entered, only the table where the girl was listening to Quoc Minh in the afternoon was still available, from time to time she ordered a few more cups of milk tea, drinking while studying  post with a best friend.

Dang Khoa on time hugged his schoolbag from outside, walked in, chose a table not far from the two girls, waiting for Quoc Minh to finish his work.

Just finished beating the bowl of ice cream, Quoc Minh quickly wiped his hands and went to sit opposite Dang Khoa: "when will the entrance exam start?"


"What?!", shocked, Quoc Minh's eyes widened: "why so fast?"

"Fast, fast, you just asked me the other day, today you talk fast, I thought you knew", forgot his exam date and then spoke quickly again.

"So what's tomorrow?"

"Math, Biology, Chemistry"

Without saying any extra words, Quoc Minh went into the dressing room, took out the mock exam paper he had selected with questions, and gave it to Dang Khoa: "Try it, within one hundred and seventy minutes these two lessons.  , I want to see what you have learned, and when you are born, only you will go home to study."

When it was time to return the paper, Tran Hao also curiously walked over to watch Quoc Minh swipe his red pen, he graded the paper very quickly, making Tran Hao a bit dazzled: "What if you make a mistake so quickly?  "

"I can't help it, I finished all of these topics last night, moreover, after I finished grading, I checked again," said one side, Quoc Minh constantly corrected the article, writing down the formula.  , the equation, the results are given to Dang Khoa: "Your score is quite good, you understand the lesson, but there are a few sentences that are made wrong because you did not read the question carefully, and you did it too carelessly so you made a mistake, got the wrong result, tomorrow  If you take the exam, please look closely, or you will fail next year."

Pushing a few more sheets of paper over: "No matter how different these subjects are, their original nature is still the same, they all have to apply the formula, what I can teach you has already been taught, now just  Just have you familiarize yourself with these types of exercises."

Holding his head and groaning in pain, Dang Khoa had tears in his eyes: "why did I feel that old men and women tutors were more difficult than you?", he was clearly the last boss, this pile of topics.  how to solve it all.

"You have the exam tomorrow, work hard", all of these topics he prepared to let Dang Khoa do it slowly, who knows, Dang Khoa will take the exam tomorrow, so he just had to throw it all away.  Dang Khoa is always doing one thing.

It is true that the number of exercises here is quite a lot.

Feeling a bit guilty, Quoc Minh patted him on the shoulder to comfort him: "Just try to do it all, and I'm here to grade your papers".

Dang Khoa was so touched that he wanted to cry, Quoc Minh continued: "Hurry up and continue to study, otherwise your mother won't give me a salary."

And counting on Quoc Minh to teach her, Ha My also took a step back after hearing that, she was afraid to take a few steps back.

Tran Hao felt sorry for Dang Khoa who was tricked by this glasses-wearing country bastard, shaking his head and clicking his tongue.

The two girls next to her trembled.

This guy is just like their difficult homeroom teacher, equally terrifying.

"Did you wait long?"

"Not very long", it will take a long time to wait, whoever borrows her is female, he is male.

Today she wears very feminine clothes, a white shirt, twisted cuffs, a thigh-length blue skirt, thigh-high stockings, white bata shoes, long flowing hair with a hairpin accessory, and a three-piece on the back.  small batch.

Swiping up his sleeve, Quoc Minh smiled: "We seem to be quite good together, wearing almost the same clothes", he also has a white shirt.

She was made fun of by him, joking: "So everyone who wears a white shirt is also good with you?"

"No, they're just a coincidence."

The light shines through the window, the beautiful girl propped her chin, staring at the book in a daze, the guy next to him didn't care about the book next to him, only paying attention to the girl.

With you here, there is no way to concentrate on reading.

He stretched out on the table, took her soft hand, ten fingers interlaced, he pulled her hand closer, kissed the back of her hand.

So small, her hand in his hand was like a baby's, it looked so cute.

Paying attention to Quoc Minh's actions, Thanh Thu blushed to her ears, she withdrew her hand, glared, and lightly reprimanded: "This is the library, be honest."

Quoc Minh not only did not know how to argue, but also unjustly said: "I can't kiss my lips, I can't even let people kiss my hands, can I let other people live!", pulling her to stop her hand, he buried his face.  into the back of her hand.

Embarrassed to look around to see if anyone noticed him, fortunately the people in the library in the morning were quite few, the corner they sat in was also not noticed by anyone, Thanh Thu breathed a sigh of relief, letting him play alone.  me.

Closing his eyes and resting for a while, Quoc Minh grumbled: "What's your birthday?", having known each other for more than a month and didn't even know her birthday, he made a boyfriend a bit inappropriate.

She doesn't pay much attention to this, every year on her birthday, her mother will organize a party for her, invite all friends and business partners to celebrate, so she does not have the habit of remembering birthdays.  mine: "is the eleventh of august"

Less than two months to go, fortunately her birthday hasn't passed yet.

He suddenly raised his head and glared at her.

Just kidding, Thanh Thu has the same birthday as her second sister.

Thanh Thu was startled: "What, what's wrong?", suddenly stood up and looked at her with those eyes, scaring people to death.

He sheepishly stroked his nose: ", nothing, it just feels so coincidental, because me too", this body is really the same birthday as her.

Is he possessed by a lion?

Thanh Thu was surprised: "Really?"


"Then I have to prepare gifts that day."

"I'm looking forward to it."

There's nothing more romantic than exchanging birthday presents with the one you love.

No, it's okay, he wanted to kiss her more.

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