chapter 76

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Chapter 76:

Nodding, nodding, vague eyes still trying hard to look at the board, the hand unconsciously takes notes, the handwriting is extremely scribbled.

Feeling that someone was teasing, Quoc Minh turned his head to look.

Thanh Thu didn't look at him, his eyes were still straight ahead, just his fingers constantly tapping on the table, a piece of paper was stuffed into his hand.

'Give the booklet here'.


His mind was in pain, Quoc Minh no longer wanted to think about anything, he was very obedient, pushed his book over to Thanh Thu and fell asleep.

After a long time, I don't know where the scent came from, continuously entering his nose, his stomach was empty, the feeling of hunger woke him up.

His eyelashes fluttered slightly, he slowly opened his eyes, in front of him, was a familiar beautiful face, he smiled, his voice hoarse and tired: "hello".

"Are you awake?"

He rubbed his eyes, there were no books on the table, but suddenly there were food items: "Have you slept until lunchtime?"

"That's right, hurry up and eat, then take advantage of the rest a bit more, and still go to school"

Nodding, he took out a box of instant noodles from the table, intending to get up and get boiling water, when Thanh Thu pulled him back: "Where are you going?"

He was confused, but still honestly answered her: "Go get boiling water to cook noodles."

Thanh Thu angrily pointed at the food in front of him: "Why do you want to eat cup noodles if there's food here?" Maybe he likes to eat instant noodles.

"This is mine", turned around, did not see two close friends of Thanh Thu intending to come here to sit, on the contrary, a bunch of strange eyes focused on his place.

In school, Thanh Thu is not only a beauty, but also a good student and rich, so her influence is not small, her actions may be watched by a few people.

Today, she did so many things, how could the whole class not notice.

Adding Quoc Minh, his appearance changed greatly, becoming much more handsome, at first, the whole class speculated whether he was from another class who was lucky to fall into a1 or not.

Some female students were about to approach to start a conversation, but seeing him always face down on the table, not wanting to interact with others, the students in the class were also afraid to come to talk.

It wasn't until the homeroom teacher took attendance that they realized that this handsome male student was the god student in their class.

No wonder, I find it strange, how can a1 lack a god?

Surprised, they remembered that last year, in a play with the role of a prince, it was true that he was very handsome, just not as good as now, is this called successful puberty as people say?  star.

If that's the case, they also want to have puberty like Quoc Minh.

White skin, red lips, tall and strong figure, hair has been neatly cut, the two sides of the hair are close to the scalp, the skin is also much smoother, no more bruises, acne, freckles.  The cold, sharp eyes, smiling like the melting snow, turned into the new moon.

Thanh Thu took out another pair of chopsticks from the lunch box and gave it to him, Quoc Minh very naturally took it and ate a delicious meal with her.

Putting a piece of peeled shrimp in his mouth, he asked in a low voice: "We're like that, won't there be any problem?"

"What could go wrong?"

"Aren't you afraid of what others say?"

"I'm scared?"

"I have nothing to be afraid of, mainly you, I don't want you to be in trouble", her brother is a supervisor, if someone has bad intentions, spreading some dirty words to Tong Quan Kiet's ears,  Wouldn't she be in trouble then?

Thanh Thu laughed: "What trouble can they cause, my parents have no idea yet."

Quoc Minh: "???", what is it.

Thanh Thu did not pay much attention, turning the food back and forth: "My parents saw us, in the yard ...".

The three people she is most afraid of have already discovered, and have no intention of stopping, just afraid that she will be deceived, then there is nothing else to hide.

She originally didn't like to do sneaky things, can be fair and righteous, she will not condone herself.

Lightning struck his ears, Quoc Minh turned to stone on the spot, and the piece of meat he put in his mouth fell out.

Last time, he just guessed that Mr. Tong discovered their love story, didn't think it was true, it was not only Mr. Tong, but also Mrs. Tran.

Tell him to calm down?

Seeing him react so loudly, Thanh Thu was silent.

Perhaps, he did not want others to know about their relationship.

Putting his chopsticks on the lunch box, Quoc Minh suddenly shook Thanh Thu's hand, his eyes were sincere: "when can I meet your family?"


Pulling it out of his hand, Thanh Thu laughed: "What are you crazy about, go home and dream"

He acts like he's a little bride, how long have they known each other, still want to meet the family...

"Hear what?"


"I heard that the beauty of the school and the god A1 know each other"


"That's right, I also heard from their upperclassman saying that he heard that he wanted to meet her parents."

"I guess, the beauty must be pregnant, so the two of them plan to discuss it with their parents."


"It's true that there is trouble, early in the morning there are a bunch of false rumors flying in the sky, these people really have nothing to do", My Ngan disgruntled, angry for Thanh Thu.

I don't know why, the rumors are getting more and more outrageous, just hearing it makes my blood boil.

"Sorry, I've caused trouble for you", also because of him.

Thanh Thu shook her head: "without you, there would be other things to talk about", if you like it, you will also hate it, this is not the first time she has been rumored to have something shady with others, just this time  just really.

In the past, because she didn't want to generate false rumors, she was afraid to do everything carefully, afraid of being a little careless, and immediately got a bad reputation.

Later, she realized one thing, no matter what she did, there would still be people who would deliberately want to trample her honor.

Investigated for many years, who is the other person, still no one discovered.

Tong Quan Kiet was also afraid that she had something to do, so he chose to enter this school as a supervisor, silently protecting her from rumors.

Even the fact that her mother is a third person, was once brought to light.

Swiping his chin, Thanh Thu laughed: "There's not much trouble, but I'm fine with it, prepare to debut your brother."

That's okay, other people's tongues, they have the right to speak freely, she doesn't care what they say, just live well, so that those people will be more jealous and hateful.

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