chapter 83

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Chapter 83:

"Thank you for doing it for me today, next time I will invite you to dinner"

"Ah, thank you very much"

Carrying a backpack, Quoc Minh ran out of the store: "Okay, let's go".

Following Quoc Minh, Thanh Thu lowered her head: "Is that okay, your job?"

"Don't worry, I asked Dang Khoa to help, Aunt Hang also agreed to let me take a day off"

"So, where are we going?"

Pausing, Quoc Minh stiffened.

That's right, where can we go...

Going to the movies, Thanh Thu seemed to have something to say to him...

His dormitory, now Song Trach and the others are probably playing games, how can he lead her to a room with a bunch of boys.

If you go to a bar, it's better to stay in the shop and sit down, he wants to have a private space with her...

Going to the park, that's even worse, the couples there are very crowded, from time to time passing by after work, he can still hear the howl in the bushes...

I really don't know where I can go...

Reluctantly smiling, he pushed this difficult topic to Thanh Thu: "Where do you want to go?"

"Brother, do you want to go, my house?", she said like that, is it too arbitrary...

"My home, my home", Quoc Minh's eyes widened, "is it possible?"


"Slowly, go to my house...", there will be Thanh Thu's parents, her brother and Nhat Linh.

Why did Thanh Thu suddenly want to invite him over to her house, did her parents want to meet him and talk?

"Why so fast?", Quoc Minh was stunned, his mind was spinning, he grabbed her hands tightly, a bit loudly asked: "What do your parents like, and your brother, Japan  Linh too, do they hate anything, what do you need to pay attention to there, do you need me to call back to tell your parents so that the two families can meet, also choose a wedding ring, take pictures  Also, what do you have to do?"

"...", surprised by the vehement response, Thanh Thu was bewildered and then laughed, the feeling of frustration in her heart also disappeared: "Do you want to get married so much, your integrity does it?  Where did you fall?"

Quoc Minh's eyes sparkled, excited: "Seriously let me in, I just want to get on a cotton car!".

Who can understand his mood, nearly thirty years old and have never been in love with anyone, especially when in a strange world, the more he wants, really wants to have a family of his own, to have a family of his own.  The kids play like everyone else.

Every time his friends texted, they took pictures of their children and sent them to him, urging him to get married quickly, but then he still didn't have an object, now it's different...

Although the roles are a bit reversed...

"Ha, but it's a pity, we're still not old enough to get married", withdrawing from his hand, Thanh Thu turned around and shook her face: "Besides, who told you, I will marry you and ask for marriage?  "

Quoc Minh's face darkened.

Gravity suddenly disappeared, Thanh Thu's whole body was lifted up, she was startled and caught his neck.

"If you don't marry, you must marry, otherwise I will marry, if not you, it can't be anyone else", his eyes become firm: "I will raise you to be fat, hold you, love you so that you become a  mean, then don't let anyone want you anymore, except me."

"Have you really never loved anyone?", such a well-spoken sweet word says that you've never loved anyone, can you believe it?

"Ah, what's wrong?"

"Smooth tongue, only the devil believes you"

Black line.

Sympathize with him, live with her sister who likes to write stories and see language, somehow it will gradually absorb: "If you don't believe it, time will show you"

The room that had been dark before, was now bright and a bit human.

The style of the house is a bit modern, neat and tidy.

Large chandelier in the middle of the house, black and white two-color table and chairs, white fur carpet and elegant round table.

He looked around to evaluate: "The design of this house is very luxurious, but it is not very warm", the furniture in the house is only black and white, so there is no atmosphere of the house.  home Sweet Home.

"Yes, this is my father's birthday present for me a long time ago, then I just thought it was beautiful to choose", except for the day of choosing a house, this is the second time she has come here.

As for the reason why she didn't move in, because she was still underage, she didn't have the knowledge to live alone, so her parents weren't reassured, they didn't dare to let her live alone like Tong Quan Kiet.

As for Nhat Linh, at first, Mr. Tong and Mrs. Tran also prevented her, not wanting her to move out to live on her own, but because Nhat Linh was too stubborn, one or two had to go, Mrs. Tran was not her biological mother.  of Nhat Linh, it is not convenient to speak up.

Finally, Tong Quan Kiet had to stand up to talk and commit to Mr and Mrs. Song, and then they accepted to let go.

Receiving the slippers from Thanh Thu's hand, he bent over and changed before he dared to step inside: "Looks like you're very lucky to have picked up a little rich lady."

"Ha, then hold on tight."

"Of course", remembering Thanh Thu's driver who was always watching him through the rearview mirror, Quoc Minh asked uncertainly: "But is it really okay for you to come here, my parents know,  Am I in trouble?"

"I told my mother, I will have dinner with you here today, she has no idea"

Following Thanh Thu, Quoc Minh carried a bunch of things to the kitchen: "Dare to leave me alone with me, it seems that I'm ready to be your son-in-law."

"It's a bit late to start cooking now, I still have to wash all the things I just bought before I can use them, so I just made a few simple dishes, can you help me?"

"Good", she also calculated the math to cook some dishes, if he needed help, then she could stand by, watch and learn.

Rolling up his sleeves, Quoc Minh opened a bottle of dishwashing liquid, started cleaning, rubbed a layer of soap on the outside, then dropped it into the tub: "First, can you help me wash them?"


Until, a cup flew out from her hand, Quoc Minh suddenly had a bad premonition: "You, have you never washed dishes?"

Thanh Thu's eyes were simple, and she honestly shook her head.

There was nothing left to say, he was helpless: " you go outside and wait, let me do it", it's too late now, if he taught her now, it would take a lot of time.

"But I want to help..."

Having no other choice, Quoc Minh pointed to the bag: "I'll take out the noodles and bag of minced meat for you, the rest will be put in the fridge, okay?"


Seeing Thanh Thu obediently listen to this, go to work, Quoc Minh's heart is soft as cotton, he went over and kissed the top of her head.

Really want to get married...

Want to get married...


Story writing is a self-reversing process, self-eating,...

M.n is good to give me time to reduce the shock, slowly the meat will come

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