Chapter Four

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Karter's POV

I slid off Lance's glasses as he slept on the air plane. He put them in my weatshirt and leaned my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes. We hadn't took off ur t, but Lance was asleep. He was in the windows seat. I was in the middle, someone had booked the isle seat before us. The person sat down, I didn't look at him. He had a little girl who was sitting on the other side in the isle. I took Lance's hand and studied it. "What are you doing?" He asked quietly. "Messing with your hands." I said quietly. "Oh." He said and looked at me. I smiled. Ari and James were behind us. "Hi." Ari smiled looking at me while she was standing. "Go away." I said hitting her face softly. She laughed and James pulled her back down. "I'm going to sleep aga8n." Lance said and closed his eyes, leaning back the seat I did that too, hugging his arm, my head on his shoulder.

I woke up in the middle of the flight. Lance was still asleep. The guy next to me was on his computer. I sat staring at the seat. I looked over at the guy. It was Kace. I quickly looked away. May was asleep. I turned around and looked at Ari and James, they were both asleep. "Excuse me? Do you happen to have head phones?l Kace asked not knowing it was me. I looked at him. His eyes went wide, he was about to like scream. I shushed him and shook my head. "No, I don't have ear phones, we both know I don't Cary head phones I shook my head. "What did you want?" Ari asked looking at me. "Uh, gummy worms?" I asked. She handed me her gummy worms. I shrugged and ate them. "Kmart?" Lance asked looking at me. I turned towards him. "Yeah?" I asked. "Glasses?" He asked. I was wearing Laces favorite sweatshirt. I took them out of my pocket let and handed them to him. "Thanks. he smiled and kissed my forehead head. I nodded and turned back to Kace. "You took my sweater." He glared at me playfully. I nodded. "Kacy?" May asked rubbing her eyes. "Yes?" He asked. "Can I have a juice box?" She asked. He opened a juice box for her and handed it to her. I stared at her, smiling. She is so beautiful. I looked away before she caught me. "I found on of you Sappy Romance movies on my computer." Lance chuckled. "Your not supposed to look at my folder, Lance!" I groaned hitting his arm. He laughed and patted my head. I rolled my eyes. "I thought Lance died?" Kacy asked. "He did, but he was saved." I smiled. "Who's that?" May pointed at me, it was dark. Kacy whispered to her. She gasped and waved at me, wanting to jump out of her seat right then and there. I waved back. "Died, look at this, it's so cheesy Lance laughed the scene on the screen. "That parts my favorite.l I complained. "Every parts your favorite, now be quiet, James Bond here is trying to sleep." James said closing his eyes. I rolled my eyes. I turned back to May and Kacy. "She's so big." I whispered. He nodded, smiling. "She's always so happy" He smiledmi nodded. She's always been like that. "Karter. Let's get some sleep." Lance yawned. I nodded at him with one finger up. "Guess I have go to sleep now." I said. He nodded. I leaned my seat down and Lance wrapped his arm around me, bringing me closer. I snuggled into him, my hand on his chest, my other is squished between his side means my chest. "Night pumpkin from Kmart." Lance kissed my head chuckling. I giggled shacking my head.

Kacy's POV

My heart shattered all in one swift moment when Karter snuggled closer to this walking miracle. "Good night pumpkin from Kmart" He kissed her head and chuckled. She giggled. He took off his glasses, putting them in my sweatshirt pocket that she was wearing. May was passed out again too. We called her Kmart. Was the army where Kmart started? I though I started it. Did I? Or was it something I saw on her stuff? I don't know, but it was our thing. She looked so happy. War isn't suppose to be happy. Is it? I don't think so. My heart won't ever be fixed again, hopefully it will be, by Karter, but I don't see that as a possibility, just seeing how Lance looked at her. She was devastated when he died, she couldn't cope. Soon enough I took her out and it helped. Was it a waste of time?

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