Chapter Two

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Karter's POV

You need to take off you jacket, Karter." Lance rushed out. "No, no no." I gasped out, holding my arm. I was shot. "Yes, Karter! Come one!" He yelled on the verge of almost tears, but still made. James rushed over not getting hit. "Take your fucking jacket off Karter!" Lance yelled again. "Karter, you NEED to take your jacket off!" James said. I shook my head. Lance let out a frustrated groan and took my jacket off. They gaped at my arms and neck. "Whoa." James chuckled. I groaned in pain as James put rubbing alcohol on my wound and wrapped it up. It still hurt like fuck. "Karter!" Airi yelled from a distance. We all looked over, she was running over. When she go over she saw my tattoos. "RETREAT!" Captain Greg shouted in fear of them coming closer. I tried getting up, but couldn't. Lance picked my up bridal style and we ran, as they were coming closer and closer. We hopped in one of the army trucks and James started driving. We picked up Hayden and Brent on our way.

I sat in the Nurses bed, wondering what I'm going to do with my life. A bunch of my comrades/friends came in to see me. They all looked at my tattoos. I threw my head back. "I thought you didn't have any tattoos." Marcus looked at me. Everyone nodded. "Well I do. Okay!?" I asked raising my voice, everyone has asked that today. The captains, everyone! "Someones grumpy." James chuckled. I rolled my eyes and kicked him where the sun don'd shine. Everyone laughed. 

S E V E R A L      M O N T H S      L A T E R

I walked through the air port parking lot, my army uniform on still and my army bag. Little kids came up to me and gave me hugs and flowers. Today was the day we all went home. Sadly, Lance was shot and killed. I saw his parents start to approach me. "Hello" His mother smiled weakly at me. My cheeks and eyes were still stained with tears. "Hi, I'm sorry for Lance. He was a great kid." I smiled sweetly. "It's okay, we are all going to die anyway, but he was only 20." She looked down. "He was amazing. He saved my life. I owe my life to him." I said still looking at her. "He did?" She asked looking at me, gleam in her eyes. I smiled and nodded. "Well, we better go, we're gonna go talk to James, Hayden, Marcus, Ari, and Brent." She smiled sadly and she walked away. "He wanted me to give this to you, he had called me the night before. I'm sorry." His dad handed me a note and caught up to his wife. I looked down at the letter. 


He used my nickname. I smiled. "OH KARTER!" My mom cried and brought me into a bear hug. She was actually crying. I hugged her back, now crying myself too. "Mom." I breathed out, taking in her smell. It was different. She didn't smell like cigarettes. We pulled away. May came running to me, with her babysitter following her. It was a new one. I picked her up and spun her around. "KARTER!!!" She giggled smiling. I hugged her, holding her. I was crying more. She was starting to cry. We stayed hugging and crying for about 10 minutes before my "Best Friend" came up. "Bet you didn't get something like this Karter." She smirked and showed two music notes on her shoulder. I put May down smiling at her. "Your right. I didn't. I got these." I smirked and took off my jacket to show my tattoos. My mom gasped as May gaped and touched them. Gina growled. "We aren't friends anymore." She growled again. I shrugged. "I don't care, I have these ones." I smirked, like on que, Ari, Hayden, James, Marcus, and Brent stood by me. "I still can't get over her tattoos, too Miss. Kall." James said nodding at her, she nodded back. The new babysitter stood by my my mom. Gina blew hair out of her face and stormed off. "She seems like a bitch." Brent said rolling his eyes. "I have a little sister! How dare you not respect this young child." I joked covering Mays ears. They laughed as Hayden glared at me. "ARIIII!" May smiled and hugged Ari. I've told her a lot about Ari. Ari looked at me strangely as May hugged her. I smirked. She the oohed and nodded. I laughed and shook my head. "Hey, I'll see in a few months." Brent walked up to me. "Yeah, a 5 months, its gonna be a life time till we will be all together." I frowned, messing with the paper in my hand. "I helped him with that." Brent pointed at the note. I smiled and shook my head. "So did I!" Ari laughed. "Lets say we all did!" Marcus laughed talking to my mom and the new guy. I laughed. "Bye Brent, see you in a few months." I said and hugged him. "Does our mom know?" He whispered to me as we hugged. "That I was shot? No" I asked then answered. He chuckled and we pulled away. "Bye" He said. "Bye." I said quietly. He walked away and his family ran towards him. 

"READ IT READ IT!" May said excitedly. I was in a Black Muscle T and my army pants. I was looking at the note Lances Dad gave to me. "Nah, not today." I said putting back in the box. "You say that everyday." She glared at me. "Yeah, and one day I will, now go. Kacy's probably done with your lunch." I said and she ran out of the room. I shut my door and sat down in my computer. My phone went off. I looked at it. 

JAMES: Did you read it?

Me: No


Me: Because I'm not ready, I can't take it.

JAMES: There's another calling tomorrow. come?

Me: I don't know James, Its hard for me to leave.

JAMES: It'll make you get forget Lance.

Me: I don't want to do that.

JAMES: We're all gonna be there, people expect you, since that fierce additude when you were shot.

Me: James, I don't know.


Me: I'm not going guys, my sister would be alone.

JAMES: What happened to you mom?

Me: She walked out.


Me: She didn't like my tattoos. she started drinking again, I see her out on the streets sometimes, I say I don't know her

JAMES: Oh, well, come and say good bye?

Me: I cant :( Have to take May to her first day of kindergarten

JAMES: We miss you ~Ari.

Me: I'm really sorry! I miss you guys soooooo much.

Kacy knocked on the door peaking in. "There's a call tomorrow." he said, coming fully in. "I know." I smiled sadly waving my phone. "Are you going?" He asked looking at me in worry. Me and Kacy have gotten along. By that, I mean we've gone on a few dates. "Honestly, I don't know, I told James no, but I think I should, but I think I shouldn't." I looked down, a tear dripping down my cheek. He came over to me and stood me up, and hugged me. I hugged him back, a few tears streaming down my face. " Do want you think is right." He whispered to me. "But I don't know which one is better." I cried. He rubbed my back, shushing me. "How about, by the time you wake up in the morning, you decide. If you wake up between 3 AM and 5AM you write a note, get your stuff and go to that calling. If you wake up after that, then you stay." He suggested. "Okay." I said weakly. "Okay." He sighed and kept hugging me. I looked up at him. He was looking out my window. His chocolate brown hair was fallen softly on his fore head and head, his brownish greenish eyes sad, but a small gleam in them. The mole that was above the left side of his lip. May always said that we would get along. 

I didn't think she was going to be right, honestly.

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