18. Aladdin

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"Did I ever tell you the difference between a Northern fairy tale and a Southern one?" she asked him, indulging herself and letting her head rest on his shoulder. God, he felt good. Her man. Where her head was meant to lie, right there, on him.
"What's the difference?"
"A Northern one starts 'once upon a time,' while a Southern one starts 'y'all ain't going to believe this shit.'"
—Erin McCarthy, Hot Finish (Fast Track, #3)

"Sooooooo," Agustín, the esteemed owner of Pedro's Pizzeria begins, dragging the word out for all its worth, "When did you guys start dating?"

By "you guys", Agustín, of course, means Ian and I. I share a look with my aforementioned 'boyfriend'— the second half of the 'you guys' pair— as we both dig into the pizza like animals. There's a variety of ten extra large sizes of pizza with different types of pizza toppings. Looking at the challenge now, I wonder how I ever thought I could do the challenge alone, ever. It's obvious that the challenge is capable of eating me and not the other way round.

On the other hand, it seems to me like Ian has gone through this challenge alone once upon a time and emerged victorious. I'm currently struggling to go through my second box of pizza but he's been going through his like a freaking wrecking ball.

Hence, why I'm giving him the look; I'm still trying to murder this particular slice of pizza, dude. Answer him!

Ian raises an eyebrow, unaware of the sauce hanging on his cheek. I refuse to find it cute as he replies with his own telepathic eyes. I can't talk with my mouth full, however, you have it down to a science. So, answer him.

Even when he's not using words, he's rude. I think he needs an attitude orientation.

I swallow another particularly large chunk of pizza in my mouth and turn to face Agustín who is busy holding a timer, ignoring the way Pedro is putting my face on his Snapchat story. "Yeah, we started dating... like yesterday."

Agustín raises his eyebrows. "Really?"

I take another large bite and nod. "Yep. This is our first date," I say through a mouthful and swallow, pointedly ignoring Ian's scandalized look. "Classy, right?"

Pedro chuckles and the sound is a bit too sardonic to be coming out of such a young body. "You have amazing taste in men," Pedro murmurs. The sarcasm in his voice can't be overlooked.

I shrug as I take another bite. "What's not to like about Ian? Such a charming personality. And he knows how to treat a girl," I say with sugary sweetness. Ian glares at me as he continues to devour his pizza and I decide to join him. We've only gone through four boxes— we have six more to go and we only have about fifty minutes left.

It's easy to eat pizza from Pedro's Pizzeria. The pizza is always greasy, always filled with cheese and the crusts are to die for. But now, I'm starting to think that I'll never want to eat pizza from here ever again.

"C'mon Scarlett, it's too late to give up now!" Ian says as soon as he swallows a mouthful of pepperoni pizza. "I watched you drink nine venti sized cups of Starbucks overpriced drinks. If you can do that then you can do this."

Making remember that day almost triggers my gag reflex. Instead, I quickly swallow and shake my head at him. "That was liquid! And I took like two bathroom breaks!"

Agustín clears his throat. "We do have a toilet for you to use if you want—"

Pedro scoffs. "No way Dad. I'm the one in charge of cleaning that place. Don't punish me."

I pointedly ignore the bickering family in front of me as I cram the rest of the pizza slice into my mouth and chew. Honestly, with the amount of fat I'm chugging into my system, I hope I get some impromptu boobs as a reward.

Just as I reach for the third box of pizza, a whirlwind of an azure summer dress, golden blonde hair and preteen hormones storms into the pizzeria. Freya Ross walks in and I pause my chewing as she sends me a glare so chilling, she might as well be the real life Queen Elsa of Arendelle.

"Don't you stupid girls ever listen to me?!" Freya practically shrieks as she glares down at me, pushing past a flustered Pedro. "Why are you dating Ian? What I told you that day over the phone, did you think I was kidding?!"

I finally swallow what's in my mouth and blink at the petite girl in front of me. I turn to face Ian. "Dude, you told her we're dating?"

Ian looks just as lost as I am. "I did no such thing," he says and he turns to face Freya with a frown on his face. "And what do you mean by this whole dramatic entrance? How is my love life your business?"

"Better yet," I cut in, using my napkin to wipe at the grease on my fingers. "Since Ian denies telling you about our relationship status, how the hell did you find out?"

Freya rolls her eyes. "I saw Pedro's story on Snapchat," she raises an eyebrow, specifically at me. "And you really have to learn to swallow before you speak, ugh."

I can't believe I'm being taught table etiquette by a thirteen year old. I clear my throat and quickly glare at Pedro who is suddenly looking less like salt and more like sugar. The wonders of a crush.

"Agustín, it seems to me that Ian and I are gonna have to forfeit this challenge," I sigh. "Just give us the bill and we'll pay for the rest and take it along with us."

Agustín nods quickly. He obviously doesn't want to be a part of this conversation. "Of course. Pedro, pack the remaining pizza and put them in boxes for takeaway."

Pedro pouts— what the fuck?— but obeys his Father, nonetheless. He quickly smiles at Freya who ignores him in favor of glaring at her brother. Then he picks the plate of pizza and walks away, following after his Father.

As soon as they disappear behind the counter, Freya continues speaking. "And yes, Ian. I won't lie; this is a time when you're meant to be trying to heal— not taking advantage of a girl's feelings for you."

I'm curious about what she means. Ian needs to heal what? An injury on his left leg? His personality? His spirituality?

Ian only continues to glare at her coldly as she proceeds to keep speaking. Possibly because he gets this kind of treatment a lot. "Yes, the first time I spoke to Scarlett, I warned her about you and your stringing along tendencies. Obviously, she could care less because she still wants you to get in her pants."

I wonder, when I was thirteen, did I ever talk like this?

"Calm down Freya," I sigh and I'm surprised that I sound mildly annoyed. I'm already getting a bit of a headache and I'm sure that it's not because of the pizza making me feel woozy. "Ian and I aren't dating so don't worry about the nonexistent condom I'm saving for your darling brother."

She pauses and finally turns to face me again. "Wait, what?"

I shrug lightly. "You heard me. We just lied about it because we wanted to do this challenge thing which we've indirectly lost, thanks to you."

Freya suddenly looks flustered and embarrassed. "Oh. So you don't—?"

"Even if I do, Freya, it isn't your business to know," I raise an eyebrow and I ignore the way she visibly flinches like I've pinched her. I don't care. I know I'm rude but I doubt I was this rude when I was thirteen. I've had more years to grow into this stick full of angst. "But yes. I don't see your brother that way."

I ignore the way my stomach turns when I say the words. Like really, indigestion isn't an option right now.

Freya sighs. "I'm sorry. I—"

"Whatever," I say and I wobble to my feet. "I need to use the toilet and female etiquette apparently states that I can't go alone. Follow me."

Ian finally turns his glare away from Freya and his gaze visibly softens. "You good?"

"Yeah, I'm good," I confirm. "Excuse us for one moment."

I start walking towards the a door marked with the universal symbol for females. Judging by the footsteps behind me, I can tell that Freya is following me with no fuss. I push open the door and step inside. The place is clean enough for a public bathroom but I don't really need to use it. I have other things on my mind.

I turn to face Freya as soon as three seconds pass by without event. "Okay, I'm curious. What is Ian healing from? Is he a player? Why exactly are you trying to be a cockblock? I'm dying to know all this."

Freya blinks. "I thought you wanted to use the toilet?"

"Okay," I nod. "If I really wanted to take a wazz, or better yet, a dump, why would I call for a two woman congregation?"

Freya nods after a moment. "Um. Good point."

I roll my eyes and lean against a sink. "Yeah. So tell me, Freya. Ian won't tell me and honestly, I need to be told. And tell me fast because I can't pretend to be taking a dump for a long time without making the guys out there worry."

Freya looks at me like she's suspicious. "Why are you curious? It's not like you like him so this shouldn't be any of your business, right?"

"I'm attracted to girls," I deadpan, the half lie easily falling out of my lips. "And so, you can forget about Ian and I ever making babies, okay?"

Freya blushes and she clears her throat. "Oh. Sorry. Again."

"You can apologize to me properly by telling me what I want to know," I cross my arms over my torso. "Any day now."

Freya nods. "Okay, fine. Has Ian ever told you about any girl? Her name is Abril Adriano?"

I shake my head slowly, ignoring the way my stomach turns because, indigestion or something. "Nope," I reply, keeping my answer short.

Freya nods. "Well, she's literally Ian's first and only love. He liked her ever since he was fifteen apparently and then, they started dating. So yeah, he's just broken hearted because at the beginning of this summer, he caught her cheating on him with some random guy and I dunno, Ian and Jameel didn't give me details."

My stomach really is spinning out of control. "Oh. Wow."

She nods again. "Yep. She's extremely pretty and Ian wasn't the most attractive teenager in the world, to be honest. But she still liked him and I don't know... she cheated on him. And Ian has been sleeping around since then and... he isn't the older brother I know anymore, you see?"

I back away because comforting a crying thirteen year old in the public restroom of a pizzeria is not on my (destroyed) bucket list. "Yeah, that has to suck," I murmur and I nod as Freya quickly wipes at her eyes. "Thanks for telling me. Um, I didn't mean to upset you."

She laughs. "No, it's no problem. Um, Ian said something about being friends with you for two weeks now, right?"

"Give or take some days," I confirm. "Why?"

"Well, Jameel says he's been seeing some improvements in Ian lately," Freya says and suddenly, she eyes me like she's seeing me for the first time. "I don't know but I think you're part of the reason so... thanks."

I ignore the blush on my cheeks. Gosh, why do I seem to blush for the littlest things these days? "It's all good."

She shrugs. "Yeah... but hey. If you weren't batting for the other team and Ian was in his right state of mind emotionally... I'd totally ship you guys."

I raise an eyebrow at the confession. "Cute. But no."

Freya laughs and then gestures for us to go back. I quickly wash my hands for the sake of an illusion and step in beside her. We casually make our way out. "Um, I'm still sorry about being rude and jumping into conclusions about you and Ian."

"Like I said, it's all good," I reply and I actually mean it. My stomach isn't fluttering with vomit anymore, at least.

Agustín and Pedro look up at us as we near Ian and I's booth. Ian raises an eyebrow at us as we get close to them. "Feeling better?"

I pat the slight bulge I call a stomach. "Yeah."

Freya quickly walks up to Ian and hugs him around the neck. An easy feat because, well, he's sitting. Ian's eyebrows practically disappear behind his bangs as he looks at me for help. I shrug and gesture for him to return her hug before turning to face Pedro and Agustín.

"So," I fake a smile. "How much for the pizza?"

I load my share of pizza boxes onto the backseat of my car. Ian and Freya stand behind me like ghosts and I turn to face them as soon as I slam the car door shut. "What?"

Freya blushes and looks down at her feet. "Um... well..."

Ian rolls his eyes but he's smiling. He balances his own share of pizza boxes in one palm. "Freya suddenly thinks you're cool because she was with you while you were doing your business in the restroom. In other words, she wants to hang out with you because she thinks you're the shi—"

Freya imitates a tomato as she smacks Ian's arm, hard. "Shut up Ian!" she shrieks and then quickly glances at me. She suddenly looks bashful. "I mean, it's just that, well, Jameel is busy painting something new and it's too early to go back home and—"

I shrug and the movement practically cuts off her almost ramble. I'm a bit flattered that she actually wants to spend some time with me. I know I'm cool enough but I don't think I'm the kind of person she would want to really want to hang out with on a normal day. Like on Total Drama, she reminds me of girls like Heather or Courtney— not Gwen. Or like on Victorious, she's more like the Tori Vega to my Jade West.

But it's okay. I've never really decided to hang out with a thirteen year old. "Sure. Get in the car. Let's go out."

Freya practically beams as she runs to the other side of the car, opens the door and jumps in. I turn to face Ian and smirk. "Don't worry, I won't steal your sister away from you. I like being an only child."

Ian gives me an unimpressed look. "I feel so assured," he says and then shrugs. "But fine. Enjoy your day with her. I'll talk to you later?"

I nod and turn to the car to open the door. "Yeah, of course."

Suddenly, my arm is pulled back and I find my face buried in Ian's neck. He smells like pizza, ink and cologne and I inhale deeply before I can stop myself. He wraps his free arm around me and I blink as I realize that the boy is... hugging me.

I try to pull away. "Dude, what are you—?"

"Are you feeling better now?" he whispers and I freeze because it's like his lips are right next to my ear. "Like... in terms of everything with your dad?"

My heart warms at the thought that he's actually concerned. I chuckle and finally pull away from him. "Yeah, I'm fine," I answer and I bite my lip as I look up at him. "Thanks. For paying for the pizza and everything."

He shrugs with a smile. "What are friends for?"

I return the smile and turn away from him, jumping into the driver's seat and slamming the door shut. I put the key in ignition.

"Behave!" Ian shouts to his little sister and Freya nods slowly, not putting her reply into words.

Finally, I drive away. "Well, where do you want to go? Ice cream?" I decide to break the silence in the car.

She doesn't answer. I glance at her from the corner of my eye. She's staring at me with a look I can't really comprehend. "What?" I ask.

"Are you sure you're like... totally not straight?" She finally asks and she looks like she wants my answer to be a yes. "Because... you and Ian..."

She trails off and I ignore the way my neck suddenly feels hot. I know what she means. Reyna thinks there's something between us. Father thinks there's something between us. Hell, even Agustín and Pedro think there's something between us. Of course it's only logical that Freya would think such a thing too.

"Ice cream?" I try again, avoiding the topic. "Or somewhere else?"

Freya shakes her head. "Ice cream sounds great," she finally answers.

The car is way too silent for comfort but we both don't bother to break it. I don't know what she's thinking but I know I'm thinking different thoughts all at the same time, like for instance; will Freya freak out once I confess that I'm actually into both girls and boys, and I only lied to her so that she'll tell me about 'Abril Adriano' and how Ian apparently only ever loved her?

I quickly glance at the thirteen year old embodiment of Chanel Oberlin who still looks like she's contemplating all her options.


To be edited.
Thank you so much for getting this far!
We have about nine more chapters to go or so... so yeah, I'm hoping you'll stick around?
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
I'll try to answer them to the best of my capability.
Have a wonderful day loves x

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