Chapter 8

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Lawan sipped the red wine she had poured for herself when she learnt that both she and Niran knew the same person. 

"Why did he not tell you directly?" she asked after chugging one glass. Erica, like a faithful friend, poured her another glass.

Niran gave her a long look before he said in a faint voice. "Because he was not supposed to interact with Gaelan?"

Lawan crossed her legs. "Why not?"

"Gaelan is a prisoner," Niran answered, leaning on the sofa and pulling a still-flustered Rune against him. "Up in the sky."

Erica tried to drink directly from the bottle, but one glare from Rune, made her scramble to get herself a glass. "What did he do?"

Niran frowned. "I don't know. I am not a star. I just work for one."

An awkward silence fell over us and the two females just sipped their drink while Niran was tracing Rune's veins up his forearm. And I just felt like that red capsicum amidst the green ones. Should I help myself with a glass? Find someone to cuddle with? 

This was difficult.

Lawan blinked at Erica. "So," she drawled. "Your neighbour Omicron is a half-star?"

Erica nodded. "Riley is. That's why he left his coven to start a new coven."

"He could have challenged that Omicron and ruled the coven he came from," Lawan said. "Why start a new coven?"

Erica shrugged and emptied the bottle. "I don't know what happened in East Coven or why he left. But he still has a close friendship with East Coven."

Lawan waved her hand. "That's tedious. To start a coven all on your own. But leaving that aside, you knew stars existed?"

Erica hummed. "Yes. Nox visits us frequently and reminds us again and again."

I gave my mentor a pointed look. "And you did not?"

Lawan drained her glass. "Look, I worked with Nox, but that does not mean he told me who he was! Neither did Gaelan for that matter. I don't know if Mali knew or not, but she was the one who introduced me to them."

After learning what Mali's powers were, I did not know if I could ever bring myself to believe her. Who knew what she had done? 

Lawan then looked at a flustered Rune. "You don't know? I thought Julius might have told you something."

No one ever spoke of Rune's father. We spoke of him in hushed whispers without a witness. As far as Rune was concerned, his father was Sadka, Apinya's mate and Mali's father. 

Rune sighed and squeezed Niran's hand. "Julius did, but not completely. He was always drunk or high whenever I was around. Not to mention, Beau told me that he was always like that. He told me he was related to some star."

Just like that, the atmosphere turned dark synchronising with the rising night. The last sunray died and shadows crawled into the house, uninvited and demanding. Everything they touched, they claimed to be an item that belonged to them. Just as they invaded further in the house, the artificial intelligence Rune had installed detected the time and the lights flickered to life. The second the photons came into the room the shadows accepted defeat and left the house.

I blinked. "You're half-star?"

Rune shook his head. "Nope. Descendant of one. I guess that's why Royals are powerful because they are descendants of a star."

My brain raced. "If that's why Royals are powerful, does that not mean Riley is more powerful than them? What is stopping him from becoming the monarch, then?"

Niran's weak voice echoed in the otherwise empty hall. "Cause the Royals are descendants of Luna herself!"

Poor Erica who had taken the last sip of the wine spat on the rug. And Rune who would have been concerned about the stain on his new rug stared at his mate like he had grown an extra head. Lawan whistled and closed her eyes, probably contacting her mate to come with more alcohol.

After Taurus, this information which should have fazed me, did not. 

"Say what now?" Erica coughed. "Luna? Her descendants?"

Rune slumped on the sofa. "I thought Julius was out of his mind when he told me this."

"So he told you?" Lawan fired.

"He did," Rune exasperated. "But how can you believe a guy who is always high and drunk out of his mind?"

You did not believe that guy. 

Niran squeezed Rune's hand. "How was he allowed to have kids? Isn't that dangerous?"

Rune laughed harshly and took his hand from his mate. "He fooled with a lot of females before he settled with his current mate. And of all the unfortunate rendevous, I was the only child born out of mateship."

Niran looked at Rune's wretched hand and then he closed his eyes. "To be honest, you are the only child in the history of the Royal family to be born out of mateship. Royals, being Luna's descendants, regarded mate bond above everything."

Rune's eyes tightened. "I am the only stain in the Royal family?"

Niran shook his head fast, but the damage had already been done. "I meant to say Julius was. Never you. How could you be responsible for something like your birth? Not even your birth, your conception! But... I am glad that you are born." Niran took his mate's hands again. Rune refused to look at him. "I am glad that I found you in this life. And I will keep finding you no matter where you hide. Up until today, I never thought I would find my mate. Yet here I am yearning to hold you in my arms and fight those shadows for you. You're not a stain, Rune. You're my fucking miracle. My wonder. I never thought one person could be this important, but since the second I saw you, you have become my everything. Everything."

I turned my face away from them. As much as I was disgusted with my body on some days, I wished there was someone who would hold me and tell me that I was their miracle. That I was their wish come true. 

Harriet was not a cuddler. She was always in her crisp, freshly pressed suits and heels with her hair up in a simple bun, held by hair spray. She appeared warm to others, but I could feel the coldness seep out of her bones when she thought she was never being noticed. Though we shared a bed, there was a mountain of distance between us. We had different comforters for fuck's sake! 

When I had accidentally let it slip to Allen, he gave me the weirdest look and asked if I was having a problem with my mate. 

I may be an assassin, but sometimes, I wanted someone to cuddle with me just because we wanted to. Someone to wear my scent on their skin with pride. 

I let out a long breath. But where would I find one? My mate was dead and who else would compare? What can best a mate bond?

My phone rang, snapping me from my revive. 

Who was calling me? 

I frowned at my phone. I rarely got calls from anyone. And half of the people who would call me were here. Was it a scam call? Or was it the wrong number? 

The screen displayed a number and even the app that detected unknown numbers did not flash me a name. 

I pressed the answer button and gave a sceptical, "Hello?"

The voice that chuckled on the other side was very, very familiar. "Forgot me so soon, Draco? Am I that unforgettable?"

That voice reached straight into my soul and grabbed it for its pleasure. Lawan gave me a quizzed look, which had me jumping up from my seat and rushing to Rune's backyard. I was enchanted by his voice. 

I tried to get my breath back. I had spoken to him just this morning and just after a few hours, just a few hours, I was star-struck by his voice? What the fuck would I do if I see him? Jump him?

"Draco?" he called my name again. "Is everything alright there?"

I shook my head. My lack of response had him thinking that I was in trouble. I licked my suddenly dry lips."Yeah. Everything's good. What's up?"

Was that casual enough? Was I screwing a simple conversation? 

That male might not even be a bisexual, dammit! He was a damned star and a royalty among them. Just how many must have thrown themselves at him? And why would he be interested in  a unshifted shifter who had been raped? 

"Are you sure everything's alright?"  he asked. "I know how Niran can be. Did he cause any trouble?"

He did not. But you are. I was so tempted to say that, but I held back my words.

"Nothing's wrong," I said. "Niran just happened to be Rune's mate... so, that was a surprise."

He did laugh again and I was staring at the big bright moon with an equally moony face. His laugh was mellow, like the soft sand, but full of light. I knew the earthquake he was capable of, but right now, he was the very basement that supported huge buildings. 

"Niran met his mate?"  he said. "It was time that boy settled down."

I just hummed in reply. 

A few seconds of silence passed between us before he said, "Draco, I know it's not fair of me to ask you this, but I do need a favour."

Ask me a favour? What could I possibly help him with? He had the power and people to do anything for him. 

"What is it?" I asked. 

"I have someone," he said. "Can you take care of her for a while?"

Her? Was it his lover? His daughter? His sister? Why did my heart ache if it had been the former two? I had a mate and a daughter in the past. What if he had a family? Why was it bothering me too much? 

And if that female was important, why was he sending her to me? Did he trust me to keep her safe despite living in Summer Coven? Did he think I was so strong? Did he really not have other people? 

"Who is it?" I asked, glancing at the blinking stars.

"Princess Antlia," Taurus said. "Aries is in a fix. I will be taking care of her for a while. But if something calls me, can I trust you?"

I nearly spluttered. Why would he think I was capable of this? What made him think that? Was I capable? The last Royal... apart from the cast-out Royal, Julius and his children.

"You..." I began. "You trust me in this?"

"Jarred and Fia have to go to the Halls," Taurus said. "Niran is with you. Who else could I turn to?"

"Other Warriors?"

"You don't want me to trust you?" He still did not answer that question. 

"No!" I said immediately and he chuckled. "I mean... why do you trust me?"

"Cause..." he began. "Not many assassins who were sent to kill me, saved me, hitman. Enough?"

I gulped. There was something else in his voice. Something that made me rooted.

"Enough," I managed to say.

"Good," he said. "If I am going to leave, I will leave her with you."

"Okay," I said.

With that, he cut the call.

Taking the phone from my ears, I stared at the screen. Why was my heart still racing?

"Talking to your crush?" Erica asked from the door.

"Crush?" I frowned, turning to look at her. "No-"

"I did seem like it," she said, raising her eyebrows. "You were freaking smiling at the moon while you were talking."

Was I? Alarmed, I covered my mouth.

Erica shook her head. "I was just teasing."

"Shut up," I muttered.

She said, "Kyan came with two guests. I came to call you."

That guy already came?

"Yeah..." she said. "When you asked about Kyan in that tone, I did not know. But now... I know. And I will never question again."

Slouching, I made my way in. Lawan was staring at the blonde female who was seated next to Kyan. I took in a sniff and instantly knew that the female was a werewolf. She must be Rita Ajello, the youngest daughter of Alpha of Summer Pack. 

Kyan and Niran were engaged in a silent battle. I never knew that Kyan actually cared for Rune so much.

But there were two more people in the room. While both were silent, one was silent in a lethal way and the other in a covering manner. The brooding one raised his head and his eyes caught my attention.

Grey eyes startled me. Thousands of tormented winds swirled in them. His silver hair did him no justice. One could write poetry on the scars that adorned his skin.

The other male who was seated by the female looked down. His red hair was like a flaming beacon.

"Draco!" Kyan called, with a grin on his face. "The famous hitman."

"Kyan," I said. "Nice to meet you."

The female ignored Lawan and sized me up. Then she whistled, "Who is this here?"

Kyan introduced. "Rita, this is Draco. Draco, Rita."

I nodded at her and then looked at the others. Following my line of vision, Kyan said nodding towards the grey-eyed male, "This is... I don't know his name. But everyone calls him Lupus. Call him that."

There was no expression on Lupus' face. He remained calm.

I shook my head in the other guy's direction. "And he is?"

Rita waved her hand. "Don't bother him. He is a slave in my pack."

The last time I checked, Alpha Costa was a male who upheld justice. Why was his daughter like this? I had met that Alpha twice in my life. One when I was young and he could not stop Dave from taking my mother. And second when he visited the bar where Neil and Peggy worked.

"So?" I pressed, feeling a bit protective over the male. "He does have a name, does he not?"

Rita scoffed. "If you insist." She looked at the red-haired male and kicked him. "What's your name, slave?"

"Lynx Moretti," he answered, raising his head.

The blue eyes were cold and I expected to see a broken soul there, but what I saw stunned me. He was fighting every second of his life. I could see the fight, the determination so clearly on his face. Even his voice was cold and void of emotion.

"There you go," she said. "Happy?"

"He is a living being," I said. "Hope you know that."

She snarled. "I am the Alpha's daughter! You better show me respect, you disgrace of a werewolf."

"Watch your tone towards him." Both Rune and Niran said in unison.

Kyan chuckled. "Rita, while you may hold power in Summer Pack, you better not get on the bad side of Rune Bidaya here."

"Big deal," she muttered.

"You have no idea what I have saved you from," Kyan said shaking his head.

Lynx's eyes connected with mine for a second and I saw gratitude reflect in them.


In the middle of that night, Taurus called me again. When he asked me to meet him at the edge of the coven border, why did I feel like a teenager seeking to meet their lover without anyone's knowledge?

Shaking my head, I pulled my pants on, tossed on the white shirt and took a leather jacket for the night chillness. I thought for a moment to brush my hair and then frowned. I was meeting him to safeguard a royal. I was not going on a date.

With that, I left the confines of my room and crossed the hall careful to not wake my mother who was sleeping in the other room. Grabbing my keys, I went to the parking lot and started my bike.

There was a calm freedom in riding a bike in the middle of the night. When the cool winds breezed through me, a ripple of shiver ran up my body. I just wanted to be unrestrained.

I stopped when I saw Taurus holding a girl of about sixteen years. Her hair reached to her shoulder and she was snarling loudly. Seeing me, she gave me a smile through her gritted teeth. Interesting.

"Taurus!" she snapped. "Let me go! I need to know if Lyra is safe-"

"She will be," Taurus said calmly. "She has Aries with her. You, however, are not safe."

She rolled her eyes at the Warrior. That was a Royal alright. "Yeah. Yeah. But she is still my friend! I gotta be there for her!"

"From what I gathered, Lyra literally sacrificed her freedom and her chance to take revenge just to get you out safe. Now if you recklessly go back and if you are in danger, then didn't what Lyra did go in vain?" Taurus asked.

The royal was silent as she looked away. While her lower lip quivered, her eyes misted. "Nash should not have died." She sniffed. "Now who would fight with me for chocolate and play UNO?"

While I did not know who this Nash was, I froze. It was her voice that told me her loss. That break in the word 'chocolate'.

Even Taurus appeared lost for words.

"Not every death is justified, princess," I said, remembering Harriet. "Some just happen. But they can live on in our memories."

She fixed her eyes on me. Then she saw Taurus. "You are going to leave me in his care?"

Taurus nodded. "I believe he can protect you."

For some reason, she looked miserable. It was then I realised. She had to leave Aries and Lyra and now, Taurus was leaving her with me.

"I don't want protection," she mumbled. It was at this time, she looked like her age. "I just don't want-"

"-people leaving you behind," I finished. "Understandable."

Her lower lips quivered further and then she launched herself at me. She hugged me fiercely and she cried. My heart broke. How much had this kid had to go through her life?

There was an instinct to protect her immediately. I hugged her back and whispered soothing words in her ears. For some reason, this scene reminded me of my mother leaving me with Sean and Sean comforting the thirteen-year-old me. While I knew what it was to be alone, I finally found my people who were there for me. Who would fight for me. Who would go against their Omicron for me.

For some reason, I wanted her to belong somewhere, with people of her own. It did not matter if I was not in it. When he saw me comforting her, there was a certain softness and torment in his eyes.

These Warriors were protecting her. From what, I did not know. But in the process of keeping her safe, they ignored her happiness and her feelings. As much as I would agree with these Warriors that I had to protect her, I would have not separated from her friend, Lyra.

Minutes trickled by and the princess finally let me go. "I must be a mess."

"Not a problem," I said, giving her a final pat. "Everyone has their ups and downs."

She sniffed and then chuckled. "I guess spending the next few months of my life with you won't be that bad."

I narrowed my eyes at her. "Not bad, huh?"

I looked up at Taurus and sighed. "You left her in my care, Taurus. I know how to take care of her now."

"Taking her to Summer Coven?" he asked.

I blinked. "Why would I want to torture her? I am taking her to Summer Pack. Peggy and Neil would love to take her in for a while. With a Candle festival coming up, if Dave sees Ant, he would not care about her age. He would make her his sex slave. You know about him."

"What?" Ant shrieked. "Sex-slave?"

I placed my hands over her shoulder. "Calm down. I won't let him take you."

She nodded mutely before her eyes turned sharp. "How many sex slaves does he have now?"

Neither of us answered. I shared a look with Taurus who slightly shook his head. She would rule us one day, but that was neither tonight nor tomorrow. 

Ant then turned to me. "While I love causing trouble, I know when to stay out of it. If I had not pestered Lyra to take me out that day, Lyra would not have bargained to be kept in prison to release me. I see that you are in turmoil. I will try my best to not cause any trouble."

"Coming to see whose house she is going to be in?" I asked.

Taurus nodded. "Let's go."


The second I called Peggy and Neil that I had an emergency and that I had to hide someone, they gave me an address to a house located on the outskirts of Summer Pack with no questions asked. The two passengers were enjoying themselves a nice ride in the night on a bike.

"Can you teach me how to ride this thing?" Ant asked me, screaming over the rushing winds.

"Sure!" I yelled back.

Finally, the Waika maps said that I was at my destination. But that technology did not need to confirm my location. A grinning blue-haired male did.

"Peggy is in," Zeke said, standing on his toes to see who was sitting behind me. "Who did you bring? And why did you want it to be a secret?"

I shrugged and I got off. Next was Antlia and then Taurus got off and took the helmet.

Zeke gasped when I parked my bike in a corner. "Who is that?"

"Why?" I asked.

"Damn, Draco," he muttered. "I thought I was straight. But this guy is... pure-"

"I dare you to finish that sentence," Taurus snarled lowly.

Whether it was the eyes that glowed silver under the midnight or that commanding voice, Zeke fell silent. While he was scared, I felt an altogether different set of sensations coursing through my body.

I wanted to finish that sentence to see what he would do.

"Wh-who are y-you?" he stammered.

"He is Torre," I said bluntly.

Zeke slumped to the ground and blinked at me. "Am I dead? Is that why I can see you? I planned a good funeral for you Draco in case Torre killed you. You can trust me."

What the hell was he blabbering?

The door opened and the familiar heterochromatic male greeted me. "Zeke took his dramatic pills. Ignore him. Come on in!"

That was all it needed for Zeke to pick himself up and rush in. Ant grinned and entered the house. Zyon gave Taurus and me a long look before he said, "Come in fast."

With that, he left us alone outside the house. I grabbed the handlebars of my bike to park it.

"Interesting choice of friends," Taurus commented. Then he frowned. "After having Jarred and Niran around, I am not in any position to comment on this."

I chuckled. "Then you have to meet Erica and Lawan."

Taurus' lips curled. "Do you have something to tell me?"

I frowned. "Tell you what?"

"You look like you want to tell me something," he said.

I bit my lips and stared into his eyes via the mirror of my bike. "You are pure..."

He waited for a beat. "Pure?"

I gathered my courage and faced him, this time my eyes bore into the real silver ones. "...male."

A myriad of emotions swirled on his face before he turned his face and walked ahead of me. 

I suppressed a smirk. "Zeke cannot finish that sentence and I can?"

He paused and turned slightly, just enough that I could only see half of his profile. "He's not you."

With that he walked in, not knowing the mess he created in my heart. 

A/N: What do you think of Draco and Taurus?

What do you think will happen next?

Until next update,


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