sad beautiful tragic, haymitch abernathy

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2:17 ————|——— 4:44

Calliope Strays was simply the personification of hatred, a deep seeding emotion that seemed to run through her veins. With the life she was forced to live, it was no surprise that happiness just refused to stay around. At first it was losing her brother, the boy dying a painful death that was televised for the whole nation to see. Then it was the accident that took her parents, leaving her to stay with her eccentric aunt in a small shack on one of the many beaches in District Four.

Calliope just had no reason to smile, her face etched into a permanent frown and her voice monotone and lifeless. In some ways, it was like she was already dead herself, lost in a sea of despair and deep rooted anger, unable to break free.

When her name was drawn for the 50th Hunger Games, it was the first time she'd smiled in years. She expected to simply stroll in, not care about anybody around her and be gone on the first day of competition. A checklist in her mind that was left unfulfilled as a boy from District Twelve somehow managed to push his way straight passed the cement like exterior she had built.

And when you care for somebody, it makes the Games even harder, because instead of closing her eyes to sleep, she found them open and watching the sky. Her heart would stop as the canon echoed, a direct reaction to her thinking the worse had happened.

Haymitch Abernathy had stumbled his way into her life with a rather minuscule smile, and she'd fallen out of his with a large wound to the stomach. For they were the original star crossed lovers torn apart by the cruelty of death.

She'd bled out in his arms, her final words ones of love and desperation. It's a shame that the feelings you have for people doesn't go when they pass, because it surely would've saved Haymitch a lot of pain. Nights of terror and grief, all the things he never got to say to her echoing in his mind.

So that's when he came up with the idea, a letter a day addressed to the girl who had stolen his heart. Many of the pages were marked by the tears of a heartbroken man, ink smudged and much of it unreadable. But that was okay, because nobody else was ever going to see them.

Until Katniss and Peeta stumbled upon them so many years later.


"Cause we had a beautiful, magic love there"


I really love this plot and had thought about writing it myself, but I don't have much motivation for it at the moment. Calliope and Haymitch are roughly the same age in their Games, and manage to connect with each other before going into the Games. I would have her survive until towards the end, but it's totally up to you!

I'm not quite sure who to cast as young Haymitch so that's entirely up to you!

If you have anymore questions, please message me!

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