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Okay. Let's recap.

Lloyd Garmadon is the Green Ninja-
Wait, not that far back.

The ninja got back from their boot camp.

Zane (and everyone?) knows that I'm pining after Lloyd.

Lloyd's almost technically immortal.

We almost kissed.

Wow, alright.

It was enough to make me stall while in the shower, staring hard at the marble wall. I probably stayed in a bit longer than I should've but I couldn't help it. My brain was overworking itself and my body was put on shut down mode because of it.
It took another five minutes for me to regain my bearings before stumbling out and wrapping the towel Lloyd had given me around myself. My movements were weak and clumsy, like a child's, and I wondered briefly if I was fit to handle the prophecy. Both physically and mentally.

But I didn't want to get into it. I already spent enough time worrying about the stupid tugging thing to waste anymore energy on it. I had more pressing matters; like how I was gifted with the chance to wear another of Lloyd's hoodies. It was green again. At this point, it'd surprise me if he had an article of clothing that wasn't green. He really loves subtly and harmlessly taunting the little guys, huh?
The shorts I'd been given must be some kind of beach pants as they had white draw strings around the waist. I tied them up, slipped on the hoody, took a whiff and threw my wet hair up into a bun. So as to not soak the back of my clothes (truly the most horrific feeling).

Bundling my damp, pond-smelling clothes in my hands, I stepped out of the bathroom and quickly made my way back down the hall to Lloyd's room - I didn't want to bump into anyone who wouldn't recognise me, because that'd mean I'd have to explain as to why I was obviously wearing Lloyd's clothes and that'd mean I'd have to talk to somebody new.
I didn't really want to do that. So race time it was.

I scampered down to where I remembered his room to be, wincing every so often at the injuries I'd gathered over the past month or so - from the stinging of the paralysing shot to the ache of my sprained ankle and the throb of my head.
Man. I'd been put through the wars, huh? The author of my life must really be a bitch.
"The hoody thief returns," Lloyd announced as I slipped into his room.
"You gave them to me!"
"Tomato tomahto," he shrugged before grabbing my bundle of wet clothes and tossing them into a laundry basket. "I'll wash them later."

"I see how it is," I scrunched my eyes, crossing my arms. "Holding my clothes hostage, huh? So I have to come back. Very smart, indeed."
"Ah, you caught me red-handed," Lloyd grinned. "Or should I say-"
"Lord give me strength," I whispered at the ceiling painfully. He sniggered, grabbing my hands and pulling me towards the door.
"You hungry?"
"Ha-ha, that's funny. I'm always hungry."
Lloyd placed a hand against his chest, wiping away a faux tear.
"You truly are the yin to my yang."
I rolled my eyes at his dramatics, letting him lead me down the long hallway full of multiple doors.
"What's with all the doors?" I asked. There must've been at least fifty. I was struck again at just how expansive the monastery was.

"These are the others' rooms," Lloyd answered. "The team, parents, monks. Some for guests, as well. Christmases and New Years are always super busy."
I whistled lowly, taking in the wing with new light. This was all just the sleeping quarters? Damn. I could fit ten of my houses in here.
"That one's obviously Jay's." He pointed to a door with stickers of lightning bolts and Fritz Donegan on it.
"Of course," I grinned. That's so Jay.
"And then the bathrooms, laundry room, all the boring stuff," Lloyd waved his hand, giving no time to the 'lesser' rooms. They have feelings, too! "Fair warning, don't use the laundry detergent. I once mixed pink dye in there and we haven't been able to get it out."

I frowned. "Why don't you just throw it out?"
Lloyd paused. I stopped, turning to glance up at him. He had an incredibly serious look on his face, little scar peeking out from under his drying blond fringe.
"I did it before we left two weeks ago."
My mouth dropped open in shocked amusement.
"Lloyd!" I hissed between giggles. "That's so immature, oh my god."
He shrugged loftily. "What can I say? I'm the life of the party."
I snorted, rolling my eyes. "Right."
We continued the impromptu tour on the way to the kitchen and I found myself stopping to gaze outside the large window. It had a perfect view of the garden, taking my breath away. It was such a ethereally pretty place - how could it exist? My gaze dropped to a rectangular pool hidden behind a through of maple trees.

"What's that?" I asked, pointing at the pool. The water looked clean but super cloudy. So cloudy that if I put my hand in it, I wouldn't be able to see my fingers at all.
"It's an onsen," he replied, turning his gaze down to me. "For bathing. The water's pumped up from springs, so it's full of minerals."
I caught his eyes and gave a smirk. Despite the shower I just had, it was incredibly tempting.
"Sounds better than the pond," I joked.
Lloyd, who'd been assessing my expression this entire talk, raised his eyebrows suggestively.
"You have to bathe nude."
My cheeks heated. Oh.
"Later tonight, then?" I asked innocently. He spluttered, taken aback, cheeks burning a furious shade of pink while a wicked grin crawled across my lips. He tried to get me flustered but I easily turned it back on him. I'm not easy to play against.

"L- let's move on," he stammered, stiffly walking off. I caught up to him with a chuckle, hiding my grin in the sleeve of Lloyd's hoody.
I gazed out of the window as we slowly strolled down the hallway, taking in the scenery. Man, imagine waking up to this every morning? The garden looked like something from every classic Samurai movie, with bamboo water features, blushing cherry blossoms and moss-coated granite rocks. It's easy to see how the sensei's remained so chilled all the time – surrounded by soothing nature at its finest.

"The traditional side of it makes the monastery seem so old," I breathed as I found a Buddhist statue, barely hidden by the trunk of a towering cherry blossom. "But the building itself looks almost brand new."
I didn't see Lloyd's sheepish grimace.
"A few years ago it burnt down because of the serpentine thatImightormightnothavereleased, so we rebuilt it. Not all of it burnt down, though."
I frowned at the thought of anybody wanting to burn down such a historical building. I could only imagine how impressive the original monastery looked.
"Yeah, your dad told me about that. Amongst other stories."
"Wh- what did he tell you?" Lloyd stopped walking. I strolled on ahead, humming merrily. "Y/n, what did he tell you?"

"So the monks are here to..?" I changed the subject, making Lloyd pout as he quickened his pace to catch up.
"Train, tend to the monastery, other monk stuff," Lloyd finished.
"Yeah," he replied. "A lot of them are learning under my father."
"That's awesome," I breathed. "Like. Super radical."
"Totally wicked," Lloyd continued.
"Absolutely pimpin."
"Alright, lets stop before the 2000s drag us back with their nasty, nasty claws," Lloyd declared. I nodded.

"Green ninjaaaa!"

Lloyd stiffened in fear. I froze, afraid by his reaction.
"Oh, no," he whimpered, green eyes jumping to mine. "All of our 2000s slang - we've summoned him."
"Who?" I asked, terror growing. "Who?"
"The brown ninja has arrived!"
Brown ninja? My fear fell through my feet. Lloyd dropped his head back and exhaled an inaudible groan.
"Heyyy, Dareth," Lloyd greeted, spinning us around to face the man donned a homemade brown ninja suit. He was at least fifty. But his hair was fly, so extra points for that. "How's it hangin'?"
"It is '''hanging''' pretty good," Dareth replied. "My dude... bro."
We stared.
"Chum," he added.

Aw. He's trying so hard.
"Anyway!" Dareth turned his attention to me. "Who's this? A new student? Want me to go get the scissors?"
I grabbed my locks of hair in my fists.
"Please don't," I whimpered.
"Ah, that won't be necessary," Lloyd smiled nervously. "This is Y/n. She's not here to be a monk."
"Oh, then what for?" Dareth tilted his head. "Personal assistant?"
"No," Lloyd replied.
"PR manager?"
"Scroll organiser?"
"That's not a thing."
"That's the same thing as a medic."
"Oh... Doctor?"

"I'm Lloyd's friend," I butted in, having a feeling like they weren't going to get anywhere without an intervention. "It's nice to meet you."
"The pleasure is all yours," Dareth replied, shaking my hand. I pulled a confused look. Huh?
"You should keep her," Dareth whispered loudly to Lloyd. "She's polite."
Lloyd smiled tightly, nodding.
"Yes, Dareth. Thank you, Dareth."
"My work here is done," Dareth declared. "It's time for the brown ninja to vanish into the brown shadows...! Because I have a dental appointment. Bye."
He ran off, disappearing around the corner.

"I like him," I announced into the following silence. Lloyd sighed.
When we (finally) got to the kitchen to steal some food, we found a monk inside, pouring some tea. He glanced up with a tranquil smile.
"Master Lloyd," he greeted, setting the kettle down.
"Dimitri," Lloyd replied with his own bow of his head. "This is Y/n, my... friend."
We all noticed the hesitation. The tips of Lloyd's ears were burning red.
Dimitri raised an eyebrow in amusement, a smile playing on his lips as he assessed me.
"Mm," Dimitri hummed, knowing that Lloyd's falter wasn't an honest mistake. "It's a pleasure to meet Master Lloyd's... friend."
I smiled awkwardly.
"Uh.. it's nice to meet you, too."

"Will you be joining us for morning meditation?" Dimitri asked Lloyd after he smiled at me. Lloyd nodded.
"Now that I'm back, I'll be taking over them again," he explained, having totally ditched his mischievous attitude. "Can you tell Isla that if you see her?"
"Of course, Master Lloyd," Dimitri replied with a pleasant smile. "Have you seen Sensei Garmadon's class's recent progress?"
Lloyd frowned.
"No, I haven't."
"They have come a long way since you last watched them. Their class has just started, if you're interested in watching."

Lloyd sent me a look, letting me make the decision. I eagerly nodded.
"Okay," he agreed with a smile. "We will. Thanks, Dimitri."
He sent us a nod of his head in farewell, before continuing down the hallway. I sent Lloyd a mischievous look.
"Master Lloyd?" I asked once Dimitri was out of earshot, an amused smile growing on my lips. "Why, hello, master Lloyd. I do say, your ninja-weapons look especially shiny today, sir."
"Shut up," Lloyd snickered, pulling the hood over my head and tightening the strings. I squeaked.
"Do they call you that because you're a ninja or because you're a royal pain?" I teased, wiggling my fingers through the little hole to loosen the hood.

"They call me master because my family runs the monastery and my grandfather created the world," Lloyd replied, amused as he went to scavenge for food. "Also yes, because I'm a ninja."
"Oh, right," I said as I stood in the middle of the kitchen, hair mussled. "I forgot about your grandad doing the whole hocus pocus here's the earth thing."
Lloyd bit back a snort. "Usually people are in awe when I bring that up."
"I've experienced a lot today," I simply answered. "My brain is lagging. What kinda food do you guys have here? Special traditional recipes? How about ramen? Miso soup? Bento bowls?"
"How about something even better?" Lloyd tempted, stepping out of the pantry with his hands behind his back. "We have option one; two minute noodles and option two: cereal."

"Oooo, noodles, noodles!" I nodded my head enthusiastically. Lloyd stared at me in bewilderment for a few seconds before falling into a surprised chuckle.
"You're easy to please."
"I'm a simple girl, Lloyd," I replied airily. "I see food, I eat the food."
He grinned, shaking his head as he turned away to prepare our lunch.

Upon acquiring the much needed nutrition, we made our way down to a wing of the monastery that I remember. We pass by the med bay and I'm half tempted to pop my head in and see if Zane was in there. Having said that - where were the others? I know the monastery's big but the only people we've seen so far have been monks as we pass by in the halls.
Maybe they're all asleep.
Lloyd led me down pass other rooms, pointing out the weapons room, lane pool and dance studio (dance studio???) as we went. The sound of fighting grew louder until we arrived at the dojo.

Lloyd ushered me inside the large room. A handful of students with shaved heads were watching another two battle with blunt swords. Garmadon was circling them, giving the duo a wide berth and calmly shouting instructions.
"Loosen your shoulders, Jack," Garmadon ordered. "You're swinging too stiffly. Think fluid, like a swan swimming along the surface of a still lake."
In response was a stern nod from one of the training students. Garmadon glanced up before sending us a welcoming smile.
"Here," Lloyd whispered as he guided me to the side of the training room, where a bunch of pillows sat unused. We took a seat before returning our attention to the two students.

It felt like one of those open demonstration things. Except that this was definitely not an open demonstration. Beside me, Lloyd was watching closely with a critical eye.
"Caitlyn's footsteps are too loud," he noted under his breath to me. "She's using her heel where she should be focusing her weight on the balls of her feet."
At his words, I glanced down at Caitlyn's feet and... noticed absolutely nothing. But apparently Garmadon did, as he called Caitlyn out for exactly that.
Lloyd nudged my shoulder and gave me a smug look. His ego was astounding.

"I'm gonna be a better Sensei than my father," Lloyd declared to the world of only me. "The best Sensei this monastery's ever seen... granted, it's only seen three so far."
I grinned. "Alright, Megamind."
"Megamind? Because I'm so smart?"
"No, because you've got a big head."
Lloyd gasped quietly, as if struck by my blowing words.

"Remember, the art of Ninjitzu is all about stealth," Garmadon stressed as he dismissed the two students. I missed everything that he had said about them. "You must be a shadow. You cannot make a sound."
"What will these guys do once they master Ninjitzu?" I asked, whispering.
"All monks are trained to protect the temple," Lloyd explained in a whisper. "It will be at least another decade until these students master the art of Ninjitzu."
I widened my eyes at that. Another decade? That's insane!
"... even when you are fighting, you must be silent. Which is why it's a good thing my son has decided to appear," Garmadon said, making Lloyd and I glance up. The grey-haired man gestured for his son to join him, so with a last smug grin my way, Lloyd stood and approached his father.

"Lloyd and I will demonstrate a soundless fight," Garmadon explained as he got into a fighting stance. "Pay close attention, as the Green Ninja will be extra eager to prove his worth now that he brought his girlfriend to spectate."
Lloyd froze as the students laughed. I sunk a little in my pillow, blushing furiously.
"Da-a-ad," Lloyd hissed, embarrassed.
"I only jest, son," Garmadon assured, sending him a wink. "You two wouldn't have started dating. Yet."
More laughter. Lloyd clenched his fists, bristling at the taunts.

"Now, come on," Garmadon insisted to the flustered Lloyd. "Do not let your emotions get the best of you."
That seemed to shake Lloyd out of his paralysing embarrassment, as he shook his head and nodded before stepping out in a fighting stance.
"Right," Lloyd said.
"And remember," Garmadon said with raised eyebrows. "No powers. I've barely fixed this place after the last time you trained in here."
Lloyd sighed in disappointment but nodded nonetheless.
"Chase, if you will?" Garmadon asked. A student closest to him nodded.

"Hajime!" Chase exclaimed, beginning the fight. Lloyd and Garmadon wasted no time in throwing themselves into battle, their footsteps making no noise at all as they ducked and dodged each other's carefully aimed fists. It was like an intricate, graceful dance, swaying as they stepped forward, leaping as they lunged. No fear. No hesitation.
They landed a couple of hits on each other but that didn't break the rhythm. I was entranced.
"Remember," Lloyd grunted, breaking the silence as he addressed the students as if he were already a Sensei. "Don't aim for their bones," he said as he side-stepped an impressive kick from his dad. "It creates unnecessary noise when you make contact."

"Very good, Lloyd," Garmadon complimented. Lloyd cocked his head as he smiled while grabbing his father's wrist and bringing it up behind his back.
"I do listen to you... sometimes," Lloyd said with a shrug as his father twisted out of the hold.
The fight went on for another few minutes before Garmadon shot out a leg and made Lloyd stumble to the ground.
"That was a dirty move," Lloyd grumbled as Garmadon helped him to his feet. Garmadon hummed, brushing off some dirt from his shoulder.
"Your enemies will try everything in their power to take you down," he explained, crossing his arms. "You must always-"
"Remain vigilant and expect anything," Lloyd finished his father's sentence, sounding exasperated. "Yep, thanks dad. For embarrassing me. Twice."

"Alright," Garmadon said, ignoring his son's jab and turning back to his students. "Jace. Grab a sword. One of the sharpened ones. Lloyd, you do the same."
Wait, what?
Lloyd grabbed a sword from a wall of weapons without hesitation, bounding back onto the mat. Jace was standing, sword at the ready. It was glinting menacingly, wickedly sharp. A pit in my stomach grew.
"Let's give Y/n a show," Lloyd grinned, face pulled into a look of fierce determination. Jace nodded. My eyes were still trained on the opponent's lethal sword. Anxiety clutched at my chest.

It's okay. It's okay. Lloyd trains for this. Hell, this is the training for things worse than this. He's experienced, he knows what he's doing.
But then Garmadon called the start and the two males were leaping towards each other, blades drawn. Clangs of metal rang in my ears and my gut was screaming danger danger despite my previous attempts of reassurance. If it looked dicey, Garmadon would stop it, so just calm down. Calm down.
Lloyd twisted, slicing his sword towards Jace. Fast on his feet, Jace leapt out of striking range and lunged back in with a return attack only for the sword to-

Stop in midair.

No. It hit something. A solid wall of air. It was misty, almost a dull peach colour, and it made Lloyd stumble back a few steps in shock.
"Wha- what the?" he exclaimed, face pulled into a look of confusion. The wall started moving towards Jace, growing in speed, until it all but slammed him against the wall with a pained grunt.
"What's going on-"
"Y/n!" Garmadon cut Lloyd off as he rushed towards me. My gaze slid to him -

Since when was I standing?

My eyes fluttered in confusion. I lifted my hand to my nose and pulled it away. Why was I bleeding?
Lloyd dropped his sword.
"Y/n, you need to calm down," Garmadon said, placing a hand on my shoulder. I glanced at him. Calm down? But I was calm? "He's safe. Lloyd's safe. He's not hurt."

What? Lloyd's... what?

"Y/n," Lloyd breathed. "Y/n, stop it."
Stop what? What was I doing? I was just standing and bleeding from my nose, apparently.
"You're going to kill him!"
Him? Jace?
That was me?
That was me?

Panic engulfed me. It seized my chest and caught my lungs in its grip. I felt myself stumble back, hit the wall, clutch at the wood.
What was happening? My nails dug into the wall.
I couldn't control it. I couldn't control me. It was like being stuck in a nightmare. I couldn't look away from Jace, where the others were trying to pry him out from the invisible wall pushing against him. Words were spoken but they were watery and too far away for me to understand.

"Y/n." Lloyd crouched before me, hands on either cheeks. "Look at me."
My watery gaze flickered to his. Terrified and panicky, I couldn't understand a thing except for the green of his eyes.
"It's okay," he said, bringing one hand up to brush through my hair. My hair - it felt light, weightless. Why?
"I don't- I can't-" I choked.
"It's okay," Lloyd soothed, bringing me into his chest. I clutched at him, face dug into his neck as I trembled. "We're alright."

I felt awful. Like my body had been put through a car wash. Scratchy and cold and clammy. And wet? Oh, god, I was crying, too.
Something settled within me and I slumped against Lloyd's body, suddenly feeling totally drained. My eyelids fluttered closed and I breathed him in, his smell, his presence calming me.
"That's it, good girl," he murmured, running his hands through my hair as I shivered. "Well done."

"S- sorry, m'sorry," I gasped against his skin. His fingers pressed against my scalp as he brushed my hair and a feeling of total peace settled through me.
"It's not your fault," Lloyd whispered. "You're okay."
"The more time she spends with you, the faster her powers emerge," Garmadon said quietly as he crouched beside us. My gaze flickered up to him and he caught my guilty eye. He smiled soothingly, ever peaceful. There was no blame in his gaze. "The prophecy is emerging faster than we anticipated."

"What can we do?" Lloyd asked.
"As of now, nothing," Garmadon shook his head. "She will continue to have outbursts like these but there's nothing we can do until they settle. Only then, can we start her training."
"What about a way to muffle them?"
Garmadon hummed. "I'll have to discuss that with your uncle. Until then, get her to the medbay. Y/n looks like she could use a nap and some aspirin."

A nap and some aspirin sounded damn good.

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