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Tw: aha horny kisses. yowza .

"I have a question," Chen said as he slid into the seat across the cafe table from me.

I glanced up from where I was typing my essay on my laptop. I blinked at him dumbly, still too engrossed in what I was writing for my brain to process anything else.
Chen stared at me intensely before taking a sip of my tea. I didn't bother to chide him.
"What?" I asked.
"I have a question," he repeated.
"What's it like?" Chen asked lowly, leaning in close over the table. My brows raised in confusion. "Y'know, being Lloyd's girlfriend when he's all, uh..."
He trailed off, trying to look for the right word.
"When he's all ninja?" I asked unsurely after pushing my computer to the side.
"No, no," Chen waved off. "When's he's all..."
He couldn't find the words, fists clenching as he wracked his brain. So, instead of spending any more time on it, he just lifted his hands and mimicked fangs with his fingers.
I scoffed.
"You mean his beast instincts?" I asked with a tilt to my head. He nodded and I shrugged. "Uh... I don't really know to explain it. I guess it just feels normal for me now. Granted, it was... really weird when it first started happening."

"Okay, but what about the marking stuff?" Chen asked, leaning all the more in and listening intently. "'Cause didn't he get sick last year when he didn't mark you? And then he-"
Chen abruptly cut himself off. His brown eyes dropped to my shoulder.
"He bit me?" I finished with an amused grin. "Don't look so chastised, Chen. It doesn't bother me."
"It certainly bothers Lloyd."
My smile fell a tad. He was right. My gaze dropped to my nails mindlessly tapping on my laptop.
"Yeah, well..." I mumbled. "That's a work in progress."
Chen tilted his head. I sighed.
"Lloyd's marking instincts - they're complicated," I began, staring hard at my tea. "He's like a cat who rubs his scent glands to mark his territory."
"So, you're Lloyd's territory?" Chen said dryly. "That's very irresponsible. How backwards of him; does he even know what century we're in?"

"Shut up," I snorted. "It's not as if he had a choice about this. Anyway, we found that his need to mark only plays up when I'm close to him - because he can smell me, right? And at that point, generally, I'll be smelling like a million different things."
"'Cause that's normal."
"You're the one who wanted to know this stuff!" I accused before remembering to lower my voice as to not attract attention. "As I was saying; whenever he's away from me, he's fine. As soon as we get back though, it's a different story. He's getting better though, he's learning more control."
Chen nodded, contemplating his thoughts and soaking in the information. Ambrose and Kvasir joined the table shortly after, followed by Aisling.
"Are you seriously working on your essay on a Saturday?" Ambrose asked in disbelief. "The weekend is supposed to be for relaxing, not more work!"
Aisling raised her brows at the elemental master whom she didn't know was an elemental master.
"And how are your grades?" she asked.

"I don't study here," Ambrose answered as he grabbed the remains of my tea and downed it in one go, much to my dismay. I kicked his leg under the table and he spluttered tea with a laugh.
Aisling grew all the more confused.
"What'sss your esssssay about?" Kvasir asked, saving all of our collective asses from Aisling's curiosity. She tapped the side of her glasses with an annoyed pout.
"It's about how time changes society's views on specific topics," I answered. "I chose to do it on how people used to treat elemental masters and how they're treated today."
Ambrose paused what he was doing, falling into a halt. His blue eyes jumped to mine.
"You're doing an essay about the green ninja?!" Aisling gushed before grabbing my laptop and flipping the lid open. "Quick, what's your password?"
"I'm not giving you my password," I said with a shake of my head as the girl squinted her eyes at the keyboard.

"I'm gonna guess it," Aisling said determinedly as she stared hard at my keyboard, eyes squinted. I smiled in amusement and lifted my shoulders in a nonchalant shrug.
"By all means-"
"I'm in!"
I froze. My smile dropped.
"Whoa, this is so good so far!" Aisling gushed, eyes rushing across the lines of sentences.
"It's not done!" I rushed, grabbing my computer and hauling it into my arms protectively. "How the hell did you guess my password?"
Aisling glanced up at me with wide, blue eyes.
"I looked at your most used keys," she replied as if it were the most casual thing in the world. My stunned expression grew all the more baffled.
"What the fuck?" Chen laughed nervously. "Are you some kind of super spy?"

Aisling's face crumpled into something embarrassed as she stared at us staring at her. She hid behind her hands and groaned forlornly, slumping in her seat.
"Nooo," she whined, voice muffled. "I did something weird again."
"Are you kidding me?" Ambrose chuckled lightly. "That was dope!"
"Yeah!" I said with a shaky grin. "But please never hack into my computer again, thank you." I had a couple of photos of Lloyd in the gi and Bentley saved there that I would rather not try to explain (and fib my way out of).
Maybe I should get a move on and finally shove all my photos on my hard drive.
Aisling blushed and sunk a little more into her chair. Her red lashes fluttered.
"What were we talking about?" she asked with a sheepish smile, obviously hoping to change the subject. Aisling brightened. "Ah, yes, the green ninja!"
I could almost hear the inaudible groans from the rest of the boys.

"I'm getting somewhere on my search for the green ninja's wife!" Aisling announced, slapping her palms onto the table proudly. Kvasir shot me a look out of the sides of his eyes. "Cross-referencing photos of him with unmasked civilians to the one of him kissing her on the rooftops is a long, tedious process, but I'm determined to figure out who it is! I only have four hundred and seventy-three possible photos to go through, now. Knowing for sure that she's a woman certainly helped."
"My god," Chen muttered, leaning back in his chair. He placed his elbows on the arm rest with a sigh. "I'm not sure whether to be concerned or impressed by your dedication."
"You can be both," Aisling said with a smile. Chen hummed.
"What will you do if you figure out who ssshe isss?" Kvasir asked. I dropped my eyes to my hands and pretended to be occupied by digging out whatever was stuck under my nails. I was pretty sure that I was okay with masking my expressions, but I didn't want to rouse suspicion in Aisling by suddenly acting panicked. She was smart enough to connect the dots if I wasn't careful.

"I'll tell her to back off because I'm in love with the green ninja," Aisling snarled, dropping a fist to her lap with a solid thud. Chen shifted in his seat and cleared his throat. "And then I'll ask if she wants to go out for coffee or something."
My brows furrowed in confusion at the two such contrasting suggestions. Aight. To each their own.
"Well, this has been super fun," I said as I gathered my things to leave. "But I really gotta get going. I have to find Lloyd a birthday present for next weekend."
"Oh, shit," Ambrose cursed and hurried to stand. "I do, too. Mind a tag-along?"
"Not at all," I replied with a practised smile, knowing that this was a gimmick to get him to inauspiciously join me without making it obvious that he was a bodyguard of sorts. "I gotta drop this stuff off first, though."
"Lead the way, L/n," Ambrose said with a sweep of his hand. "Catch you guys later!"
The others said their goodbyes, planning on staying at the cafe for a little longer. Ambrose jogged to catch up.
"Do you have any idea for what to get Lloyd?" he asked.
"No," I sighed, striding my way across the cobblestone courtyard. "I am so lost."

"Well, then," the elemental master began with a smirk. "It's a good thing you've got me then, huh?"


"For the last time, I'm not getting Lloyd adult diapers."

"It's funny!" Ambrose goaded, hauling along the big box as we strode through one of Nom's department stores. "You know, an inside joke about his age!"
"It doesn't even make sense," I pointed out with an exasperated frown. "He's turning twenty, Ambrose. The next decade of his life is about to begin. It's a big deal."
"And that's why we should get him adult diapers," Ambrose pushed. "How old is he actually turning?"
"Twenty," I replied dryly.
"Yeah, I know literally, but I meant how many years he's been alive."
"Sixteen," I said with a frown. "Can we just - you know that talking about his age situation confuses me and I need to get him a proper present."
Ambrose groaned and tossed the adult diapers onto a shelf beside him.
"Fine, you want to get your twenty-year old boyfriend a birthday present that isn't fun or hilarious or totally the best present ever? Easy," Ambrose said. "Put on some lingerie."

My hands dropped the notebooks I was studying, fingers going slack in flustered shock. My head whipped around to send him a mortified look.
"Excuse me?!"
"What?" Ambrose said with a shrug as he leant against a shelf of fake potted plants. "Easy present. He'll love it."
"I'm not-!" I stopped myself and took a glance around the surrounding aisles before leaning in close and sharpening my voice to a whisper. "I'm not buying lingerie!"
"Why not? You guys have done it-" Ambrose's eyes widened upon the look on my face. "You haven't?"
"No?" I hissed. "Why does it matter?"
"It doesn't!" Ambrose answered with his palms raised in defence, still clearly bewildered. "It's just - dude, I've seen the way Lloyd looks at you. I thought that he would've made a move months ago."
"Well, we haven't, so," I said stiffly, turning back to the pretty notebooks I was looking at before. "It doesn't even matter, alright? I'm looking for a birthday present, please help me."
"I am," he grumbled as he lifted himself from the shelf and trudged after me. "But you don't like my suggestions."

"I'll buy you manga."
Ambrose straightened with a beaming smile and clapped his hands.
"Alright, present time!" he exclaimed excitedly. "First of all, you know Lloyd best. List off his favourite things (aside from you), go."
I inhaled seriously. serious as a serious inhale could be. This was the most important decision of my year.

"Okay," I said as I raised my hand to list off Lloyd's likes.

After a couple of hours of searching, we each finally found our presents. Intent on headed back to campus, we strolled down one of the main streets branching off of Nom's city centre.
"It's pretty weird that Lloyd's finally actually having people over for a party," Ambrose said as he held his bag over his shoulder with an air of nonchalance. "I don't think he's ever celebrated his birthday before."
Dusk was breaking, colouring the scattered clouds pink and sending tall shadows dripping along the ground. I stared at my shoes, colours darkened by the shade of evening.
"I'm proud," I said quietly. "Which is why I was so pushy about getting a good present. He hasn't exactly had the best rapport with birthdays, and we certainly didn't make last year any easier, either."
"Oh, yeah," he chuckled loosely, eyes lidded in reminiscence. "He told me about that. Lloyd blurted out his age problem in front of everyone to you and you panicked. Funny."

"Yeah, real hilarious," I commented with a dry smile. "Misako's been texting me about it for weeks. She really wants this one to go well."
"Twenty is a big deal," Ambrose noted into the still air. I agreed with a hum and a nod.
"I think she wants us to dress up real fancy, too," I murmured, pulling out my phone to scroll through our messages. "Like, full on festival kimonos. I guess she wants to go all out because it's the first time Lloyd's letting her."
"Oh, man," my friend groaned. "I'm gonna have to dig my old kimono out. That's going to be wonderful. This coming weekend, right?"
"Right," I answered with a nod. A sudden chill from the approaching winter had me shivering as we entered campus grounds. "I haven't been back to Ninjago City since we started uni. It's going to be weird. But in a good way, I think."
Ambrose made a sound of agreement.
"I'll be heading off," he announced. "I'll see you tomorrow. Have a good night."
I smiled at him in parting.
"Good night, Amby."

Violet was texting furiously on her phone while lounging on her bed, legs crossed. Her dark eyes barely regarded me in a glance as I entered.
"Where have you been?" she asked. I lifted the bag I was carrying before dropping it onto my bed and grabbing my pyjamas.
"Shopping for my boyfriend's birthday."
"Oh," she hummed. "Tell Lloyd I say happy birthday."

"Thanks," I smiled, slipping into the bathroom to prepare for night. "I'll pass on the message."


The monastery was one of those timeless places where the world just seems to stand still. It feels as if it's in its own different reality entirety. Stepping onto the large gravelled parking area was akin to stepping into another world, one that I had missed dearly.

Kashu was my first greeter, having come barrelling down the entrance steps and almost bowling into my legs. I barely had time to lock my car before he was leaping all over me and begging for attention.
"Hey, buddy!" I gushed, crouching down to the mastiff's height and letting him clamber over my lap as he gave me the most eager, excited, slobberiest greeting I would receive. Perhaps Lloyd would be his only contender.
Kashu took off once more towards the monastery, before deciding against it and racing back to me. He was making nice use of his prosthetic leg.
I barely had time to glance up from where the dog had my entire attention before I was swept into a stumbling hug by Nya.
"Hey!" I beamed, hugging her back just as tightly. "I've missed you!"
"I've missed you!" Nya rushed, eyes bright as she pulled back from my arms. "I have so much to tell you while we're getting ready for tonight! Come on, Lloyd's taking a class."

"A class?" I asked with a tilt of my head as the ninja grabbed my hand and hauled me into the monastery after her.
"Yeah!" Nya nodded as she dragged me down the hall. "We got a bunch of new trainees that he's in charge of. They're his first pupils, except for you, obviously, but-"
Nya was cut off by another body barreling into me. I shrieked in surprise before laughing.
"Dimitri!" I exclaimed with a happy grin as I returned his hug. "How have you been?"
He didn't get a chance to answer, as Hiyori and Jace quickly followed with their own attacks.
"Alright, alright," came Garmadon's voice. "Out of the way. It's my turn to greet my daughter-in-law."
"Not yet," I reminded as I was gathered into his arms in a nice old man hug.
"Semantics," Garmadon shrugged. He pulled back with his hands on my shoulders and his face softened into a smile. "How are your studies?"

"Let's not get into that," I said with a wincing grin. Nya snickered.
"And your training?"
"Been going for runs every morning!" I chirped. "And sparring with Ambrose every other day, but it's not quite the same. How have things been here?"
"Good," Garmadon replied, linking his arm through mine as we strolled through the hall. Nya had run off again, probably to inform the others of my arrival, and the monks had resumed with their work. "We are still investigating the whereabouts of Axon's gang, but it's as if they simply disappeared after the attack on you. Not a single trace."
My frown grew troubled. That would mean that they've all split up, dispersed amongst the city, or even the entirety of Ninjago itself. Stronger in numbers, sure, but divide and conquer was not a strategy to turn your nose up at.
"Has there been any trouble from your end?" Garmadon asked as we stopped outside one of the dojo's.
"Nothing," I replied, before sneaking him grin. "I must say, I'm getting quite bored."
The joke did not land. His grim expression didn't change.
"Then let's hope you stay that way," the Sensei said gruffly. "If that means that you are safe."

My smile fell. I thought I was being funny, but it's not nearly as fun when other people don't also think I'm being funny.
"I must help Misako prepare for tonight's festivities," Lloyd's dad said, pulling away and sending me a soft smile. "It's good to have you back, Y/n."
"It's good to be back," I said. "I never want to leave again."
Garmadon chuckled. He ruffled my hair before departing the other way down the hall to help his wife get ready for Lloyd's birthday, leaving me at the shoji doors to spy on said birthday boy being a sensei.
Since Lloyd didn't hear Garm and I chatting right outside the doors to his class, he must've been entirely engrossed with teaching his new students. I edged the wooden frame of the door open an inch and peaked inside, taking in the scene.
The class themselves were young. A few years younger than Lloyd and I, for sure, and they all looked deep in concentration as they copied Lloyd's slow, sweeping movements while listening to him explain precisely what he was doing.

A small smile unknowingly crept onto my face as I watched Lloyd be totally in his element. He was a stern teacher, but sincere in his compliments and feedback. It was like he was made to be a sensei.
I guess it is in his blood.
I took the opportunity to take Lloyd in while he didn't know I was here, drinking in the exquisite sight of him. Once again, life as the green ninja got in the way of visits and it'd been more than a few weeks since I saw him last. I marvelled at how much he'd changed since I saw him last; his cut hair had grown almost back to its previous length, all sweeping and pretty, and he'd obviously recently shaved, given how soft the skin on his face looked. His jaw looked more square, too, or maybe my eyes were simply exaggerating what I'd seen last.
It was as if I was seeing him for the first time again.

The class was dismissed, at the young monks filed out of the dojo. Most were new, sparing me confused looks as they exited through the shoji doors I was waiting beside.
When the last student finally left, I poked my head inside once more. Lloyd was sitting on the mats with his head hung back and eyes closed in exhaustion, slumped in a way that a sensei only did when he was downright bone-tired. He must've been absolutely drained to still not notice I was there.
"You know," I said as I stepped inside and shut the sliding doors behind me. "I always told my mother that I wouldn't mind dating a teacher."
Lloyd was already dashing towards me by the second I turned back around to face him, red eyes wide and smile wider.
He swept me into a hug bigger and better than all the others I had before combined. The impact had me giggling and I was gently set back onto my feet.
"Hey, princess," Lloyd greeted tiredly as he settled, digging his face into my neck.
"Hey, sensei," I teased, delighted in the way his arms squeezed me tightly around my midsection, as if I were his entire lifeline. I returned the affection back with just as much vigour. "How's my birthday boy?"

Lloyd slumped into me with a groan. It vibrated against my neck and made me stifle a snicker from the ticklish feeling.
"Tired," he complained, resting all of his weight onto me. "Teaching his hard."
"I bet," I agreed amusedly.
"I missed you," Lloyd whispered into my neck. "I missed you a lot. Too much. It was debilitating."
"Six more months and then I'm on summer break," I reminded quietly, bringing my fingers through his hair and succeeding in getting a rolling purr. "Then things will go back to the way they were."
"For three months," Lloyd pointed out grumpily, lifting his head back from me and sending a pitiful look.
"Better than nothing."
"What would be better is if you finally married me already," he sniffed, making my beguilement grow. "Then I won't be so sad."
"But making you wait is so entertaining," I said with a smirk.

Lloyd planted a hand on my face and pushed me away with a grunt. I laughed at his unhappy pout.

He fell backwards onto the mat and I followed, perching atop his stomach while my hair tumbled to the side. Sitting proved to have too much room between us, so I collapsed, lying atop him instead.
"How are your classes going?" Lloyd asked as he brought his arms around me and nuzzled his nose into my neck.
"I don't wanna talk about it," I grumbled, lifting my chin away from his head while he pressed kisses to the skin of my throat. He pulled back with wide eyes, concerned.
"You're failing?"
"N- no," I sighed a stammer, heart fluttering wildly at his proximity. I planted my hand on the back of his head and brought him back into my neck. He made a muffled sound of surprise. "They're just boring. Don't get me wrong, I'm loving it, but it's not as exciting as the ninja lifestyle."
"You're not even a ninja, though," Lloyd pointed out as he went back to caressing his cheek to the underside of my jaw.
"Still counts," I whispered, rendered dizzingly breathless by his exhilarant touch.

I abruptly sat up, causing a whine to crawl from Lloyd's throat at the loss of contact. My smile grew at the disgruntled look on his heart-throbbingly pretty face.
"How does it feel to be twenty, big boy?" I asked, gently grabbing a lock of his cornflower hair and twirling it around my finger. His purr rumbled within his chest and sent vibrations through me.
"No different than when I woke up yesterday morning," Lloyd breathed, turning his face into my hand.
"Boring," I sighed in dramatics. He hummed in agreement before pulling his chin back and sending me a look.
"We should probably start getting ready for tonight," Lloyd whispered. I groaned at the thought of having to move and slumped my dead weight atop him.
"You'll disappoint my mother."
I pondered on that and weighed my options. Would I risk disappointing Misako, who is very much a second mother figure of my own?
With a heavy sigh, I rolled off of Lloyd and sat on the mat beside him, deciding that no, no I did not want to risk disappointing Lloyd's mother.

"Thank you," Lloyd chirped before pressing a quick kiss to my neck. My cheeks flared red. He bounded to his feet with grace that only a well-trained ninja could have and held out his hands for me.
"Do it for her," I said forlornly as I stood.
"Yep," Lloyd agreed with a grin, not understanding my meme reference because he never fucking does. None of them do. Except for maybe Jay.
The last time I wore a kimono was for the Day of the Departed, which I didn't even spend long in due to some ghosty-mishaps. It was, for a lack of a better word, an absolute shit show and I didn't even end up staying ten minutes dressed in it. So an entire evening draped in the cultural robes was certainly doing to be interesting.
This time, however, I didn't have to borrow one from Misako. I had my own.
"You really gotta learn how to tie your own kimono," Nya mentioned as she tightened the cords around my waist after I pitifully retreated to her room for help.

"I tried but the YouTube tutorial was too confusing," I whined, watching the out-of-season cherry blossom trees tremble in the winter wind. "I can't keep the materials in place while I tie the cords."
"It's just practise," Nya reassured before giving the cord a sharp and finalising yank.
"Oh, jesus," I groaned.
"You'll get the hang of it soon enough," the water mistress continued, unaware or ignoring my grimace at how tight the fabric was around my torso.
"Are you two still getting ready?" asked a voice from the door. We glanced around and Nya gave a delighted gasp.
"Sky!" she greeted happily. "I thought you couldn't make it!"
"And miss the green ninja's birthday?" Skylor snorted as she brought us into a tight group hug. "Not a chance."
"Please," I said with a teasing smile. "You came for me."

"I'm too transparent," Skylor joked along before taking the chance to have a look at the kimono that was currently constricting my airways from my chest. "You look good in peach. Where's Kai?"
She herself was wearing a deep red kimono that matched her hair, tastefully dotted with details of golden leaves. I complimented her back, because that's what girls do, I guess.
"Getting ready with the boys," Nya said as she turned back to the mirror and scrutinised her face. "Should I go full classic or something more modern?"
"What's going to be easier to clean off?" Skylor queried.
"Modern it is," Nya decided as she picked up the pieces of makeup required.
"Is Lloyd still running you guys into the ground-?"
"Y/n, I love you, but if we talk about our missions I will gauge out my eyes with the mascara intentionally," Nya said as she brushed it along her eyelashes.
I tightened my lips shut together in surprise. Alrighty. So it was still pretty bad, I garnered.

"Have you made any new friends?" she asked, picking up a new topic instead as I turned to address my own face.
"None as cool as you," I replied with a smile as I picked up a tube of concealer and stared at it apprehensively. Oh, to create art on myself to only wash it off in a few hours.
Nya snorted. We spent the entirety of the time we used to prime ourselves chatting about the interesting people we've each met - her on her missions, me at my campus. Time passed fairly quickly, as it usually did when I was spending time with Nya. She was always enjoyable to be around.
"Hold on," Nya ordered as we each checked ourselves before deeming our efforts complete. "You need something."
"What?" I asked, staring at my dolled-up self in the mirror. It was like looking at another person. Classy and refined and absolutely more mature than what I usually looked like.

Nya rummaged though her draw before returning and pinning an elaborate ornament piece at the front of my up-do. A similar, though not matching, ornament sat in her own hair.
"It's not complete without a hair ornament," Nya chirped. I reached up to feel the fragile thing curiously and she slapped my hand away. "No touching."
I held my slapped hand with a disgruntled frown.
I finally looked at my complete self in the mirror and held my breath. I looked pulled right out of a history page, aside from the more modern make up that Nya and I had decided to pursue, rather than the full faces that women used to do way back when. Aside from the red lips. The red lips we decided to keep, because fuck yeah, that's bold.
My hair was put into an attempt of an elaborate up do that got a touch up from Nya when she noticed me struggling. The ornament was a sculpted cherry blossom with tiny, white carved leaves dangling on wires from the centre. The peach kimono shimmered with each movement I made.

Oh, yeah. This was a look and I was serving it well.
Not to be egotistic, or anything. Just stating a fact.

The guests (mainly elemental masters) had yet to arrive, which was surprising considering how long it felt to get ready. While Nya made some touch-ups, I decided that I couldn't be bothered to do the same and left the room. I needed to get out of there before I went stir crazy.
"You look amazing!" Hiyori said with a gasp and a smile when she spotted me heading towards the main dojo. I smiled in thanks, cheeks red. "You fit right in at the monastery, Lady Y/n. This will be good experience for future events."
"Lady Y/n?" I echoed, raising my brows. Hiyori, who was wearing what looked to be less impressive sensei robes (trainee robes, perhaps?), nodded seriously.
"When you marry Master Lloyd and take over the monastery, you will become Lady of the house," she informed. "You will need to be referred to by your title, as such."
"Title?" I exclaimed, eyes wide. "Can't you just refer to me as Y/n?" Take over the monastery?
"That is not tradition," Hiyori said.
"Do you refer to Misako as Lady Misako, then?" I challenged.

"Yes," Hiyori replied.
I stared at her.
"Alright," I said.

Kimonos didn't have quite a lot of walking room in the slim skirts that draped right down to the floor. While Hiyori went off to help with last minute preparations, I followed the tug guiding me to the dojo and shuffled down the remainder of the hall.
Weird that it activated when I wanted to find Lloyd as opposed to just forcing me randomly. Nice change. I call that character development.
"No, Lloyd, the table needs to be placed more towards the south-facing wall. Cole - push your one to the left a little."
I poked my head inside to find Misako directing the two men with super-strength into setting up the dojo for the party. Cole and Lloyd were each carrying two tables, balancing one on each hand, and were already wearing their own outfits. Cole in a kimono, Lloyd in what looked to be his father's old sensei robes.
Gold and green and black - Lloyd scrubbed up well. A little too well. You know that feeling when you find something so overwhelmingly pretty that it makes your eyes sting with impending tears? That's what I got.
I continued to indulge myself, staring at Lloyd as he and Cole made the room to how Misako envisioned. Holding up massive oak tables like nobody's business, as if they were made of nothing but paper.

I was torn from my thoughts and straightened from where I had been steadily slumping even more against the door frame when Misako called my name. I hoped I hadn't been drooling while staring at my boyfriend. It wouldn't have been the first time.
"Hey, Misako," I greeted with a smile. Cole placed his table down with ease while Lloyd dropped his own with far less class. Pretty sure it was out of shock.
"My goodness, look at you!" she gushed as she hurried over, brown eyes taking in my dolled-up form with reverence. "I didn't even realise you were here!"
"Nya stole me before I could make the rounds," I said with a grin as I entered the room. The peach skirt shifted while I walked, the sparse, golden strands glimmering from the movement. I was still stunned by the beauty of the garment that Zane had handmade for me.

Cole whistled lowly.
"You clean up nice," he said as he set down the second table he was holding. "Lloyd agrees, too, he's just a little too broken to talk right now."
My gaze flittered to Lloyd, who was staring with glassy eyes and an agape mouth.
"An absolute vision of beauty," Misako fussed, catching my cheeks with her gentle, motherly hands as she fawned. "Not that you aren't beautiful everyday already, but just - goodness! You look right out of a fairytale."
My cheeks gave a hearty blush under Misako's genuine compliments.
"Thank you," I said, voice quiet from bashfulness. "You look gorgeous, too. You all do."
"Naomi's arriving soon," Cole supplied after proudly smiling and brushing down the front of his kimono from my compliment. "Alright, are we finished here?"

Misako gave one last scrutinising look across the room. A few monks were already hovering with platters of food, faces unsure and pleading as we awaited her judgement.
"Yes, this should be fine."
A sigh of relief. The heavy platters were set down onto the tables.
"Lloyd, Lloyd, come over," Misako insisted, pulling her son by his robe's sleeve. "I want to see the two of you together."
Lloyd let his mother drag him up next to me. She held her hands to her chest and looked just about ready to cry.
"Look at you two!" Misako gushed. "You look fit to run a monastery. I have to get my camera!"
Run a monastery? Again? Time to address the elephant in my head.
"Okay, hold on, this is the second time someone's mentioned the idea of 'running a monastery,'" I pointed out, sending a suspicious look between a still dumbstruck-Lloyd and his mother. "Have you guys been discussing something I should be aware of? Because I am a very irresponsible person who should not be in charge of anything."

Cole snorted. "Understatement."
"Wu's looking at retiring soon," Misako supplied with an amused grin at my suspiciously perplexed face. My expression changed into a look of curiosity. "Next couple of years, give or take."
"Oh," I said. "But what about-" I pointed at Garm, who had just entered the room with a big platter of noodles.
"Garm only takes the occasional class and I have my history work," Misako answered. "Even if Garm wanted to take over from Wu, truth is, we're too old to continue running this monastery. It's time to pass it on to the younger generation and Lloyd is making great strides in his sensei training."
"How long has Wu been running the monastery?"
"Eight hundred years, give or take," Garmadon replied with a shrug as he busied himself with placing the bowl just right.
I blinked.
"Okay, fair enough." That was long enough to constitute a hearty retirement.

However, placing me in charge of the monastery, even if it is just a co-partnership, would surely end up with a destroyed sacred place. So. Probably not the best idea.
Maybe I can ask Dimitri to take on my duties or whatever I have to do.
Misako returned with her camera (Lloyd still hasn't broken his silence, which is equal parts worrying and absolutely hilarious). The sight of it pulled the green ninja from his red-faced stupor.
"Squeeze together!"
"Mum," Lloyd complained. "Seriously?"
"Yes, seriously, now squeeze together!" Misako snapped. I covered my smirk at his exasperated face with the back of my hand - he always hated standing still for photos, especially if it was his friends or family taking them. He probably got all photo'd out by the ninja team's fans.
Lloyd gave a heady sigh and pressed against my side. His tension seemed to melt out of his stiff body, so at least this photo was good for something; physical contact.

Or perhaps it was a mistake, really, because the warmth of his body against mine paired with the way he stared had my heart fluttering all kinds of crazy. We had guests arriving any minute, but I just really wanted to pull him into a secluded room and kiss the living daylights out of him until we both can't breathe.
I probably looked super distracted in the photo. And flustered, watching where my thoughts took me instead of watching the camera.
As soon as Misako was satisfied, I nodded my head at Lloyd in a suggestion to sneak out of the room before she could request more photos. His answer was snaking an arm around my waist to follow. The small of my back arched at the feathery contact, inhaling a sharp, shallow breath through my teeth as my nerves popped. My heart leapt a mile into the air.
Oh, man. I was absolutely lost in the sauce.

"Wow," Lloyd breathed as soon as we stepped into somewhere more private than the bustling dojo. His red eyes were wide as they took me in, as if he couldn't get enough. "I... wow."
"I- I know, we went overboard with the hair and the make up," I began nervously, wringing my hands as I shifted. At least I didn't have to wear shoes. "I feel like I'm wearing somebody else's body-"
"You're stunning."
My self conscious words died on my lips, eyes wide.
"I- I mean," Lloyd began quickly, fumbling. "You're stunning always, I- I'm not saying that you're any less beautiful when you're drooling on my pillow-"
I raised my eyebrows. Lloyd winced.
"Bad example, sorry, what I'm trying to say is-"
"I understand," I cut him off with a soft smile, enraptured and amused by his franticness. He didn't have to prove anything to me. "You're gorgeous, too."

Lloyd wilted lovingly into my hand that had reached up to caress his cheek.
"Thank you," he murmured. "Feels kinda weird to be wearing sensei robes, though."
"You suit them," I commented, stepping back to take him in again. "Very dashing, dragon boy. I'm floored."
"You're biased," Lloyd chuckled.
"Maybe," I admitted with a shrug, letting my hands slide up the folds of the thick material over his chest. "But I don't exaggerate. You're the prettiest boy in all of Ninjago."
"Kai's going to be so sad," he murmured with a soft smirk. I pouted before falling into a giggle.
"He doesn't need to know," I said. "It'll be our secret."
"Deal," Lloyd agreed as his red eyes seemed to glow with endearing adoration that had me shivering. I was just leaning up on my tippy toes to finally succumb to the overwhelming desire to plant a million kisses on his face when Nya's frantic yell as she stormed down the hall had me leaping away in fear.

"What!?" I asked, eyes wide in surprise and weariness. "What is it?"
"You can't kiss before you and Lloyd greet the guests!" Nya chastised, pulling me into her arms with a determined scowl sent in Lloyd's direction. "Birthday man or not, you can't mess up Y/n's make up! She worked hard on it."
"I really don't mind," I squeaked from Nya's iron grip.
"Yes, you do," she growled. I stiffened.
"Yes, I do," I corrected fearfully. I sent Lloyd a desperate glance, but he could only helplessly shrug in return. Nobody said no to Nya.
"People are arriving," the water mistress said, directing her stormy gaze to Lloyd as she released me from her strong hold. I rubbed my ribs in slight pain. "Go greet your guests."
"Yes, alright, you tyrant," Lloyd relented. Nya stuck her tongue out at him and he returned it without falter.

Sibling bonds. Absolutely mystical. Until they try to spit in your ear, which I had seen attempted before between Kai and Jay during one of their many useless disputes.
That. That was just horrid.

Nya darted off to help with last-minute preparations. Lloyd held his elbow up for me to take.
"M'lady," he offered with a suave, crooked smile. I slid my arm through his with a pointed grin.
"M'gentleman," I echoed poshly before joining him in greeting his friends, which were slowly also becoming mine.
Much like last time we had a bunch of people over at the monastery (which was my birthday), Lloyd didn't let me leave his side. It made sense, considering the only other and first time we had a people over, my head almost got skewered by a knife.
"Lloyd!" called Dareth when he spotted us across the room before shoving his way through the crowd. Lloyd sighed. "Look at you, you're all grown up! The big two-oh. Only a few years younger than me!"
I tilted my head with a confused smile. The man was in his mid-fifties, surely.

"And Y/n, too," Dareth greeted with a soft look that reminded me of a gentle, old dog. "You both look great! When's the wedding?"
Lloyd tellingly nudged my leg with his knee. I discreetly elbowed him in return.
"As soon as I can get this one to say yes," Lloyd announced with a hearty chuckle. I rolled my eyes.
"Heh," was all Dareth had to say on the matter before delving into a ramble. "So, I've been teaching my class this new super rad trick where I..."
I was fast to zone out.
The next to greet us was Borg. He asked how my studies were going and I tried my best to not look distressed as I thought back to the building pile of work I had to do for classes. He was quickly taken aside by Jay, who seemed very invested in the new portable game console that Borg Industries was developing. He was soon joined by Ambrose and Chen, who shared the same fascination.
Borg was more than happy to provide.

After that, we engaged in adult conversion with other adults. I had never wanted to be ten again so bad.
Though, there was one perk of being my age, but I could also see it as a major downfall; I'd been slowly getting more and more distracted as the night went on. Something about the way Lloyd smiled or how he looked all cleaned up. Maybe it was the way he stared at me when he thought I wasn't looking.
Either way, my mind was reduced to incoherent mush.
"I'm gonna grab something to drink," I murmured to Lloyd as we stood in a group discussing the recent crime rate spikes in the city. Kashu wove between legs, asking for pats and tidbits of food with his puppy dog eyes despite no longer being a puppy.
"I'll come with." Of course he'd say that. He'd been glued to my side the entire night. Classic protective puppy move, not that I was complaining. Lloyd poured a cup for me and then him, taking the time to be just by ourselves in a room overflowing with friends and family.

"What's the bet that Turner spiked the punch?" Lloyd asked as he handed me my little ceramic cup.
"One hundred percent," I answered, before taking a swig. I pulled a face at the unwelcome burn. "And we were correct."
"Mum's gonna be furious," Lloyd muttered before taking his own drink. I snorted.
"I'm kinda bored," Lloyd whispered over the rim of his cup. "Everyone's acting so defined. Where the hell is the fun?"
"Well, Ronin couldn't make it because Anabel's sick," I reminded. "So there goes at least seventy-five percent fun."
Lloyd agreed with a hum and a raise of his eyebrows. He lifted his cup for another swig.
"You think people will notice if we sneak away?"
"Probably not," I answered, letting my eyes briefly sweep across the crowded room before landing an amused look at Lloyd. "It's not as if this party's for you, or anything."

Lloyd gave his own surveying glance before giving a considering frown.
"Nah," he commented. He placed his drink onto the table and did the same to mine. "They won't realise. Quick, let's go."
But Lloyd had already ducked out through the open dojo doors that lead to the garden, pulling me along in a pace so fast that I barely knew what was happening until we were already outside. I blinked, taking a while to reorient my bearings. Then I settled a dryly amused look on Lloyd.
"Ninja," I sighed. Lloyd chuckled, leisurely strolling through the zen garden while weaving his fingers through mine. He looked more at ease in the garden than he did in the room.
Then again, it wasn't called the zen garden for nothing.
This probably would've been a time where I'd probe Lloyd with questions about himself. How he thinks, acts, about the existence of the world and our place in it. As I usually would do. Ask the deep questions to entice deep answers.
Learning how Lloyd thought was my favourite past time. Learning about Lloyd was my favourite past time.

But it was a sunny, winter day and the wind was just that perfect lift of gentle. It shimmied the leaves and brushed across the air with delicate strokes. The further we strolled into the forest, the further we left the others behind.
It was so silent. Any sound aside from what was already echoing around us would shatter this brief sense of nonexistence we had, so I didn't utter a word.
The bare trees swayed in the wind. The leaves on the ground rustled. It was silent. Serene.
We made it to the tiny clearing within the tiny forest of the maple and sakura, dotted through with rock statues of dragons and onis and gods, sculptures smooth with age. The air smelt purely of winter chill and nature.
The weak sun hit my face through the leafless branches. I closed my eyes. Pure bliss.
"You know," Lloyd began in thoughtful softness, the first to dare to break the silence. Maybe 'break' was the wrong word. Adjust. Mould. Add to it without taking away the sincerity of the base peace. "We will end up running the monastery one day."
My response was instantaneous.
"I can't even run."
Lloyd was quiet until he suddenly snorted so loud that it made me flinch and open my eyes. He fell into an open, charming laugh, sending me the most preposterous, bemused look he could. I giggled with him.

"You really are something else," Lloyd commented with a shake of his head.
I airily shrugged, leaning back against a tree.
"I try," I replied nonchalantly. "Gotta keep your life interesting somehow."
"Because it lacks interest when you're not here, clearly," Lloyd played along.
"Clearly," I echoed.
"Clearly," he smirked. "Not with all the fights and the keeping the city safe and the girls throwing themselves at me."
"Aye, okay-" I snorted, crossing my arms. "You did not need to add that last one on."
"It's funny," he commented, stepping carefully across the cobblestone path to meet me on the grass at the perch of my tree. "How people can entertain the idea of stealing my affections, even when I look at you and it feels that all is right even if I'm amidst chaos. That you are all I can think about, day in and day out."
"They're valiant in their efforts," I admitted. My wrists found themselves touching behind his neck.

Lloyd's thoughtful face turned subtly upset.
"Do they make you uncomfortable?"
I shook my head. "You don't give me a reason to be."
The somber look on his face seemed to dissolve into a smile as fast as it had appeared. And just as fast as that happened, his expression turned teasing.
"Au contraire," Lloyd began with an exaggerated pout. "I'm incredibly jealous of the way people look at you."
"That is so sad," I said unsympathetically. He tossed himself back with a whine and his hands over his heart.
"Oh!" he cried dramatically, turning his red eyes skyward. "Your cruel words and your cold heart! They strike me where I stand and strip me of any warmth!"
"Oh, stop being so exuberant," I said, beguiled from his little act. My face turned thoughtful. "Though, stripping you does sound quite intriguing."
Lloyd barked a loud laugh, cheeks rosy. Serene silence had nothing on the feeling that seeing him laugh brought me.

"You naughty girl," he chuckled, resting his forehead against mine. "Does your father know you speak of such acts?"
I lifted a shoulder, unfazed.
"Does your mother know that you're a dork?"
"I think she does, actually," Lloyd said with a considering tilt of his head. "Especially since you started coming around. It takes a really lame person to amplify my inner dork."
"Oh ho ho!" I laughed, staring at Lloyd with a wide smile. "Ouch, Lloyd. That was just nasty."
"I'm sorry, princess," he apologised with a projected frown. He stepped closer those last few steps until he was pressed against me, hands on the trunk at either side of my head. His proximity was stimulating, alighting every single nerve as if this wasn't a move he'd done a hundred times before. Every action was like the first.
Lloyd tilted his head with a morose, puppy-dog look. I felt my heart jump into my brain. "Would a kiss make it better?"
I tried to reply but found myself with the breath needed to speak. I sucked in a sharp inhale, but it was shaky as it slid through my teeth. My hands begun to feel clammy with sweat.

Jesus fuck. Did time apart really incapacitate to his charms this far gone? I was exhilarated and exhausted all at once, and the feeling had my head spinning.

"Nya said no kissing," I reminded. My voice was strained and stretched and definitely not the scene of composure.
"Oh- oh," Lloyd said, giving a magnified look around the empty clearing. "Would you look at that? Nya's not here."
"Dork," I insisted.
"Moron," Lloyd sang before swallowing my next breath with a sweet kiss.
I swore that my eyes almost rolled into the back of my head. It wasn't even that heated of a kiss, not yet. It was slow and gentle and soft, but it had my body singing and heart twisting as if I'd never been kissed before and this was the single kiss that satisfied all of my yearnings.
My hands clasped his arms for support. I'd grown dizzy on the intoxication of the perfect little kiss. The butterflies in my stomach had created an unadulterated hurricane of a storm of fluttering wings, and it made me feel both sick and on cloud nine. These conflicting feelings were confusing, but I had no room to focus to dwell upon them; all of my attention was on Lloyd and his magical touch.

He parted, inhaling a ragged breath, a clue-in to how far gone he was as I. His warm forehead pressed against mine before rolling as Lloyd inclined his head to achieve the perfect spot to dot my cheek with affectionate kisses.
With my mouth free, I decided to cash in the next joke I had waiting up my sleeve.
"Do I have to sign for your package?" I whispered breathlessly.
Lloyd briefly paused. Was this it? Did he finally understand?
I got a glimpse of a confused, red eye before he returned to brushing his nose tantalising along my jawline.
"What package?" he murmured. My eyelids fluttered at the feeling of his breath brushing down my neck. Yet, despite ninety percent of my brain being focused on the absolute nirvana Lloyd was serving me, I couldn't help but snort at his choice of words.
His arms flexed, hands shifting on the wood of the tree he had me held against. I could imagine that he would've been distressed if it weren't for his current distraction. My hands reached up to pass through his soft hair before snagging onto some locks.

"What package?" Lloyd echoed with a pleasured hiss. I just shook my head with a breathless giggle and pressed kisses to every part of his face I could reach. He would have to figure it out on his own, otherwise it just takes away the fun. If he's going to be oblivious to my dirty pick-up lines, I may as well make it entertaining.
Egged on by my disobedience, Lloyd grinned his teeth against my neck and growled from his throat in a way that had my back arching. I turned my head towards him and he picked up on my unspoken demand, pressing his lips to mine instead of my neck. We kissed as if it were breathing, essential to survival and yearning for more. The time apart had me starving, and now I just wanted more, more, more.
My hands traced the folds of his robe while his fingers dug through my hair, messing the tight style. I couldn't find myself caring. I had a pretty good idea that this was how the party was going to end for us.
My breaths came in only short, desperate snatches as we kissed. I didn't want to have to part, so I inhaled what I could when I could, wanting nothing more than to stay pressed up like this forever. It was an attack of sorts, a demolishing, destroying, dance of a deathly passionate regroup, taken so long after we had last seen each other. It was built up patience finally exploding.

If pleasure was truly a sin, then Lloyd was my very own seventh devil.

"Do you still have your horns?" I asked teasingly, reminded of the little bumps on his head and taking the chance to talk when he dropped back down to my neck. His hand shot to my waist and gave a warning squeeze before I could reach up to check.
"They'd make good hand-holds," I mentioned. His grip tightened.
"Shut up," he breathed between kisses, though his words held no conviction. I breathed a chortle through my nose that quickly turned into a gasp when his kisses were replaced by his tongue. His piercing dug into my skin. The spinning of my head worsened. I fell listless against the tree, my hands in his hair the only thing keeping me upright. He yanked the high neckline of my kimono down, leaving ravenous licks and kisses as he exposed more of my collarbone.
"Lloyd-" I gasped as he pressed open, wet kiss after kiss on my neck, travelling back up to the underside of my jaw to litter my skin with evidence of him. I couldn't even think.
He hummed at my call. My hands snatched at his sleeves, white knuckled.
"Bite-" I begged, absolutely lost in the zenith of bliss. "Bite me."

All at once, Lloyd stopped. A selfish, annoyed groan slipped from my lips before I had the mind to stop it and realise what a colossal fuck up my thoughtlessness had caused. Again.
"Shit-" I breathed, clenching my eyes shut as the buzz of my head began to fade and anxiety replaced it. Why couldn't I learn to keep my mouth shut? "I'm so sorry-"
Lloyd pressed an open mouthed kiss on my neck and I swallowed with anticipation as he sucked and drew out all these tingly, pleasant emotions that sparked along my nerves. He pulled back and pressed a butterfly kiss to the prominent hickey.
"I'm sorry," I tried again.
"S' okay," Lloyd mumbled, brushing his lips up the cord of my throat. I swallowed. My heart gave an undeserving thump. "We'll get there in time."
I wordlessly nodded. Lloyd placed his hands on the wood again and hung his head as we each regained our breaths. My hands passed through his hair, fingertips brushing his scalp. A tired purr rumbled from his throat.

'Dragon' part of me demanded. I stubbornly pushed it down.

"Happy birthday," I whispered, bringing his head forward to press a kiss to his forehead. "My perfect boy."
Lloyd's shoulders lost some of their tension as he slumped. He sent me a soft smile, and I finally saw the damage my red lipstick made to his face. Hair messy, covered in lipstick stains, red eyes blissed the fuck out - my god.
A blush coloured my cheeks just as red. I'd have to wear this shade more often.
"Thanks, sunshine," Lloyd murmured. The winter air had grown colder, but the thick material of our garments kept us warm, and our blushes kept our faces even warmer. We could melt snow if there was any.
Lloyd's dopey expression dropped into something more focused.
"Zane's coming," he quietly announced for his audience of only me. There was no need to fix myself up - the evidence was too thorough, so what was the point? Take it like a woman, Y/n.
"What are you two doing?" the nindroid asked when he stopped at the edge of the clearing. Lloyd sighed and stepped back, leaving only one arm plastered up by my head.

"Well, Zane," Lloyd said with his red-kissed face. "Wasn't it obvious? We were playing a mean game of sudoku."
"Mm," was Zane's dry reply, blue eyes unimpressed. "How could I have missed it?"
I stifled a laugh by zipping my lips together. Zane's sass was by far the best thing I loved about him.
"You might want to use a scarf for the next week, Y/n," Zane supplied with a quick glance to my bruised neck. My hand shot up to sheepishly cover it, despite the damage having already been done. "Lloyd was... thorough."
"All right, bye," Lloyd said, cheeks pink.
"Take some lessons, Zaney!" I called after his retreating figure. "Pix might appreciate it!"
The disturbed look he sent me over his shoulder would make me laugh for centuries to come.
"I think we should go back to my room," Lloyd suggested. My eyebrows raised.
"And what will we be doing in your room?" I asked.
"Getting you a scarf," Lloyd answered dryly, much to my amusement. "And I want to get changed out of this. It's heavy. I'll just tell mum that I wasn't feeling well."

"We are so fucked," I laughed nervously. "She's gonna chew us out."
"She's gonna chew me out," Lloyd corrected, leading me towards the window to his room with a hand in mine. "You'll get off with a slap on your wrist, at best. I'm supposed to 'know better,' you're her favourite daughter she never had."
"Oh; the horrors of being the responsible team leader," I bemoaned before giggling at the look he sent in response.
"It's funny how I'm responsible until you show up," Lloyd commented as I struggled my way through his window without snagging the kimono. "Wonder why that is?"
"We already know that I bring out your best qualities," I pipped up with an innocent grin as I stared at him through his window, successfully on the other side. Lloyd rolled his eyes before gracefully slipping through his window and shutting it behind him. I was already struggling to untie the kimono when Lloyd stepped in to effortlessly help.

"I thought you were supposed to strip me?" Lloyd murmured.
"Be quiet," I admonished. He chuckled.
"Arms," Lloyd said when I was freed of my clothes. I lifted my arms obediently and he slipped a large shirt onto me. It was his, of course it was, because why wouldn't he dress me in his own clothes?
I would tease him for it if I wasn't revelling in how large it felt on me. And also the scent? Spring afternoons and meadows and bubbling streams?
"See, now this - this is hot," Lloyd said as he apprised me while taking off his robes.
"Why, because I'm all dolled up but wearing your shirt?" When he listlessly nodded, I gave a dry grin. "You're such a boy."
"Can I not appreciate my girlfriend's beauty?" Lloyd asked, pretending to be hurt. It quickly melted away. "Post-kissed state, even better."

"Wow," I said as I placed my kimono back onto its hanger in Lloyd's closet. "The absolute testosterone of you right now. Just wow."
Lloyd made a complaining sound from the back of his throat.
"C'mon," I said, grabbing Lloyd's hand and leading him out his room and towards the bathroom. "You need to fix all..." I gestures to his entire face, which was covered in lipstick stains. "This."
Lloyd frowned before wiping his cheek. When he pulled it away and noticed the red left on the back of his hand, he smirked.
"We should do this more often."
"Sneak out of a party to make out?" I asked as I pulled out some make up remover from the bathroom's vanity. I sat up on the bench to comfortably clean Lloyd's face. "Yeah, I'm keen."
He grinned, incredibly still as he let me work without being annoying by fidgeting. I appreciated it, especially knowing how on the go he was all the time.

When my make up was finally removed, I sighed in relief. While I appreciated looking badass, it was also nice to just wipe it all off and be a normal human again.
"There's my beautiful girl," Lloyd said quietly, pushing his face into my neck. I smiled and dropped my head against his.
My eyes dropped to my neck in the mirror. My smile grew in amusement.

Zane was right. I would need a scarf.

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