fifty five

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"I'm going to bring some clothes from my house next time I come over," I announced as I stepped back into Lloyd's room after getting changed into a pair of his fat pants and oversized hoody.

I was absolutely swamped in his clothing, but I couldn't deny the warm buzz my stomach did as I lost myself in the folds of his clothes. I could fit another person in with me. Granted, it would be a small person. Oh! I could fit Raptra in with me.
I really should see her again. Make sure she's okay.
I wonder how Lloyd would handle that information.
The relaxing heat of the onsen still sat pleasantly in my limbs and I found myself growing tired despite it still being relatively early. Lloyd just smiled as I shuffled towards him.

"Aw, but you look so cute in my clothes," he pouted as he pulled me in close. I stumbled over the long pant leg.
"It's a danger hazard," I pointed out, arms pressed against his chest.
"As if you weren't already one," Lloyd snickered. I opened my mouth to retaliate but found that I couldn't.
"Okay, fair, but this makes it worse."
"A price to pay for you to look adorable," Lloyd grinned, bringing the hood over my head. I frowned, face hot and flustered. Lloyd didn't react to my blush but however, I did notice the smug glint in his eyes. "Dinner time? I think they put leftovers for us in the fridge."
"Oooh, yeah, yeah!" I agreed with a happy nod. My phone started to ring and I pouted. "Boo."

Turning away, I pulled out my phone and saw that it was my mother. I pressed answer just as Lloyd's arms looped around my waist from behind. I leant back into his chest.
"Helllloooo?" I greeted.
"Helllooooo," Mum replied with a chuckle.
"HELLOOO!" Dad yelled.
"Papa!" I chirped with a beaming smile. "When are you coming back?"
"Eager?" he laughed. I puffed my cheeks.
"Always!" I replied boldly. Lloyd began twirling a lock of hair between his fingers, listening quietly. "I demand a rematch."
"Of what?" dad snorted.
"Everything!" I exclaimed. "Oh! Lloyd's teaching me jiu jitsu. I'm really good at it."
"You arE NOT-" Lloyd scoffed loudly.
"In spirit!"
"That does not count."
"Oh," dad said slowly, voice dramatically sullen. "Lloyd's there."

I could feel Lloyd's lips quirk into an amused smile against my cheek.
"Hi, Jamie," he greeted, to which he got no reply.
"Stop behaving like a child, for Pete's sake," mum hissed at dad. "I thought you guys were working together now."
"Hey, no," dad argued. "I'm not giving Lloyd special treatment just because he's the green ninja. I don't care who Y/n dates. I'll behave the same."
I sighed slowly through my nose, amused. Lloyd tapped my waist while we waited. It seemed like they were going to take a while.
"Okay, call you guys later, bye!" I quickly said before hanging up. Once dad got started on a rant, there was usually no stopping him.
"Your Mum's in Jamanakai for the weekend?" Lloyd asked. I nodded.
"We can have a weekend long sleepoveeeer," he coed into my ear. "What will it take for you to move in already?"

"AhA maybe more than six months of being in a relationship," I squeaked, cheeks bright red. "Also, detour, where did that come from?"
"Dunno," Lloyd shrugged, arms tightening around my waist comfortably. "This week without you was pretty eye-opening."
I turned in his hold, gaze furrowed.
"How so?"
"Means I might be asking you to marry me sooner than I thought," he said with a boyish smirk as he brushed his nose against mine. My breath caught behind my teeth, strangled purely by his soft-spoken words, and he laughed. "I'm just kidding."
My eyes widened.
"Don't JOKE about that!" I scolded with a whine. "I thought you were being serious! I was having a crisis! I'm only seventeen, you jerk!"
"Sorry," he chuckled. I puffed out my cheeks and crossed my arms, not believing his apology.
"No, you're not."
"Not in the slightest," Lloyd confessed with a chuckle. "Let's go get some dinner. Then we can play the newest Starfarer video game!"

"Okay, but I have to go home tomorrow, at least," I pointed out as he began leading me towards the kitchen. I kept tripping over the cuffs of Lloyd's fat pants that he leant me (that I would also totally steal) "I've got schoolwork to do."
Dinner was leftover chicken teriyaki. Or maybe it was spaghetti bolognese. Either way, Lloyd and I took one look at it, said "Cole" and then promptly went to make peanut butter on toast instead.
"Did you know that peanut butter toast has the same amount of protein as a steak?" Lloyd announced while we waited for our dinner.
"Really?" I asked, smiling as I leant against the bench.
"Yep," Lloyd replied before sending me a teasing grin. "See? Even D grade students can be smart."
"Yeah, you have your moments," I sighed with an amused huff.

After chowing down and fulling our bellies, Lloyd excitedly tugged me to the games room and set up the PlayStation. When he sat back against the couch, I crawled until I was sitting between his legs and leaning back against him.
"Demand snuggles," I said simply, taking the offered controller from his grasp.
"Snuggles have been deployed," Lloyd replied, wrapping his arms around my stomach and resting his controller on my lap.
"Now get ready to eat my dust," I sneered playfully as we began the first round.
"Our character's are on the same team," Lloyd stressed. I laughed cruelly, shaking my head.
"Not today."
Unfortunately, the game didn't actually let you attack your own teammates, so I just kept hopping and attacking thin air where Lloyd's character stood. He grumbled, fingers fast on the controller.
"And you called me out," he muttered, dropping his chin on my shoulder. I pitched a giggle, leaning more into him. His head slipped deeper into the crook of my neck. Lloyd stiffened.

"Doll..." he began, voice almost inaudible despite his mouth being right beside my ear. I hummed in question, fingers mashing the controllers randomly because I had no idea how to play. "Can... can I?"
He softly tapped my neck. I stilled, hands pausing.
"It's been a week," Lloyd whispered, sounding almost in agony. I bit my lip. "I've been holding back but y- your smell-"
"Do your worst," I sighed, caving as I pulled away my hair. "You weird dragon boy."
He gave a relieved exhale before dipping his head and nuzzling against my neck, brushing his cheek against the dip of my shoulder. Our characters on the screen took a beating, losing all of our hearts, but Lloyd was too preoccupied with bumping his forehead against my throat affectionately to care and I was too focused on the feeling of him.
He pressed a gentle kiss against my skin before opening his lips and sinking his teeth into my neck. I bit my own lip harder, eyes fluttering shut.
But that was as far as he went. He pulled away with a satisfied sigh.

"Better?" I asked, amused.
"Much," Lloyd sighed, pressing a kiss on my cheek. We had utterly failed the level. "Now you smell like mine again. Wanna go to bed?"
"Hmmm yeah, okay," I nodded, noting to myself that the onsen had made me super drowsy and I was only growing more tired.
"Okay," Lloyd said, turning off the PlayStation (even through we barely actually used it) and helping me too my feet. "Bedtime."
"Bedtime," I echoed with a lethargic smile.
"Want me to carry you?" Lloyd grinned as I swayed on my feet. "You look like you're about to drop from exhaustion. When was the last time you had a proper sleep?"
I shrugged, raising my arms. He stepped into me before wrapping his arms around my hip.

I looped my legs around his waist and I probably fell asleep before he had even carried me out of the room.


"I don't think I could ever get used to waking up to you beside me."

"Damn," I murmured, still mostly asleep and face dug half into the pillow. "Is my bed hair really that bad?"
Lloyd snorted.
"Oh, yeah," he agreed. "The worst."
I squinted my eyes open and found him grinning goofily at me.
"Have I convinced you to stay the night tonight, yet?" Lloyd asked, tilting his head innocently. I closed my eyes. It was too early in the morning to have a crisis over his morning voice and messy hair. Not yet, thank you very much. I'm available at ten, though.

"Nope," I murmured. Lloyd picked up my hand and began gently playing with my fingers.
"What if I stay the night at yours?" he asked, voice tilted with suggestion. I paused, contemplating.
"Don't come before six," I finally said, voice muffled from the pillow. He quietly cheered, linking his fingers through mine only to place a kiss on the back of my hand.
I smiled at his enthusiasm, opening my eyes again as he celebrated by making my fingers dance on his pillow while he waited for me to properly wake. My heart squeezed.
"You're the most adorable person I know," I announced what the world already knew before hooking a leg around his and shuffling until I was lying on top of him.
"Lies," Lloyd said as I settled down on my new bed and rested my head above his chest. "That title belongs to you."
"No," he denied.
"Stop," I groaned, pathetically slapping his chest. "Just take the compliment."

Lloyd chuckled. He might've said something else, but I was already falling asleep again in his arms.
By the time I woke again, it was well into the morning and Lloyd had yet to shift me off of him, playing on his phone while he patiently stroked down the length of my spine. Damn. No wonder why they loved the onsen so much. It did wonders.
"I think it's almost lunch time," Lloyd murmured when he noticed me blearily blink open my heavy eyelids.
"Sorry," I mumbled.
"Don't apologise," he said softly, shifting up and curling me into his arms. "You needed the rest. Hell, I needed the rest."
I relaxed into his chest with a soft smile at his reassurance, eyes heavy and sliding shut again.
Until his stomach growled.
"Okay," I giggled as he shushed his belly. "I'm up this time. I promise."
"Thanks, princess," Lloyd sighed. "I'm really hungry."
"When are you not, mr. green ninja?" I snickered as I slid off of him and teetered upright. "You guys eat like horses."
Lloyd lifted the bottom of his shirt and glanced at his toned stomach. He lifted his green eyes and shrugged.
"I don't know where it goes."
I rolled my eyes, smile tugging on my lips. He grabbed my hand and lead me to the kitchen before retreating to the dining room with our spoils of war.

The rest of the team bustled in some time after us, when I was leaning against Lloyd and he was stalling on his training, probably.
"About time you guys woke up," Cole snickered.
"It was Y/n's fault," Lloyd defended.
"It was," I agreed, stretching my arms over my head with a yawn. "And I'm still tired. I'm suing."
"Suing who?"
"Your granddad, probably," I mused and he snorted a laugh. The others settled down with their own lunch, a comfortable chatter settling amongst us. I only half-listened, most of my focus on tracing patterns on the back of Lloyd's hand.
"Prom's soon," Kai piped up, and I was thrown back to the week before when Claire and Aaliyah and Chen has subjected me to rambling about prom. I had barely paid attention to them, too focused on the radio silence that was between Lloyd and I. "Two months to go. Think I can sneak Skylor in?"
"Yes," Zane nodded. "Very easily."
"What about Pixal?" Nya coed and immediately, all attention was on the nindroid. "You gonna take her?"
"Wh- what- I do not- I-" Zane stammered, voice peppered with static. His eyes twitched. A spark may have been tossed from his neck.
"Don't break him," I giggled.
"I'm going to miss out on taking Naomi to prom," Cole mumbled, downcast and sullen.
"Wa- wait what?" I asked, eyes wide as I stared at the Danny Phantom reject. I dropped Lloyd's hand and he whined. "Did I miss something?"
"Oh," Cole pulled himself up a little straighter. "We're dating."

"WHAT?!" I squeaked in surprised delight, throwing myself upright and leaning towards him. "You are?! Since when?!"
"Since Friday," Cole chuckled at my bright eyes and giddy beam.
"Oh, my gosh!" I squeaked and his smile widened. "That's so cool!"
Lloyd wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me back into his chest. Nya amusedly rolled her eyes at his clinginess.
"Are you going to prom?" Jay asked me. I shrugged.
"Dunno. Depends if somebody asks me to go."
Kai threw a chopstick at Lloyd.
"That," the fire master said. "That right there. Did you hear that?"
"I- I heard it," Lloyd answered, confused.
"What are you going to do about it?"
"Uh," he dropped his eyes down to me and I smiled up at him. "Prom?" he asked.
"You can ask her BETTER THAN THAT-" Kai yelled.
"Sure," I grinned up at him, chest fluttering. "I'll go to prom with you."
"I am revolted," Kai huffed, crossing his arms. "You took all of the romantic potential out of it!"
"I don't want anything fancy," I shook my head, shooting the pouting Kai an amused look. "This was perfect."
"Aw," Lloyd gushed, kissing the top of my head. "Great, because I didn't have time to plan anything."

"A too-busy ninja student and a girl that expects little," Zane noted with a smile. "Truly a match made in heaven."
"Well, gee," I laughed lightly. "That makes me sound terrible."
"Better than somebody who demands the world," Nya pointed out and Jay agreed with finger guns shot his girlfriend's way.
"He could've put a little effort into it," Kai grumbled, crossing his arms. "At least flowers or something."
Lloyd perked up a little.
"I don't mind," I chuckled, patting Lloyd's knee. "As long as it's him."
"I'm trying to eat, here," Cole piped up.
"Awww," Lloyd reiterated, tilting my chin up to press a kiss to my lips.
"Oi!" Jay shot, grabbing the free zabuton beside him and lobbing it at us. "This is a public space!"
Lloyd simply caught the pillow before it could hit, kiss not even faltering. I giggled into it before pulling away. His lips chased mine briefly.
"Sorry," I apologised without really meaning it. "Catching up on lost time."
"It was a week," Kai said.
"Long enough," Lloyd agreed with me. I grinned shamelessly.

"I think Claire and Aaliyah were talking about going dress shopping as a group. You should come with us," I suggested, gently kicking Nya's foot under the table as I changed the subject.
"Can I come too?" Lloyd piped up hopefully.
He pouted.
"Lloyd, knowing them, it'll take hours," I snickered and his frown curled deeper. "You'll get so bored. Besides, it's a girl thing. We'll be talking about... boys, n' stuff."
"I'm a boy," Lloyd inputted.
"My god, man," Cole laughed. "Give the girl some space."
"I just wanna see my sunshine in pretty dresses," he grumbled. "Is that so much to ask?"
"Yes," I said quickly before turning to Nya. Lloyd groaned, dropping his face into my neck. "Keen?"
She blinked before slowly nodding.
"Uh- yeah. Yeah, sure," she accepted. "When do you think we'll go?"
I shrugged, ignoring the constant jabs of Lloyd poking my arm, silently whining for attention.
"Dunno," I replied. "Probably some time next month? - Lloyd, I swear to- stop it."
"... cool."
"You don't have to come," I reassured, noticing her reluctance. "Don't feel obligated."

"She's just never really had anyone to go dress shopping with," Kai piped up, affectionately bonking his fist into his sister's shoulder. "Aside from us."
Nya nodded, sending the table a distant stare.
"Yeah, yeah, no, it's fine," she nodded. "I just, uh, y'know, never really hung out with a group of girls before."
I nudged her leg under the table with my foot, gaining her attention as she shifted her foggy look and focused her gaze on me. I smiled at her encouragingly.
"Well, now you can. If you want."
Nya exhaled heavily before sending me a smile.
"Yeah. Okay. Sure."
"Aww, look at my baby, being all inclusive and friendly-"
"You're not coming, Lloyd."
"Foiled again," he muttered.
"This is what you get for asking her out in such a white bread way," Kai pointed at Lloyd accusingly across the table. "Karma, bro. Kar. Ma."

Lloyd chucked the Zabuton at the fire master. This time it landed.


I woke in the middle of the night to an intruder.

The clanging of something falling in the kitchen was loud enough to to rouse me, even over the loud rain of the storm that gathered in the sky outside. I sat up, drowsiness quickly fading away to adrenaline. With ab inaudible groan, I quietly shuffled out of bed and grabbed Lloyd's skateboard (because skateboards had proven to be valuable weapons before), slowly making my way down the hall.
It couldn't be mum - she wasn't due back 'till morning. It wasn't Lloyd; he had to leave to go on mission and our scheduled sleepover had been rainchecked-
Wait, never mind it was Lloyd.
"What are you doing?" I sighed, dropping my arm as I flicked on the kitchen light. Lloyd poked his head around the pantry door, wet hair flopping over his forehead. In his mouth was an unopened bag of two-minute noodles.
"Making some noodles," was his muffled reply.
"Because we just came back from a mission and I'm hungry."
"But why are you here?"
"Because we don't have anymore noodles," he said.

I stared at him tiredly before giving up with a shake of my head.
"Were you going to hit me with the skateboard?" Lloyd asked, taking the packet from his mouth and ripping it open into a jug. I glanced down at the improvised weapon and shrugged.
"It worked before."
"True that," he agreed as he filled the jug with water before putting it the microwave. "Look at the bench."
I furrowed my brow at his odd request before glancing over at the kitchen bench. On it sat a vase filled with wildflowers.
"What?" I tilted my head before my slow, tired brain caught up to the situation and I sent Lloyd a look. "Did you get me flowers?"
"Mm, no," he denied sarcastically. "They just appeared out of nowhere. Ghost flowers. Cole probably brought them."
"Aw, Lloyd," I gushed, ignoring his remark as I placed the skateboard down and stepped forward to look at the many different types of flowers that made up the bouquet. "That's so sweet. You really didn't have to."
"I wanted to," Lloyd said, sending me a soft smile as I gave him a giddy one in return. "I realised I never got you flowers or anything. It's pretty old school but my parents get flowers for each other all the time."

"Did you pick them yourself?" I asked, patting a soft petal. I never knew that I wanted flowers until he actually got me them. Now my heart was soaring.
"Yep," Lloyd grinned smugly. "How much do you love me now?"
"You're going to incapacitate me with adoration, Greenie," I hummed, turning around just as he caged me against the bench with his arms. "What did I do to deserve you?"
"I ask myself that every day," he murmured, pressing a kiss to me when I leant up to him. "And then you do something stupid and I remember. It's because you're too dangerous to be alone."
I snorted and he grinned.
"Bite me, Lloyd Garmadon," I said dryly, smiling curtly at him. His grin grew wider and he leant in closer until Lloyd was all I could see. My universe.
"Well," he said slyly, eyes half-lidded. "If you insist."
"Wha- wait, wait, wait, no!" I laughed, pulling away when he teasingly snapped his teeth close to my neck. "I didn't mean that!"
He grinned before wincing when I pushed against his abdomen. I paused as he gritted his teeth before pulling my hand away and finding blood. It had soaked through his dark gi.

"You dumbie," I sighed as he sheepishly chuckled. "Did you seriously come here to make noodles before wrapping your injuries? How bad is it?"
"Just a little stab wound," Lloyd replied, as if those words would reassure me. "Barely there. Only a graze."
"Sure," I grumbled before pulling him towards the bathroom. "Hate to break it to you but grazes don't bleed that much."
"B- but the noodles!" Lloyd insisted. I shot him an irritated look.
"They can wait," I huffed before stopping him in front of the toilet and closing the lid with my foot. "Now take off your robe and sit your ass down."
"Yes, ma'am," Lloyd mumbled before unbuckling his gi and pulling it off of his shoulders. The undershirt followed, dropping to the floor while I grabbed the first aid kit. "I didn't realise you're so boringly serious."
"I'm not!" I frowned. "I'm just being..."
"It's not so bad every once in a while," I snorted as he sat down with a grimace. "You're serious a lot of the time, Green Ninja, you hypocrite."
Lloyd gasped and clutched at his chest.
"Your words mortally wound me," he said dramatically. "I am the epitome of child-like wonder and irresponsible actions."

"You're the epitome of being a total moron," I snorted as I knelt before him. I stared at the wound that sat just beside his hip bone in disdain. "Lloyd, this is going to need stitches. Little graze my ass."
"I can go home," Lloyd suggested. I shook my head.
"I can do them."
"You can?"
With an amused smile sent his way, I stood and went to get the needed supplies.
"I didn't just learn how to shoot a gun from dad," I informed. "I got well acquainted with a needle and thread, and I'm not talking about sewing clothes. Now sit still, you feral baby. You're going to irritate it more. And put pressure on it!"
"I know!"
Lloyd huffed, crossing his arms but doing as told. After swiftly returning with needle and thread and sterilising what I needed to, I got to work. Lloyd pulled a face.
"Sorry, does it hurt?" I murmured, squinting my eyes in focus as I tugged the needle through his skin. "Do you need something to bite down on?"
"It's not that," Lloyd muttered, face twisting in displeasure. "I can hear it. I hate the sound of getting stitches."
"You can hear it?" I asked, baffled before it hit. Heightened senses, duh. "Ah, right. Of course. Almost done, honeydew."

"Thanks," he groaned, dropping his head back. I bit the inside of my cheek as he muttered to himself. I couldn't hear anything and my head was right by it.
That train of thought made me think back to the research I'd done on the tugging and prophecies and the other weird stuff that Lloyd did.
"Hey, so uh... I did some research into the marking stuff," I began, focusing hard on stitching his wound. Only a few more to go. He hummed. "I found some freaky stuff on the Internet that I wish I could forget-" Lloyd laughed before wincing. "Seriously, bleach my eyes kinda shit but..."
He stared at me as I paused, hands hovering. My brow twitched down in internal conflict and I glanced up at him.
"Lloyd, how many other prophecies involve the tugging thing that we have?"
He tilted his head, thinking hard before giving up with a shake.
"None that I know of," he admitted.
"And what about the others?" I asked. "Did they ever experience tugging?"
"No, they would've said something by now," Lloyd replied before his brow furrowed deeper. "What are you getting at, doll?"
I sat back, the bulk of the job finished. I snipped the thread and wound it back around the ball.
"I... I think you imprinted. On me. When we first met. And I'm not talking baby duckling to a person kind of imprinting. I'm talking Twilight-level. Jacob and Reneeseme kind of stuff."

Lloyd blinked. "When you hit me with the skateboard?"
I shook my head. "When we first saw each other in the cafe. I think it affected me, too."
"But didn't your mum say that you wanted to stay in city when you moved?"
"I mean, that could be the prophecy," I shrugged. "But I never got that tugging sensation until I saw you."
"I don't even know what Twilight is," Lloyd shook his head. "Gimme a break down of your point."
"Okay, mmm," I shuffled closer, face scrunched in thought as my eyes trailed up his large scar. My gaze rested on his clavicle. "Think of it as, uh... soulmates? I think-"
I stopped myself when Lloyd's face fell into an incredibly soft expression and he tilted my head up to his. I could almost see the love pouring from his eyes. It made my stomach twist.
"You think we're soulmates?" Lloyd asked in a voice so gentle and quiet and hopeful that it made me glad I was sitting down. I don't think me knees could've taken that kind of hit.
"Well- I- it's just a theory-"

I was cut off by Lloyd bringing me into a swift kiss. I gasped, caught off guard as he pressed down into me. Lloyd stood, bringing me up with him and coiling his arm around my waist tightly and I fell into him. I pulled back with a shake of my head.
"Y- you're injured-"
"It's not bad-"
"You were stabbed-"
"You're my soulmate," Lloyd laughed breathlessly before pressing another kiss to my lips.
"I- I'm not- exactly- sure," I reminded between the quick kisses he gave me. Lightning crackled outside and it matched the jump my heart did when Lloyd tightly hugged me, as if I was his entire world.
"Don't care," he mumbled into my temple. "The idea of it is enough."
"D- do you need a painkiller-"
"Sunshine, I'm fine," Lloyd laughed, gently guiding my head back so he could send me a beaming smile, red eyes glittering with joy. I wanted to save this look of him so I could stare at it forever.

"W- well, go to bed at least," I stammered, cheeks red. He chuckled, nuzzling my forehead with his own before pressing a kiss to my nose. My chest jumped. I shook my head, trying to regain my senses. "A- alright, c'mon, werewolf boyfriend."
His grin brightened. I swallowed sharply, flustered.
"Okay," he said before suddenly grabbing my waist and lifting me up. I squeaked in surprise, grabbing onto his shoulders, noodles in the microwave completely forgotten.
Lloyd carried me through the hallway before he dropped me onto my bed, landing over the top with arms on either side of my head. My finger traced the bridge of his nose before falling down to the curve of his lip, mapping his face to memory.
"I want to spend the rest of my life with you," I whispered, cupping his jaw.
"Perfect," Lloyd sighed with a smile as he pulled out the ring on the necklace that lay under my shirt. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you, too."

But then his smile slowly dropped and I felt mine do the same. I brushed my thumb over his cheek.
"What's wrong?" I asked, voice soft. Lloyd sighed, dropping onto the bed beside me. I shuffled close, turning onto my side with a concerned look. He dropped an arm over his eyes tiredly.
"The police want to interrogate Axon," Lloyd murmured. I stiffened. "They want the ninja to be there, too. Just in case."
"Will... will you be okay?" I queried, whispering my thumb over his lip. "You shouldn't have to go if you feel like you can't handle it."
"Lloyd doesn't want to go, but the green ninja doesn't have a choice," he huffed, smiling dryly.
"Maybe... maybe I should go, too," I suggested quietly and Lloyd shot up so fast that I almost got whiplash.
"No, no way," he shook his head sternly. "I'm not letting you near in him in a million years. Besides, what if I..."
"We'll be prepared for it this time," I reassured. "Lloyd, I have my own questions for him, too. This isn't just a green ninja thing. This involves both of us."

Lloyd ran a hand down his face in stress. I caught his hand with mine and pressed my lips to the backs of his fingers.
"Please, honeydew," I said softly. "I don't want to let you face him alone."
Lloyd exhaled heavily before shaking his head in disbelief.
"Fine," he caved. "You can come, but you're not to leave my side the entire time, okay?"
"Like I would," I grinned before my joking demeanour immediately dropped at the desperate look on his face.
"This is serious, Y/n," Lloyd insisted firmly, brows pulled taut over his green eyes. "I want you standing right behind me from when we get there until we leave. I'm between you and him at all times. Do you hear me?"
"Loud and clear," I nodded. "I'll be listening to you the entire time."
"Thank you," he breathed, pressing a kiss to my forehead.
"When is it?" I asked, linking my fingers through his.
"Next weekend," Lloyd murmured. I nodded. The rain beat harder against the window. A silence passed.

"You should sleep," I finally said, catching his chin with a soft grip. "You look exhausted."
"I am," he smiled lethargically.
"Do you need a shirt?" I asked, glancing down at his bare torso. We can put his gi in the washing machine in the morning. At least his wound didn't look irritated. "Will you be warm enough?"
"I'll be fine," Lloyd said, holding back a yawn. I nodded, lifting the covers for him to shuffle in. Flicking off the light, I joined him, folding into his warmth.
I couldn't sleep, thoughts worrying over Axon and my brain betraying me with memories of Lloyd attacking him. I suppose time would be the best remedy for that.

Until then, I just hugged Lloyd closer as he did me, listening while the thunder rumbled and rain fell in heavy sheets outside.


It was still raining when morning rolled around.

I silenced my alarm before shifting in Lloyd's arms. They caged me, along with the leg he'd thrown over my thigh. I was caught in a spooning cuddle. It wasn't something I was opposed to.
However, I did need to get ready for school.
Lloyd must've been totally exhausted from his mission last night, because even the alarm didn't rouse him. I struggled in his iron hold, lifting his arms to escape.
They latched tighter around me, dragging me closer against his body with a sleepy growl.

"Oh," I said.
Looks like I wasn't going anywhere soon.

Missing one day of school wouldn't be so bad, right..? We can call in sick. It is winter, after all.
Again, the choice wasn't mine. I watched time tick on by, passing the beginning of school and dipping late into morning. Mum would be home soon.
I sighed through my nose and shifted again in his relaxed hold. Another growl slipped through Lloyd's slumber and I rolled my eyes.
With nothing else to do other than admire his sleeping face (truly a gift, really), I rested my hand on his cheek and took in the soft fluttering of his brown eyelashes, the parting of his lips, the slow rise and fall of his chest.
My hand slipped down the start of his scar that sat just below his collarbone, fingers whispering over the jagged edge. It was such a marring thing, such a harsh touch to such a pretty image, such a soft soul.

My finger trailed down the scar, slowly following the bumpy line of healed skin. I drank it in through my touch just as my eyes took in the rest of him, my universe. When I hit the bunched-up duvet that hugged his hips, my hand slid up over his ribs to capture his arm in my grasp.
"Having fun?" Lloyd's morning voice whispered above my head. I jumped, eyes shooting to his in surprise. He smirked smugly. "If you wanted to explore my body, you could've just asked."
My face burnt a boiling red. I grabbed my pillow and smacked his head with it, tugging myself out of his arms. He laughed, shielding his head.
"Don't SAY that!" I yelled, cheeks puffed with flustered rage.
"Babe, it's nothing to be ashamed of," Lloyd grinned, pulling me back towards him. "I'm honoured."
"Shut up shut up shut up shUT UP-"
Lloyd gave a sharp tug and I landed on top of him. I paused, stunned, and his smile grew a mile wide.

"I- I'm going to make lunch," I stammered, heart leaping up my throat when his hands found my waist.
"Stay," Lloyd pouted. I shook my head. "Staaayyyy."
"I- but-"
"Please?" he lifted his brows. "I wanna snuggle."
"That's what you've been doing all morning," I reasoned. "Besides, mum's gonna be home soon and-"
The front door opened. I stilled.
"You're shirtless," I reminded, breath short.
"Shirt's in the bathroom," Lloyd noted, eyes wide.
"Hoody," I declared, ripping myself from his hold and throwing a random green hoody in his direction. He slipped it on just as mum opened the door to the room.
"... how many times have I told her to keep the door open during the day-"
Mum paused upon seeing Lloyd on the bed and me, frazzled with wide eyes. She sighed.
"Ignore it, M/n," mum muttered to herself as she turned back into the hallway. "It's too early. Ignore it."
Lloyd and I shared a look.
"At least she didn't yell this time," he shrugged.

"I see you two ignored me when I said for Lloyd to not spend the night without letting me know first," Mum said dryly when we entered the kitchen.
"Ah, yes, but," I countered, sending her a sweet smile in hopes of persuading her into a better mood. "We're cooking you lunch to make up for it, so really it's a win-win situation."
"We are?" Lloyd asked. I nodded, speaking with my eyes. "I-uh, yeah. Yes. Definitely cooking you lunch."
"Isn't he fifteen?" Mum raised a brow, completely ignoring our pitiful attempt at bargaining. "Should he really be spending the night? And shouldn't you two be in school?"
"Ahhhaha," Lloyd laughed nervously, green eyes jumping to me in alarm. "You told her?"
I held my palms up in surrender.
"I was having a mental breakdown, Lloyd, what was I supposed to do?"
He raised his eyes to the ceiling before stepping back into the hallway. Probably to grab his gi and put it in the wash. Mum sent me a look, brows raised.
"It's still a... touchy subject," I said with a grimace.
"Yeah, no kidding."

I sighed, running a hand through my hair as I went looking for stuff for lunch. If we're going to do a cook up, may as well go all out.
"When did you two start talking again?" Mum asked, taking a seat at the bench.
"Friday," I murmured.
"And let me guess," she hummed. "You two haven't left each other's side since."
"Uh, actually," I straightened proudly. "I left the monastery early yesterday to do school work and Lloyd had a mission in the evening. He didn't arrive until, like. Three. In the morning."
"Lloyd snuck into the house?" Mum raised a brow.
"He was stabbed," I pointed out.
"Of course he was," mum said dryly.
"He was!" I insisted. "I can show you the stitch I did and everything!"
"Speaking of a mission," Lloyd announced as he walked back into the kitchen, staring at his phone. "I've got a new one. I have to leave."
I wilted, face dropping into a frown.
"Already?" I whined. "Don't you ever get a break?"
"Nope," he sighed, ruffling my bed hair. I pouted. "I have to leave now so I can pick up a spare gi from home. I'll see you later."
"I'll see you off!" I suggested, bounding after him as he went to leave out the backdoor. Mum rolled her eyes in humour at my enthusiasm. Lloyd smiled softly, taking my outstretched hand and leading me out into the backyard.

"Hello, Dumbass Number Two," I greeted Lloyd's dragon with a coo. It rumbled an easy purr and Lloyd sent me a confused look.
"Who's Dumbass Number One?" he asked. I stared at him and it took a few beats for it to click. He gasped, insulted, and I fell into a giggle. The dragon pushed harder against my stomach, demanding pats which I eagerly gave. He was just a giant, glowing, flying cat.
"I'm calling your dragon Bentley," I spoke up. Lloyd pulled a face.
"Why Bentley?"
"Dunno," I shrugged, stroking down the face of the dragon, much to his utter delight. "Seems like a Bentley."
"A- alright," Lloyd shook his head in bafflement at my matter-of-fact tone before leaning in to press a kiss to my lips. "I have to go. Love you, doll."
"Love you too, honeydew," I beamed as he leapt onto the saddle. The dragon grunted so I cupped his large head and pressed a kiss in between his eyes. "I love you as well, Bentley."

"Bentley," Lloyd shook his head with an amused huff as his dragon spread his wings, ready for take-off. "That's such a dumb name."

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