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My phone buzzing pulled me out of slumber.

I woke leisurely, enjoying the sleep in that come with the summer holidays. Clicking my tongue, I squeezed my brows together as I tried to make sense of the dream that was so rudely interrupted.
I wasn't too sure of the context, but I'm ninety-nine percent sure that the green ninja was there.

My nose scrunched as I pulled my eyelids open and stared at the blurry ceiling.
Now, why would I be having dreams about the green ninja? And, more importantly, what were they about? Because I for one can't remember anything about them.

I was still groggy and out of it, rubbing my eyes and yawning, when I unlocked my phone and read the text that woke me.
It took me rereading the message four times before it actually clicked in my head and - holy shit Lloyd and I are meeting in less than forty minutes.

I fell out of bed before scrambling to my feet and stumbling my way to my closet, grabbing some denim shorts and the closest top. I scampered down the hall and into the bathroom, sliding the door shut behind me with a foot.
Frantically, I grabbed the hem of my pyjama shirt and pulled it upwards but the neckline got stuck on my low ponytail, causing me to curse and stumble around like a madman.

Finally, it popped off and I heaved a sigh of relief before getting dressed. I shoved a hairbrush through my hair and washed my face. Then with a couple of sprays of deodorant, I was ready... ish.

I stormed my way back to my bedroom, yanking my phone off of the charger and grabbing Lloyd's hoody (that I had rewashed the night before). I shoved the device in my back pocket and flung the hoody over my shoulder.
"Himumloveyoubye!" I rushed as I crashed into the kitchen and made my mother spill her coffee in fright.
She sent me a glare, but I was already grabbing an apple and out the door while shoving on my slip-ons.

In retrospect, although slip-on shoes are extremely easy and fast to put on, they're also ridiculously difficult to run in. So as I raced my way to the cafe where Lloyd wanted to meet, I was also trying my damned hardest to not trip and injure myself before I got there.
That would just be embarrassing.
For the majority of my sprint I spent scuffing my shoes every other step. I was just glad that summer decided to actually be summer and that it wasn't pouring down with rain, because that would've been an absolute travesty.
I also totally would not be surprised, given my luck.

I stumbled to a stop just a block away from the cafe where Lloyd and I had decided to meet, wiping my forehead from beads of sweat and fluffing up my hair. I spent at least two minutes leaning against the side of a building to try and regain my breath before pulling out my phone when it alerted me of a text.

I'm in the booth by the window.
Sent 10.34am

My heart stuttered as I glanced up and spotted a head of blond by the window. It was too far to actually see his face, but I was sure that it was Lloyd.
I tried to steady my breathing, which only did work a little. Time was ticking on. I fanned my face to get red of the hot flush and closed my eyes, more so for mentally preparing myself than anything.My brain hadn't gotten the time to properly wake up.
Oh my god what if I forget how to speak?

Don't be silly. If you do, just smile and nod.

With a final deep inhale, I tried to look at least a little sane before grabbing the hoody from my shoulders and holding it in my arms.
I was stalling. Definitely stalling. Absolutely stalling. Without a doubt stalling-
I slapped myself across the cheek, before sheepishly glancing around the street at the various passerbys that looked at me weirdly. 
The longer you stall, the more horrible it's going to get.

With that... reassuring thought, I swallowed back my irrational fear and started off down the street towards the small, aesthetic book cafe that looked worthy enough to be on instagram.
I stared at the sidewalk when I neared, as to not catch Lloyd's gaze. I was sure I'd stop functioning if I did this early in the morning.

I pushed open the door and let the intoxicating smell of coffee and books flood my senses. There was no one lining up at the counter, so I went straight up and ordered an iced chocolate.
After I had paid, I glanced at the window booths for Lloyd. He caught my gaze and smiled invitingly and I was struck by how soft it was.
It was super effective.

I didn't notice the patrons of the cafe staring as I approached him, sliding into the seat across from his. He had a lime milkshake in hand, barely begun. It matched his green t-shirt.
"Good morning, Lloyd," I greeted, still a little breathless from my run.
"Morning, Y/n," he replied warmly. "You're a little, uh..." he waved his hand in front of his face.
Furrowing my brow, I lifted my fingers to my cheek. My skin was still really hot.
"O- oh," I grinned sheepishly, lifting my shoulders. "Yeah, sorry. I woke up late so I had to run."

Lloyd chuckled in amusement, though from the carefree grin on his face, I got the feeling that it wasn't aimed to poke fun at me.
Abashed, I rubbed the back of my neck as I tried to regain the little scraps of my dignity that I had left.
"So, uh, what's up?" I asked, twiddling my fingers on the table.
He shrugged loftily, glancing up at the ceiling before goofily grinning at me and pointing at it. "I don't know about you, but I reckon that ceiling is looking pretty snazzy."
Deciding to play along, I giggled before following Lloyd's gaze. I nodded along with him, frowning in consideration at the overwhelmingly plain ceiling as if it were one of Michelangelo's pieces.
"That is one snazzy ceiling."

We both snickered at ourselves before Lloyd perked up as a thought struck him.
"Oh, right," he began, glancing under the table. "Your skateboard."
"Of course," I replied, surprised that I had already forgotten what this get together was about. I handed Lloyd his hoody. He grabbed it with a grin.
The iced chocolate was slammed onto the table, contents spilling down the side.
I jumped in surprise, glancing up at the blue-haired girl from the last time I was at the cafe. Her face was curled in disgust again. She was glaring at Lloyd.

Whoof. Lloyd shifted uncomfortably, trying to pretend that he couldn't feel her pointed rage.
"Iced chocolate?" Lloyd nodded at the glass that I was using a napkin to wipe down. "Good taste."
I smiled goofily, tossing aside the used napkin. "Thanks," I said. "I've got a bit of a sweet tooth."
He chuckled, fingers tapping the rim of his milkshake as he continued to stare at it, avoiding my gaze.
"I can guarantee you that I have a bigger sweet tooth."

I raised my eyebrows at his confidence. Planting my elbow on the table, I rested my chin on my palm and sent him a pointed look.
"Lloyd Garmadon," I said slyly. "Is that a challenge, I hear?"
"I don't know," he smirked, green eyes locking onto mine. "Is it?"
My face suddenly flushed and it wasn't from the run. I had to drop his gaze before I combusted.

I shifted, feeling a little uncomfortable. I glanced up and found the blue-haired girl glaring at me, too. I blinked in surprise, taken aback by the genuine ferocity in her dark eyes.
Swallowing, I dropped my gaze back to the table. Lloyd seemed to have noticed the little exchange and he cleared his throat awkwardly. 
"Do you, uh... know that girl? She's kind of staring at us," I asked quietly, feeling like I was on pins and needles.
"Oh... no, actually. I dont," he replied. I glanced up but the look in his eyes were genuine. I couldn't help but trust his word.
"Oh," I hummed. Then why-? "Should we, uh, finish our drinks as fast as we can and dip, then? I think she's making note of our every move."

"Alright," he eagerly nodded. "Drinking competition, three, two, one, go!"
"Wait, what?" I blinked, taken aback, but he was already chugging his milkshake. "H- hey! No fair!" I started drinking my own but I already knew that he'd won.
By the time I finished mine, he was already shoving on his hoody.
Whereas it absolutely swam on me, it fitted him just right.

"Let's go," he whispered encouragingly and we quickly slid out from the booth. He grabbed the skateboard and then my hand and we ran out of the cafe, giggling and being a general nuisance.
We exploded out into the street but Lloyd didn't stop there. He pulled me along, dodging through people and racing down the street.
"Where are we going?" I shouted, grinning giddily in exhilaration.
He just shrugged, sending me a look over his shoulder. "Dunno!"

We continued running down the streets of Ninjago City, causing a wave of complaints as we went. Usually taking words to the heart, I could only laugh them off - it was like any scrape of respect I had for my self image was thrown out the window.
Lloyd's hand was tight in mine. It was reassuring - he wouldn't let me slip. I tried not to entertain the thoughts of how comfortable I was with him, how much I enjoyed his hand in mine or just how pretty he was in general.
He's cute and playful and that was dangerous for my heart.

Just who is he? And how is he doing this to me?

We made it to some place less populated, the city edge that was met with a forest. I suddenly pulled back, making Lloyd yank to a stop.
"You're not gonna kidnap me, right?" I asked cautiously, wanting to cross my arms but not willing to let his hand go. "I'm warning you, I'm tight with the Green Ninja."
He laughed. "I'm not going to kidnap you, you moron."
"Okay," I was quick to take his word again. "I trust you. But if you murder me, I'm so haunting your cute ass."
He laughed again, face bright. It made my heart thrum. 
"You think my ass is cute?" he tilted his head, chuckling occasionally.

"So, um," I quickly changed the subject, glancing around. "I've never been to this part of the city before."
He smiled in beguilement, taking the topic change in stride.
"It's said that there's a haunted monastery in the forest," he nodded to the woods. "If you go in those woods, you never come back alive."
I snorted, shaking my head. "Shut up."
He snickered, gently pulling me along to continue walking. He had yet to release my hand and I certainly wasn't going to let go first. I wonder if he noticed that he was still holding me?

"So, I haven't seen you around," Lloyd began in an attempt to start a new conversation. "Are you new to Ninjago?"
"Kind of," I shrugged. Our hands swung between us. "I was born here but we moved out to Jamanakai when I was seven. Now we're back."
"So you used to go to Jamanakai High?" he asked. I nodded. "I go to Ninjago High."
"Oh! I'm going there!" I announced excitedly.Lloyd raised his eyebrows in interest, a happy smile playing on his lips. "Really? Why'd you move?"

"My-" I barked a short, soft, amused laugh as I recounted the memory, scratching the back of my head. "My mum got into a fist fight with the principal's wife."
Lloyd spluttered with widened eyes. He struggled for a second before sending me an amazed look.
"Did I hear you correctly?" Lloyd asked in disbelief as he regained his breath. "A fist fight?"
I snorted, nodding my head with a tight smile to stop myself from laughing.
"No lie," I vowed. "It was in front of the PTA members as well."
"Oh my god!" Lloyd laughed a loud bark and I was suddenly struck by how attractive he looked laughing, with a big grin on his face. He almost had a golden aura around him that vibed pure boy. "Do you know why?"

My gaze darted to the side as I tried to remember what it was about. I bit my lip, furrowing my eyebrows as I filed through my memories.
"It... was about how the wife didn't want to fundraise for a new cafeteria system. She and mum got into a heated argument."
Lloyd snickered in amusement with a wide, half-grin. "I wish I was there to see it!"
"Me, too," I giggled.
"Oh, hey!" Lloyd began leading me across the desolate street to a more crowded area. "Here's my favourite candy shop. How about that challenge?"
I rolled my eyes. "Go on, then."

Spurred on by my acceptance, he rushed us over to the shop and entered it. The pink door chimed with a bell as we stepped inside and it was like being backhanded with a hand that was purely the smell of sweets.
"Hey, Mr. Robuntusson!" Lloyd greeted the old man at the counter. He glanced up from his newspaper and set it down with a smile.
"Lloyd, my favourite customer!" the old man made his way around the corner and grabbed his free hand. "How are ya, son?"
"Spiffing as always," he grinned.
"Are those bullies giving you any more trouble?" the old man asked grimly.
Lloyd stiffened and I glanced at him curiously. Bullies? He was being bullied? But he's literally the sweetest and cutest - I would've thought that he'd been one of the more popular students.
I decided that I'd forget it was mentioned - we're not close enough for that.

"Uhhaha," he chuckled nervously, tapping the skateboard against his leg. He stepped out from where he was standing in front of me. "Mr. Robuntusson, this is my friend, Y/n."
"Oh!" he adjusted his glasses, glancing us both up and down. His gaze zeroed in on our hands and he grinned knowingly. "Are you two on a date?"
"Uh-" Lloyd's face went red.
"Um.." I bit my lip. Our gazes met and we quickly glanced away. Is it? Is this a date? When he texted me it didn't sound like one! But why is not denying it? Why am I not denying it?!
"Alright, don't go speaking at once," Mr. Robuntusson waved us off, cheekily chortling and making his way back to the counter. "You kids pick out whatever you want. It's on the house."

Lloyd relaxed a little. "Thanks."
"Don't mention it - seriously don't mention it, otherwise I'll have every kid in the city asking for free candy."
"Don't worry," Lloyd smiled, squeezing my hand gently. I glanced up at the side of his face. "It'll be our secret."


It was only when the sun was setting did I realise just how much of the day I spent with Lloyd. I blinked in shock as I stared at the darkening sky. 

We'd spent the last few hours sitting in a shallow clearing in the forest. One with a giant boulder that we used to sunbathe while eating our spoils from Mr. Robuntusson's. Lloyd seemed to be surprised by the time as well.
"Your skateboard, m'lady," Lloyd bowed his head as he handed me the board. I was sure why he was only giving it to me now when we were together all day, but to be honest, it had completely slipped my mind. Also, I considered it to be his own board since he said mine was unable to be saved.
"Thank you, o' valiant knight," I played along, taking it from his outstretched hands. "I thought you said you couldn't fix it?"
"Yeah," he nodded, watching my face as I turned the board over to see the design on the bottom. "It's my old one." 

The bottom of it was an dark ombré green. My mouth opened in shock as I ran my thumb over the gold detailing shaping a stylised dragon's head.
"Is this the green ninja symbol?" I gasped, glancing up at him. Something crossed his green gaze. "I didn't even know they made them!"
"I didn't realise you were a fan," he smiled. "Is he your favourite ninja?"
I nodded happily. Lloyd looked a little smug. "Though, I'm pretty sure I pissed him off," I sighed.
His smile fell.
"Why do you think that?"
"I did something stupid," I bit my cheek, gazing at the gold dragon. "I think I almost got him into trouble."

"He would've forgiven you," Lloyd reassured.
"You think?" I peeked up at him. He smiled easily.
"I know so," he said confidently. "Do you like the board?"
"Yes! It's beautiful!" I gushed, glancing up at him in awe. The rock we were sitting on was starting to go cold. "Are you sure I can have it?"
"I insist," he grinned, lounging on the rock on his side. An image of total nonchalance. "It's just collecting dust anyway."

"But I feel so bad," I whined. "I'm the one who hit you and now you're trying to give me a new skateboard. If it's just collecting dust, why don't you sell it? I'm sure there'd be some crazy green ninja fans who'd give you their limbs for this."
"Nah," he shook his head. "They'd just hang it on the wall. At least you'll actually use it."
My complaint died in my throat. I didn't want to look ungrateful.
"Well... thanks," I smiled, gazing into his eyes. He cleared his throat.
"We should probably get going, huh?" he suggested, moment ending. I nodded, slipping down the boulder and landing on the grass. Lloyd did the same, but more gracefully. Whereas I hit the ground with a thud, he landed with barely a rustle.

"Are you cold?" Lloyd asked, noticing the goosebumps on my exposed arms. I didn't expect to be out this late when I left the house, so I neglected to bring something for when it started getting cooler.
"Ah, just a little," I waved him off. "It's not that far of a walk, right?"
"Er..." he bit his lip. "It kind of is."
"Oh," I dropped my shoulders. "Oof."
Here," Lloyd offered, pulling his hoody over his head and holding it out for me. "Wear this."

I gazed at it in surprise before turning my worried gaze to his. "Won't you get cold?"
"Nah," he waved me off. "I'm pretty good with the cold. Take it."
I relented, slipping the hoody on. It was already nice and toasty from Lloyd's body heat. It took everything in me to not curl up into a little ball and fall asleep where I stood.
"Thank you," I murmured, allowing him to lead me out to the street again. He just smiled at me, taking the lead back to city centre. 

He grabbed the skateboard from me and skated around the street while we made our way back to busier places. I watched him, skating with ease. He was so sure of every move his body made.
It almost made me jealous that he had that much confidence and control.

When the streets began to fill up with more and more driving cars, Lloyd returned to my side, carrying the board for me. We made it to a street I was familiar with and I stopped.
"You know your way?" he asked. I nodded, shifting on my feet. He hesitated. "Do you want me to walk you home?"
"Yes-! I- I mean... sure, yeah," I shrugged carelessly.
He snorted. "Let's go, moron," he chuckled, yanking the hood over my head.
"Oi!" I pushed it back. "Why does everybody do that?"

Lloyd ignored me, waiting for me to take the lead. I grumbled, shoving my face into the neckline and stalking off towards home. He just found the situation amusing, easily keeping pace with me.

We made it to my home, our debate about which was the best dog breed falling short. I stopped outside the front door.
"Well," I hesitated, reluctant to let the day end, staring at my feet. "See ya later?"
Lloyd offered with a small smile. I nodded.
"Yeah," I agreed, finally able to make eye contact. "See ya later."
When Lloyd turned to leave, I instinctively panicked, cried a 'wait!' and grabbed his arm.

He turned his gaze to me, his head tilted in confusion.
I blinked, eyes wide as I realised I was still gripping onto his arm. I released him feverishly and I wrung my hands nervously.
"I- uh," I began, forcing myself to look him in the eyes. "I forgot to say thank you. For the skateboard and today." Our non-official date. "It was fun."
"Oh. Yeah-"
Now or never.

With caution thrown to the wind, I stood on my tippy toes and placed a quick kiss on his cheek.
He stuttered, instantly turning a beet red while his voice died in his throat.
With how hot my own face felt, I'm sure my blush was worse.

"Thank you," I squeaked before turning on my heel and scurrying inside, closing the door behind me.

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