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The Raconteurs

••• Yellow Sun •••

TW: mild spicy content

"I want to see Cole."

I stared at Naomi in surprise.
"Huh?" I mumbled behind my mouth full of pancake.
"I w... I want to see Cole," she repeated firmly, blue eyes dropping to the table. I blinked.
"Do... do you think that's a good idea?" I asked quietly, setting down my breakfast. "I mean... can you handle it?"
"Because I fainted last night when I found out about Lloyd?" Naomi raised a brow. I nodded and she sighed. "I... I should be fine. I think I got that out of my system. But I assume that he isn't going to go to school, right? I don't know when I'll be able to see him."
I hummed, eyeing the plate with a firm, thoughtful stare. Naomi did spend most the the night searching up all the content she could find about Earth and gushing over him like a schoolgirl (which... I guess we were? Ig).

"I'm kind of grounded from seeing them," I said awkwardly and the way Naomi wilted made me backtrack. I sent her a tight smile. "But what my parents don't know won't hurt them, right?"
Naomi gasped happily, smothering me into a tight hug.
"You are the BEST!" she gushed, bouncing on her feet excitedly. She abruptly pulled away with a concerned frown. "How do I look? Is my outfit okay? Wait, does he even care about that? What if he actually doesn't like me - oh, my god what if he hates me-"
"Naomi!" I placed a hand over her mouth with a giggle. "Calm down. Cole doesn't hate you and you look like you, which is perfect. Don't ever try to be someone you're not."
Naomi relaxed with a nod.
"Sorry. I'm just nervous," she sighed.
"Just don't faint this time," I teased, tussling her hair. She yelped, throwing my hand off with a laugh.

"Wait," Naomi huffed as she calmed down, eyes bright with excitement. "Your mum took the car to work. How are we getting there? Where do they even live?"
"We can take the bus to the outskirts of the city," I suggested, not wanting to bother any of the ninja while they were recovering from a long night of patrolling. "I'll know the way from here."
"Oooh, you know the way," Naomi snickered, poking my side. "How many times have you snuck out to see Lloyd?"
"More like he's snuck out to see me," I rolled my eyes. "I'll check the timetables and text Nya that we're coming. You finish eating."
Naomi nodded and I went to do my tasks. The next bus was leaving in half an hour, so we had time to dawdle as we got ready. I grabbed Lloyd's candy before we left.

"Still got a sweet tooth?" Naomi raised a brow as I shoved it into my bag. I nodded.
"Absolutely," I grinned. "He's like a little kid."

I missed the look that crossed her face.


The forest stretched before us, but what had once intimidated me now welcomed me with open arms and a promise of friendly warmth.

However, it was still scary to Naomi.

"We're going in there?" she asked dubiously, nervously hovering behind me. I turned to send her a reassuring look. "Isn't this the forest with the haunted monastery?"
I raised my brows and she stared at my pointed expression. You could practically see the coin drop behind her eyes.
"OH," she said. "Oohhhh. Okay. Lead the way."
I grinned, swinging the bag over my shoulder before starting off down the long, neatly hidden gravel driveway that lead to the monastery.

About fifteen minutes into the walk, Naomi suddenly stilled. I turned back to ask what the hold up was when I paused at the lost look on her face.
"Y- Y/n?" she asked, stumbling around in a circle. Her breaths grew short. "W- where did you go?"
"Nomes?" I called cautiously, walking slowly back towards her. "I'm right here."
"N- no, you're not!" she yelled, walking in a random direction and stepping over a root that wasn't there. "Cut it out! This isn't funny!"
"I'm not..." I shook my head helplessly. My eyes widened. "Oh, man. It must be the barrier!"
"Wh- what barrier?" Naomi scoffed, turning around blindly. "Stop it!"

I tentatively placed a hand on her shoulder. She gasped, whipping around to face me. Recognition flashed in her eyes and she slumped in relief.
"What the hell was that?" she gushed in alarm. "I could see you at one point and then it was like I was in a completely different part of the forest!"
"I- I'm so sorry," I shook my head, thoroughly spooked. "There's this barrier that they set up to protect the monastery. I forgot that it existed."

"How do you forget something like that exists?" Naomi groaned, holding a hand to her forehead. "I'm never going to be able to forget that."
"Oh- well, it kind of... didn't work on me," I chuckled nervously, patting back her recently dyed blonde hair. "Are you okay? Good to keep going? You can see the road, right?"
Naomi nodded.
"Yeah, I'm fine," she sighed, so we set off again. I made sure to hold her hand for the rest of the walk, not wanting her to experience that again. "That's some pretty heavy security. Are you sure I'm allowed to visit?"
"Who am I to keep a Cinderella from her Prince?" I snickered, shoving her affectionately. A nervous smile fluttered over her lips. "They're cool with it. Nya made sure."

The look that fell over Naomi's face when the monastery emerged from behind the trees and into view made me giggle. I wonder if that was the same look on my face when Lloyd first brought me to his home.
"Oh, wow," she breathed, raking her eyes over every edge of the red building as we approached. Her attention fell on one of the columns that held the undeciphered prophecies. "This place is-"
"- REVOLTING!" yelled Dimtiri as he raced out of the open door after the monastery's cat, which seemed to have stolen a whole loaf of bread. "NAUGHTY MEOWTHRA!"

Naomi blinked. I glanced at her.
"Yeah, that pretty much sums it up," I shrugged and she laughed breathily. We stepped inside the monastery and took off our shoes.
"Amazing," Naomi breathed as she stared at the entrance way, full tiled floors and drapes on the wall.
"I know, right?" I grinned. "And this is their home."
"Makes ours look boring," she snorted.
"That's what I said!" I laughed. There was a loud yip and the sound of claws scrambling across tile before we were attacked by licks and puppy barks.

"Well, hello, Mr. No-Name," I coed, lifting the little puppy into my arms. He slobbered all over my face and I giggled. "Where's Lloyd, huh? Can you show me where Lloydie is?"
He barked.
"Oh, you're so smart," I gushed, kissing the top of his head.
"He's so cute!" Naomi swooned, scratching the top of his head. She took the puppy from my arms as we began to stroll down the hallway. For the first time, I took the chance to look at the framed photos decorating the wall.
"Oh, my gosh," I whispered as I found a photo of young Lloyd. "He had a bowl cut. Oh no."
Naomi came up beside me and snorted.
"Oh, yeah," she snickered. "That was a time."
"He looks so young," I sadly frowned, eyes dropping to the green robe he was wearing. "And he was already in the green ninja gi... that's so sad."
Naomi frowned, dropping her head onto the puppy gently.

We turned at the sound, finding Nya waving at us enthusiastically. She bounded down the hallway towards us.
"We're just about to have lunch," Nya grinned at Naomi. Her gaze jumped to mine. "Lloyd's in the main dojo. I'll give Naomi the tour. By the time we're done, it should be ready."
I nodded. "Thanks, Nya!"
"Don't take too long," Naomi teased. "We know how distracted you can get."
I pouted. She and Nya laughed. Mr. No-Name yipped from Naomi's arms.
I turned, leaping towards the dojo with an excited smile.

"Babybabybaby," I chimed as I bounded into the room and threw my arms around Lloyd. He laughed in surprise as I pressed a kiss to his cheek.
"Y/n!" he chirped excitedly and I noticed his dad in the other corner of the dojo, crudely hiding a smile as he busied himself with rewrapping the hilt of a sword. "Long time no see."
Lloyd winked when his father wouldn't notice. I snorted.
"What are you doing here?" he asked.
"Naomi wanted to visit," I replied. "Am I interrupting? Sorry!"
"It's nothing," Lloyd smiled. "Just releasing power so it doesn't build up again."
"Oooh, can I watch?"
"Sure," he tapped my nose. "We can show dad how you're immune to it. He doesn't believe me when I tell him."

"Oh, rad," I nodded, taking a seat on the floor and crossing my legs. Lloyd kneeled before me, summoning his energy as Garmadon approached, eyebrows raised in apprehension.
"Watch and be amazed, old man," Lloyd grinned as he gently pushed the pulsing orb of green tendrils towards me. It settled over my skin before crawling up and threading through my hair. I giggled at the sensation as it tugged gently through my locks before they disappeared. My hair settled back into place.
"Oh," Garmadon said, blinking in surprise. "I wonder if you're also immune to Lloyd's other powers. Try your fire."
Lloyd nodded, flicking his fingers. A tiny spark jumped to life between the pinched fingertips.
I hesitated, hand outstretched unsurely. Lloyd nodded in encouragement so I hovered my palm over the little flame.
I tilted my head to the side as I dropped my hand closer towards the fire. It certainly grew in warmth, but not worse than a hot shower. No burns. Nice.

"Lightning?" Garmadon suggested. It just tickled my skin and I snickered, having to bite my palm to keep myself from hysterically bursting out in laughter at the feeling. A smile was steadily growing across Lloyd's face. He turned to ice, clasping a hand over mine as the chill spread up my arm. I watched in amazement.
"How does that feel?" Lloyd asked worriedly as the skin of my forearm was encased in a thick coat of ice.
"A little cold, I guess," I shrugged. Lloyd grabbed my arm with two hands and began melting it.
"Incredible," Garmadon breathed. "That should've given you frostbite at the very least."
My finger tips still looked totally normal. The ice totally melted away.
"Hehe. Nice," I grinned. Lloyd looked smug.
"We truly are meant to be," he teased, leaning forward. I snickered, pushing his face back with a hand.
"Dork," I rolled my eyes. "You're getting better control of your powers."
"Training a lot," he shrugged, standing up and helping me to my feet.

"I wonder if you're immune to the other ninja's powers, too," Garmadon hummed as we began the walk to the dining room.
"Maybe," Lloyd shrugged, pulling me closer by the waist and kissing my cheek. I laughed, dipping out of the way before he could plant another.
"Okay, okay," Garmadon chided, grabbing his son by the ear and making him yelp. "Down, boy."
Lloyd shoved his dad off with a sneering grin, crouching low.
"Don't test me, pops," he teasingly growled. Garmadon raised a brow at his son's challenge.
"Go on," he urged, and Lloyd leapt.
"Oh, jeez!" I laughed as I scrambled out of the way as they play fought in the hallway. Lloyd suddenly wrapped his arms around my waist and I squealed in surprise as he lifted me, swinging me around to lightly tap my socks against Garm.

"I've been defeated," he said dryly and Lloyd cheered, dropping me to my feet and clapping my hands in victory.
"Dream team strikes again!" he celebrated and I could only shake my head in bewilderment.
"Is he always like this?" I asked as Lloyd began swinging our hands between us.
"Unfortunately," Garmadon grumbled and Lloyd gasped, insulted.
"Excuse you, I am a pleasure to be around," he sniffed, turning his nose to the air.
"Keep telling yourself that and maybe it'll actually come true," Garm muttered and I choked an amused laugh at the clap back.
"Stone cold," Lloyd hissed, clutching at his shirt above his heart. He turned his head to me with a shit-eating grin. "Kiss it be-?"
"No," I cut him off with a shake of my head.
"It's only gotten worse the longer he's stuck inside to recover," his dad rolled his eyes as we entered the dining room. "Dad, help me."

Lunch, as expected, was chaotic as all hell. Cole wasn't there so Naomi looked absolutely depressed, the monks-in-training had somehow started a food fight and Kai called me short, so I kicked his knee under the table.

"Where's Cole?" I asked innocently, catching sight of Naomi straightening.
"He's in the garden," Jay replied as he went for more leftovers. "He likes to meditate a lot. Practise his powers, n' stuff."
Naomi's blue eyes caught mine. She rose suddenly.
"Y/n, can you show me where the bathroom is?" she said in an exhale, voice pitched. I nodded, rising from the table and ignoring Lloyd's whining complaint as his hand slipped from where it had been resting comfortably on my knee.
"I think. I also too, should go to the bathroom," Nya said suspiciously, eyeing us with a narrowed amber gaze. Naomi and I faltered, sharing a look, before filing outside of the dining room.
"Why do they always travel in packs?" Kai asked, shaking his head.
"I don't know, but they scare me," Jace murmured, rubbing at the back of his bald head.

"Alright," Nya said, rubbing her palms together deviously as we stopped in the middle of the hallway. "What's the plan?"
Naomi sent me a panicked look.
"I- I don't know what you're-" I began confusedly.
"What, Naomi likes Cole, Cole likes Naomi?" Nya said, raising her eyebrows. "It's pretty obvious."
"He does?" Naomi brightened. A beaming smile like one I'd never seen before crossed her face.
"Alright, he's in the garden," Nya said seriously. "Just strike up a conversation. Real chill, right? Also if he touches water, he dies."
"I- what?"
"Go get 'em, tiger!" Nya urged, pushing her out the door and into the garden. We peeked around the corner, watching as Cole sent Naomi a confused, flustered look at her sudden appearance.

"How did you know that Cole likes Naomi?" I whispered, watching as the two awkwardly began talking. Naomi didn't faint upon seeing that Cole was a ghost. We are heading in the right direction.
"Oh, I know all of the team's gossip," Nya snickered under her breath. "He's been in denial for a while but the vision in the FSM's tomb pretty much solidified it."
I shot Nya a slack-faced look.
"No fucking way," I murmured in disbelief. "She was in Cole's future vision?"
Nya grinned, nodding.

"What are you two up to?" Lloyd asked amusedly as he caught me and Nya poking our heads around the doorframe. We hissed for him to be quiet before Nya dragged him closer.
"Don't interrupt the love birds!" I demanded with a giddy smile. Lloyd's expression dropped in surprise.
"Cole and Naomi? No way!"
"Heck yeah, babe. This is totally a thing. What's their ship name? Nole? Comi?"
"I like Nole," Nya said with a nod.
"Colomi," Lloyd declared.
"HAHA COLOMI-" I wheezed and Lloyd had to clap a hand over my mouth to keep me from interrupting them.

Cole and Naomi giggled at something and I felt my heart soar in excitement as I gripped Lloyd's hand tighter. He grinned down at me before walking backwards and tugging me with him.
"C'mon," he murmured, grabbing Nya's belt and pulling her with us. "Leave them be."
Nya made a sound of protest just as Sensei Wu walked past, tea set in hand.
"If you need me, I will be up the mountain," he said. "I need to meditate but you all are being too loud."
We chuckled quietly, mumbling our apologies.

"Y/n," Lloyd said suddenly as he began tugging me down the hallway. "I'm going to teach you something."
I furrowed my brow. "That immediately scares me," I confessed as Lloyd pulled me into one of the smaller dojos before shutting the sliding doors.
"Do you know the difference between ninjutsu and jiu jutsu?" Lloyd asked as he grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the middle of the mats. I frowned.
"One's a ninja fighting style," I replied, voice slow in thought. Lloyd nodded, kneeling before me. "The other is, uh... ninja but juju."
"What? No," he shook his head before his eyes narrowed as he played it through his brain again. "What does that even mean?"
I shrugged. "I dunno."

"Ninjutsu is standing work," Lloyd explained. "Jiu jutsu is floor work. I'm going to teach you both."
I straightened, tilting my head.
"You are? Why?"
"Because I am going to lose my mind if you don't know how to defend yourself with as many forms as possible for any situation," Lloyd stressed, placing my hands in the correct position on my lap. "And I may as well teach you the basics, anyway."
He pulled back and sent me a charming smile.
"Today, I am the teacher and you are the young padawan."
"Okay," I nodded, shifting on my knees. "Do I call you Sensei?"
He sent me a dry look.
"I'm not sensei," he shook his head.
"What are you, then?"
"I'm Lloyd."
"Can I call you Katana Master?"
"... katana master daddy?" I offered, raising my brows. Lloyd stared hard at me before leaning in.
"Lloyd," he ordered. I huffed, grinning.
"Fine, Lloyd."

"Alright," he said, patting my knees. "First I'm going to teach you how to shrimp and bridge."
"How to what and what?" I snorted.
"Oh, you're going to be a tough student, aren't you?" Lloyd said, narrowing his eyes. I hummed with a smile, lifting a shoulder.
"Lie down," he ordered. I raised my brows and slowly shuffled onto my back. "Faster."
"I'm going!" I laughed.
"Good," Lloyd said when I was lying down. He stepped over my stomach and straddled me. I gasped.
"Lloyd, if you wanted to get into my pants, you just had to ask," I chided amusedly. The glare he sent made me snicker.
"You are insulting the entire art of jiu jutsu," he grumbled.
"I'll be here all day," I grinned. He rolled his eyes.
"Grab my arm," Lloyd ordered as he laid it across my chest. I placed my hands over his forearm. "Okay. Move your shoulder to the left and thrust up with your hips-"
"I see why you wanted to teach me this," I smirked. Lloyd gave me an annoyed, pleading look.
"Just do the move, please," he said, staring down at me with squinted eyes. "You terrible padawan."

"Alright, alright," I rolled my eyes, the shit-eating grin on my face still ever present. I lifted with my hips and pushed with my shoulder. Lloyd rolled until it was me on top. He smiled proudly.
"That was good!"
"Yay!" I cheered, leaning down to peck his lips but was rudely denied as he pushed my face back. I whined, puckering pathetically.
"Stop trying to kiss me," he said, holding me back by my forehead. "This is training!"
I kissy faced more.
"That is not allowed," Lloyd insisted. I groaned and rolled off.
"You're so boring," I complained.
"I'm teaching you jiu jutsu and I'm boring?" Lloyd raised his brows as he sat up.
"Yes, indeed," I nodded.
He exhaled in exasperation.

"You're so annoying," he mumbled under his breath and I giggled, kneeling before him once more. "Alright. Shrimping. Lie down again."
I did as told and followed his instructions.
"I'm just wiggling across the floor," I complained.
Lloyd didn't reply to my remark.
"You're sloppy," he said, to which my gaze narrowed. "Do it again."
"Yes, sir, katana master daddy," I nodded. Lloyd gripped my calf and yanked me closer and I screamed a laugh, withering as I tried to get away.
"Do the MOVE," he said loudly.
"I think I need a new sensei," I giggled, trying to catch my breath and calm down. "You're too distracting."
"I'M distracting?"
"Distractingly gorgeous," I finished before closing my eyes and lifting my chin as he grabbed my legs and put them around his waist. "Now kiss me."
"No," he said curtly before patting my calf. "This is called your guard. Hook your feet so I can't get out."
He rolled his eyes.
"Okay, hold my belt," Lloyd ordered. I slowly slid my hand up his thigh and he sent me a pointed glare.
"Do not," he ordered and I giggled. "Okay, I give up."

"Ah, so ninja do quit," I raised a brow as he stood, my legs dropping to the ground.
"Only when their girlfriends are being little shits," he countered with a dry grin.
"You kiss your mother with that mouth?"
"Well, I'm not kissing you."
My mouth dropped open in shock. I swung my legs to the back of his knees and he crumpled with a surprised yelp. I leapt to my feet.
"Suck it, katana master daddy," I shot, stepping a foot on top of Lloyd's chest as if I'd conquered a mountain. He grabbed my ankle with a blank expression and I sent him a scared look.
I was pulled out from under me and I landed on my back. I wheezed a laugh, crawling away.
"Nine-one-one," I dramatically gasped. "There has been an attempt on my LIFE-"
Lloyd rolled his eyes and snagged my leg, dragging me back towards him. I yelped at the movement.

"You are so annoying," Lloyd hissed as he pinned my arms above my head. I was thoroughly caught. "What is with you today?"
I shrugged, a giddy grin on my face. "I just love being close to you."
Lloyd's expression softened. He tried to remain impassive, but by the way the red flooded through his eyes, I could tell that my words had severely affected him. Pride blossomed in my chest.
"You're despicable," he shook his head, inclining his head closer towards me. "Remind me why I put up with you?"
"Because I'm dangerously good with swinging skateboards," I pointed out, hair tangling on the ground.
"Ah, that must be it," he nodded sarcastically, red eyes half-lidded with adoration. My smile softened.
"I'll behave from now on," I murmured. "Promise."
"I don't believe you one second," Lloyd shook his head before his face fell into a simper. "I missed you."
"I missed you, too," I said softly before I remembered the position we were in. I tugged my arm gently. "A- are you going to let me go?"

"Hmm," Lloyd raised his eyes and tilted his head in consideration. His red eyes dropped to mine with a squinted smirk. "Nope."
"You-!" I laughed, dropping my head back. "What if someone comes in?"
"Then bridge me," he shrugged with a whisper, dropping his lips to my neck. "Say we're training."
My stomach clenched.
"We- we're not training?" I asked, voice pitched as his breath tumbled across my neck. I swallowed, throat dry.
"Not anymore," he mumbled, lips latching onto my skin. I gasped sharply, head tilting to the side as he pressed kiss after kiss against my neck.
"Why do you love kissing my neck?" I asked breathlessly. "You're always kissing my neck."
"Dunno," Lloyd hummed and it sent an ethereal shiver whispering down my spine. "Just do. Like hearing you."
"Eloquent as ever," I mumbled and sucked my lip in to chomp down on it when he sunk his teeth into my neck in warning.

"Oh, biting?" I whispered, closing my eyes as I gasped my breaths. "I'm enjoying this development."
"I regret saying I like listening to you," he growled and I laughed tinily, tugging on his iron grip.
"You like that, Mr. Krabs?" I whispered and he snorted so violently that he had to roll off to catch his breath.
"Oh, hey," I pointed out as I slid on top of him as he laughed hysterically, convulsing on the floor as his shoulders shook from the force of his amusement. I giggled, sharing his humour. "You didn't tell me there was an alternative to bridging!"
"Shut up!" Lloyd cracked up, red eyes opening to find my face. "You suck!"
I beamed, dropping my chin onto his chest. He sobered, running a hand through my hair.
"Thank you," he mumbled, eyes like velvet. My brow furrowed, smiling in confusion.

"For what?" I tilted my head. He pulled me up and into a kiss.
"Because you're amazing," he hummed and I melted into him. "Even when you're blatantly ignoring my instructions."
"It's a talent," I shrugged. Lloyd went to pull me into another kiss when his eyes widened.
"Someone's coming," he hissed. I pulled a look.
"I don't hear-"
The door to the dojo slid open and the rest of the team and Naomi piled in. Lloyd swiftly stood, bringing me up so fast that it made my head swim.
Jay paused, eyes narrowing suspiciously.
"What were you two doing?" he asked, crossing his arms.
"Training!" Lloyd said quickly, blushing furiously.
"Nothing!" I yelped.

"Sure," Kai said dubiously as they others grabbed their weapons to set up for training. "And that's why Y/n has a bite mark on her neck."
My hand flew up to cover the mark, face as red as Lloyd's. Naomi barked a loud laugh.
"C'mon, dude," Kai sighed, sending Lloyd a disappointed look. "You have to suck if you want to actually leave a proper mark."
"I- what?!" Lloyd spluttered.
"I know," Kai shrugged, unphased. "It's weird that biting doesn't leave a mark but-"
"Be quiet!" Lloyd slapped a hand over Kai's mouth, flustered as all hell. "Just - be quiet!"
"Hey, you're the one who bit your girlfriend!" Kai shrugged, stepping back from Lloyd's hand.
"SHUT UP GOD PLEASE," Lloyd yelled as I giggled, hiding my face with my hands.
"Oh, Blondie, it's okay," I snickered, patting his arm as I joined Kai in jesting Lloyd. "You can't expect it to go perfectly the first time-"

"You LITTLE-!" Lloyd yelled and caught me around the waist, throwing me back with him. I yelped a laugh, clutching onto his arm.
"Okay, okay," Nya said, pulling me away as Lloyd huffed. "Training time. Let's go."
I took a seat next to Naomi as the ninja paired up. She wiggled her eyebrows. I rolled my eyes.

After training was over (with me being silently amused by how Naomi's eyes never left Cole, and how Cole was totally showing off) Lloyd was quick to pull Kai and Jay out of the room. He sent me a sweet smile over his shoulder as he left. I waved my hand goodbye, confused but returning his smile.

"Where are they going?" Naomi asked.
"I never know with them," I sighed.

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