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TW/ mild gore

"Jay is so jealous," Cole commented as we stood at the gates of Starfarer amusement park. A large, iridescent banner, replicating the look of deep space, was hung over the golden gates. 'Grand Opening!' was spelt out in bold white.

"We'll take lots of pictures," Lloyd said smugly, before squeaking when I gave his stomach a tap.
"You boys be nice," I chastised, struggling to hide my own amusement. They snickered unashamedly.
"Hey, what took you guys so long?" Naomi asked as she linked her arm through mine and lead me through the opening gates of the park. It was bustling with families and couples alike, mingling amongst workers in costumes of characters from the franchise. Cole and Lloyd walked behind us, chuckling amongst themselves. Probably about something gross. As boys do.
"We stopped in Jamanakai," I murmured quietly, wincing when I heard Lloyd's laugh hitched in guilt. He swiftly put on a facade and so did I. "He wanted for me to show him around. Favourite places and such. I'm sorry that we lost track of time."
Naomi waved it off. As fast as she was to get angry, she was just as quick to forgive.
"What did you guys do while you were waiting?" I queried, lining up to get our day passes. The shouting of hundreds of people was almost deafening. Naomi shot me a sly smirk.
"You don't wanna know," she purred. I gasped a shocked laugh, smacking her shoulder.
"NAOMI!" I exclaimed, cheeks red. She cackled before shaking her head.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding," she stressed with an amused grin as we were handed our passes. "Nah, we just watched youtube in the car. Now! My mom wants photos!"
Naomi quickly took a snap of the park's entrance before turning to the boys. Cole was already expectantly holding out his hand - our photographer, it seemed. Until he was also in the photo, in which Lloyd or I would be taking it.
We meandered our way around the grounds, taking in the sights of the galaxy-action themed sci-fi nerd park. It was Lloyd's heaven.
My favourite ride was the four-dimensional pilot ride, where it looked, felt, sounded and even smelt like we were piloting Fritz Donegan's ship through an asteroid field. Naomi's favourite was the roller coaster imperial sludge, Cole's was the space viper bumper cars and Lloyd's - well, he just loved everything.
"I think my insides have been all rearranged," I grumbled nauseously as I stumbled out of the most recent ride - the drop of doomegan. I appreciated the wordplay of the name, but my stomach did not appreciate the ride itself.

"Do you need to sit down?" Cole asked when I tripped into Naomi. She barely managed to catch the both of us before we tumbled over.
"That's probably a good idea," I murmured sheepishly, sending my best friend and apologetic smile. It felt like the world was swaying. "I just need a minute. You guys go on ahead."
"Uh, no," Naomi stressed, poking my forehead with a finger. "You're not allowed to be on your own, remember?"
"Nomes is right," Lloyd said before falling into a soft smile. "It's okay, we don't mind waiting until you feel better."
"I feel so bad," I groaned, taking a seat at an empty picnic table in the little food court area and placing my bag on the table.
"I kind of need a break myself," Cole admitted, glancing at Naomi and Lloyd who were still practically buzzing with energy as they tried to remain seated. He grinned in amusement. "Why don't you guys go ahead and find that massive swing ride you were talking about? We'll stay here and meet you afterwards."
"The Lake of Calter ride!" Naomi gasped before folding in on herself guiltily. "But I don't want to be selfish."
"No, please," I begged. "I don't want my dumb stomach to hold you guys back. Have fun!"
Lloyd looked torn. I gave him the best reassuring look I could muster while my stomach pledged war against myself.

"Okay," he finally caved. "We can stick with the games after this. I think we did all the cool rides, anyway."
"Are you sure?" Naomi asked. I nodded and then she hesitantly stood from the seat.
"Feel better soon, sunshine," Lloyd murmured, leaning over the table to press a kiss to my nose. "We'll be right back."
"Have fun, don't die," Cole said as Naomi, finally letting herself show her excitement for the ride, grabbed Lloyd's arm and began for the Lake of Calter.
"Sooner we go, sooner we get back," she said.
"I'll take photos!" Lloyd called.
"C'mon Casanova!" Naomi laughed, hauling Lloyd along by his arm. "The line's growing longer!"
He gave one last wave before letting Naomi tug him towards the ride. I leant my chin on my palm and waved goodbye with my free hand. As soon as they were out of sight, I dropped my head onto the table with a groan. Cole whined, holding his stomach as he slumped.
"How are they alive?" he bemoaned.
"I don't know," I cried into the table, hugging my queasy belly. "It feels like death is dancing on my yet-to-be grave."
"I feel that," Cole agreed with a grumbled wail. I dug my finger into my wrist, desperately hoping to find the pressure point Lloyd once showed me to quell nausea. It worked, but only a little.

After a few minutes, I sat up and gave a sigh. The sun in Jamanakai was always warm and it coated me in a summery coat of sunshine. We started mindlessly talking about the trainings and Cole's far more interesting battles than the simple balance and strength techniques I was still struggling with.
My words died in my throat when I spotted two familiar people from across the food court. They stared back, unabashed, holding my gaze like prowling lions. I felt fear clog my airways.
"H- hey, what-?" Cole stammered in confusion when I sunk into his side, staring at the two men - Bun and Cap, as I had named them previously. They were both wearing caps that time. "Are you cold or something?"
I hid against Cole as if he could shield me from the anxiety that was suddenly taking ahold of my body like a vice. I felt weak. I bet I looked pale.
Cole followed my wide-eyed gaze and tensed.
"Are those the guys that followed you last week?"
I could only nod in response.
"They won't do anything with all these people around," he murmured in reassurance. "And not while you're with somebody."
"... why did they send the same people?" I asked. My voice sounded tinny. "I recognised them instantly."
"Probably to send a message," Cole growled under his breath, bringing a large arm around me. I was squished into his side. "To scare you, psych you out."

"It worked," I whispered, slipping more out of sight. My entire body felt incredibly tense and it was only when I finally hid myself completely behind Cole that I did release a heavy exhale. I slumped against him, ears ringing and mind rushing. His thumb stroked circles on my shoulder and I tried to mimic the slow rhythm with my feverish breaths.
I wanted to be angry. And frustrated. I guess I was, somewhere deep, deep inside. Past all the paranoia and fear. It was starting to feel like they were hunting down and toying with me and every primal instinct within me was yelling to be acted upon.
I was a mouse and they were stray cats. How could I just sit here and let my predators stare me down? I needed to run! I needed to escape to my burrow to shiver and hide until the danger had passed.
Another part of me was also a stray cat, and we were fighting for territory. This part of me was ordering my ragged claws to unsheathe and to hiss and bristle at my opponents. I needed to break them down just as they wished for me. I needed to attack and drive them out.
But mostly, I was just frozen.
Stuck in place.
The only thing I could hear was my heartbeat. My palms were clammy and sweaty but I felt so cold, as if I were encased in ice despite the warm day.

And the biggest, most demanding part of me just really wanted to cry. But I forced myself not to.
Just sit. Don't show weakness. Don't run and don't attack. Just.
"Breathe, Y/n," Cole said quietly, and it was only then when I realised that I had stopped breathing. "You're okay."
I forced myself to take in a strangled inhale. I forced myself to exhale it. In and out. Get a rhythm.
I hated feeling this week. I wanted to be better than this, stronger. More confident in myself. I wanted to be able to take them down if I needed to and know that I could take them down. This vulnerable feeling was horrible. I despised it.
"Hey!" Naomi yelled, hair frazzled and eyes bright. She and Lloyd were both racing towards us, giddy and exhilarated from the ride. Their expressions dropped at the sight of us.
"What's wrong?" Lloyd asked worriedly, speeding up to get to my side. He placed a hand on my forehead. "Did you start feeling worse?"'
"It's not that," Cole said in a gruff voice. "Check your nine."

Lloyd's green eyes jumped to the side and he found the two staring at us. His eyes darkened to a pulsating, thick red.
"Are those-?"
"The same ones as before," Cole said with a nod.
"Not to worries," Naomi said as she stood, fists clenched. "Just kick 'em up the ass-"
Cole grabbed her arm before she could go and potentially get herself killed. Or arrested for assault.
"If they are from Axon's gang, then they're dangerously good fighters," Lloyd muttered. He turned back to me. "How are you feeling?"
I held up a thumb with a weak smile. Then turned it downwards with a frown and blew a raspberry. A hint of a smile cracked through Lloyd's fierce, focused expression and he ran a hand over my hair.
"Well, your humour's still intact," he commented. "That's always good. We can go home-"
I was already shaking my head.
"No," I said breathlessly, trying to stomp down my fear. "Screw them. Let's have some fun."
Lloyd hesitated. I could tell that he wanted for us to leave, get me out of the danger zone. But also I was sure that he wanted to cover me in bubble wrap and protect me from every evil the world had to offer, including paper cuts and colds, which was simply impossible. I appreciated the thought, though.

"Alright," he agreed, red eyes jumping to the stalkers before landing once more on me as Cole and I stood. Lloyd immediately latched his hand through mine and I tried not to show just how relieved I felt when he held onto me tightly.
"What game should we do?" Naomi asked, sneaking under Cole's arm. She was trying desperately to break the tension and I valued her for her efforts, because I knew it wouldn't be easy.
"You pick," Cole offered, so Naomi started thinking back through possible games to start off with while I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder.
"Are you sure that you're okay?" Lloyd asked in concern as we began slowly walking away from the food court.
"Yeah," I said with a frown, sidling closer to him. "Just... don't leave me alone."
"Never," Lloyd promised. He brightened, though I knew that it was a facade for my benefit. "How about you show me your skills, miss target-shooting extraordinaire!"
"You kidding?" I whined, crawling my hands up his arm to hug his bicep. "All these games are totally rigged."

"Then how am I so good at them?" he goaded, leaning in with a cheeky grin.
"Because you're some magical Boy Scout with godly powers," I commented dryly. He giggled. "Are we going to rack up a haul of stuffed animals again? We should give some to Raptra. Oh, and Nelson! And Anabel!"
"I'm sure we'll get plenty," Lloyd said with a smile, before it slipped into a frown at the look on my face. "What's wrong?"
"I don't... I don't think I've seen any new toys whenever I go to the serpentine tombs," I murmured, watching my feet. "All the ones that I have seen looked used or broken. I should've done something about it sooner."
Lloyd watched me as I gnawed on my lip. He sighed through his nose and dropped his cheek on top of my head.
"Well, if it's anything like how it was last time we went to an amusement park," he began in a quiet, soothing voice. "Then we'll have a mountain of toys to give to the kids, plus we have Naomi and Cole's help, too. Just in time for the meeting tomorrow."
I imagined the look on the little faces of the serpentine kids and felt something warm bloom in my chest. A determined smile crossed my face.
"We have to win as many as we can!" I exclaimed, raising a fist to the sky.
"Yeah!" Naomi yelled, joining me. She threw her own clenched hand into the air before sending me a blank stare. "What are we cheering for, again?"

After discussing the plan with Cole and Naomi (they were very excited - and Lloyd had even turned it into a challenge, which really got the motivation ball rolling), we split off into couples and tried to get as many prizes as we could. The couple with the least would have to shout lunch.
"Let's go!" Lloyd said, competitive spirit ramped right up. I almost totally forgot about the two men who continued to follow us around from a respectable distance.
"This one!" I gushed, pulling Lloyd to a stand where you had to shoot as many evil aliens as you could. It was a game that held my best chances of success. Lloyd paid a token and grabbed a plastic gun. I snagged my own and took aim, trying to not look too uncomfortable - the plastic made the gun too light and weak. It felt odd.
"Fire," the carny called, and we started pelting the wooden aliens with plastic bullets. Despite Lloyd's boasting, I was the first one to shoot all my aliens down - and then some of his.
"I am good at one thing," I said with a simple smile. Lloyd rolled his eyes with a snicker. I was handed a stuffed toy and I held it out to Lloyd as if it were a tough-won treasure.
"For you, my prince," I teased. He gasped in delight before taking it gingerly. The carny looked tired.

"Thank you!" he coed, staring at the toy with stars in his eyes. "I've always wanted a... a- what is this?"
"An alien dolphin," the carny replied.
"An alien dolph-! Are you sure?" Lloyd asked skeptically, turning the toy in his hands. "It kinda looks like a walrus."
The carny shrugged.
"Yeah, it's good enough," Lloyd said as he also shrugged. He tucked the toy under his arm and grabbed my hand, pointing in the direction of a new game. "Our quest continues! In the name of Fritz Donegan!"
A couple of passing kids copied his cheer. Lloyd was positively beaming from that.
"Nerd," I snorted, totally smitten by his joy. I let him pick the next game.
After a couple of trips to and from the car while keeping score on my notes phone, we finally completed the entirety of the space-themed amusement park. I probably learned more fictional facts about space than I knew about actual space. Which was. Weird.

In the end, Naomi and Cole reigned victor with a small handful of prizes more than Lloyd and I. So Lloyd opted to pay for Cole's lunch while I paid for Naomi's.
"Free food!" Naomi cheered, and Cole clapped her hand in triumph.
"Damn," I said in awe as we added the amount of prizes won together. "We're going to have to take them down to the tombs in wheelbarrows or something."
Lloyd picked up a green ninja one with a smug grin.
"I should give this to Pythor," he snickered slyly. His green eyes jumped to me. "Think he'll like it?"
"He'll absolutely hate you," I said, before a smile curled on my lips. "Let's do it."
"Alrighty," Cole said, leading the charge back to the food court, where we were just a couple of hours ago. "Lunch then home - we've got patrol to get to. And Lloyd has training."
"Wicked never rest," Lloyd sighed. His eyes widened. "Oh, my gosh, is that cotton candy?"
I gasped. "We should get some after lunch!"
"Yes, absolutely," he nodded in seriousness.

We all ended up getting burritos, eating in quiet peace. Lloyd and Cole had two. Naomi and I wondered where on earth all that food went.
Our stalker friends sat at a table across the food court once more. I pretended to ignore them.
After buying some cotton candy, we bid Naomi and Cole adieu. They were going straight home. Lloyd and I were stopping by my remaining favourite places in Jamanakai.
I picked off pieces of the pink candy floss to feed Lloyd while we drove back to the centre of the village. I kept an eye out for any suspicious cars, but there were so many people headed back from the park that it was practically impossible.

"Okay," I said, taking Lloyd by surprise as he stepped out of the parked car. He barely had time to lock it before I was dragging him down the streets. "This is my favourite place of them all."
Lloyd kept quiet, letting me drag him through the streets and down back alleys, to where the buildings thinned out and we hit a large forest.
"Ta-da!" I announced, pushing aside some bush and proudly showing off my special space; a secluded meadow full of long, green grass and wildflowers. An ancient oak tree sat in the middle of the clearing. An old tire was tied to a thick branch with rope. "Presenting; my secret spot."
Lloyd stepped into the meadow with a wide gaze, sweeping his eyes over the scene. Birds flew through the sun that flooded into the clearing from the clear sky above. It was boarded by thick forest and vegetation and an old creek snaked through the middle of it before disappearing back into the bush.

"Wow," Lloyd breathed. I giggled, racing through the long grass and leaping onto the tire swing. He wandered over, taking more leisure. "I can picture a little you sitting on that swing."
"Yeah?" I grinned, slipping into the seat. The trickling of the water sat in the background. "I used to come here to think. This is my thinking spot."
"What did you think about?" Lloyd asked, leaning against the trunk of the tree and watching me swing.
"I was a bit of a hopeless romantic. Still am," I grinned sheepishly, pushing myself forward and back with the tip of my toe. "I'd sit and fantasise about all the incredible ways some heroic lover would swoop into my life and sweep me off my feet. I'd spend hours here, just watching the leaves."
"And did I?" Lloyd grinned, leaning in. "Did I swoop in and sweep you off your feet?"
"Well, I didn't exactly plan on meeting my heroic lover by assaulting him with a skateboard," I sniggered, eyes lidded. "But yeah, you pretty much fit the bill."

"You fit mine, too," Lloyd announced as I leant back in the swing. My hair brushed against the grass.
"You wanted a clumsy danger magnet?" I questioned teasingly.
"No," Lloyd corrected, hooking an arm around my shoulders and pulling me up close to him. His breath crashed against my chin and I felt myself shiver in delight at his close proximity. "I wanted somebody who'd like to make me laugh and let me forget all the stress being the green ninja has. Somebody who'd look past my last name and see me for me."
"Here I am," I smiled.
"Here you are," Lloyd echoed with a soft, adoring look. He leant in for a kiss and I pushed myself back, speaking up with a grin. He pouted.
"I wanted somebody who I could fool around with and have fun," I said with a huge smile. "I wanted someone who'd enjoy snuggling."
"Well, I definitely enjoy snuggling," Lloyd pointed out.
"I also wanted a total dork," I announced. "And I definitely got that."
"Hey," Lloyd snorted, poking my stomach. "You're so mean to me."

"It comes from a place of love," I coed, releasing my hands from the rope so I could cup his face. "And I have so much for you."
Lloyd blushed giddily.
"I love you so much, too," he replied in an voice that was simply dripping with adoration. I giggled, poking his nose with my own. His voice dropped to a whisper. "But you're going to make me late for training."
"Oh, jeez," I sighed, slipping from the swing and straightening. "Better not be late twice today. We'll come back one day and I'll give you a proper tour."
"I'll hold you to that," Lloyd vowed, holding up his pinky. I snickered, linking my own little finger through his.
"It's a promise," I announced, slipping my hand into his to lead him back to the car. "Now let's go. I really don't want to see your uncle mad."

"Good idea," Lloyd winced. "Wu can be pretty scary."


While I had a break to rest my aching body, Lloyd's training continued through the weekend.

I decided to stay and spectate, so I sat beside Wu and Garmadon and paid rapt attention. I think Garm was pretty pleased that I was interested in it - surely I could learn from this.
Somehow. Maybe.
Why was Lloyd blindfolded?
More importantly; why did I find it so hot?
I stayed still and prayed that Garmadon and Wu, both respectable, powerful, practically-fathers-to-me senseis, didn't look my way and see me with an impossibly red blush. I wouldn't know how to answer if they queried.
My saving grace was also my catalyst; with Lloyd being blindfolded, he also couldn't see my raging red cheeks and tease me for them.
I also thanked Uchū for Lloyd not yet having access to Neuro and Axon's powers of the mind, because if he heard and saw what I was thinking, that'd be it for me. It'd all be over. That would be my end.
Wait. Wait please. Please tell me that he didn't have powers over the mind yet. Please.
The teasing would be relentless. I'd hear about it for the rest of my life.

Due to my raging hormone-induced visualisation of Lloyd blindfolded and tangled up in bedsheets (jesus christ, I needed to be purified stat), I almost didn't notice the line of glasses a few meters in front of Lloyd and just before us. Half of them were filled with water. The senseis held chopsticks. I also somehow found chopsticks for me to hold.
I am confusion.
"We will be testing your hearing and your water abilities," Wu announced, which was super helpful, thank you. "When we tap a glass, lift the water within. When we tap again, move the water to that new glass."
Lloyd gave a nod. He was kneeling respectfully, hands on his lap. The green sports shirt he was wearing left little to the imagination. His shorts showed off his battle scars.
I was barely holding on.

My god. I am in pain.

Wu tapped a glass and finally part of my attention diverted to it. Lloyd subtly inclined his head towards the resonating cup and the water within was lifted. It swirled a few inches above, folding and moulding new shapes. I leant forward in enchantment, watching the water hover.
"Wow," I breathed. Garmadon tapped my knee and I glued my lips shut. Right, got it. Shut up, Y/n.
Lloyd's cheeks lifted in a small smile. My blush returned with vigour.
Garmadon tapped an empty glass. It took a few seconds for Lloyd to work it out, shifting his head ever-so-slightly to pinpoint the origin of the sound waves resonating through the air. The water slipped inside the correct glass.
"Correct," Wu said, before swiftly falling silent once more. He tapped another glass and the water within lifted into the air. The process continued for another twenty or so minutes, varying success, until Garmadon nodded for me to have a go.
He didn't question my blazing face. Thank god.

I leant forward and tapped a glass just as Wu also tapped another. I winced and we glanced at each other, both surprised. I went to apologise but Wu quickly placed a finger over his lips.
My attention returned to Lloyd and I found him with his brows furrowed deeply in intense concentration. His head was subtly inching from side to side, messy blond hair falling over the black material of the blindfold.
Two balls of water were lifted into the air. My lips parted in awe and overjoyed surprise - he did it!
Garmadon tapped an empty glass and the two spheres melded together before gently dropping into the cup.
We continued like that - tapping two or three or even four glasses at a time for Lloyd to transfer the gathered water amongst varying amounts of glasses. The longer we went, the more complex it would get. The success rate continued to vary as the training grew in difficulty.

After almost two hours of this, Wu finally called it a day. Lloyd slumped in relief and fell back against the tatami flooring, puffing. Although it wasn't 'active' training, it still seemed incredibly intensive.
The brothers gathered the glasses and left the room, talking to each other about Lloyd's progress and how to better utilise his growing powers. I found far more interest in shuffling across the dojo towards Lloyd, who, by the way, hadn't bothered to remove his blindfold yet.
I hovered, holding my breath while Lloyd's own heavy panting calmed. His forehead was beaded with sweat and blond strands stuck to his skin. I bit my lip, silent.
"Are you trying to be sneaky or something?" Lloyd asked, lips quirked in amusement. His small, sharp canines glinted softly in the afternoon light that filtered through the open doors to the garden. "'Cause if you are, you're terrible at it."

"Wow," I said, leaning my weight onto one hand as I relaxed beside him. "My own Sensei is bullying me. How hurtful."
"For shame," Lloyd added with a grin. I rolled my eyes. "I'll teach you how to do that."
"What, sneak up on people?" I asked, raising a brow. "Dad's pretty much teaching me that already."
Lloyd lifted himself up and leant in close to my face with terrifying accuracy despite his void sense of sight. I stilled in surprise.
"Then I'll give you extra lessons," he breathed, and two of his fingertips landed on my knee. "Special lessons. For you only."
His fingers walked their way up my thigh before his palm delicately rested on my waist. His thumb stroked my skin.
"Sp- special lessons, huh?" I echoed, cursing myself for the stutter. My heart gave an elated twist. "Would they take place in the dojo or the bed?"

Lloyd fell into a quiet laugh. He didn't answer, instead undoing the knot of the blindfold at the back of his head. The material fell away and he blinked a few times, readjusting his vision.
"Pretty eyes," I commented, making his red irises turn to me.
"I wonder how good your sense of hearing is," Lloyd queried, murmuring to himself as he mindlessly fiddled with the blindfold. My eyes widened and blush retuned with harsh vengeance. It did not go unnoticed. He smirked.
Lloyd blindfolding me was just an enticing of an idea as seeing Lloyd blindfolded himself.
"I talked to Borg," Misako said loudly as she entered the dojo. I flinched apart from Lloyd, cheeks darkening. He was still evaluating me with his eyes, expression pulled into a thoughtful look. "He wants to have the interview tomorrow morning, if you're free. I told him about the treaty meeting in the afternoon."

I blinked in alarm.
"That soon?" I squeaked, back straightening in stress. "Don't I have to prepare something?"
"You'll be fine," Misako reassured. "You've meet Borg before, he's kind. He didn't tell me that you needed to prepare anything. Just go along and have a chat."
I frowned, eyes turning to the floor anxiously. I still felt woefully unprepared for it, but I could hardly complain.
"Thank you," I said quietly. "A lot. Thank you so much for helping me get this interview."
Misako smiled softly, patting the top of my head. Lloyd decided to flop back down onto his back.
"It's my pleasure to help," Misako noted. "I know that you'll ace it."
"Yeah!" Lloyd agreed enthusiastically from where he was slumped out on the floor. He lifted an arm to show a proud thumb's up.

I could only muster a nervous smile in response.


I'd never been inside Borg's building.

It sat dead middle in Ninjago City, towering over the already tall buildings that made up city centre. A large, glowing logo for Borg's company sat at the top.
It was like the Avengers tower. Except also really not.
"You got this," Jay cheered through the headphones I had plugged into my phone, in a call with the lightning ninja's comm link. The others were on patrol but Jay had offered to take the extra twenty minutes off his route to drop me off at my interview. "Just remember to breathe and smile. Also don't leave the building. Call Lloyd when you're done! Oh, and drink water - never talk with a dry throat. Zane wants you to say hi from him to Pixal!"
I think I got about half of that.
"Okay," I said, stepping inside the building and immediately sighing in relief at the air conditioning. "Thanks, Pikachu."
"Anytime, buzzy!" Jay chirped. "Good luck! We love you!"

I smiled just as Jay cut the call and went to rejoin his team for patrol.
Naw. He's adorable.
I stared around at the lobby with wide eyes, taking everything in. Everything was so clean and high-tech. I felt poor just standing there.
Dang, I knew Borg was loaded but holy shit. He really is on a whole other level.
"Y/n!" called an excited voice. I turned at my name just as I was encased in a tight hold.
"O- oh!" I gasped in surprise before hugging my lovely attacker back. "Hi, Pixal!"
"It has been too long," she said with a big smile, pulling back from the hug. She looked the same as usual, cool metallic exterior void of scratches or dirt, green eyes bright, silver hair pulled back into a ponytail. I missed her.
"It really has," I sighed with a sad smile. "We should really get together with the others and go out somewhere."
"We should," Pixal agreed with a nod before leading me towards the elevators. "We can discuss over instant messages with the others."

"Texting, Pix," I reminded. She clicked her fingers after pressing the top button - Borg's office, presumably.
"Right," she said. "Texting."
I watched the outside become smaller and smaller the further up the elevator went.
"Zane says hello," I said into the comfortable silence. Pixal made a sound like a glitching computer before she cleared her throat. My smile grew.
"T- tell him I also say hello," she said, avoiding my gaze. I snickered. They were so cute.
"Will do."
The elevator finally dinged and the doors slid open, revealing Borg's large office. I swallowed nervously. Pixal wished me good luck before going back down to report to her duties.

"Ah, hello, Y/n," Borg greeted, looking up from his fancy computer. It probably cost the entirety of my would-be tuition. "It has been a while."
"Hello, Mr. Borg," I said, voice shaking slightly. "Sir," I added, just in case.
"Please, Borg is fine," the old man smiled as he shifted his wheelchair to face me. I took the free seat on the other side of his desk and anxiously fiddled. "How are you? I heard from Misako that you've started training. Got your eyes set on becoming a ninja?"
"Oh, no," I said with a shake of my head before pausing. "Maybe? I'm not sure. I just want to learn to properly fight and access my powers right now. Short term goals for that."

"What made you decide that?" Borg asked, tilting his head curiously. So then I launched into explaining the whole Axon-gang-bodyguard scenario and totally forgot about being nervous while talking. Borg paid total attention.
"That is troubling," he agreed grimly. The man turned to his computer screen and changed the topic. "Well, I have your exam results, courtesy of your old school. Well done, Y/n, you simply excelled."
"I did?" I asked, blinking in shock. What the fuck aRE YOU S ER IOUSSS.
"You were unaware?" Borg asked, sending me a confused look. I meekly scratched the back of my neck.
"I, uh, I got sidetracked," I murmured sheepishly. "Also... I was too scared to check."
Borg fell into an understanding smile.
"Fair enough," he said kindly. "Exams are a stressful time in a student's life. It seems that your studying paid off."
"Yay," I said with a relieved grin.

After that, Borg and I chatted the morning away. It seemed less like an interview and more like a catch up between acquaintances.
He asked what I'd like to study, I replied with a number of subjects (I was still struggling to choose).
I asked where he got ideas for all his inventions, he replied 3am coffee-induced bursts of inspiration - which I understood better than what he thought I would.
He asked what I wanted to do with my life and smiled in amusement when I blurted 'keep Lloyd safe' without thinking. I blushed bright red and answered properly.
It was deep into lunch by the time we were finishing up. Borg had a meeting (on a Sunday?) and I had to leave to get ready for the serpentine meeting.

"Hey, sunshine," Lloyd greeted when he picked up his comm link that was dialled into my phone, thank you, Nya. "You finished?"
"Yep!" I said, feeling myself smile at the sound of his voice while I watched the ground slowly come closer and closer as the elevator went down the levels. "It was super chill. I don't even know why I was worried."
"Atta girl," Lloyd said, and I could hear the grin in his voice. "I'm halfway across the city but I shouldn't be long. Stay inside the building until I'm there."
"Yes, sensei," I teased.
"Heh, I'm just kidding," I chuckled, leaving the elevator when it dinged and the doors slid open. "There's a couple of displays he has set up in the lobby that I want to check out, anyway."
"Alright," Lloyd said. "I'll see you soon."
"Yeppers!" I beamed, stepping out onto the ground floor. It was empty, aside from Pixal, who was busy with something at the information desk. Everybody was probably out on their lunch break.

Lloyd hung up and I tucked my phone into my pocket, staring at a Borg Watch display and indulging myself by playing with the Watch's features.
Pixal left, back into the elevator. She was clearly busy, so I just shot her a smile and held back on initiating a conversation.
I quietly ambled to the Bphone Seven and engrossed myself in that. The floor was empty, totally silent, aside from the almost inaudible hum of distant machinery. I could take a nap with this peaceful silence.
The entrance doors slid open. I ignored it, swiping through the downloaded games on the device and clicking on a game involving the ninja. The little pixel ninja designs were so adorable!
I felt a presence behind me, so I straightened with a smile and turned to show Lloyd his cute little avatar when my face dropped.

The person wasn't Lloyd.

I barely had time to falter in surprise before a palm was heavily and forcefully thrusted against my ribs and I was shoved back against the wall. Amongst the discombobulated swimming of my ears, I briefly heard a worrying crack. I hoped it was the wall. Please, let it be the wall.
Worse - it wasn't one person, it was two. Even more worse; my blurred vision had sharpened and it revealed the two stalkers - Cap and Bun.

I really needed more threatening names for them.

My breaths came in shuttering gasps, the sudden attack leaving me winded. Bun grabbed the front of my shirt and I was thrown across the floor with strength that rivalled the ninja. I hit the ground with a yelp and a burst of pain.

Shit. Oh, god. I tried to lift myself up but my arms kept shaking and giving out. I needed to call Lloyd now. Or anyone from the team. Reaching towards my back pocket invoked an aching pain across my rib cage and I hissed a curse.
That crack was definitely a rib. Fuck.
Gasping and gritting my teeth, I felt for my back pocket before a cool rush of horrified fear made me froze. The phone had tumbled out when I was thrown and sat, totally useless, behind the two advancing men.
"F- fellas," I began with a trembling, weak grin as I tried not to sound as broken as I felt. I shuffled backwards across the floor. My heart hammered, petrified. "Let's- let's talk this out. G- grab some- some coffee and-"
I shrieked, scrambling for leverage when Cap lifted me up by my hair. My scalp burnt in pain.
"Axon doesn't care if you come in dead," Cap sneered, ignoring my feeble attempts of scratching at his wrist. "And you're more trouble than you're worth."

"That's what I tell myself everyday," I grunted, before kicking my foot behind his knee and yanking back hard from his hand. He collapsed with a surprised yelp and I took the chance to leap away, breath feverish and heart racing.
"Bitch!" Cap snarled, stumbling upright. I swallowed, eyes darting around the room to find myself an advantage. Everything Garm had taught me for the past week had gone right out the window - I was working on the military training, but who cares what Lloyd said, because that training was all I had right now.
When the two men began towards me, I broke into a sprint towards the the receptionist desk and somehow, miraculously made it there before them.
Oh, bless my luck, an old-fashioned phone with a cord sat beside the sleek computer. I yanked it from the plug before planting a foot on the desk and launching towards the first of the men.

I didn't get to see which one my target was. It was a blur of a black jacket. My hands gripped tight around the plastic until I had scrambled along the stumbling, baffled man and pulled the cord tight around his neck. I yanked back with all my weight.
"Leave me the fuck alone!" I screamed, bringing up the console to wave it wildly at the second man. I landed a couple of hits before his hand caught my wrist and hauled me off of his comrade so fast that I didn't even process it until I crashed into the reception desk. I slumped to the ground.
I coughed, bringing a shaky hand up to the side of my head and pulling it away. Blood. Of course.
"Where... are- you?" I groaned, stumbling upright as I begged for Lloyd to come crashing in at any moment. Preferably before I was killed.
The lights were too bright. I felt nauseas. I just came here to have a good time and I was genuinely being attacked.

"Alright, assholes," I said in a shaky, determined voice. I raised my fists. In one hand, I held a stapler that my crash had knocked to the ground. "Round two."
"You're going to collapse any second," Bun mocked. "Surrender, and we'll make your death painless."
"Fuck painless, I'm going out in a blaze of glory," I snarled, gripping the stapler tighter. "And you bet your asses that you'll be coming down with me."
"Cocky, for somebody who doesn't know how to fight," Cap taunted, an ugly smirk pulling at his lips. My vision was starting to blur. Not good.
"We all start somewhere, asshole!" I yelled, pushing off into a fast run, raising the stapler. I swiped the butt of it across Bun's face and pulled my arm back for a second attack.
I threw the stapler past Cap's face.
"You missed," he said with a leering smile.

"I am so glad you said that," I sighed in relief. Cap and Bun stiffened before whirling around, eyes searching for whatever I had aimed for. A button, perhaps, or a second person who joined my side.
"There's nothing there!" Cap roared, turning back to face me. I wasn't there.
"Ha!" I laughed just as the elevator doors were closing. "I can't believe you fell for that!"
The doors shutting cut off the yells of annoyance.
I huffed, slumping against the windows of the elevator as it slowly made its way up the levels of Borg's building. Everything looked and sounded as if I were underwater. My body swayed and ached. My chest was in agony.
They're getting brave. Brave was bad.
I slipped down to the ground and released a shuttering breath, closing my eyes as I assessed my injuries. My head was a major one, for sure. And there was definitely something wrong with my ribs. Plus my shoulders from where I had landed on them, and my hip.

"This sucks," I moaned, just as the doors opened to a floor full of a couple of office workers. They paused, staring at me. I could feel blood pouring down my face from a gash on my forehead. Oh, hey. I also had a gash on my forehead.
"Happy Sunday," I said tiredly, lifting a hand to the employees. "Tell Borg that his security sucks."
The doors closed again. The elevator remained where it was.
I wanted to call Lloyd, but my phone was still down on ground floor, and like hell I'd risk going back down there. I wouldn't be able to handle another fight - it was a miracle I was alive as is!
A ding made my sore eyes raise to the little screen atop the door. Somebody on ground level had called for the elevator.

"No! No, no!" I yelled, forcing myself to my feet and jabbing at the buttons frantically, but none would override the first command. "Please!" I beat my fist on the controls desperately but still, nothing happened. The steady, slow descent was surely one to my death.
I stumbled towards the back of the elevator and braced myself for another round of attacks, if by chance that I could survive long enough for Lloyd to arrive.
I watched with frightened eyes as the numbers continued to decrease. I held my breath when it changed from One to Ground.
The doors slid open. I tensed my body.
"Y/n!" Lloyd exclaimed.
"Lloyd!" I cried in relief. He caught me as I staggered sharply forth, red eyes wildly darting over me.
"What happened?!" he shrilled, pulling back to asses my wounds. My head lolled, exhausted.

"Th-" was all I managed to say before the second elevator's doors slid open and the men stormed out. I made a sound between a sob and a whine in the back of my throat at the sight of them.
Lloyd raised his palm and two spheres of vibrant, toxic-green energy knocked the two men out.
My breath escaped me in disbelief as I stared at the slumped bodies of the stalkers. He just subdued them so fast. So easily!
I wasn't allowed much more time to dwell on it, because Lloyd was gently setting me against the wall and activating his comm link.
"I need someone to rendezvous at Borg's," Lloyd muttered through his mask, lifting one gloved hand to gingerly push my hair away from the wound on my head. My stomach twisted uncomfortably. "The two people stalking Y/n made their move. She's injured."

I didn't get to hear the reply, as my strength gave out and my head slumped into Lloyd's hand, smacking the wound. The pain was so intense that I immediately blacked out.
For five seconds.

"No, no, no," Lloyd murmured, lifting me up and gently tapping my cheek. "No falling asleep, yeah?"
I made an incoherent sound in response. He dug through his packs before bringing out a couple of bandages to make a quick, shoddy patch-up job until we got home.
Elevator doors pinged once more.
"Oh, my!" Pixal gasped at the scene. One of the men began to sit up and she literally roundhouse kicked him in the back of the head. He slumped once more, ice cold. I was so glad I was conscious for that.
"Do you know what happened?" Lloyd asked, hurriedly placing plasters over my smaller open wounds. Pixal shook her head.
"A- assholes-" I struggled, teeth gritting. "C- came inside th- the building."
Lloyd's hands paused.
"They came inside?" he echoed in disbelief. I could barely manage a nod. Pixal knelt by his side and ran a critical eye over me.

"Th- think I cracked a rib," I groaned, dropping my head backwards into the wall. "This sucks."
His red eyes held a volley of emotions that I couldn't quite decipher in my blurry vision. My breath came out strange and uneven. It hurt to breathe.
"I'm so sorry," Lloyd began, and his voice sounded broken. "This is my fault. I shouldn't- I shouldn't have left you alone."
"Y- you didn't know-"
"I should've," he muttered. I frowned.
"I am... so arguing ag- against you when I f- feel better," I announced. I couldn't tell if Lloyd cracked a smile at that through his mask or not, but I hoped he did.
The entrance doors slid open and Nya rushed inside.

"Oh, my gosh," she gasped, halting to a fast stop to take in the scene. The reception area was trashed. There was a shattered landline and a broken stapler on the floor. I was sure that there was a bit of my blood somewhere.
"Restrain the men," Lloyd said, gingerly helping me to my feet. I swayed and my stomach nauseously twisted. "I need to get her home."
Nya was already pulling out zip ties from her pouch. Lloyd didn't bother asking if I could walk or not - the answer was obviously no - so he carefully shifted my weight until I was securely in his arms.
I watched Lloyd's eyes as he took us out the back entrance and summoned Bentley, who coed and gently nudged my leg in worry.
Lloyd seemed to be in a battle of conflict between himself.
I raised a palm to his shirt and hoped that he knew it was in reassurance.

The flight home seemed to stretch on forever. Normally, I would've loved that. At that moment, however, I just really wanted to get home.
Lloyd must've called ahead when I was blanking, as the tea of healing was already brewed and ready by the time we arrived. I pulled a face at the horrendous smell before downing the cup as fast as I could. Zane and Garm were in the gurney to assess the damage.
"Concussion," Garmadon murmured after a couple of tests. The tea was definitely starting to kick in. I leant against Lloyd in exhaustion.
He'd been silent the whole time.
"I am surprised it took you this long, considering how many times you have injured your head," Zane said dryly while he wrapped a couple of wounds on my arm.
"Leave... me alone," I pouted. "I- I'm baby."
Garmadon ignored us, instead focusing intently as he gently brushed his fingers along my rib cage. I hissed in pain.
"Two cracked ribs," he announced. "Truthfully, I'm surprised you only came away with these wounds. From what I heard, Axon's gang are incredible fighters. Did you remember your training?"

"Nope," I replied honestly, closing my eyes in exhaustion as I slumped against Lloyd's chest. "I... improvised..."
"Y/n should get to bed," Zane noted. "No training until the tea has run its course."
I weakly lifted I fist in triumph. "... nice."
"We should be heading off, too," Garmadon mentioned. "We're running late for the meeting as is."
I felt my stomach sink. I was going to miss the kids getting their toys. I wanted to kick Cap and Bun again, just for that.
Lloyd carefully lifted me with the care of a mother to a baby and started back towards his room. He hadn't said a word since we got home. I could feel his guilt emitting from him in suffocating waves.

"I need to discuss some things with my uncle," Lloyd said quietly after placing me into bed. I shuffled slowly and gingerly under the covers and stared at his crestfallen face. "I'll be back soon."
"Lloyd," I called before he could disappear. He paused, red eyes glancing back at me. I tried to make myself look stronger than I felt. My words came out slurred and almost incoherent. "It's'not y'fault."
But he just sent me a smile that screamed doubt.
"Yeah," he said, and his voice cracked in guilty sorrow. "It is."

And he slipped away faster than I could argue that it wasn't.

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