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"Alright," he yawned, bringing me back to the present. 11pm. Lloyd. Phone call. Right. "Where were we?"
"You sound tired," I noted worriedly, sitting up a little. The duvet curled around my feet. "Are you sure you don't want to go back to sleep?"
"I'm fine," Lloyd said, a little louder. He must've made it to the deck. "I want to talk to you. How was your day?"

I rolled onto my stomach, relenting. If Lloyd didn't want to talk, then he would tell me and hang up. But if Lloyd did want to talk even though he was tired, he'd stay anyway. I was concerned.
"Boring," I hummed in a grumpy tone, dropping my chin onto the mattress. "The others were all busy so I had no one to hang out with today."
"That's so sad," Lloyd mourned mockingly. My face scrunched.
"Injure anybody?"
"No," I rolled onto my back and picked dirt out of the bottom of my nails. "But I did accidentally make a guy drop his taco. He looked really depressed. It was sad."

Lloyd snorted loudly. He covered it with a soft laugh.
"You amaze me sometimes," he tittered.
I shrugged, even though he couldn't see me. "It's a talent. What did you do today?"
He heaved an inhale.
"Attempted to access my earth elemental powers by moving a mountain," he said wearily. I tried not to choke on my spit in shock.
"W- woW," I nodded, swallowing sharply. "That's uh... that's something."
"Not as interesting as making a guy drop his taco."
"No," I shook my head, grinning curtly at the ceiling, heart fluttering at the sound of his amused, sarcastic voice. "No, not quite."

   "I swear to god, you didn't have fangs when I first met you," I said.

  "They come and go," he murmured. "Like my red eyes."

  I tilted my head. "How do they work?"

  Lloyd smiled weakly and patted my knee. "I'll tell you later. It's... a sensitive topic."

  My heart immediately stopped. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pressure you."

  "It's okay." He shrugged. "You're a curious person. I know this."

  "I can be curious and still be tactless."

  "You're not," he reassured.

For a beat, there was nothing but silence. I could hear Lloyd's soft breaths. It was soothing.
"There's so many stars out here," he said quietly. I hummed. "I wish you could see them."
"You're cute," I murmured, face red. "Seriously, Lloyd, you're giving me heart problems."
He chuckled lethargically. I pictured him lying down on his back on the deck, arm over his head in weariness.
"Aren't you tired?" I pressed, worrying a loose thread on the hem of my shirt. "I don't want you to get in trouble because of me... and I also don't want to get in trouble. Your parents scare me."
"Why?" he asked, amused but genuinely curious. "You don't need to be. They already adore you."
"I can't blame them," I sighed despondently. "I'm very irresistible."
"If that's the way you put it, then sure."

"Aw," I pouted, sliding down onto the floor and leaning my back against my bed. "You don't think I'm likeable?"
Lloyd was silent for a few seconds. My eyes snapped open and I was about to recriminate something in a rather sharp tongue when he spoke.
"I think you're exactly who I need in my life," he murmured, voice quiet with sincerity and bashfulness.
I paused, taken aback, before a rush of warmth made me sink in on myself and I softened. Smiling goofily, I felt my body shudder in the visceral, ethereal feeling of being wanted. I inhaled, preparing to show my most vulnerable side when-
"I think I-"
There was a sudden, loud scuffle on the other side of the line, making me pause in confusion. Did he drop it? Did he fall asleep?
"Y/n!" Kai exclaimed loudly in joy, causing me to wince and pull the phone from my ear briefly. Ah. It had been Kai, stealing the phone from Lloyd. I couldn't even be angry.

"Hey, ding butt," I replied, my previous feeling of absolute babey replaced by the more common crackhead that was the bulk of my personality. He fell silent.
"Kiss my ass, Y/n," Kai said, voice quiet and stern. I laughed loudly. He snorted.
"Kai!" Lloyd hissed, making my laugh turn into a loud cackle. There was a struggle from the other line and a 'go back to sleep!' from Kai.
"I will," Lloyd stressed, positively pissed. "Go away!"
Kai's chuckles faded away as he left the scene.
"Sorry," Greenie huffed, returning his attention back to the call. "What were you saying?"

"Nothing," I smiled, picking at the hem of my shirt and praying that he didn't hear the quiver in my voice. "It wasn't important."

miss you :(

I put my phone on my bedside table, expecting nothing other than an 'i miss you too' to wake up to in the morning.

Instead, I woke up an hour later to tapping on my window.

  "Am I lucid dreaming or did I sleep for seventy-two hours?" I asked.

  "Option C." Lloyd smiled.

  "Did you fly all the way here?" At his nod, I shook my head. "Why?"

  He shrugged. "You said you missed me." As if it were the most simplest thing in the world - flying a magic dragon for an hour in the dead of night just because of one measly text I sent.

  I shook my head again, because I couldn't quite wrap my head around him. Then I laughed, because I was exhausted and Lloyd, who wasn't supposed to be back in Ninjago City for the rest of the week, was sitting against my headboard.

  "You're crazy," I giggled.

  "Crazy for you, baby," he hummed.


I stood outside Ninjago City Mall, Claire by my side as we waited for Naomi and Aaliyah.

It was raining, a summer shower. Still warm enough for t-shirts but enough of a storm to regard the want to remain indoors.
We had decided to go see a movie and do a little clothes shopping for the upcoming school year - still half the summer away, but nevertheless, an excuse to buy clothes. Aaliyah had been wanting a new skater skirt for a while. Naomi was particularly keen on a piece of marvel merch she had spotted the other week. I was happy tagging along and I had no idea whether Claire intended to buy something or not.

We stood in silence, the girl beside me tapping furiously onto her phone. I patiently waited, leaning against the wall with my hands placed neatly behind me.
"Ugh," Claire suddenly groaned, making me glance up at her. She flicked a long lock of dark hair over her shoulder. "What is taking them so long?"
I hummed in silent agreement, turning back down to stare at the tips of my flats. Waiting didn't bother me - the temperature was nice and the sound of the rain was soothing. It kinda reminded me of Lloyd.

"Hey, you're still seeing Garmaboy, right?" Claire asked, making my eyes jump up to her and subconsciously clench my fists.
That caught me by surprise - the way my gut fired up at the mention of Lloyd. What was that supposed to mean? I exhaled sharply and forced myself to relax, to tether me back into the state and time of right then.
"Yeah," I nodded, staring at her dark eyes. The pit of my stomach writhed as if it were an agitated snake. It was as if I was challenging her without meaning to. "I'm still seeing Lloyd."
"How's that working out for you?" Claire asked, picking at a plaster on her arm, dropping my gaze to glare at the neon pink bandage.

"He's great," I brightened, a smile beginning to grow and excitement pinch in my gut - after all, it's only another week until he's back. "I think I'm going to-"
"Oh, good," Claire glanced up when our names were called. "They're here."
Words died on my lips as Claire bounded off to embrace Aaliyah and Naomi in a monster hug. I felt myself shrink a little, wilting back against the wall. I didn't know why I felt this way; Claire's always been like this. I shouldn't be surprised. Why was I letting it get to me?
I clenched my trembling hands into fists again and plastered on a fake smile, greeting them.

Naomi held my gaze for a few seconds longer than usual.

We made our way into the cinemas, the posters of various 'out now!' movies, pointing out which films we each wanted to see.
"How about The Greatest Showman?" I asked, only to have Claire point at the Jumangi poster.
"That," she declared in a loud voice. "We're seeing that."
My face fell a little slack, stung by being brushed aside and ignored so crassly. Naomi was steadily growing more anxious, running a hand through her hair, her blue eyes never being able to keep still. I had half a mind to ask her what was wrong, but my own humiliation had stolen my ability to speak.

We lined up for the tickets and paid. I had to repeat myself three times when it was my turn - my voice too quiet for the employee to hear. Shock still kept me following them robotically, mind rushing.
I stared blankly at the screen. I didn't know that the movie had finished until everybody started to stand.
"There's no end scene, is there?" Naomi asked, tilting her head.
"No," Claire rolled her eyes, ushering Aaliyah along. "Hurry up, you're holding people from leaving."
With that, we were rushed to the exit, back to facing civilisation. A sudden change from the dark theatre where nobody except the people being projected onto the screen talked.

"I want to go to hot topic," Claire said dismissively, typing something on her phone quickly.
"I want to, too," Aaliyah quickly piped up. "Let's go!"
I followed them numbly as the three entered the story, nodding when I supposed to, shaking my head when I was subtly urged to. I hovered like a dog on a leash.
My fingers itched to call Lloyd, to ask for his advice. What would he say? Would he have some wise words he stole from his senseis? What about his team?
But they'd all be training. Besides, who was I to ask them for help? It's not like it's anything major. It's just how Claire is. I'm just being weirdly touchy for some reason. There's no need to call Lloyd for comfort. I'm a big girl! I can handle myself and my weird emotions.

Naomi quickly pulled me aside while Claire and Aaliyah had begun to walk to
the next store in mind, shopping bags already in hands. I glanced at my blonde-haired friend in question before she subtly pressed something plastic into my hand.
"Naomi?" I tilted my head, scared to look at what she discreetly gave me. Was it drugs? Is she running with gangs-
"I noticed that Claire's kind of been targeting you recently," Naomi whispered, huddled in close as she stared at the backs of Claire and Aaliyah. "I saw these up front. I thought it might cheer you up."
Confused, I lifted my hand and slowly uncurled my fingers. There, sat in my palm, was a small green ninja keychain.

My throat suddenly grew thick with emotion as I stared at the little guy, eyes stinging. Of course, it was nowhere near like the real thing, but it managed to soothe me nonetheless.
"Nomes," I breathed a little, sniffling. "Thanks. This... this really means a lot."
She beamed, pulling me into a side hug. "It matches your skateboard!"
I breathlessly laughed a little, clutching the figure close to my chest and nodding.
"It does," I agreed with a watery smile. In the back of my head, I was willing myself not to cry in public.
"You think Lloyd'll get jealous?" Naomi teased before she stilled. Her face paled. "I- oh, shit- I wasn't thinking, I-"
I giggled, brushing aside her hiccup. Besides, it wasn't that much of a hiccup, anyway.
"Maybe," I hummed, slipping my finger through the ring and clutching the ninja safely in my hand. "But I'll just tell him that it's a treasured gift from my best friend."

Yeah right, just wait 'till Lloyd sees this. He's gonna tease the hell out of me.

Naomi blushed happily, nudging my side.
"Naw," she grinned joyously. "You're gonna give me a big head."
"Noami," I began seriously. "I will never stop complimenting you. Ever."
She dramatically clutched at her heart, her bright smile giving away her true appreciation.
"That's not fair!" she complained, teasing. "That was a shot straight through the heart and you know it!"
I giggled, giving a playful shrug. "Mayhaps."
She fell into a chuckle, nudging her side against mine.
"Hey," Naomi changed the topic. "Real talk now. How are you and Lloyd? Still going strong? You two were very comfortable with each other at the park last week."

My face burnt harsh and I had to drop my head to hide behind my hair. She giggled hysterically, excitedly grabbing my shoulder and shaking it.
"Spill! Spill!" she called loudly. I had to swiftly leap out and clap my hand over her mouth, embarrassedly glancing around us at the other shoppers. They sent us annoyed looks. I couldn't find myself to care.
I soon caved, dropping my hand and sending her an excited smile with flushed cheeks.
"Lloyd's adorable!" I gushed, subconsciously playing with the keychain as I held it to my chest. "He's so sweet. He's on holiday with his family at the moment, but we have these really long phone calls and- gAh-" I gripped at my hair with a concerned look. "I just adore him."

"Bro, you're gonna make me gag," Naomi grinned. "You two are the living embodiments of the definition of the word sweet."
"What are you two talking about?" Aaliyah chimed in, flinging her arms around our shoulders as she inserted herself into the conversation. Naomi and I eagerly welcomed her in. She filled Aaliyah in before I could even speak a word.
"Getting serious," Aaliyah noted with a coy grin, leaning in close with genuine interest. "Kissed?"
I snorted, shaking my head. My hand paused over the ninja figure.
"As if," I denied.

"But he likes you back, right?" Aaliyah asked. I shrugged as we walked.
"I think so? Maybe," I replied, beginning to grow confused. "How can you tell if a boy likes you?"
Naomi gasped sharply, throwing out her hand in front of us, spreading her fingers.
"Boys think they're super chill all the time but there's at least five indicators."
She touched her thumb with her other hand's index, gazing at me with intent.
"One;" she began in a serious tone. "You and him don't go a day without at least some basic form of communication."
Check. I nodded.
"Two;" Aaliyah inputted, joining in. "You've hung out somewhere, just the two of you."
That day when we were supposed to just give our things back to each other. We spent the whole day together instead. I nodded again, a pit growing in my gut.

"Three;" Naomi continued, "he's introduced you to his closest friends. Well, I was there, so I know that this was already confirmed."
I sent her a small smile.
"Four;" Aaliyah frowned in seriousness, ignoring the brief mention of Naomi hanging out with me and Lloyd's group. "He's made at least some basic romantic moves on you."
I blushed, thinking back to all the times Lloyd's kissed my on the cheek or forehead or nose or- Check.
"And five;" Naomi began triumphantly, holding out her hand proudly. "He's trusted you with at least one thing, whether it's a secret or a personal possession, anything of the like."
I blinked. That was a definite check.
"Yeah, that's all of them," I breathed, glancing down at the green ninja figure in my fingers. I could feel that my face was a bright red.

Aaliyah laughed joyously while Naomi squealed and clapped her hands. I giggled as they grabbed my arms in excitement.
"This is amazing!" Naomi cried, gaining stares from passerbys. "You're both totally in love! That's so cute!"
"I - I don't know about in love," I mumbled meekly, staring at the ground and pushing a lock of hair behind my ear.
"Don't be silly, Y/n!" Aaliyah exclaimed with a grin. "The indicators don't lie!"
We giggled, huddling together. I was smiling wide, elated to hang out with Naomi and Aaliyah again, just like old times. Before Claire came along.
"What's Lloyd doing on his holiday?" Aaliyah asked.
"He's on a cruise," I bent the truth. "He says it's pretty cool but tiring."
"Oof," Naomi commented while clutching her stomach. "I don't understand how anybody can handle big long cruises like that."
Aaliyah sent Naomi an amused look, shoving her shoulder.
"Not everybody has sea sickness, genius."

"What are you guys talking about?" Claire interrupted our conversation, bowling up and slinging an arm around Aaliyah and Naomi. A new shopping bag was in her grasp. I turned my gaze to my shoes, frowning.
"Lloyd and Y/n absolutely adore each other," Naomi gushed, grinning wide. Claire didn't look impressed.
"Kissed yet?"
I shook my head. Claire snorted in amusement, shaking her head.
"'Not so much of a relationship then, is it?" she asked offhandedly. She turned to the others. "Hey, there's a sale up ahead at Glassons, c'mon."

I slowed to a stop, watching the three as they pushed on ahead, jostling and giggling. I blinked hard, feeling the painfully familiar feeling of stinging eyes return with vengeance. Now the green ninja figure really wasn't cutting it. The urge to call Lloyd was growing only greater.
"Are you coming?" Naomi asked, dipping out from under Claire's arm. I shook my head, throwing on a smile to only reassure her.
"I'm gonna grab a drink," I told her, beginning to step back to the café behind me. "I'll meet up with you guys later."
Naomi was about to reply but then Aaliyah grabbed her and she was tugged towards the shop, stumbling after the others.

I dropped my facade as she was steered away.

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