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tw: assault, blood

Hey! How are you? ☀️
sent 9.43am

I stared at the text with apprehension. Words and doubts from yesterday came flooding back and it made me shuffle deeper under my duvet, as if I could make time stop by hiding in bed.
I didn't know how to act around Lloyd anymore - it was a major revelation that had been presented to me and I had yet to figure out exactly how I felt about it. I needed more evidence, more facts.

I went into the forest yesterday, intent on finding Lord Garmadon's home. Possibly even Lloyd. I didn't know what I would've done if I'd actually found him. What would I have said?
Instead I ran into the green ninja, someone laughably not Lloyd, then every thought about finding out anything from Lord Garmadon's home or even Lloyd himself left my mind.

Minutes ticked by and I glared in conflict at the screen. What would he say if I found out about who his father was? Would he be calm or would he freak out?
And I knew that his last name sounded familiar. I couldn't believe I didn't make the connection sooner. How many people have the last name Garmadon?
I groaned, dropping my face onto my mattress. I really have landed myself in such a mess.

I couldn't just not reply to him, though. As far as he knew, we had a good time on Saturday. And it was! It was such a fun day, I wish I could go back to then. I may have been naive but at least I wasn't facing such a cesspool.
It's too early in the morning for such a dilemma to face. Still, I couldn't leave Lloyd hanging.

Morning! I'm fine but I've gone and sprained my ankle :( I hope you weren't planning anything for today lol cause it's just going to be a boring day at home. How are you?

Oh no!
Sent 10.04am

I waited for more. Was he just going to leave it as that? I couldn't hang out so he abandoned the conversation?
Put off, I placed my phone down and slid further under my covers. It was already turning out to be a bad day and I'd only just woken up.
My phone chimed with a message.

What's your favourite type of popcorn?
Sent 10.35am

Weird but I'll bite. I answered his question and chucked my phone aside, settling down onto my pillow so I could try and file through my mixed up emotions.
Lloyd Garmadon - I like him but he's apparently problematic. Needs investigating.
Green ninja - I like him, too, but not as much as Lloyd. I hope he didn't think I was interested. I had enough on my plate dealing with this weird tugging thing without having to worry about some kind of weird relationship with a guy whose face I'm not even allowed to see.

Why couldn't things just fall into place for once? Why must my life be a puzzle full of pieces that never fit?
My phone buzzed again but I ignored it. My head was too sore to deal with tip toeing around Lloyd. It was the holidays, for goodness sake. Why do I have the same level of stress as I did during exams?

The doorbell rung and I wanted to cry. I just needed one day to myself. One day to juggle my thoughts and sort through my confusing emotions.
But the doorbell had rung again mum was at work. Whoever was at the door obviously wanted to be addressed, so I slowly hobbled my way through the house and to the entrance.

"Lloyd?" my face dropped in shock. He beamed, holding a bag full of microwave popcorn. "What are you doing here?"
"You said that you were going to have a boring day, so I decided to un-bore it!" he chirped before his face fell into a bashful expression. "I hope I'm not out of line. I wanted to see you again."
My face burnt and I opened the door wider. What did I say about him abandoning the conversation? He's at my house because he didn't want me to be bored. He wanted to see me again.

He entered, waiting for me to shut the door before offering to support my weight as I hopped through to the living room. We settled on the couch and I was suddenly aware of my bed hair and kitty cat pyjamas.
"Uhh," I pulled my hands through my hair to make it sit nicer than the raggled state it was in. It was an attempt. Not a bad one but not a good one, either. "Sorry. I wasn't expecting anyone."
"Not at all," he smiled. He seemed that he didn't care whether I was dressed up to the nines or like I was then. "I've had a sprained ankle before. They're nasty. Have you had your painkillers?"
"No," I pulled my knee up to hug it to my chest. "I just got up."
"Where is it?" Lloyd asked as he stood. "I'll go get some for you."

How on earth did anybody think he was evil?
I told him the directions and he sped off to grab them for me. He's the most gentlemanly person I've met in this entire city.
But that wasn't enough to fully convince me. I needed solid proof that he wasn't what they said (god, I hope he wasn't what they said).
He returned with the painkillers and a healthy breakfast of buttery popcorn, having found the microwave. I popped the pills before eagerly digging into the popcorn.
"Wanna watch a movie?" he asked. I nodded.
"You pick," I offered.
Lloyd opened up Netflix on tv and spent the next ten minutes looking for a movie to watch. It was a good thing he brought a whole bunch of popcorn packets because the bowl was almost empty by the time he decided on a movie.

What can I say? I'm hungree.

I shifted uncomfortably next to Lloyd, unsure how to sit. Was this an in-home date? Am I reading too much into things? Should I curl up where I am or sit closer to him? Would he appreciate me leaning against his side? That's kind of intimate, is that what he wants? Is that what I want?
I'm such an over thinker that I'm just making myself more and more paranoid.
Stop it, I scolded myself as I stared blankly at the screen. He came over to keep you company. That's all there is to know.

I finally relaxed against the couch after a hearty chunk of the movie. I didn't even know what the movie was called or what the plot was but Lloyd was clearly engrossed, eyes glued to the screen. He didn't notice me peeking at the side of his face.
He's adorable in a heartache kind of way. Not a heartthrob but something softer, which made the affect he had all the more troublesome. His eyes were wide as he watched whatever the action movie offered in a way that made him look totally innocent in every way. His blonde hair flopped in heavy waves to the side. I wondered if he used the thick fringe of his to hide from his bullies.

His bullies. That's what Mr. Robuntusson said. It made so much more sense now, as to why he was being bullied in the first place. He had every box ticked to be a total catch at his school so I couldn't understand why. But now I do.
My heart hurt and I wondered if my gut feeling about him being a good person was genuine or because I was beginning to suspect that I'm biased.
By the time I realised that I was staring for a little too long, the movie was already over. Lloyd went to make some more popcorn and I was left glaring at my fingers, wondering what the hell was wrong with me. Why couldn't it be as easy as saying whether I liked him or not? All these conflicting emotions, denial and doubt made my head swim.

"You've got uno!" Lloyd exclaimed joyously, sporting the box of cards that mum and I left on the dining table after playing a few rounds when I got back last night. "We should play!"
"Sure," I called back. At least it'll keep me distracted.
He bounded back into the room like an overzealous puppy dog, bowl of fresh popcorn in one hand and the box of uno in the other. His face looked like he'd just received the best news of his life.
I lowered myself onto the ground and shuffled closer to the coffee table, watching quietly as Lloyd set up the game.

"Lloyd..." I began unsurely, picking at my nails. He glanced up with a pleasant look in his green eyes.
I wanted to ask about his dad but I chickened out. "Thanks for coming over." Coward.
His smile grew, hands pausing. His expression was worth chickening out for.
"Anytime, sunshine," he chirped.

After a few rounds of uno with varying success, the day passed by slowly.
Lloyd and I ended up on the couch again, scrolling on our phones while a forgotten movie played in the background. The silence was broken when his phone began to ring.

My ears perked as I curiously listened in. Lloyd was exasperatedly reassuring the caller, that he was going to be on time for something. He pulled his phone away with a huff and hung up.
"Sorry," he apologised. "I lost track of time. That was my mum, she wants me back home."
I felt my stomach drop slightly. That was definitely not his mum on the line. It was a male's voice.
Something cold slipped down my spine. Was it his dad?

"That's okay," I murmured, beginning to grow anxious. Just when I thought I'd begun to trust him, he pulled this and my doubt spiralled out of control.
I hobbled over to the door, following Lloyd on his way out. I stared hard at the back of his head, wanting to rip out my hair. How was I supposed to trust him? How could I? What was I supposed to feel about him? Not knowing was getting old, fast.

"So," he began, hovering outside the door. "Can I take you out next week?"
I froze, eyes jumping to his face and gaging Lloyd's smiling, dorky face. It was almost as if he hadn't lied to my face.
"Like... as in a date?" I asked, face beginning to burn. I wanted to bang my head against the wall.
His cheeks flushed, gaze dropping to the side.
"Uh... yeah..?" he squeaked nervously, running a hand through his hair. I caught a glimpse of his scar before his eyes jumped back to mine. They seemed to glimmer with hopeful anticipation.
"Yeah," I nodded, stomach churning, because how could I say no? "Yeah, okay. That sounds like fun."

He brightened, rivalling the sun itself. He looked so happy that it made me feel sick.
"Can't wait!" he exclaimed, bounding forward to place a kiss on my forehead. "I'll text you the details!"
He left, bouncing in joy and I watched him go until he disappeared down the street. I closed the door, leaning against it and feeling thoroughly drained. My fingers brushed against the spot where he'd kissed me.

Lloyd Garmadon, just how am I meant to feel about you?


A week later and I was waiting to be picked up by Lloyd for our date.

I was queasy about it the entire week and I had no one to turn to about it. Naomi was away tramping with her family, mum was stressed about her new job and I couldn't find the right time, Claire and Aaliyah -
Well, I could already guess what they'd suggest.
So I tried to push it to the back of my mind and focus on other things. Of course, by doing that, it felt like the dreaded day arrived sooner than it actually had. Like I had no time to mentally prepare myself for it.

A knock on the door informed me of his arrival and it made my heart jump up my throat. I felt like I was stepping into an exam that I hadn't studied for.
"Lloyd," I greeted quietly, smiling. Stress made my palms clammy. "Hey."
"Hi," he replied, hands in his pants pockets awkwardly. He nodded at my ankle. "Feeling better?"
I lifted my foot and jiggled it. I was still wearing the compression sock the ice ninja gave me and the pain still niggled from time to time, but it was certainly feeling better.

"I reckon," I hummed, returning my gaze to his face. He seemed tense. Nervous?
"Shall we get going?" he asked. I nodded, shutting the door behind me and following him to his beaten, old car. Something I could appreciate - there was nothing quite as charming as an old car that's been places.
The car drive was silent and tense.
The sun was already beginning to dip beyond the horizon when we arrived at our destination. I stared out the window with wide eyes as we pulled into the carpark, staring at the assortment of rides and stalls that stretched beyond the walls that were strung with fairy lights.

"You ever been to Mega Monster Amusement Park?" Lloyd asked, a hint of humour in his tone. Probably because of the look on my face.
"Once, when I was younger," I replied. I could barely remember it at all, aside from that it was a flurry of lights, entertainment and candy. "It was a long time ago."
He parked the car and we hopped out, stretching for a short while before setting off to the gates. The sky was red with sunset, dappling the clouds as it slowly grew darker.
The lights from the rides and various stalls coated the place in a vibrant rainbow of neon and although it was late, it was still full of people milling around playing games, eating the standard carnival food and lining up for rides.
Once we each exchanged some money for tokens, the hunt for our first activity had begun.

"You pick the first game," he offered, letting me take the lead. I hummed, staring at the first group of games and rides before pointing at a darts stall. On its prize wall was an assortment of stuffed monstrosities that looked like toys had been ripped apart and stitched back together. A walrus had a horse head.
"That one looks interesting."
The carny told us the rules and I paid the token. Three darts and you get a small plastic toy prize. Five and you get one of the monstrosities.
I totally failed. Lloyd came in and got perfect bullseyes every time.

"Lucky shot," he brushed it off sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck while I stared at him in shock. A second later, a monster with a tiger's body, unicorn head and teddy bear legs was in my arms.
He picked the next attraction, the rollercoaster. By the time that was over, I was sure my organs were in all the wrong places. I was just glad that we didn't decide to eat first.
Lloyd enjoyed it, though. The awkwardness from before had completely dissipated into innocent excitement as he took in the sights, sounds and people. He looked like a kid on Christmas.

"Okay, are you like some secret carnival master or something?" I asked as he was handed a large stuffed polar bear. He had completely destroyed game after game. Our prize haul was racking up swiftly.
"I'm just lucky," he shrugged, making me pull a face in disbelief. "Let's take these back to the car. I don't know how much more we can carry."
We squeezed the toys into the backseat before returning to the grounds, still more than half of the park to explore.
We played bumper cars, slumped on the carousel, screamed on one of those death machines where it climbs into the sky and drops suddenly. I had no time to debate whether I should trust him or not, the thoughts on it having completely slipped my mind.
"You hungry?" he asked, shouting over the noise as we passed a particularly busy area.
"Only if we aren't going on any more rides!" I called back, giggling. "I don't know if I would be able to hold it down."
"I think we've been on pretty much every ride!" he replied. "The good ones, anyway. Let's get some hot dogs."

After getting some food, we strolled through the rest of the park while munching. By then it was well and truly dark but the carnival lights had everything lit up. You could feel the joy in the air.
"Can we go in there?" I asked, pointing at a fortune teller's tent. Lloyd subtly pulled a face but nodded.
The inside of the tent was decorated with animal skulls and incense. Candles were dotted here and there while a man loaded with heavy jewellery sat behind a table. Tarot cards sat before him.
"I was wondering when you two would appear," he began, staring at us with intense eyes. I stood a little bit more behind Lloyd's shoulder. The man gestures to the pillows on the ground at our feet. "Take a seat and let us read your futures."

We hesitantly sat and the man set to work, swiftly pouring some small cups of tea. He worked fluently, as if he'd done this his entire life. He stilled so Lloyd and I quickly downed our tea.
As soon as we set our cups down, he grabbed them and stared hard at the leaves. Just as I was beginning to think the entire thing was ridiculous, he began to speak.
"You're experiencing stress," he said to me, squinting at the bottom of the cup. "Stress you haven't felt before. Your life is about to take a drastic change but your trust will be your saviour. Beware the waking dead."
I'm sorry? Waking dead?? Genuine fear slithered up my spine.
"As for you..." the man quickly discarded my cup in favour of Lloyd's. "Your past is plagued but your future is clear. You have some troubling times ahead but you will succeed. She in white will try to deceive you. Be vigilant."
Lloyd stared at him with an indifferent expression.
"Uh, thanks," he said oddly before standing. "Have a good evening."
"Thank you," I squeaked unsurely, following Lloyd as he began to leave the tent. Just as we slipped outside, the man grabbed Lloyd's wrist.

"You cannot hide it from her for much longer. She will know."
"Kn- know what?" he anxiously asked.
"Everything that you're trying to hide," he stated in a voice that might not have sounded like his own.
He slipped back inside and we were left staring. Lloyd's gaze jumped to mine.
"That was, uh..."
"Something," I finished, nodding my head and feeling more than a little bewildered. "Definitely something."
Lloyd hummed.
"I'll be right back," I told him, beginning to walk backwards. "I just need to go toilet."
He gave a thumbs up and leaned against a spotlight stand. I quickly disappeared into a stall.
Walking dead? I wanted to snort.

When I got back out, a small crowd of people around our age had appeared around Lloyd. At first, my heart soared upon the thought of meeting some new kids that I'd more than likely be going to school with. Then I saw the way they had begun to push Lloyd around. My pace quickened.
A boy with an irritating face and brown hair swept to the side was the loudest of the lot, obviously some kind of leader. He was wearing a Ninjago High jacket and my fists clenched. He was one of Lloyd's bullies, no doubt.
"... this place is meant for people having fun, not to scheme the city's demise, you know," the brown haired boy snorted, shoving Lloyd's shoulder back. His face was spookily blank. My stomach clenched upon seeing his expression.
"I can't believe you thought you could just show up here," the boy continued to taunt. "You know this is our place."
"It's a public park, Chen," Lloyd muttered. 'Chen' slung an arm around Lloyd and leant in close, making him stumble.
"What was that? Did you say something? I couldn't hear it over the stench of disappointment."

"Hey," I squeezed my way through the crowd of snickering teenagers, lead forward by that tugging sensation. Lloyd began subtly shaking his head at me, suddenly looking scared. I ignored him. "Leave him alone. Don't you have anything better to do?"
"Ohoh, what's this?" Chen sneered, standing up from Lloyd and staring me up and down. "You got yourself an evil empress? Aw, I'm so happy for you, Garmaboy."
Lloyd's face twitched but he didn't respond. He swallowed sharply.
"I said leave him alone," I repeated. The tugging sensation was building in my gut.
"Maybe she's his guard dog," someone else laughed.
"He probably manipulated her into going out with him," Chen snickered to his friends. "Like how his dad manipulated his mother. If it weren't for that, Garmaboy would've never been born. Hey!" he leant in close to my face and began speaking slowly and loudly; "blink twice if you're being held against your will!"

"You're pathetic," I spat.
"Y/n..." Lloyd murmured in warning.
"I'm pathetic?" Chen repeated in faux shock. "My, my, my. Do you know who you're hanging out with? That's Lord Garmadon's son, sweetheart. If anyone here is pathetic, it's him. You know, we all would've been way better off if he'd never been born. You shouldn't end up like his mother. You know who she is, right? Totally outcasted by society. But as she should be, for falling in love with that monster and having his spawn-"

I didn't realise I'd punched him across the face until he stumbled back in shock, landing on his behind.
"Y/n!" Lloyd exclaimed, rushing forward and pulling me back a few steps.
Chen, silent and on the ground, lifted his hand to his nose and pulled it away. It was bleeding. The sight of it must've snapped him out of his stupor.
"You crazy bitch!" Chen bellowed, scrambling to his feet. Lloyd stepped in front of me but Chen was fixated on me, pointing an accusing finger in my direction. "You broke my fucking nose! You- your life is so over-"
"Go home, asshole," I lividly spat from around Lloyd's arm. He hissed another warning at me. Chen wrung his hands, shaking his hair to the side and storming forward a few steps. Someone forcibly pulled Lloyd out from in front of me.

"You know," Chen laughed humourlessly as he approached. "I don't punch girls, but maybe just to teach you-"
Lloyd caught his wrist before Chen could even land his punch.
"Don't touch her," he snarled, eyes flashing red. My heart skipped a beat. Chen stumbled back.
"Let's go," Lloyd ordered, grabbing my wrist and pulling me away, hurrying us from the scene. I followed blankly, absolutely bewildered by what had just transpired.
Lloyd pulled me out of the park, turning to the side and down a dark alleyway. He abruptly released me and began punching the brick wall in frustration.
"Lloyd!" I gasped, rushing forward and catching his fist before he could damage his hand any more. "Lloyd, stop it!"

"Why'd you do that for?" Lloyd hissed, turning to me with his red eyes. "You didn't have to get involved! Now you're going to be-"
"I couldn't just stand there!"
"OF COURSE YOU COULD!" he exploded, breathing heavily. I flinched.
Upon realising what he'd done, he stumbled back. The red vanished from his eyes with a blink and a look of utter sorrow replaced his anger. Finding the wall, he slid to the ground and hugged his knees, hiding his face. I was frozen to where I stood.
"I'm sorry," his muffled voice was soft and choked with emotion. "I- I'm so sorry. It's all my fault."

"No!" I shook my head, stepping up to and crouching before him. "It's not your fault! It's never your fault!"
"It's my-"
He huffed, shifting his head to peak over my arms. I smiled encouragingly at him, holding out my hand.
"I lost control again," he sighed, sliding his hand into mine. "I should've controlled it. I'm sorry. Did I scare you?"
I shrugged loftily. "It was kinda hot." I was definitely scared but he didn't need to hear it.
He spluttered, face beginning to burn. I snickered, shaking my head.
"Lloyd, it takes more than red eyes and mean reflexes to scare me away," I grinned, rubbing my thumb in circles over the back of his hand. "Besides, you saved me from getting punched. It would've ruined my pretty face!"
"We can't have that," he choked a laugh. I shook my head, something warm and pleasant blooming within my chest.

I pulled him to his feet and he dropped his head onto my shoulder, hands resting on my waist. Beginning to run my fingers through his blonde hair, I gently shrugged.
"Also, I lost control, too. I can't believe I punched him! Not that he didn't deserve it - he totally had it coming."
"It was a good punch," he reluctantly agreed with a small nod.
"Really?" I tilted my head, softly scratching his head. "It's the first time I did it when I wasn't in a controlled environment. It was invigorating!"
His hands squeezed my waist in humour.
"Don't make it a habit," he teased.
"I can't promise that," I said airily. "Now, lets go. I'm starting to get cold. Do you want me to drive?"
He nodded small, pulling out his keys. I snagged them from his grasp and planted a quick kiss on his cheek.
"Come on!" I said eagerly, grabbing his hands and pulling him towards his car. "I want to get pizza on the way home. Carnival food is way too expensive for what it is."

Unlocking the car and adding what we had left to our stash of prizes, I started the car and pulled out from the lot. It was quite a drive back to my place but the promise of warm pizza gave me something to look forward to.
Lloyd called to order a pizza for him and myself so when we arrived it was ready and waiting.
"We should go up to the lookout to eat," Lloyd suggested, so I urged the car up the steep road to the highest peak in the outskirts of the city.
Car parked and pizza on the hood, we sat in silence while we ate, leaning against his car. The view was insane. You could see the whole city and Lloyd laughed when my eyes first landed on the spectacle. The city sprawled for miles, tiny lights zooming by as cars made their ways down streets and sky trains passing above head on their alleviated tracks.

"Can I ask you a question?" Lloyd asked. I hummed. "When you first found out about my father, did you hate me?"
I choked on my mouthful. Lloyd glanced at me in alarm as I quickly swallowed.
"No," I shook my head truthfully. "I was a little apprehensive, sure, because I heard all these horrible stories. But they didn't sound like you at all. I had a gut feeling that it was all rumours and stuff taken out of proportion so I wanted to know who you were myself."
Lloyd continued to stare at me. I smiled at him, picking up another slice of pizza.
"I'm glad my gut feeling was right," I hummed.
"You amaze me," he breathed. I bashfully blushed, flipping my hair over my shoulder.
"Really?" I fluttered my eyes. He snorted.
"Which toys do you want?" Lloyd asked, nodding back to the haul in the backseat. I shrugged, unbothered.
"I don't mind. As long as I get to keep the tiger unicorn eyesore then I'm happy."

Lloyd reached into the back and threw one at me.
"What about this?"
I caught it and glanced up at him awkwardly. It was a green ninja plushie.
"Is this weird, though?"
"Not at all," he shook his head. "I don't need any of these. Should we drop them off at the orphanage?"
"Careful," I warned, tone serious. "I might just marry you on the spot."
Lloyd chuckled and even though the only light was coming from the city way below, I could see the blush on his face. He walked forward and captured me between his arms. I had to sit back on his hood.
"You say that like it's a bad thing."
"Depends for how long you know me," I lifted a shoulder. He fell into laughter, dropping his head onto my shoulder. He placed a quick kiss on my neck and I stiffened, my own face burning.

"Shall we get going?" he asked, detaching himself and crushing the pizza box to put it in the bin. "We can drop the toys off tomorrow if you'd like?"
"Yeah," I smiled at him and that tugging sensation led me into his arms. Or maybe it was just me. "I'd like that."

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