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|| warning ||

chaos theory has mature themes such as gore, violence, sexual themes, death, consumption of alcohol, intoxication and cussing. chaos theory is not intended for younger viewers.
trigger warnings will be placed on chapters as they are needed. if you have any questions or issues please contact me.

"Where are we going again?" Kai Smith, the resident master of fire and also resident one-of-my-best-friends asked.

With a subtle peek up to the rooftops, I caught sight of the ninja draped in red, peering across the city. The late morning sun caught behind his figure and I had to drop my gaze away, blinking heavily at the bright colours that had taken residence in my sight.
"I told you before," I replied to Kai with a smile, speaking through my phone that was hooked up to the communication link embedded in the hood of his gi. The colours in my vision dragged across the sidewalk as I stared down at my shoes. My fingers fiddled with the white cord of my headphones. "I'm getting Lloyd a present for our one year anniversary."
"Is it really your one year?" Kai asked confusedly, leaping over the alleyway break between rooftops with the lithe and ease of a cat. "Isn't this the first day you met him?"
"Well, yeah," I responded with a lofty shrug. "But we don't really have an actual day we became official, so we just decided on this."
And the day that we confessed wasn't exactly... pleasant, regarding the situation. This was a far nicer side of summer.

Kai kept in time with my steps down the street and whilst no conversation picked up again, I kept the call on just in case. It was less awkward this way.
Call it personal patrol, bodyguard, or - my favourite - babysitting duty, if I stepped out of my house or the monastery that the secret ninja force called home, I had to be accompanied by someone. A requirement, considering the target on my back for dating the Green Ninja.
While it wasn't well known information, it was well known enough by the wrong people for it to be dangerous.
My gaze found the silver bracelet Lloyd gave me for my birthday last week, our almost-year story told in the form of carefully-chosen charms. Then it dropped to the promise ring that sat perfectly on my finger, glinting softly in the light. The engraved dragon with a small, green jewel for its eye seemed to wink in the sun. My heart swelled.
No matter what sacrifice I had to make, I knew that Lloyd was worth it. And frankly, the pros of being with him far outweighed the cons.

"Let's hope this summer is less hectic than last year," Kai murmured. I blinked, sight returning to the bustling sidewalk in front of me. I sidestepped a few young giggling kids running through the crowd of people enjoying the first day of summer and tipped my head to the side.
"It'd be hard pushed, that's for sure," I hummed into the small speaker on the cord of my headphones. "What are the chances of being possessed in two consecutive summers?"
"In this city?" Kai scoffed. "Higher than you'd think."
I was resigned to agree with him.
Pulling my phone out from my pocket, I checked the time. I still had tons of it to spare before my date with Lloyd, but I wanted to make sure that I got everything that I wanted to. The most important gift on my short list was a bag of his favourite candy mix from Mr. Robuntusson's store, so that's where I headed to first.

"It's so hot up here," Kai complained when I put my phone back into my cardigan's pocket. I glanced up again just as he pushed his mask up a little and wiped his arm across his forehead. It was pretty hot for an early summer's day.
"I'm sorry," I grimaced, pace instinctively quickening. Then my apology turned into a tease. "I thought you were meant to be good with heat."
"Yeah, fire," Kai recriminated exasperatedly. "Not the power of the sun."
I snorted. "Weak."
"I'll like to see you try to walk through fire and get out unscathed," Kai boldly shot back and my amused grin widened in pre-triumph. "But not Lloyd's fire. That doesn't count."
My smile fell into a disappointed frown.
"Darn," I sighed. "I was totally gonna one up you there."
Kai snickered. I spotted Mr. Robuntusson's store and brightened. A few kids spilled from the entrance, each holding bags of candy and beaming smiles.
"I'll just be a second," I promised before ending the call, holding the door for an elderly lady and her granddaughter before slipping inside. The bell jiggled lightly and the sweet, sweet smell of a million different types of candies hit me like an addicting, intoxicating wall of sugary-goodness.

"Ah, my favourite customers," Mr. Robuntusson greeted with a hearty chuckle. He raised one bushy, grey eyebrow. "Or one of them. Where's Lloyd on this fine summer day?"
I fell into an easy smile. It was impossible to not be happy in Mr. Robuntusson's Sweet Shoppe, with all the pastel pinks and yellows and blues. Even the old man himself was happiness embodied.
"He's busy," I replied with a half-shrug, picking up a small, brown paper bag and shuffling along the rows of containers full of numerous variations of candy. I picked Lloyd's favourites without faltering in thought. "It's a special day today, so I'm getting his favourites."
"Is it just?" Mr. Robuntusson asked curiously, leaning against his bench. "And what might make this day special?"
"It's our first year anniversary," I replied, throwing a content smile over my shoulder. My brows furrowed. "Technically."
"My, a year already!" he huffed, shaking his head. "Time goes by so fast."

I exhaled a breath through my nose, watching as I spilled a scoop of sour worms into the bag. They tumbled into the small hoard I was beginning to cultivate.
"Yeah," I said softly, reminiscent. Why did it feel like last year was an eternity, yet as if it had passed in the blink of an eye? I shook my head and returned to reality, remembering that I had a fairly impatient fire master waiting outside. "Sorry to keep this brief, but I've got to go. I have a friend outside waiting for me."
Mr. Robuntusson frowned in confusion as I went up to the counter to pay.
"Why didn't they come in?"
"O- oh," I began, thinking in my feet as I quickly snagged a candy apple to add to my haul before I punched in my pin. "He's, uh, got a sensitive stomach. Can't stand the smell of candy."
"What a dreadful existence."
"I know, right?" I continued the joke with a beguiled smirk. I gathered my things before stepping back towards the door. "I'll see you later, Mr. Robuntusson."
"Don't be a stranger," he called. I snickered as I pushed open the door with my shoulder and stepped back into the sunshine.

I caught Kai's gaze and nodded my head to the side. He landed in the alleyway just as I turned the corner.
"What's up?"
"Thank you for coming with me even when it's super duper hot today!" I said brightly, holding out the candy apple. His amber eyes blinked in surprise. "Here's my treat."
He snorted at my poor attempt of a joke but took the gift, anyway.
"Thanks, spitfire," Kai grinned mischievously. "If I knew that I'd get free food, I'd come out with you more often."
"You'll have to fight Jay on that one," I pointed out. Kai lifted the bottom of his hood onto his nose and began to eat. I pulled a concerned look. "... are you going to be able to see where you're going?"
"Huh? Oh, yeah, totally," Kai nodded before making his way back towards the fire escape and promptly tripping over a discarded can. He landed heavily on the ground and I winced. The candy apple was raised to the sky in a effort to save it from a similar fate. "I'm okay!"

I stared blandly at the ninja as he staggered to stand and reorientate himself. He waited a second, blinked, then promptly took another bite and continued towards the ladder.
"You're gonna get yourself killed one day," I muttered.
"What was that?"
Next on my list was flowers. While we walked - Kai on the blistering rooftops and I on the overcrowded footpath - we discussed many important and socially relevant things through the comm link. Like whether or not the movie Snakes on a Plane was offensive to serpentine or if worms had coherent thought processes.
Yeah, important stuff.
"What did you and Skylor do for your first anniversary?" I asked once other topics of conversation dried out.
"Oh, man," Kai laughed sheepishly. "I took her for a rowboat ride in Kagami Lake. Then I fell overboard. And I can't swim... also afraid of deep water."

I stared hard at the sidewalk as I took what he said. My mouth was open a little, and it was a bit hard to compute. I ran it through my brain a couple more times before I found my voice once more.
"What?" I asked. My brows furrowed deeper. "What? Why would you do that?"
"I thought it was romantic."
"Are you saying you almost drowned on your first anniversary date with Skylor?" I stressed, finding humour in it despite my incredulous disappointment. "How on earth is that romantic?"
"I didn't PLAN on almost drowning!" Kai countered.
"Why would you go out into the middle of the lake in the first place?!" I squeaked in exasperation. I'd reached the florist and started looking through their bouquets, skimming over the bundles of pretty flowers.
"I saw it on The Notebook, okay?" Kai grumbled. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw him take a sit on the edge of the building and grumpily cross his arms. "I got inspired. I thought it wouldn't matter if I didn't know how to swim because we were going to be on a boat."
"You are so dumb."
"Skylor had to perform mouth-to-mouth."
"So dumb," I repeated in emphasis, pinching the bridge of my nose. The botanist manning the counter sent me a strange look.

"Yeah, whatever," Kai sniffed. "At least I got a kiss out of it."
"I literally don't even know what to say to you right now," I said, picking up a 'romance-specific' bouquet that stood out - all lavender and red roses, pink alstroemerias and baby's breath, complete with white lace ribbons tied around the stems. Dimitri would have a field day with this bad boy.
"Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I'm not perfect," Kai mournfully announced. I placed the heavy bouquet on the counter and pulled out my card.
"Now the word must surely be ending," I muttered while paying. "Kai, admitting that he isn't perfect? Incredible."
"Thanks!" I said quickly to the employee before gathering up the bouquet and making my way out of the second sweetly-smelling store, hands laden with gifts. "Time check me."
"Ten forty-three."
"Peeerfect," I murmured. I had seventeen minutes to spare and it was only a ten minute walk to the cafe Lloyd was meeting me at. He'd been stuck at home for the morning, training with his father and uncle. It was his extra education - special sensei training, if you will. At least it gave me time to do this.

"You don't have to stick around if you don't want to," I said as I turned onto the street that the bookshop cafe was on - specifically chosen for today's lunch date, considering that it was the first time we laid eyes on each other. "I know that you'd rather be doing something else. Lloyd won't be too far away."
"Uh, yeah, would love to, spitfire," Kai murmured lowly. My stride faltered, taken aback by his mood shift. "But, uh... I didn't want to freak you out earlier-"
"What is it?"
"You're being followed. Couple of blocks, now."
My back stiffened and suddenly it felt as if the world was spying on me. The nerves tingled across my neck and my hair stood up. The bright, happy-go-lucky vibe that this sweet, summer day suddenly shifted into something darker and dull.
"What?" I said quietly, trying to not look too robotic as I forced my stiff body forward. Only a few more stores down. "Like- just randoms or is it..." My voice dropped to a whisper. "The gang?"
"Can't tell."
"How many?"
"Only two," Kai replied. I sneaked a glance out of my peripheral to the window of the hairdressers beside me and found Kai staring down at the sidewalk behind me in the reflection. There were too many people bustling on the sidewalk to pinpoint just who these two stalkers could be from a quick, nonchalant glance over my shoulder.

Thank femininity, I could stop my walk and pull out the old lipgloss I kept in my short's pocket to apply it without looking suspicious. While pretending to check my minimal make up, I stared at the sidewalk behind me from my phone's front-facing camera.
"Nya taught me it," I whispered, eyes darting over the crowd. A blond man with a cap stood, shoving his hands into his jacket pocket. His friend with dark, shaggy hair pulled into a bun pretended to scroll through his phone.
To make sure, I continued on once more, still watching through my phone. The men began walking.
"What are we gonna do?" I asked, slowing my pace as I neared the cafe.
"You're going to go inside and pretend you saw nothing," Kai ordered.
"Or I could gouge my thumbs into their eyeballs," I sneered under my breath as I stepped inside the cafe. The usually calming smell of coffee and old books did little to settle my spiking nerves.
"In the middle of the street in broad daylight?" Kai countered cockily. "That'll look real good to all the witnesses."

"It was a joke," I grumbled, planting the bag of candy and the bouquet on the booth beside me. "What do I do if they come inside?"
"They won't do anything with so many people around," Kai reassured, crouching just behind the roof's edge of the building across the street. I could see just a hint of the red of his mask poking from the ledge. "And you won't have anything to worry about when Lloyd shows up. They definitely won't do anything with him around."
"I'm not worried," I groaned, rubbing my eyes. This was supposed to be a good day. A nice day with Lloyd. "I'm just annoyed. Why does Axon have to be such a fuckin' pissbaby about shit that none of us had a hand in?"
Kai smothered a snorting laugh with a self-mannered cough.
"A lot of people do things that seem to be meaningless to us, but meaningful for them."
"He wants to kill me, Kai," I said dryly, crossing my legs on the cushion of the booth seat. "Whether I die or not is pretty meaningful to me."
"You know what I mean."

The men - whom I named Cap and Bun, respectively - walked past the window in a gait slower than a normal walk. I stared at them with a hard gaze, looking right at the blond's blue eyes. He dropped his stare to the ground.
Only when they disappeared from sight did I release the tense breath I'd been holding and dropped my head into my hands.
"I should've stayed home today," I grumbled, running my palms down my face. I'd already began to feel sick with nerves again, and the bullet wound on my thigh had strangely began to sting.
"They're only watching you because you're vulnerable," Kai said, trying to be helpful. "You're not as trained as we are. You're-"
"I know," I sighed, running an anxious hand through my hair as I tried to steady my jumpy heart. "I'm Lloyd's Achilles heel."
"Not just Lloyd's," Kai noted in a gentler voice. "You're family. You're all of our problem, now."

"Wow," I said, because not only am I a problem child to my own family, but now Lloyd's family, too. "Yippee."
"I'm trying to be sentimental."
"Sorry. I'm just trying not to have a panic attack," I murmured, picking up a random book from the pile on the table and skimming the words without actually looking at them. "Can you get my mind off of it? Please?"
"I'll do you one better," Kai piped up. "Lloyd's ten seconds away."
My hands fumbled and the heavy book I was holding dropped to the table with a slam. I flinched at my own interruption, shoulders tense, as I turned to the window and-

It was like the world turned slow motion.
All messy blond hair and dewy green eyes, faint-freckled cheeks and easy-going smiles. A loose stride, confident and at ease. A gorgeous man, a marble god come to life. He found me through the window and brightened and it was like the world imploded with sunshines and honey and rainbows.
It was impossible to explain Lloyd with the limitations of our current language, the appropriate words having not yet been invented. Somebody should make up a word that encompassed 'the face of Eros, the power of the gods, the playful innocence of a puppy and the mischievous nature of a dryad.' Or perhaps that's just Lloyd. That's what Lloyd meant.
I felt my entire body relax and my own smile pull at my lips when he entered the cafe. His grin grew until that cute little dimple on his left cheek made its wonderful appearance. He may call me his sunshine, but truly, it was him who brought the golden light wherever he went.
"Hey," Lloyd greeted, and his voice sent my body even deeper into a content reverie. The previous anxieties about the stalkers had all but disappeared; I knew that I was safe with Lloyd. Just until I could hold my own - then it can be me keeping him safe.

"Hi," I replied softly, watching as he took a seat across from me. I was too focused on his face to notice the flowers in his hands until he hid behind them.
"Earth to sunshine," came his muffled voice through the stalks of the bouquet.
"What?" I said, lifting my drifting head as it slipped into my palm. I blinked and my cheeks went pink. "Oh. Sorry. You're just too pretty, I couldn't help myself."
"Eughck," gagged Kai in my ear and I jumped. I forgot we hadn't ended the call. "Aight, that's enough sugary-sweet to last me a week. See ya."
He ended the call before I could say anything. Lloyd hid his amused grin behind one of the yellow roses he brought, having heard it with his stupidly unfair hypersensitive hearing. My pink cheeks turned a dark shade of red.
"I got you a gift," Lloyd said, nodding to the flowers with a dopey smile.
"I can see!" I chimed happily, sending the pretty yellow roses a smile. "They're gorgeous. Guess what I got you?"

I picked up my own bouquet and placed them onto the table. Lloyd chuckled.
"Aren't we just the cliché?"
I giggled. "Apparently. It's what I was getting this morning, actually. As well as this-"
I lifted up the heavy bag of candy and set it onto the table. Lloyd's bright smile turned even brighter that it could've been considered blinding. But then his expression twisted into a smirk.
"Ah, so that's where you and Kai disappeared to," Lloyd said as he pulled a sad, teasing look. "I thought you two were running off and eloping. I was afraid that I was going to have to eat self-pity ice cream with Skylor."
"Likely story," I replied airily, dropping my chin on my hand and leaning in close. "As if I'd ever choose anyone over you."
Lloyd copied, inclining closer. A small grin pulled at his lips.
"Glad to know that the intensity of my feelings for you are reciprocated," he murmured. "Not that I had any doubt."
"Of course not." I shook my head.
"Not at all," Lloyd smiled.

I felt myself falling deeper into his green eyes. So much so that I had to physically push myself away with the table's edge. Lloyd leant back on his seat, watching me as I bit my lip and glanced to the side. Why was I flustered? Oh, right. It's Lloyd. A better question to ask is when am I not flustered around him?
Even after a year, the answer is never.
"So, food?" Lloyd offered, gently tapping my foot with his from under the table. My gaze jumped back to his and I nodded. "What're you feeling? My shout, since you got me more than just flowers."
I hummed in thought, staring at the menu from where we were sat. It was late enough for it to be lunch, but early enough that if I ate a proper meal now, I'd get hungry before dinner.
Meh, whatever. We'll just get some afternoon tea somewhere before heading back so Lloyd can go on patrol. Or I'll just have toast at home. Unfussed.

"What are you getting?" I countered, attention drifting back to Lloyd. He eyed the menu for a brief moment before deciding.
"Big breakfast," he announced, and of course he would. It was probably the only thing that could even full him up. Ninja metabolism and all that.
"Big brunch," I corrected, referring to the time. He sniggered and kicked my leg teasingly. "Uhh... I'll just have the pasta."
"Alright," he said, shuffling out of the booth. Lloyd paused at the table and leant in a little, smile playing on his lips. "Hey."
Lloyd tilted his head to the side, so softly. His expression was even more dreamy than before.
"Love you."
My heart leapt up into my throat and I felt my cheeks return to red. The way he said it so casually, but meaning it in every sense of the word, made my stomach flip in a way that left me soaking in bliss.
"Love you, too," I sighed merrily. His smile quirked - probably amused by the state he could leave me in without even lifting a finger - and he turned to head to the counter, where our favourite blue-haired girl was working the till. Her lips twisted in discontent when Lloyd approached and I felt the same familiar urge to protect Lloyd bubble to the surface, the way it did whenever somebody regarded him in a way that was unpleasant.

I crossed my arms over the table and my head used them as cushions, watching Lloyd. This time last year (or perhaps a little earlier in the morning), we were in this exact same position. Except we didn't know each other's names and we didn't come here together.
Lloyd glanced back over at me and his cheeks tinted a pretty pink when he caught me. Last year, I would've dropped my gaze and blushed, but this time, when the boy with the green eyes - wise and warm and deep, so, so deep. I'd already fallen head first into them and there was no chance of me getting out - looked at me, I didn't cower behind the first book I grabbed. This time, a year on, I shamelessly stared back while a small smile tossed itself onto my lips.
The tug was still there, subtle. Dormant, in a sense. It didn't need to guide me back to Lloyd because I was with him so often already. The imprint had done its job. Now we were just riding the waves.
Lloyd returned, taking a seat across from me once more. I rested my shoe over his and sent Lloyd a teasing look.

"What did we say about yellow flowers?" I asked, raising a brow. "You still trying to friend zone me?"
"Ah," Lloyd said, leaning forward. I raised my brows at the serious look on his face and leant forward, too. "I heard what you said about yellow roses meaning friendship but I was thinking; hey, that's what other people believe, right? So that means that we can say that yellow roses mean love and it applies to just us. Like an inside joke, except it's not a joke."
I stared at him.
"I don't think that's how these kinds of things work," I said with a knit of my eyebrows and a little smile. "But I'll take it, anyway."
"I love it when you ignore the social norm for me."
I scoffed in amusement. "Dork."
"Moron," he countered, grinning. I gazed at him for a brief moment before giving up and slipping from my booth. I traded it with his, sliding in beside him.
"Too much of a gap," I complained when he snickered as I snuggled into his side.
"I agree," Lloyd said with a nod, laying an arm over my shoulders and bringing me in to press a kiss to my hairline. "It was simply far too wide. How rude."
"I know, right?" I giggled. I grabbed his free hand and linked my fingers through his, revelling in the sight of my smaller hand in his. It was ridiculous how perfectly our hands fit together. "How was your training?"

"As good as training gets," Lloyd said nonchalantly, speaking into my hair. He dragged an inhale through his nose before relaxing. "Tiring, but when is it not?"
I smiled as he exhaled a long breath. It threaded through my hair and brushed against my cheek. A kid wearing a cap passed by the window and I frowned slightly.
"I was followed on the way here," I said quietly so only he could hear. Lloyd stilled, breath catching. "Kai wasn't sure if they were from the gang or not. I got a good look at them, though."
Lloyd pulled his head away and caught my eyes with his.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah..." I nodded. But my gaze drifted and Lloyd frowned, unconvinced and worried. I bit my lip and forced myself to look at him. "A little shaken up but I'm fine now that you're here. I was ready to fight 'em, though."

Lloyd's frown deepened. Now it was disapproving.
"Not yet."
"Believe it or not, but I can hold my own," I said, holding up a finger with a matter-of-fact tone.
"Not to my standards," he pointed out. "And I'm betting not to theirs, either."
"I know self defence."
"You know basic self defence," Lloyd corrected.
"Okayokayokay I get it," I grumbled, rubbing my thumb over his promise ring. "No fighting for me yet. Let's get back on topic. One year. Woohoo."
Lloyd pulled a breath, nudging my ear with his nose. I looped one of my legs around his, just to feel closer.
"One of many," he vowed. I liked the way his voice held such a note of serious promise, as if he'd fight off the world to keep me by his side. My chest fluttered with warmth and I dropped my head onto his shoulder.

"Yeah," I agreed with a small whisper. Twisting my head a little, I found his face. I lifted a hand to his blond hair and threaded my fingers through his tussled fringe.
"This day last year," I hummed, sliding back his hair to see the small, shiny scar that started it all. "I hit you on the head with a skateboard."
"And a car," Lloyd added. I rolled my eyes.
"Yes, and a car."
Giving a little smile, I pulled away only when our food arrived. We ate in companionable silence and I pretended to be annoyed when Lloyd would steal food from my plate. He saw right through my facade. Though, to be fair, it was a pretty terrible facade considering that it would break whenever he flashed me one of his heart-stopping beams that could make my knees buckle should I had been standing. Thankfully, I wasn't.
"Wu and dad want to talk to you," Lloyd announced, mouth full.
"What do they want to talk about?" I asked, mouth also full.
"Dunno yet," he shrugged. He sat upright and widened his eyes, sending me an excited look. "Oh! I got tonight off."

I paused in surprise before quickly swallowing my mouthful of pasta.
"What?" I gasped. "Really? But you said that you couldn't!"
"That's before I told dad that it made you really sad that I couldn't spend the evening with you on our anniversary," Lloyd said smugly. "He caved before I even finished my sentence."
We both knew that I wasn't actually too down about Lloyd going on patrol - it was part of his lifestyle, and it was easy to accept those terms when I got to spend every other domestic moment he had with him. I was content enough with the lunch date, sandwiched between his duties.
But Lloyd was insistent. After all, we only have a first anniversary once. And we all knew that Garm was nothing but a big softy when it came to our relationship.
"Niiiice," I grinned, holding up my hand for a fist bump. Lloyd knocked his knuckles against mine with a childish 'pew!' and I giggled. "So what are we going to do for the rest of the day?"

Lloyd smiled, knocking my shoulder. "I know a place at the beach where there won't be any people. It's really special. I want to show you it."
"A secret place?" I asked quietly, eyes wide. Lloyd dropped his nose against mine.
"Super secret place," he said, copying my dramatic voice. I feigned a gasp. "And then I can show you my elemental water skills."
I gasped for real.
"I haven't seen that yet!" I gushed, excited. It'd been a while since I'd seen him use any of his powers, except for in training.
"Then I better put on a show," he teased, pulling away. "Are you finished?"
I nodded, placing my utensils neatly on the empty plate. Stomachs full and bouquets (and candy) grabbed, we made our way down the street to where Lloyd parked his car. I didn't miss the way he scanned the street with narrowed eyes.

"They're long gone," I murmured, slithering my arm through his. Lloyd grunted, giving another look before his scrutinising expression melted away and he regarded me with an enamoured smile.
"Don't worry, sunshine," he joked, nudging me in my side with his elbow. "Nobody's gonna hurt you while I'm around."
My foot caught on a lip of uneven concrete and I stumbled with a hissed gasp through gritted teeth. I straightened abruptly and ignored Lloyd's chuckle.
"Not unless I trip over and hurt myself," I grumbled. He shrugged a shoulder.
"I'll still save you."
"Such a benevolent hero," I said with a sarcastic grin, scuffing to a stop when we reached his car. I pulled out the car keys from his pocket and jammed it into the old lock, giving it a twist so Lloyd could carefully drop his armfuls of gifts onto the floor. We hopped in, slammed the creaky doors shut and I stuffed my nose into the yellow roses while Lloyd drove from the middle of the city out towards the beach.

"What?" I asked. Lloyd held up his hand and squeezed the air between us.
"Hand, please," he requested.
"Huh?" I taunted, tightening my grip around the roses. He pouted, watching the road.
"Yes, I do have two of them," I said with a proud smile. "Well done."
"Y/n," he whined.
"Whaaat?" I asked, feigning naivety. "I don't kn-wEH!"
Impatient, Lloyd had jabbed his fingers into my stomach and my squeaking laugh took me just as by surprise. I grabbed his arm with a hand and tried to yank it away, but he just kept poking my stomach and making me squeal giggles.
"StOpSTOPSTOP!" I gasped. "Lloyd-!"
He continued, nonplussed, a look of total concentrated ease while driving. The only noticeable difference about him was the larger than life smirk. Meanwhile, I was emitting a screech only dogs could hear and trying to escape his merciless attacks in the confines of shotgun.

"Th- this is reckless drIViNG-" I squealed, accidentally kicking the glovebox in my effort to avoid his tickle attacks. "StooOOOOO-OOO- OP!"
"You know what you need to do to get it to stop."
"I'm not g-" His fingers dug into my side and sent me reeling against the door. "Giving up!"
"It's only- OW-" Lloyd recoiled his arm with a shocked look. He glanced at me, gaze flickering between my smug grin and the road. A stunned laugh slipped from his lips. "Did you just bite me?"
I stared back, smug grin curling wider.
Lloyd blinked. He huffed another laugh and shook his head, placing his hand (now with a faint bite mark) back onto the steering wheel.
"Wild child," he muttered, pulling into the street that ran parallel with the beach.

"Last year it was the skateboard, this year it's a bite," I elaborated simply, shrugging as if it was the most natural thing in the world. "I've got a tradition to upkeep."
Lloyd rolled his eyes. An amused smile grew over my lips and I reached for his hand.
"Fine," I said, faking exasperation. Lloyd gave a giddy giggle before dropping his hand into mine. While our hands settled into a comfortable position beside his thigh, I glanced out at the beach and stared at the huge crowd, enjoying the first day of summer and soaking up the hot sun. I grimaced at the sand and glanced down at my vans - certifiably not beach shoes.
"I got you a change of clothes," Lloyd said, noticing my twisted expression. "I came prepared, don't worry."
I brightened. "You're the best!"
His hand squeezed mine. He stared out at the road with a hint of a cocky smile.
"I know," Lloyd said airily as he pulled into the car park. When we stopped, I slipped into the backseat to change.

"I'm wearing your shirt," I announced as I slipped it on over my old togs that I seriously needed to upgrade. Definitely something cute. Something with more than one piece.
"But that's my shirt."
"It's my shirt, now," I ordered, pushing my front through the seats and pressing a kiss to his cheek. Lloyd grumbled but didn't complain. Could be because he liked it when I wore his stuff and I liked it when I did, too. It was a good exchange.
I slipped out of the car to shove my shoes off and replace them with jandals. Lloyd took that time to get changed, too, and soon enough, we were locking the car and heading down to the beach.
"Alright, cap'n," I began, holding my rolled-up towel to my side as I stared at the crowd milling about the golden sand. He even brought my sunglasses for me, bless him. "Where to?"

"A hidden cove towards the north shore," Lloyd said, sliding his hand down my arm until he caught my fingers. A heat burnt where his touch had lingered against my skin. "It's amazing. You'll love it."
"I'll take your word," I said brightly, letting him lead me towards our destination. We weaved through couples and families and groups of friends that took residency on large picnic blankets on the sand, avoided being bonked by beach balls and patted the occasional dog that wandered up for a scratch. Finally, after successfully completing the maze, Lloyd stopped at the end of the long strip of golden powder and shells. It was less populated down this end and a large, intimidating rock wall cut off the perfect beach. I stared at it nervously.
"Please don't tell me we're climbing that thing," I said in a whimper. I'd seen adrenaline-junkie teens and the odd adventurous adult alike scale the jagged stones and dirt to the top of the shelf, some ten metres up.
"Nope," Lloyd said before carefully clambering around the lip of the rock, which had mainly eroded away by the lapping ocean. "We're passing around it."

"What?" I titled my head. "But there's nothing back there. Just more rocks and a bunch of bush."
Lloyd sent a look back over his shoulder and grinned.
"That's what everyone thinks."
"Uh... yeah. Because that's what it is."
"They're all wrong," he chimed merrily, easily shuffling along the rock. The large bag he had swung over his shoulder didn't even make him slightly off balance. "C'mon. Step where I did."
I frowned but decided to just bite the bullet and trust him. Hugging the rock, I concentrated hard on placing my feet in stable footholds, less I fall and shred my skin on the sharp stone. The jandals did not make it any easier.
"Watch this," Lloyd said when I caught up to him. We had made it to the corner where the rock wall dipped in suddenly, creating a raging, rushing pool of ocean water with a swell so strong that it was considered too dangerous to cross. Lloyd held out his hand and it was as if an invisible wall was pushing the swell of crashing water back, opening up the shore to pass safely. I opened my mouth to gush in awe before he cut me off.

"Can't hold it for long," he grunted, so I quickly jumped down onto the wet sand and scurried to the other side of the rock, where it opened into bush. Lloyd followed. Once he reached the dry spot of safety beside me, the water was released, and it filled the space once more with a mighty rush. I flinched at the thundering crash.
"... wow," was all I could say, breathless in awe. Lloyd grinned, readjusting the bag with a heavy exhale. "Let me carry that. You're tired."
"I'm fine."
I raised a brow at his puffing, still obviously not used to his new power. Lloyd relented with a sigh and slipped the bag straps down his arm for me to pick up.
"That was awesome," I continued once I the bag sat comfortably on my back. "Seriously, blondie. Incredible."
"It's nothing compared to what Nya can do," Lloyd waved off as he stretched. He wiped his sweaty brow and huffed. "She can split the salt from ocean water and make it drinkable."

"I can't believe you just manipulated water and brushed it off," I snickered, adjusting the bag. It was heavy - what did he put in there, rocks?
Lloyd merely shrugged.
"It's my normal."
"Still getting used to it," I sighed. "I'll get there one day! Right, you ready? Lead the way, cutie pie."
One bad thing about trekking through sandy bush in jandals - sticks and twigs and stones and bits of sand made toes their new home. One good thing about trekking through sandy bush with Lloyd was that it was if we'd been completely disconnected from civilisation. I couldn't hear one thing that disrupted the harmony of nature around us, excluding my footsteps and Lloyd's gentle humming. He was lost in thought, fingers nonchalantly linked through mine while he lead me forward with an ease that only came with doing the same thing a million times before. He knew exactly where to put his feet through the unmarked, invisible track. I was scrambling to do the same.

Sunlight broke through the canopy of trees above us, dappling the ground in drops of gold. It would catch his blond hair occasionally, setting it alight in a glinting colour of sunflowers and wheat fields. When it would catch his red eyes, they'd shift from a dark maroon to a precious ruby. Lloyd was so at home out here, in the middle of nature with nothing to guide him but his own intuition. I was sure there was something deeper to it and connected to his genetics, but for now I just regarded it as good memory.
A whiteness broke through the unending forest, nestled behind trunks and bush that had been our only home for the last fifteen or so minutes. I readjusted the bag and winced at it digging into my shoulder - I was eager to get to our destination so I could drop the bag and give my arm a break.
Lloyd picked up in pace, fingers tightening briefly through mine. He guided me forward with a excited urge to hurry, so I quickened my steps to keep up.
We broke through the forest and I had to stop and take the scenery in. It was a secluded bay with golden sand so soft and fluffy that I was almost tempted to lie down and take a nap in it. The water was a clear, larimar blue, reflecting the empty azure sky. The calm waves leisurely lapped the shore and it was all hugged by a through of greenery, trees full of birds singing their own songs.

Entirely empty. Entirely ours.

"You like it?" Lloyd asked with a grin at my stunned expression.
"Yeah!" I replied, nodding vigorously. "How did you find this place?"
"Dad found it centuries ago," he said, leading me out into the sun-baked sand. The warmth was absolutely intoxicating. "Says it's one of the only places that hasn't changed too much. Nobody really knows it exists."
"Wow," I breathed, letting the bag slip from my arm with a relieved sigh. It landed in the soft sand and I let myself fall backwards with it. The sand cushioned my landing. The sky had never seemed so blue.
I heard Lloyd lay down beside me, relaxing into the warm ground silently. We were far enough away to avoid hearing the chaos of the crowded beach. Nothing but the wind through the trees and the soft turn of seawater.
I didn't realise that my eyes had been closed in bliss until fingertips began stroking the soft skin on my cheek. I squinted a look at Lloyd. He stared back. I gathered my feet up under me as we did nothing but stare at each other for a handful of beats. And then I pounced.

Lloyd yelped as I clumsily but effectively tackled him, sending us crashing along the beach and kicking up sand. His arms instinctively encircled me and he grunted as I landed on top of him.
"Why?" he croaked pathetically while I reoriented myself to our new position. Finding my senses once more, I giggled from my perch on his stomach and impatiently flicked my hair away from my face.
"Because I wove you," I coed, bending down to touch my nose against his. I closed my eyes in delight. "I wove wove wove you!"
"Weirdo," Lloyd grumbled, brushing some sand from my hair before cupping my beaming cheek. His red eyes were half-lidded in undeniable affection and mine were the same. "I wove you, too."
I snickered and went to retort, but my words simply sifted into a captivated, pleased sigh when Lloyd pushed himself up into a kiss.

Ecstasy erupted within my body, dialling every one of my senses to eleven and training every discarded thought to Lloyd. Kissing him was like dancing with lightning, embracing fire and dousing myself in ice water, all at once. My brain turned to mush and all I knew, all I would ever know, was the feeling of Lloyd moving in perfect tandem with me.
His warm hand lifted from the sand to my hip before following down my bare thigh. It left my nerves sparking in its wake and a gasp slipping into the kiss. Lloyd chuckled at my reaction, throat husky with want, and it sent my body shivering. Only he could make me lose all sense of composure and rationality.
I cradled his head with an arm and held his chin with a soft hold, guiding him to tilt to that perfect angle that would make the kiss all the more blissful. He complied, soft lips turning against mine and the effect of the simple adjustment had my already yearning heart absolutely singing with adoration. The hand on my cheek drifted down to my neck and his warm grasp had me melting into him, wanting to whisper just how much I was totally, irrevocably infatuated with every atom of his being, every sense of his existence, but my mouth was a little busy at that current point in time.

Finally, my lungs began to beg for relief, so I leant back up to catch my breath. Lloyd dropped his head back to the sand with a heavy inhale and I was dragged back down by my arm around him. His hands, both of them now, held my thighs with a grip that wouldn't make me forget the feeling of him holding me there anytime soon.
My sight was fuzzy, brain blank as I reeled from the kiss. Lloyd tucked some of my hair back and bumped his cheek to my forehead affectionately.
With a sharp breath, I focused my vision on his pretty face.
"I love you," I said again, in awe at how easy and meaningful the words were when it was directed at Lloyd. A smile flittered over his kiss-bruised lips before he pushed them into a pout.
"I thought you said you woved me," he whined, bottom lip trembling. I snorted a laugh.
"Shut up!"
"I'm so sad," Lloyd complained, turning his head away from me. I planted my hands on his chest. "My girlfriend doesn't wove me anymore."
"Woe be me!" he cried. In retaliation, I scooped up some sand and flicked in his face. He spluttered in alarm, eyes shooting open. "Eughh, Y/n! That got in my mouth. You are so getting it!"

I froze, wide-eyed at his promise. I went to throw myself away to avoid whatever revenge he was planning in that head of his but I was too slow. Lloyd hooked his arms around me before I could even blink and then I felt the world shift dramatically around me as he leapt to his feet with ease.
"W- wait, what are you-?" I stammered, chuckling nervously as I clutched the front of his shirt. My gaze darted towards the calm ocean and I stiffened. "No- no, nonononono, please, Lloyd-"
He started off in a fast, confident walk. My struggles barely affected him.
"No, wait- baby, please," I said, scaling up his chest and caging my arms around his neck. The water was drawing nearer. "It looks really cold-"
"It sure does!" Lloyd merrily chirped. He wiped his tongue against his arm to dislodge some sand from his mouth and his red eyes darted to mine. They glinted mischievously.

I slumped in his hold, accepting my fate.
"May my death be swift and merciful," I mourned softly. Lloyd sniggered, feet sloshing through the waves. "I'll be seeing you, Elvis, my man."
"You're adorable," he sighed. "Hold your breath."
I sent him a pitiful frown before making a show of sucking in a deep breath. I waited for the inevitable crash of frigid water. And waited. My brow furrowed.
"You really think I was just gonna drop you into the water?" Lloyd playfully smirked.
I was dropped into the water.
"NICE," I yelled when I surfaced with a cough. I wiped my eyes and scowled. Lloyd was laughing wholeheartedly, thrown back by the sheer force. "Let me put my guard down, huh? You suck."
"Evil genes," Lloyd defended with a giddy grin, holding his palms up. "You knew what you were in for in terms of dating me."
"You are so lucky you're cute," I sneered through a curtain of waterlogged hair. "So lucky."

Lloyd laughed again, which he soon regretted when I splashed water up his front.
"Hey!" he chastised. I kicked away from him, grinning as I did.
"Gonna have to come and get me, dragon boy," I goaded, swimming deeper into the bay on my back. His oversized shirt I was wearing dragged through the water.
"You say that like it's a challenge," he said, cocking his head to the side. I scoffed.
"Stop being egotistical, green ninja," I replied dryly, rolling my eyes. "Being cocky is Kai's job."
Lloyd just raised his eyebrows in challenge and I immediately knew that I was in for a storm. I widened my eyes, waiting for the hurricane that was Lloyd proving me wrong, as I sunk until my nose was just above the content surface.
"Really?" he all but sung in a low tone that rattled my bones. Oh, yeah. Definitely getting a reaction. "Care to experiment?"
"You failed science," I blurted, lifting my mouth above the water. He sent me a pointed look and I shrugged nonchalantly, closing my eyes. "Jus' sayin.'"

The water sloshed as he moved and I reopened my eyes to the wonderful, beautiful, gracious, god-have-mercy-on-me sight of Lloyd pulling off his top. The only thing that could even hope to calm my burning cheeks was the chilly water. I watched Lloyd advance, holding his top in one hand as it got carelessly towed through the water.
"Hello," I said breathlessly when Lloyd arrived at my depth. "How are you today, siR-"
I cut myself off with a gasp when Lloyd trapped me against him, holding the shirt around my waist as if it were a shackle. Being locked against Lloyd? Absolutely, yes please, sign me right up.
"You're gonna eat those words," he warned with a sly smile.
"You kidding me?" I said with a shaky, exhilarated laugh. I let my palms lay over his chest, brushing over his scars with a touch like feather. "This is the most exciting thing all day."
Lloyd cocked his head to the side and his brows quirked up in question. How dare he look so cute, yet so friggin' hot.
"Even better than the powers?"
I gave a bitten smile and prayed that my bedroom eyes actually looked alluring and not like I was trying to read something blurry.

"Only because you're close," I said, drifting an arm around his shoulder. Lloyd's expression softened. "You know, this is being flirty, not cocky, right?"
His gentle smile dropped in exasperation. My grin widened.
"Oh, just-" he scoffed before cutting himself off by pressing his lips to mine. I giggled into the kiss, salty from the ocean water, heat bustling through every single one of my cells. Lloyd released the shirt in favour of hugging me close instead, pushing more against me, deepening the kiss. My heart was bursting with love and teasing affection while water droplets weighed down my eyelashes.
We released, eyes still closed. Breaths small and languid. I pressed small, lazy kisses to his bottom lip and he sighed in nirvana, dragging a hand through my hair. It was nice, quiet, peaceful. Until-

"Lloyd, your shirt's floating away."

After a couple more hours of fooling around in the water, the sun began to dip lower into the sky and late afternoon rolled around. I exchanged my wet clothes for the hoody Lloyd brought along in the bag for me and mentally high-fived myself for putting my underwear in one of the side pockets of the bag before we left the car. Never can be too prepared!
Lloyd gave me an even better gift than candy and flowers - snacks. Chocolate dipped strawberries, crackers, grapes, you name it. Swimming made me hungry and sitting on the beach, pressed up against him while I soothed my growling stomach with food was absolutely perfect.
"Happy one year," I said softly, holding out a chocolate-covered strawberry for Lloyd to tap his own one against in an impromptu toast. He chuckled, carefully hitting his treat to mine.
"Happy one year," he echoed, pressing a brief kiss to my hairline before eating his strawberry.
"Thank you," I murmured, stretching my bare legs out across the sand as I watched the sky darken into a violet hour. Pretty pinks and purples and yellows played across the ocean's surface. "Today's been wonderful."

Lloyd moved an arm to pull me into a tight hug. I blinked, taken aback, but happy to relax into the hug and hold him back just as vigorously.
"Thank you," Lloyd said against my neck. I smiled in confusion, head pressed against his soft, damp hair.
"You're the one who planned-"
"No," Lloyd cut me off and he shifted me so I was sitting even closer. He held me so solidly that it felt like I'd never slip free. I didn't mind that. "Thank you."
I went to ask what he meant by his emphasis before falling silent when it clicked. Oh. It was a thank you for staying with him despite what society tried to tell me. Of ignoring them, turning my back on the crowd. My heart ached that it had to come to that - not for my sake, not at all, but for his.
"Of course," I reassured, sliding my hands through his hair. "Anything for you."
Lloyd gathered me even more securely against himself before releasing with an exhale and a charming smile.
"We should get back home before we miss dinner," he suggested. I nodded, leaping to my feet to pick up the bag. Beginning to walk across the small bit of private beach, I got about three steps before Lloyd called me out.

"Wrong way-"
"I knew that," I said, turning on my heel and walking back past him. Lloyd smiled endearingly before grabbing my hand and walking in step.
He lead the way back to the car. Through the bush - which was even worse to clamber through with low visibility - across the heavy swell, and around the rock wall. I dropped the marginally lighter bag into the backseat of his car and gave a stretch, catching Lloyd's eye over the hood of the car.
"Nothin,'" he shrugged with a dopey beam. He leant his chin on his arms. "You're just super pretty."
I blushed. "Shaddup."
Lloyd sniggered before clambering inside. I followed, fingers mindlessly tugging on the drawstrings of his hoody. I glanced at him as he focused on reversing out of the dark car park, avoiding the cars of the night rush of bonfires and parties.

"Hand," I requested, holding out my palm when we moved onto the less chaotic street. Lloyd blinked, eyes jumping to me. I beamed hopefully.
"Nope," he denied, shaking his head. My smile fell.
"Awww," I sighed in mocking disappointment, dropping my arm to my lap. His hand landed on my thigh instead and my brows shot up at the change of plans. "Oh."
Lloyd grinned at the road. My hand landed over his.
"Oh," he said, echoing me.
"Aha," I said victoriously, pumping my free fist in triumph. "A loophole."
Lloyd sent me an amused look out of the corner of his eyes before returning his focus to driving. I watched the lights blur by as late afternoon shifted to evening.
Soon enough, we were home. Well, Lloyd's home, but I was around often enough for me to call it home, too.

"Wu and dad wanted to talk, right?" I asked as Lloyd put the car in park outside the red and black monastery.
"Yep," he said, having already gotten accustomed to me calling Garmadon 'dad.' It was just a thing now, I guess.
"Would they mind if I had a shower first?" I asked, grimacing. "I need to wash my hair."
"Nah, go ahead," Lloyd replied, stepping out and grabbing the bag. "I'm sure it won't break their hearts too much."
I rolled my eyes, leading the way up the old stone steps. Kashu greeted us as soon as we entered, the big boy almost fully grown and half-way up my thigh. Jay and Nya must be thinking about making his prosthetic soon.
"I'll be quick," I promised after pressing a kiss to Kashu's head.
"Do I get a kiss, too?" Lloyd pouted.
"Of course," I said in disbelief before kissing his pout. I stepped back with a cheeky look. "Who do you think I am?"
"The most perfect person in the world," he sighed leisurely. I snorted, turning towards the bathroom.

After the fastest but effective shower I'd had for a while, I changed into my pyjamas before scouting out the old Senseis and Lloyd, Meowthra at my heels. I found them in the scroll room.
"Oh, it's a proper meeting," I said, shuffling inside awkwardly. The cat meowed, winding through my legs and making me stumble. "Oh, gosh, please- stop-"
I managed to make it to the table without seriously injuring myself. Could hardly say the same for my dignity, but as if that even really existed in the first place, right?
"It's okay," I sighed as I took my seat next to Lloyd. "The comic relief has arrived, safe and sound."
Wu hid a snort with a cough. Garm bit back an amused smile. My job was working.
"Your training schedule," Wu said, pushing a small folder towards me. I straightened in excitement, pawing through what would be the beginning of my new life from here on out.
My excitement faded fast.
"Oh, wow," I said, forcing a smile. "That's, um-"
"Intensive," Garmadon finished. I nodded.
"Very," I agreed. Lloyd grinned at the expression on my face before pulling me into a side hug.
"This summer is going to be hell," he said, very helpfully.

I wilted, staring at what would be the entirety of my summer break.

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