seventy eight

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"Double date time!" Ambrose cheered as he raised his arms in excitement when I opened the front door. He stepped inside and cheered louder. "BATMAN TIME BABY! WOOO!"

Chen followed with a more placated smile. He shut the door behind him and held up a cardboard cartoon of glass bottles.
"We brought beer," he announced before bringing out a bottle of ginger beer from behind his back. "And this, because you're still seventeen."
"Only a few more days," I said with a grin before taking the ginger beer with a 'thanks.'
Mum had agreed to vacate the house for a night of hijinks in favour of meeting up with Aunt Rose and her newly adopted son - hopefully this cousin will turn out better than the last (though we, as a family, have decided to not claim Simon. He is in the trash).
"Oh, stop it," Ambrose said as he fell back onto the living room couch and made himself right at home. "You'll make me feel old."
"One; you've hardly known me six months," I started with a growing grin. "Two; dude, you are old."

Ambrose scoffed.
"Am not."
"Are too."
The master of physics sat up with a teasing glare. Chen rolled his eyes as he set the bottles on the coffee table and collapsed onto the couch beside his boyfriend (???) love interest? I would have to get the details from Chen later because there's definitely something going on and boy am I behind.
"I'm not going to argue with a child," Ambrose said haughtily.
I raised my eyes to the ceiling as if in prayer.
"That's what I was-" I broke into a sigh. "Never mind."
Chen changed the topic after tossing a pillow onto Ambrose's face. The boy yelped.
"When's Lloyd getting here?" the cheerleader asked as I stepped away to quickly pull some snacks from the kitchen that I had bought earlier.

"Soon," I replied, grabbing the haul and awkwardly shuffling back to the living room. I dumped the packets onto the table with a huff. "He's got training first and then he'll come."
"So what do we do until then?" Ambrose asked, pulling the pillow from his face. Chen shrugged before picking up an unopened bottle.
"Beer pong?" he suggested.
"I'll record," I snickered, holding up my phone.


Chen was in the middle of his third cup when the door bell rang.

Ambrose tossed a ping pong ball and I barely managed to swipe it away before it could hit my face.
"The doorbell rang!" he said. I pulled a face as I faltered, staring at him.
"I'm aware," I replied with a bewildered grin. "I do have working ears."
Chen finished his drink with a cough and he slapped the plastic back down onto the coffee table. Still recording, I made my way to the front entrance and opened the door. A large stack of pizzas greeted me, concealing the person's face.
"Oh," I said, brows raised. I stopped recording and pushed my phone into my pocket. "Hello?"
"Who ordered the pizzas?" the person said in a ridiculously deep voice and scoffed an amused giggle. It was Lloyd.

"Oh, my god she ordered pizza!" Chen gasped, scrambling into the entrance way.
"But she doesn't have any moneeeyy," Ambrose giggled from the couch.
"Then why the fuck did she order pizza?" the brunette said.
"Funny," I drawled at the boys, who found my dry comment the funniest thing in the world. I turned back to Lloyd as he poked his head around the stack and carefully stepped inside - face sadly void of my beautiful art. I shut the door behind him.
"It's okay, guys," he said with a bright smile as he placed the pizzas onto the small table. "I already paid for it!"
I snickered. Lloyd's smile dropped a bit.
"What?" he said, still smiling a little. "What is it?"
Ambrose and Chen snorted and chuckled.

Lloyd's smile dropped further until his expression turned blank.
"It's a sex joke," he said monotonously as he straightened. "It's a sex joke, isn't it?"
"Yeah," Chen chuckled. "You could call it that. Now get 'urry up and put on the first movie! I want them pizzas that Y/n's gonna repay you f-"
I tossed my slipper at him. It hit his face, stopping him mid-tease.
"Not another word," I hissed. Chen squawked in laughter while Ambrose tried to keep composed as he switched the tv on. I turned to Lloyd with an exasperated smile. "Thank god you're here. They're already tipsy."
"And it's only seven," Lloyd said in mock surprise. "Do I get a welcome home kiss or do I have to share your affection as well as your attention?"

"You're such a comedian," I mumbled sarcastically before pulling him in by his shirt for a quick kiss. He chuckled into it. Ambrose hollered from where he was kneeling on the ground.
"Oh, yeah. Get it!" he encouraged brightly.
"Oh- kay," Lloyd said shortly as he pulled away. I dropped my gaze to his arm with a snicker. "That's not romantic in the slightest."
"Nope," I agreed with a smile before flicking open one of the pizza boxes and stealing a slice. I dropped back onto the couch and switched the tv to Netflix via the remote. Ambrose 'oooooh'd.' I took a bite of the pizza and clicked play on the required film. "Alright, lets get this batman fest over with. I can't believe I'm doing this."
"I've never been more attracted to you than when you're watching batman," Lloyd confessed, holding a hand over his chest. "Truly a woman after my own heart."

"You're so dramatic," I sighed, pulling a blanket over my legs. Ambrose and Chen scrambled to the other end of the couch and Lloyd squeezed in beside me. This was not a four-seater sofa at all. Did that stop us? Absolutely not. I just ended up half-way on Lloyd's lap, anyway, and I certainly wasn't going to complain.
The movie was dark. Kind of grim. Classic batman stuff, but Lloyd was living for it. I'd never seen him so invested in a movie before and the look on his face made the batman fest worth it.
Despite that, I still fell asleep about halfway through the second movie. Content and warm and full from the pizza and sugary snacks, with the added bonus of being curled into Lloyd with his arms cradling me like the babey I am - it would be impossible not to fall asleep.

When I woke from my nap, I carefully checked my hands for whipped cream, just in case. Content in finding nothing out of the ordinary, I turned my attention to the boys and found them all chatting animatedly while the credits rolled. It seemed that I'd woke up just at the end of the second movie. It was a short nap, but a delightful one.
"She wakes," Lloyd said with a grin when he noticed me shuffling. I mumbled something incoherent and pulled the blanket up tighter over my shoulder. "Falling asleep, sunshine? What a terrible host."
I tiredly smacked his cheek. It just turned into a weird hug.
"Ba'man's too boring," I complained.
"Maybe you just have a terrible taste."
I turned my head to send Lloyd a still look. He gleefully smiled back at me, unabashed by my expression.
"Clearly," I said while looking him up and down.
"R-r-r- roasted," Ambrose hollered. Chen laughed. Lloyd pushed a dramatic frown.
"Why must you hurt me so?" he said with a fake cry. I patted his cheek sympathetically.
"Because you need it."

"Do we really have to watch another one?" Chen groaned as Ambrose pulled up the third movie. I resettled in Lloyd's lap, fully prepared to fall asleep again. "Can't we watch something different? Like... I dunno. What's on her list?"
A brief struggle was heard. Probably Chen slamming his foot into Ambrose's face and snatching the remote from him. The brunet gasped.
"Twilight!" he said. My eyes shot open.
"No," Ambrose wailed.
"Yes!" I chirped, scrambling upright and teetering on Lloyd's legs. My smile was as wide as my eyes. "Yes, yes!"
"Lloyd, my man, my hombre, my homie," Ambrose whimpered, grabbing his shoulder and leaning in close. "Please help me out here."
Lloyd narrowed his eyes in thought.
"This is the book about the werewolf boyfriend, right?" he asked.
"Vampire," I corrected with a pleading smile.
"Lloyd, if you value my happiness," Ambrose said seriously. "Please."

Lloyd gave a helpless shrug and threaded his arms around my waist.
"Sorry, man," he said as he nodded for Chen to play the movie.
"Thank you!" I squeaked, throwing my arms around Lloyd with an elated giggle before planting a number of kisses on his cheek. "You're the best!"
Ambrose slumped back into the couch with a grumble.
"Favouritism," he muttered.
"She's my girlfriend," Lloyd explained with a laugh. "Of course she's my favourite."
"Aww!" I gushed, snapping my drifting attention from the intro back to Lloyd. "You're my favourite, too."
"You bet your ass I am," Lloyd snickered. "Can you please get me a piece of pizza, my love?"
"Sure thing, my darling," I replied with an amused grin before reaching out and grabbing a slice. Chen gagged at our affection. I returned to Lloyd's lap and he helped pull the blanket back around us. He took a bite of the pizza (now slightly cold) before offering it to me with a hum. I bit a chunk off, eyes trained on the tv as the title song began to play.

"I haven't seen this movie in years," Chen sighed as he relaxed back into the couch with a nostalgic smile. "I just love the small town aesthetic!"
"Me, too," I sighed, leaning back against Lloyd's chest. "It's been how many years and I'm still a simp for twilight? I am a disgrace."
"You are," Ambrose said dryly. "You both are."
Chen shoved him. Ambrose laughed, palms up in surrender.
"Am I going to have to fight this movie for your hand in marriage?" Lloyd asked quietly into my ear. "Because I will. I'm willing to go hand-to-hand with a movie."
I snorted. Patting his hand around me, I shook my head.
"Nah," I denied, sinking into him and nudging his jaw with my nose as Bella began her first day at her new school. "I think you're pretty safe."
"Oh, thank god," Lloyd sighed in relief. I giggled. Chen threw an empty plastic cup at us with the demand to 'shut up!' because 'Edward's coming on screen!'
A valid excuse to yell at me for talking. I quietened immediately, attention zeroing in on the vampire clan.

I could feel Lloyd's amusement at my easy entrancement. He should be used to it, though. It was the same easy entrancement that fell over me whenever I looked at him.
"Does he think she smells bad?" Lloyd asked when the biology class scene played.
"No, she smells too good," I whispered back.
"Ahh," he nodded in understanding before dropping his face to my neck quickly. "I feel his agony all too well."
A grin had my lips curling. "Me, too."
"They're furries," Ambrose whispered to Chen. Chen just rolled his eyes in beguilement. Lloyd and I ignored him.
"So, I'm Edward and you're Bella, correct?" Lloyd murmured into my ear.
"No, I'm Edward and you're Bella," I whispered back. "Obviously."
"Oh," Lloyd said with an amused huff. "My mistake."
We continued to watch the movie in silence until we found ourselves at a certain scene - the one where Edward and Bella were in the woods, right after she just figured out what he really was.

"Say it," Chen whispered dramatically, voice overlapping Edward's while his eyes were glued to the screen. Ambrose dropped his head backwards. "Out loud."
I held my breath, eyes wide in flair as I joined in.
"Green ninja," I blurted in a breathy gasp. Lloyd snorted so loudly that it almost unseated me from his lap.
But then the movie got near its end and Bella got bit by James.
Lloyd's arms tensed. My eyes widened. My own bite mark began to sting a little.
"Oh, gross," Ambrose groaned.
Edward ripped off a piece of James' neck when he came in to save Bella. A pit opened in my stomach. Lloyd stilled.
"Oh, shit," Ambrose whispered, eyes jumping to said ninja. He was staring at the screen blankly and I felt fear and guilt smash through my stomach.
"I'm gonna get some water," he murmured before gently depositing me to the side and slipping from the couch.

"Fuck," Chen whispered, panicking brown eyes jumping to me. "I forgot that happened."
"M- me, too," I stammered, clenching my fists in helpless frustration. I should've remembered - I should've known. "Dammit-"
I stood, leaping over Ambrose's legs and scurrying after Lloyd. He was leaning against the kitchen bench with a glass of water in his hands. His gaze looked a million miles away.
"Lloyd- Lloyd, I'm so sorry," I rushed as I stopped before him, eyes stinging as total self-disappointment kept my breaths short and unfulfilling. "I'm such an idiot! I totally forgot that happened - I'm so sorry. A- are you okay?"
Lloyd just set a small, gentle smile on me.
"I can't forget the taste," he murmured. "I try so hard but I still remember."
I felt sick. Sick, because the only reason why he'd been tossed back into these dreadful memories was because he wanted to watch the movie for me. Because I wanted to. I'm such a fool.

"Guess I really am Edward, huh?" Lloyd mumbled humourlessly. "I can see why you make the connections."
"No," I stressed, slipping the glass of water from his shaking hands before he could drop it. "Pl- Lloyd, I'm- I should've known. It's all my fault."
"We're both monsters."
"Bella doesn't see Edward as a monster," I pressed, threading my fingers through his. "I don't see you as one, either. That's why they get married in the fourth movie, right?"
"I'm a monster," Lloyd repeated with a shake of his head.
"Axon was going to kill me. You did that to save me!" I insisted. "If anyone's the monster, it's me for getting you in that situation in the first place."
Lloyd set a confused look on me.
"It's not your fault that he tried to kill you," he debated with a grounded frown.
"And you're not a monster for saving me," I finalised, cupping his cheeks with a serious scowl. My face crumpled into an apologetic expression once more. "I'm so sorry for reminding you."

Lloyd released a long, heavy sigh through his nose. He stared at me for a few beats. Then he pulled me into a tight hug and dug his face into my hair.
"I love you," he murmured. My heart gave a warm thump despite my confusion. "We're such a hot mess."
I blinked, brain finally catching up to where we were. My hands found his waist and clutched the fabric of his shirt there.
"At least we're hot," I finished in a mumble. He chortled.
"You two okay?" Chen asked when Lloyd lead me back to the living room. He eyed the ninja in concern.
"Yeah," Lloyd replied with a tired smile. "Just add that to the list of things to kick the cloud kingdom's ass for."
"You have a list?" Ambrose gasped, leaning in curiously. "Like what?"
"Possession, my powers, our delayed meeting, our daughter," I listed off. "Oh and my mother's barbecue stopped working even though she only just bought it so I was gonna see-"
"DAUGHTER?" Ambrose echoed in a coughed shout. "Since when did you guys have a daughter?!"
"Since when were you pregnant?!" Chen shrieked, bolting upright.

"Oh- haH, uh, no," I shook my head. "It was a future vision thing."
"A what?" Chen asked.
"Ooooh," Ambrose said, closing his eyes in relief. "Thank god." His eyes opened again and he stared at us in confusion. "Wait, what happened to her?"
I faltered, words failing me. Lloyd squeezed my hand and guided us back to the couch.
"It's a long story," he sighed as he pulled me on top of his lap again.
Chen and Ambrose were all ears.

It was probably nearing on four in the morning when the two boys had been all informed and I was teetering between sleep and wake once more. Chen was sympathetic to the situation. Ambrose, however, went a different route.
"That's dumb," he said, and it made Lloyd bristle. "You two are so dumb."
I was too sleepy to make a retorting comment back about his face being dumb, too.
"Excuse me?" Lloyd said lowly.
"C'mon, Lloyd, you of all people should know how the cloud kingdom works," Ambrose huffed as he leant forward to explain. "If they want something to go through, they'll do anything. Even show you your worst fears. Chances are, you go back to the tomb and that little girl will still be in that future vision."
"What?" Lloyd asked. My eyes squinted open in confusion.
"The nerds up in the clouds played you, brother," Ambrose said with a shake of his head as he inclined back. "Like a fiddle. They probably showed you that to kick your mopey ass into gear and get back with Y/n."

"Oh, my god," I groaned, dropping my head back - because this was exactly the kind of chaotic bullshit that would happen to us. My eyes snapped open and I stared at the ceiling. That meant-
"Oh my god!" I gasped, turning to Lloyd so fast that I got whiplash. "She's-! That means-!"
Lloyd was staring at me.
"Go get your coat," he said in a hollow voice. He was trying not to get his hopes up. Having hope and then not actually getting the girl back would crush him.
I, however, was absolutely buzzing with apprehension. I fully believed in Ambrose's words. I gave a quick nod before scrambling from Lloyd's lap and scampering to my room.
"W- wait, it's four in the morning!" Chen argued after us, worried. "You guys should really get some sleep!"
"I don't think they'd be able to sleep anyway," Ambrose answered for us as Lloyd swiftly followed me to grab his own warm clothes from my room. "Damn, I'm so smart."

"Sunshine," Lloyd murmured as I hurriedly shoved my coat on. He was slipping on his own hoody and grabbing a jacket. "If- if she isn't-"
"She'll be there," I said determinedly before reaching up to press a quick kiss to his lips. "She'll be there, Lloyd."
"But what if she isn't?"
"Then we'll find a way to make her be there," I said sternly. Lloyd hesitated, frowning.
"How can you be so sure?" he asked quietly.
"Because we're stubborn," I answered before giving a smile. "C'mon, Lloyd. Let's go see our future daughter."
He spared me a small smile before following me back out to the living room.
"So what are we going to do?" Ambrose asked as we reentered. I gave an uncaring shrug.
"Don't destroy my house," I said. "We'll be back in..." I set a questioning stare on Lloyd.
"By lunchtime," he mumbled the answer for me. He was uncertain. I could tell by the way he held himself.
"Good luck," Chen murmured, eyes jumping from me to Lloyd. I sent a grateful smile in return before ushering Lloyd out to the backyard to make room for Bentley's entrance.

The dragon shifted on his feet and twitched his wings in apprehension. He looked no better than his master as Lloyd clambered up to the saddle. He helped me up behind him and I settled against his back, heart beating out of my ears.
I didn't know whether I wanted to cry or not. Laugh or wail. Crack jokes or wallow in thought. I decided to stay silent and focus on my arms around Lloyd's waist and the whistling of the air as we flew.
The flight was quiet in contemplation.
It was also very long. I forgot how long it was to Uchū's tomb.
I shivered at the thought - it was uncomfortable enough when we went into the tomb initially. But going in it a second, this time after having actually met Uchū?
That was a level of uncomfortable that didn't even fit on the scale.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked, shuffling closer.
"Her," Lloyd whispered and I barely caught it over the loud wind. "You. Us."
Us. The future vision that had been burnt into the back of my mind looked so happy. It made me smile.
"It's going to be okay," I soothed, patting a hand through his blond hair. He melted a little under the soothing motions. "It's going to be wonderful. I can't wait for you to see her."
And Lloyd tensed again. He really was keeping his hope at bay.

Bentley landed outside the back entrance to the tomb and I eyed the caved-in, charred rock wall that Lloyd had destroyed when he became a talking, walking (barely) green power bomb. I trembled at the memory and jogged to catch up, sticking close to his side while Bentley disappeared in a burst of magic.
"Ready?" Lloyd asked as we stood at the entrance. He caught my hand and gave it a nervous squeeze.
"Ready," I nodded, glancing at the side of his face. His jaw was set and his lips were downturned. I think he was shaking a little, too. Just a little - barely noticeable. But I did.
Lloyd inhaled sharply before starting off into the tomb.
"Grandpa," I saluted at the skeleton, ignoring the urge to cower away in disgust. The river roared and the waterfall thundered and I gave a shiver as I recounted yet another near-death experience. I had not been a fan of heights ever since.
Lloyd squeezed my hand again, guiding my mind back to where we were in reality. Just beneath the shattered ceiling - the ground of the maze above. The future vision was just above. She was just above... maybe.

I felt my breaths grow shorter in fear - what if Lloyd was right to be suspicious? What if she really wasn't there? What if Lloyd's own vision of himself, alone, was truly our new destiny?
What did that imply? I didn't want to find out.
Lloyd drew me in close and I latched onto him tightly as he airjitzu'd us up to the maze. My stomach gave a nauseating churn of both the mystical fighting technique and the anxiety of finding out our futures.
I went to step back but Lloyd clung on tight.
"Lloyd?" I asked softly, placing my palm against his cheek.
"I- I c-" he stammered, shaking his head. His eyes were clenched closed. He didn't want to be here. He didn't want to take a look and see his worst fears. "Can you look first?"
I gave a small, sympathetic smile and nodded. Seeing a vision without the girl or me must've truly done a number to him. I wanted to strangle those nerds.

Lloyd's fingers slipped from my waist as I stepped back and surveyed the room. It was just as before - cold and glossy and bright. I struggled to make traction on the icy floor as I slowly shuffled towards one of the walls.
My reflection began to grow more comprehensible as I drew near and when I finally stopped, I gave older me a scrutinising look. A wedding ring still sat on her finger, along with the promise ring - something I had mistaken for an engagement ring the first time around. I sighed in soft relief. At least there was still that. And it was definitely my promise ring - the dragon engraving glinted back at me from the ice - so I knew that I definitely wasn't married to anyone else.
But it was still only me.
Unlike last time, I didn't panic when Lloyd wasn't immediately there. The reflection detached from my movements and began her own, tugging on her kimono, adjusting her hair. Her eyes had seen far more than what I had, and I felt the weight of whatever was yet to come firmly rest on my shoulders.
Older me - she still only looked to be early twenties, so I didn't know how loosely I should use the term 'older' - found my gaze before glancing over my shoulder at where current Lloyd was still revelling in his own conflicted emotions.

She gave a soft smile and we shared an amused look. She probably remembered this, seeing herself through my eyes - how weird is that? It was getting complicated. Stop thinking, Y/n.
Just as before, the ice seemed to ripple as Lloyd stepped into view. Despite knowing the true desire of our visit, my attention locked onto Lloyd's face and I gave a dreamy sigh. How did he get even better looking? It didn't make sense. Make it make sense!
This was good. This was going well. I caught my breath with a bite to my lip as I slowly dragged my gaze down from Lloyd's face and to where she was just before - in his arms.
My knees felt weak. I released a shaky breath before scrambling to Lloyd and pulling on his arm, feet slipping over the ice in my frenzy.
"What is it!? What are you-?" Lloyd struggled, taken by surprise before his gaze caught on the reflection and he fell into me. I squeaked with a giggle, holding his weight up as he stared with his ruby eyes.

Another pair of red eyes stared back, curious and bold, yet shy and reserved. A spitting image of him, aside from the hair; the little girl - our little girl - held his gaze.
"O- oh," Lloyd breathed and I let us gently slip to the ground. "She's... she looks just like you."
I breathed an emotional chuckle.
"She's perfect," he whispered. "What's her name?"
"She's not here yet, doofus," I snickered, brushing a wayward lock of his hair away.
"Look at her freckles," Lloyd gushed, holding my arm tightly. Probably a little too tightly, but he deserved this and he needed to hold onto something to feel grounded. "And her nose. I just wanna-"
Lloyd's arms twitched, as if he were about to attempt to reach through the ice itself and pull the little girl into his arms. He dragged me into a tight hug instead.

"We're going to have a kid," he whispered, voice full of so much raw emotion that it had me rolling in them. "We're going to have a future. A good one."
"A wonderful one," I agreed softly, leaning back into his arms. "... you look good with stubble."
Lloyd snorted. "Noted." Then he squinted his eyes. "... is she wearing a batman shirt?"
I felt all hints of amusement drain from my face. Lloyd smugly chuckled.
"It's gonna be two against one on movie nights," he teasingly sang into my ear.
"Is it too late to return my future for a new one?" I asked dryly. But Lloyd's laugh - relieved, loving, excited - made it so worth it.

We stayed in front of the reflection for another few hours, lost in time as we just laid there on the cold ice and mindlessly talked. The little girl ended up falling asleep in future me's arm. Neither of our gazes could leave her.
"I'm gonna kill those nerds," Lloyd said with a shaky exhale. Even within these few short hours, we'd grown protective of the little girl. She didn't even really exist yet. "They made me think that I'd killed my own- fuck, I'm going to murder them-"
"N0, you're not," I snickered, resting my head against his shoulder.
"And why's that?" he said dryly.
"Because you're Lloyd Garmadon and you're a hero," I mused, pressing a happy kiss to his cheek. "Heroes don't kill."
"I am very willing to make an exception."
"Think back to what Ambrose said," I pointed out, brushing circles over his hands. "They're assholes for doing what they did, yeah. Do I want to punch them all in the face for doing that to you? Absolutely. Will I find a way to get to the cloud kingdom through the sheer determination of being your girlfriend and defending your dignity? You bet your cute ass I will."
Lloyd snorted.
"But," I continued. "But, and I know that you'll hate to hear this, but they might be the reason why we're... y'know, together again."


"Honeydew, think about it," I murmured, glancing down at his scarred hands. My thumb brushed over the mountains and valleys of his knuckles. "I ran out on you prom night because you told me that we didn't have a future together anymore. That lead me to get shot and you to... save me. We only started talking again after that."
"So you're saying that the cloud kingdom made it so that you'd get shot?" he asked.
"Well, now I'm really gonna kill them-"
"Lloyd," I stressed with a laugh. "It's okay. Everything's perfect now. We have a future. We have her back, guaranteed. Can we just... celebrate this before we start focusing on coming up with creative ways in getting back at the mini gods in the sky?"
Lloyd huffed, displeased at his lack of revenge. But then he glanced at the little girl again and he immediately softened.
"I guess," he grumbled. "What do you think her powers are gonna be?"
"I dunno," I murmured, feeling sleepy myself. "You think it'll be a mix or just one of ours?"

"I don't even know all of my powers," Lloyd murmured.
"I don't know mine full stop," I said dryly. "This is going to be tough."
Lloyd hummed in agreement.
"I don't want to leave but we have to go," he whispered. "You think I can take a picture of her? Will it show up?"
She did not show up in photos.
"We'll just have to keep coming back here until we have her," I suggested with a small smile. "I'm not opposed to it. Though we might have to ask Uchū for permission - this is his resting place."
"I'm sure he'll be fine with it," Lloyd murmured before helping me to my feet. "After all, he loves you."
We spared one last glance at the little girl before slipping back down the hole in the floor and making our way the entrance. We blinked at the harsh, bright sun.

"That feels better," Lloyd hummed. I smiled at the sound of the ocean slowly rocking against the cragged stone. He pulled me into him by my arm and I let him, shoes scuffing against the rock as I turned into his chest.
Lloyd engulfed me in a massively swamping hug. I held him back, a little confused but happy to receive the affection all the same.
"You're wonderful," he whispered.
"What did I do?"
Lloyd simply shook his head and buried his face deeper into my neck. I blinked, still mystified.
The sun was warm and pleasant but the grumbling of my stomach demanding breakfast had garnered the centre of my attention. Lloyd huffed in amusement at the sound.
"Okay," he murmured, pulling back only to step back in and pressing an adoring kiss against my forehead. "Let's go home."

Even Bentley was more cuddly than usual - and that's saying something. When Lloyd put me into his lap rather than behind him as we sat in the saddle, I turned to him with a truly baffled look. Bentley surged beneath us powerfully, scooping the wind in his wings.
"What's going on?" I asked before squinting my eyes. "Is this a beast instinct thing?"
"No," Lloyd sighed as he cradled me firmly and snuggly against him. His arms were as solid as steel. "I just love you."
"I love you, t- Lloyd?" My eyes widened when his shoulders began to shake. "Lloyd, honey, why are you crying?"
He didn't reply. He just dug his face into my hair and let his sobs get muffled by my locks. Bewildered, I stilled for a second before jumping into action, shifting around in the saddle until I was facing him, back to the wind.
"Lloyd," I pressed worriedly, cradling his face as his tears leaked down his cheeks. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

He gave a shaky exhale before hooking his hands around my waist and hauling me against him. I sighed through my nose and allowed myself to be his personal teddy bear. At least he was a cuddly crier.
Who am I kidding, he's a cuddly everything.
"Buzzy bee," I whispered, pressing a kiss to his temple as he hid himself in the folds of my coat. "Talk to me."
"I j- I spent weeks - over a month - thinking that I destroyed our future," he rushed, slurring his words within distraught mumbles. "I'm... I..."
"Relieved?" I guessed. He gave a huge nod and I chuckled sympathetically, slinging my arms around his neck. "You're so gentle, sweetheart. So kind. What happened sucked and I wish that you never had to feel that way - but we got it back, right? We truly never really lost it. You never lost me."
Lloyd inhaled deeply, settlingly. He calmed his shaking and allowed himself to slump more into me. Bentley gave a loving croon from within his throat.
"Never lost you," he repeated under his breath. His hands gripped my waist tightly.
"Never," I emphasised.

Lloyd stayed concealed against me until he finally pulled back with a sniffle. I wiped off the tears from his cheeks and kissed away the new ones. The salt on my lips just reminded me of how much Lloyd felt for me. For us, and it was a reminder that I held with such care and focus.
We went straight to the monastery. We'd already lost half a day and after the all nighter we pulled, we were both exhausted. It was more so lunch than brunch when we arrived home and it was finally warm enough for me to start sweating in my coat and jersey.
Bentley nudged me with a tired whine. I patted his head while I stifled a yawn.
"Food first," Lloyd decided before falling into his own yawn. "Then a nap."
I gave a needy sigh, closing my eyes in lethargy.
"That sounds amazing," I groaned, as if I'd just won a free massage and spa day rather than something so mundane as toast for lunch and a short sleep with Lloyd. I would argue that my version was still better, anyway.

Meowthra greeted us when we sauntered inside, threading her lithe body through our legs and threatening to trip us up. Her loud purr was insulting to our struggle.
We meandered to the kitchen and got some leftovers or cheese or whatever was in the fridge that we could snack on. Satisfied with our haul, we quietly leant against the kitchen bench and ate our fill. I leant against Lloyd while eating. He dropped his head atop mine.
Nya patted Lloyd on the shoulder as we passed each other in the hallway, retreating to his room for our much desired doze. Lloyd had training. He looked ready to burst into frustrated tears again, but dolefully got changed into his gi without complaint. I grabbed the blanket from his bed and followed the ninja to the dojo.
I wouldn't participate but I will be falling asleep while curled up in the corner of the room.
Garmadon was more than happy to have me in the room while the ninja trained. Lloyd was lethargic and distracted and it was very obvious that he wasn't focused at all on his training. He kept sending me peeks out of the corner of his eyes and then getting pummelled by his team in response. It was clear that his mind was still back in the tomb.

Garmadon was saying something important about technique that I probably should listen to. I tried really hard to pay rapt attention but the weights behind my eyelids were just too overpowering.

I fell asleep and dreamt of our life with the little girl.

It seemed that I was truly sucker punched in the gut with feelings for her. An innate need to protect both her and Lloyd.
It was confusing. It had my head in a spinning rush. She wasn't even here in the material realm, and yet-
Was this weird? Yearning after a daughter so soon? Lloyd and I hadn't been together for a year yet (but it was very close) and we were already enraptured about our future.
Then again, what's normal about us?
Whatever, don't dwell on it. Where's the fun in comparing?
Dinner graciously came quickly and Cole wasn't there, probably spending the night with Naomi again. At least it wasn't his cooking.
"Tournament time?" Jay piped up hopefully and Lloyd sent an exhausted, pained smile.
"I think we're just gonna head to bed." His voice was drawling and words were sloppy - it was clear that an all nighter was a terrible idea.
"You should," Kai snorted as he fished out a piece of meat with his chopsticks. "You guys look awful. What did you do all n-?"

Kai's eyes widened. They slowly drifted up to rest on Lloyd and I, stunned.
"Did you guys have sex?" he whispered, as if the idea was foreign. God forbid the baby of the team got his cherry popped.
I was too exhausted to be embarrassed. A slow, long exhale passed through my nose as I dropped into Lloyd's side.
"Not yet," I snickered lethargically, amused by our own inside joke. A tired smile pulled at Lloyd's lips.
"We were at the tomb," he murmured and then was suddenly invigorated enough to pull an excited grin. "We're gonna have a kid."
Nya's elbow smacked hard against the table, eyes wide.
"You told him?" she asked in shock. Jay's chopsticks was paused over his dinner. A piece of lettuce dropped back onto his plate.
"More or less," I sighed, wanting to avoid the guilt Nya would feel if she found out that it was actually she who indirectly informed Lloyd. "It worked out."
The remaining two ninja who didn't know (sans Cole, who was probably snuggling with Naomi as we spoke) were as quiet as Jay from the news.
And then Zane broke the silence.

"I dibs being the godfather," the master of ice said calmly.
"No way!" Kai recriminated hotly, pushing his torso up determinedly. "I want to be the godfather!"
"I will fight Naomi for godmother rights," Nya said, pushing her brows forward into a serious frown.
I blinked. This was not the reaction I was expecting, but it was a nice one all the same.
We'll leave the excited screaming for Naomi for when she finds out.
"Okay, well, you guys fight over that," Lloyd said as I stood and helped pull him to his feet. "We're going to sleep."
"Don't make the baby too soon!" Nya called. I flipped the bird over my shoulder and she cackled.
"I have never been so tired," Lloyd sighed as he dropped face first onto his bed. I smiled in amusement before pulling him over so he wouldn't suffocate. "Okay, that's a lie - but this is close enough."
"You need to go have a shower, stinky," I murmured, carding a hand through his hair. It was a little stiff from sweat from training. "I'm not sleeping next to you when you smell like this."

Lloyd gave a mighty groan before lifting himself up. He sent a pout my way, puppy dog eyes and all. It was a look that could make me do anything for him.
"Come with me?"
"Okay." I breathed a yawn. "Lemme just get some clothes."
We stumbled to the bathroom, tired and slow. I lounged in the dry bathtub while Lloyd showered, smiling contently as Naomi filled me in on her wonderful anniversary date she had with Cole the night before.
"What are you planning to do with Lloyd for your one year?" she asked once she found nothing else I didn't already know about. I gave a shrug, picking at the hem of my shirt.
"Dunno yet," I replied in a murmur. It was taking everything I had in me to not fall asleep mid-conversation. "I've been thinking about it but nothing really catches my fancy."
"Do you know if Lloyd's planning anything?"
I stole a quick peek as said man ruffled out his damp hair with a towel. My quick peek turned into a greedy stare as I revelled in his beauty once again. It was so distracting, curse him. The low towel around his waist wasn't helping my case.
"I'm a little busy planning her birthday first," he replied loud enough for Nomes to catch, with a cheeky smirk thrown in.

"Oh?" I asked, eyes wide in surprise. "You are?"
"Aw!" Naomi gushed. "He's definitely a keeper."
"I knew he was a keeper the first time I saw him," I said with a snicker. Lloyd's smirk widened.
After saying my goodbyes to Naomi, I finished getting ready for bed.
"I can sleep for a million years," I grumbled as we staggered back to bed. Lloyd groaned in agreement as he once again, collapsed onto the mattress. I collapsed beside him.
Duvet pulled up and just about ready to knock off to sleep, Lloyd suddenly sat up and stole my attention. I stared up at him blearily.
"Isn't it incredible?" Lloyd murmured. The duvet slipped from his shoulder. "That, like... people can just make a human. A whole new life. Whenever."
My brows furrowed. "Uh- I guess?"
"No, but- it's just- it's so weird?" Lloyd continued. He placed a hand on my stomach and my brows raised. "We're going to make a human one day."
"Nothing in there yet, buddy," I said. "Except for the rice we had for dinner."
"See! That!" he burst, eyes jumping to mine in wonderment. "You're going to grow a baby! That's where food goes!"

My eyes widened. I snorted.
"Y- you do- oh my god," I breathed, shaking my head in amused shock. "You do know that babies aren't grown in stomachs, right? The womb and the stomach are seperate things."
"LLOYD," I stressed a squeaking laugh. My head was thrown back with a loud snort. "That's not-! Oh, honey. You didn't get to do the sex education class, did you?"
Lloyd's expression was blank.
"There was a sex education class at school?" he asked. I just huffed an amused breath before patting his shoulder. My little moron.
"We can talk to Zane sometime about it," I offered, pressing a kiss to his nose as I tugged him back down to rest. "But until then, I'm going to sleep."
"Oh," Lloyd said. He blinked as I settled into his arms and stubbornly closed my eyes. "Okay."

My eyes shot open once again.
"Are Ambrose and Chen still at my place?"

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