Thirty four

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The Kooks
••• Junk of the Heart (Happy) •••

i wanna make you happy

i wanna make you feel alive

let me make you happy

i wanna make you feel alive at night


*dropkicks you with fluff* you're welcome

Lloyd was having nightmares.

I watched, stunned, from the doorway. Water was dripping from my hair and my pyjamas were clean on.
And Lloyd was crying in his sleep.
What the hell do I do in this situation? I'm baby! I'm usually the one who'd get consoled from nightmares, not be the one consoling!
Okay. Okay. I can do this.
Aren't you not supposed to wake them? Or do you wake them? Ugh! I have no idea but his crying is getting louder and everybody else is asleep and I'm panicking.

I stumbled over to the bed and knelt down on the floor beside his head, hands hovering between us, unsure as all hell. I wanted to reach out and maybe pat his hair? Would that work? Or would that kick start some of his powers in a defence mechanism and I get knocked in the face with his green energy? That wouldn't pleasant.
He was whimpering and my heart was breaking. Tears rolled down his cheeks as if his twitching eyelids were faucets, never seeming to end. I instinctively wiped them away with a thumb and his sobbing hitched. I paused. Shit. Shit. Did I make it worse?
He mumbled something incoherent.
"Yeah?" I hummed in response, quiet and under my breath, as if I'd been able to understand the absolute gibberish that'd slipped out of his mouth. He mumbled something again and I traced the curve of his lips. They parted with an exhale.
Oh. Voice. Duh.

"I was really scared, you know," I murmured to his sleeping body as my finger brushed up the bridge of his nose and the soft turn of his eyebrow. He sighed in his slumber, turning his head towards me. "And I'm sorry that I ignored you when you told me to go home. But I needed to stay. I had to see your smile again, y'know?"
I laughed humourlessly, shifting my weight as I leant my arm on the mattress. I lined his jaw with my fingertip, staring at his flickering, closed eyes while he dreamt.
"You've got me wrapped around your finger, you know that?" I chuckled dryly, returning to softly tracing his lips while his breath hit my knuckles. "I have no idea how you did it, but I'm totally, irrevocably and overwhelmingly in love with you, in all sense of the word."
My hand lifted to brush through his blond hair, the soft strands curling between my fingers. "From your hair." I dipped to gently drag my finger under his eyelashes. "To your eyes." My hand dropped to his nose. "And your cute nose." Then back to his lips. "And your pretty smile."

Lloyd hummed in his sleep, body relaxed. My heart swelled.
"I know that I say your smile is pretty," I continued in a hushed voice, the back of my knuckles brushing alongside his cheekbone. "But you're just pretty all the time. Even when you were pissed off at me for jumping into the fight and your eyes were red. It's ridiculous how pretty you are. Like - your eyes? Oh, my god. Every time I see them, it's like nothing else exists. Doesn't matter if they're red or green. But your personality is the kicker, Lloyd. You could've easily been bitter or egotistic but you're just. So kind. So sweet. How are you even real?"
I rested my chin on the mattress as I stared at his face. His cheeks looked a little more hollow and he had dark eye bags under his eyes. If it weren't for his breathing, I would've thought he'd been dead.
"I love you, Lloyd," I whispered into the dark room. "I'm sorry I had to make you wait since you were twelve."

He murmured in his sleep and my chest tightened. I just wanted him to be alright. Safe and healthy and happy. Like the future in the cave.
That vision. My breathing paused and so did my hand. This man in front of me was going to marry me one day. We're going to have a child together one day.
My heart swelled with warmth. At least that's one thing I can be certain of.
He seemed to have stopped shaking, slipping back into a dreamless state of rest. Exhaustion had kicked me up the backside, too, so I clambered over him and settled down beside him on the tiny bed, still stroking his face. I guess part of me just wanted to make sure he was really there and not just a figment of my imagination. It almost felt unreal to have him back.
A good unreal, but unreal all the same.

We spent almost a week without him and that week was so incredibly long. That week was so action packed that it felt like an eternity.
I was exhausted, too. I wanted to sleep, but I was scared that if I woke up, I'd be back at Steep Wisdom, no Lloyd, no Sword. I didn't want to lose him again.
So I stared at the ceiling as Lloyd's breathing calmed me while the Bounty slept. I was sure that I was the only one still awake.
I threaded my fingers through Lloyd's blonde locks, enjoying the silky feeling of his hair. I dropped my gaze to his peaceful, tired, sleeping face and felt lethargy knocking on the backs of my eyelids.
Before sleep could take me, I inclined forward and pressed a soft kiss to his parted lips. Just a quick peck, but nevertheless, full of all the love I had to give.

"Sleep well, baby," I whispered before settling my head close to his and finally letting my body relax. "You deserve it."


Sleep was fitful and terrifying.

I don't remember what exactly I dreamed of, but the feeling of helplessness and terror clung stubbornly to me even as I slipped awake.

The room was still dark but it was warm under the covers and I revelled in it as the sound of rain hit the Bounty's roof.
I released a strained breath as I stretched, throwing my limbs out over the mattress while clutching at the sheets. Damn, my body ached. Did I sleep wrong or get hit by a truck?
I turned, grabbing at my pillow and sighing languidly into the material. I wanted to sleep more but the recesses of my dreams had me unsettled, despite only being vague flashes and dull, faraway feelings.
Clearly my brain had lag because it took another full five minutes before everything hit me all at once - Morro, realm crystal, Axon, Lloyd, Lloyd, Lloyd-

"Lloyd!" I gasped, throwing my body forward as panic clutched tight in my chest. The bed was empty, but I swore that he'd just been-
"Relax. I'm here," Lloyd murmured from the end of the bed and it was like a switch had been flicked in my brain; I slumped, heart calming upon hearing his voice.
I glanced over, finding him sitting with one leg hooked leisurely across his thigh and sword in hand. He was sharpening it with a stone, taking careful strokes with a calculated expression.
"What are you doing?" I asked, as if it weren't already obvious.
"You should be sleeping."
"Look who's talking."
"Lloyd," I accused in a biting tone.
"I can't sleep," he hummed, lifting the sword to his eyes before returning it to his lap. "There's no point in staring at the roof so I may as well do something productive."
"You need to rest," I insisted, bunching the duvet on my lap with an upset pout. "You're worrying me."
"You kept grabbing me in your sleep," he hummed, abruptly changing the subject. I suddenly felt small.
"Sorry," I whispered, eyes jumping to his meekly. "I guess I just had to make sure that you're really still here."
"I'm not going anywhere," he promised, hand pausing.
"You better not," I mumbled.

Lloyd stared at me. I hovered awkwardly, eyes catching the duvet and holding a staring competition with it.
"C'mere," he said. I hesitated before crawling across the duvet to him. "Sit."
I obeyed, slipping my legs over the side of the bed. He placed the sword and the stone in my hand before shifting, trapping me between his legs as they dangled over the edge. He dropped his chin on my shoulder and grabbed my hands gently. I stiffened at the intimate proximity. "I'm gonna teach you how to sharpen a sword."
"I think you're gonna teach me how to have a cardiac arrest," I muttered. He breathed a laugh and I shivered. The rain had returned with force, crashing onto the roof loudly, creating a symphony with the shink, shink of the stone sliding against the blade.
"What happened back there?" I asked quietly, watching his hand over mine. They were slightly calloused from years of fighting and it made my heart ache to think of all the shit he's already been through without having even made it to proper adulthood yet.
Lloyd hummed in question, breath crashing against my skin. I inhaled sharply.
"The- the explosion," I stammered, eyes following the way his hand guided mine up the sword. "Your dad kind of explained it but I'm still confused."

Lloyd twisted his head to press a kiss against my neck. My heart leapt up my throat, hand pausing over the sword.
"Don't worry about it," he murmured, lips brushing against my skin. "It's just withdrawals. It shouldn't happen again."
"Lloyd, you exploded. Of course I'm going to worry. Is that why you train everyday?" I asked in a soft voice as he nuzzled deeper into my shoulder. "To release some of that buildup?"
Lloyd nodded. "The others aren't as vulnerable to it but since I've got all this power..."
I tilted my head towards his. "Bigger the power the bigger the fall?"
"Basically," he hummed, voice vibrating against my neck. "Don't think too hard about it. It's not worth worrying over."
I placed the sword and stone down and sent him a look as I stood. His grip slipped from me and I crossed my arms.
"Uh, oh," he said to himself.
"Lloyd Garmadon," I began. "What kind of girlfriend would I be if I don't worry over your endeavours?"

Lloyd tensed, staring at me with a frozen gaze. I paused.
"Girlfriend?" he echoed, a mischievous grin curling on his lips while his eyes grew darker. "Since when?"
My eyes widened in shock. "Since you kissed me? M- maybe? Wait-" I began to frantically backtrack. "H- hold on, I didn't me- mean-"
Lloyd found his second wind of energy as he leapt to his feet and scooped me into his arms, making me do a surprised oof!
"Generally," Lloyd began, pressing his forehead against mine with an amused smirk. He squeezed my waist while raising his brow, enjoying this. "Someone asks the other. It's not decided by one person."
"I'm s- sorry- I-"
His face was all I could see as it squished into a chuckle, green eyes bright and exhilarated.
"How should I punish you for this rude behaviour?" Lloyd snickered at my stunned expression. "Should I-" he lifted me suddenly, making me squeak and instinctively wrap my legs around his waist to keep me from falling. "Pin you to the wall!"
"Exc- excuse me?" I cried a second before my back hit the wall. I gasped upon impact and Lloyd took the chance to start jabbing my side. Squealing, I tried to pull myself from Lloyd's tickle attacks but to no avail. He was too strong.

"Maybe I should drop you," Lloyd grinned, brows furrowed in the ultimate gremlin chaotic baby expression. He hauled me from the wall and I clutched at him with a shriek at the sharp movement until I was dropped onto the bed, Lloyd hovering above with a bitten smile and caged by his arms. I was giggling and he was laughing and god, what I'd give to make this moment last forever-
The door slammed open and we snapped our heads to the entrance. Cole was pissed.
"Can you two shut up?" he yelled. "It is THREE IN THE MORNING and SOME of us are trying to sleep!"
Lloyd and I stared at Cole silently. His eyes widened upon realising the compromising position he found us in and he abruptly turned away.
"Make sure you're actually getting rest, Lloyd," Cole grumbled before hauling the door shut. His footsteps padded back down the hallway and it took a few beats before I eventually glanced back up at Lloyd. His green eyes drifted back to mine and they softened, using one hand to brush some hair from my face.

"Girlfriend, huh?" he murmured in a warm voice. Something pleasant fluttered in stomach.
"Boyfriend," I replied with an enraptured smile. Lloyd beamed, brighter than the sun itself, before leaning down and pecking my nose.
His arms buckled and he fell, eyes wide. He barely managed to toss himself to the side before he could crush me. I gave a stunned laugh, slapping my hand over my mouth.
"I was just about to ask how you could have so much energy," I said in a hushed voice, turning to snuggle into his chest. His arms immediately latched around me, pulling me closer.
"Even the green ninja has his limits," he hummed, fingers slightly shaking as he threaded them through my hair. "You missed dinner. Are you hungry?"
"Uh. Always."
Lloyd snorted at my blatant response as I swiftly leapt to my feet and pulled him up. I was buzzing, we were feeding off each other's vibes. How the hell we had this energy, I had no idea.

We quickly padded down the darkened hallway, hand in hand. The only light was spilling from Lloyd's room. We flicked on the lights in the kitchen and I made a beeline to the fridge, nails tapping against the handle in time with the rain pouring down against the roof.
"Well..." I said as I straightened, throwing an an amused smile from over the door. "Looks like we've got leftover pizza or toast."
"Leftover pizza sounds great," Lloyd replied as he leant against the bench.
"Perfect," I chimed before grabbing the plate and shoving it into the microwave. As soon as that was done, I lifted myself up onto the bench and swung my legs, staring at Lloyd.

He did a good job at hiding his emotions and that worried me. Just how affected was he really from being possessed? It must've been a terrifying experience, but he was acting as if it was just a walk in the park for him.
I got it. I understood him. After all, he's Lloyd Garmadon. Bullied because of his father. Hiding his emotions would be a daily occurrence, especially through school. It's his safeguard.
But... did he really have to hide them around me?
"Lloyd," I said softly, making him glance up. "... you know you can tell me anything, right?"
He hesitated. "Of course."
My brows furrowed. "Then why are you hiding how you're actually feeling about..." I waved my hand in an exaggerated motion. "... all this. Don't get me wrong, I love goofing off with you but... we're a team, right? You don't have to put on a facade for my sake."

Lloyd swallowed and his green eyes dropped to the ground, tense.
"Honestly, I just-" his voice cut off and he cleared his throat, looking away. "I just don't want to think about it. I don't want you to worry, either."
"I appreciate that but..." I sighed, slipping off from the bench and stepping in front of Lloyd, sliding my hands into his. His eyes drifted up to mine. "Lloyd, you have to talk about this. M- maybe not now, but you can't keep things bottled up."
"I know," he said in a whisper, bumping his nose against mine. "And I will. When I'm ready."
"I'll be patiently waiting," I murmured. "You. Me. Team. Remember it."
"I'll make sure to," Lloyd grinned lopsidedly before his eyes dropped down to my lips. His eyes hooded, he began inclining in, lips parting-

The microwave suddenly beeped, making us jump apart. Lloyd sent a scowl at the thing for the interruption and I quickly bounced up to it to stop the deafening alarm that would surely wake this ship full of highly-trained ninja.
"Mmm," I hummed, pulling the steaming food out of the microwave. "Reheated pizza. Not the best, but it'll do."
The rain had died down so Lloyd dragged me out onto the deck again.
"I swear to god, if you tell me to punch you this time, I will," I stressed, pointing at him with an angry pout. "No holding back. No cap."
"Wait, so if I ask you to do something, this time you will?" Lloyd titled his head with a confused smile.
Oh no. A flaw. My hand dropped.
Lloyd ruffled my messy hair with a fond smile.
"Eat your pizza, sunshine."
"Fine," I huffed childishly. "But only because I'm hungry. Not because you told me to."
Lloyd chuckled, bringing us to a relatively dry patch under the roof overhang of the ship. The clouds had cleared, leaving nothing but stars for miles.

"What do you know about constellations?" Lloyd asked as we stared at the millions upon millions of stars while chewing on pizza. I shook my head.
"Not much."
I could almost hear Lloyd grinning as he randomly pointed out to the sky.
"That's the First Spinjitzu Master," he announced. I squinted my eyes, trying to decipher the illustration. "And that's... the, uh, grundle..! I... I hate the grundle..."
I sent him a look out of the corner of my eyes.
"That's not a constellation," I accused, voice muffled by pizza.
Lloyd furiously nodded with a serious face, trying to get me to believe him.
"Yes, it is!" he insisted, pointing out to the stars again. "They're all absolutely, one hundred percent real!"
I grinned, knitting my eyebrows together in disbelief.
"Really?" I said as I finished my pizza and leant back on my hands, crossing my thighs in amusement. "Okay, hit me with some more of your totally legit astronomy knowledge."

Lloyd took no time before pointing at small cluster.
"That's the Green Ninja," he immediately noted smugly before turning to another random group of stars beside it. "And that's the Green Ninja's lovely fair maiden, whom he's absolutely head over heels for." Ohmygodohmyg-
"Okay, now you're just making that up," I drawled, my face furiously heating. Lloyd sent me a faux, deadly serious expression.
"Making it up?" he echoed, as if the idea was absolutely preposterous. "The very thought wounds me. Do you not trust my words?"
I snorted, shoving his shoulder.
"Not when your words are stupid."
"They're not stupid."
"They're about as stupid as your face."
Lloyd violently gasped, holding a hand over his mouth dramatically.
"You take that back!"
I grinned, shaking my head.

Lloyd leapt out, clasping his hands on my shoulder and the back of my head as the weight of him made me topple over with a shriek. Lloyd hovered over me, his outline glowing and strands of his hair highlighted in silver from the moon as he grinned crookedly. I parted my lips in awe as my heart leapt up my throat.
Lloyd calmed down, his previous energy burst making way for tender gentleness, stroking my cheek with a finger with soft eyes.
"I can't believe our second kiss was when I was possessed," Lloyd shook his head with a tsk. My eyes widened at the mention of it. "The betrayal stings, Y/n."
"Don't pull this card on me!" I shot, laughing in disbelief. "It was the only way to take Morro by surprise!"
"Ah, but my heart still aches," Lloyd whined, clutching his chest with a dramatic wail. "It can only be tempered with a kiss."
I snorted. "Right. That's about as factually correct as your astronomy knowledge."
"Your lack of faith disgusts me," Lloyd scoffed, closing his eyes and shaking his head. I sat up, forcing himself back with a grin.
"Really?" I raised a brow. "You know, I could replicate that kiss right here and now."
"Is that a challenge?" Lloyd inclined his head back in with a competitive smirk, eyes narrowing.

My stomach fluttered with warmth and I found myself slipping, losing this battle. I had to tear my eyes away from his and he breathed a triumphant laugh.
Ahah. I quickly changed the subject.
"Hey, remember when you told me that you were going to tell me about how your eyes go red?" I asked, peeking back up at him from behind my lashes. Lloyd didn't even have the time to be amused at my abrupt change in topic as his face dropped at the question.
"D- do you not want to tell me?" I asked, pulling away worriedly. "It's okay! If it makes you uncomfortable-"
"It's fine," he smiled, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear. I had to force myself not to absolutely melt at his touch. "You know the Great Devourer."
I nodded.
"He bit my father when he was younger. Younger than us," Lloyd continued, dropping his gaze and intwining my hand through his. He began tracing the back of it, touch only but a whisper. My breath caught. "And the Great Devourer's venom is pure, concentrated evil. It... changed my father. Right down to his DNA. And when I was born, well..."

Lloyd sighed. "I gained some of those attributes. My father's cured of evil but it's genetically implanted in me."
His expression was crushed. My brow tilted in sympathy.
"... and that's why people say you have a quick temper," I murmured. Lloyd snorted, pulling back and sending me a look.
"They say it because it's true," he muttered, eyes dropping. "You've seen it."
"I've also seen much worse in people who shouldn't have an excuse," I countered. "Lloyd, evil genes or no, you're still a hero. Do I really have to remind you of that? Hell, dude, you're the green ninja!"
Lloyd smiled at me, lifting his head a little. It was still too sad for my liking.
"Unfortunately, it's spooky to see the green ninja with red eyes," Lloyd raised a brow dryly. I waved that off with a roll of my eyes.
"Contrary to your belief, I think they're incredibly attractive," I hummed in a chipper tone. Lloyd sent me a look and my face grew taut. "I'm serious! Can you control them at will or is just when you get angry?"

"I can control them," Lloyd murmured, staring out at the sea. "I don't like to show them, though."
"Is it uncomfortable?"
"No," Lloyd shook his head. "It's painless. But it was really out of control when I was younger and naturally parents don't want their kids playing with a child who looks ripped out of an old vampire movie. So I hid them."
He said it with a shrug, as if it was nothing.
"Can I see them?" I asked, scooching closer and getting in his line of vision. His eyes jumped to me in surprise.
"You want to see them?" he asked in disbelief.
"Are you subjectively deaf?" I raised a brow. "Or did you just ignore the part where I said that your red eyes are pretty?"
Lloyd tilted his head with a deadpanned expression.
"You're just saying that to make me feel better."
"I'm not!"
Lloyd made a contemplative sound in the back of his throat, eyes jumping to the side before resting back on me hesitantly.
"You really wanna see them?" he asked tentatively, raising his brows. I enthusiastically nodded.

He sighed before smiling sadly and I pumped myself up, ready to hype this boy to high heaven. Because how dare he think a part of him was terrible. How dare he hide a part of him away because he was ashamed!
Lloyd was watching my reaction as his green eyes flooded red.
"You're gorgeous," I declared immediately, leaning in closer to gaze at the blood-red irises. He grinned a little, sheepish.
"Did I say gorgeous? I meant to say hot. Like. Super hot."
"Oh," Lloyd blinked. "Y- you sure?"
"I'm pretty sure I know when I think someone's hot or not, Lloyd," I pressed with insistence, grabbing his cheeks. "Take my word on this one. You are stunning."
Lloyd's face flushed almost as red as his eyes. A spark had returned to them.
"Y- you wanna see the fangs-?"
"Yes I want to see the fangs," I nodded seriously, nose brushing against his. He gave a short laugh at my enthusiasm, face brightening under my hands.

He grinned as his fangs unsheathed, sliding down and resting against his bottom lip. I felt as if I'd been thrown back so I did, tossing myself backwards with a hand to my chest.
"Lloyyydd," I sobbed, clasping my hands over my face. "How are you so prettyyy?"
He giggled, crawling over top of my body until we'd returned to the familiar position of him caging my head between his arms.
"Are you- are you crying?" Lloyd asked incredulously, humour ringing in his pitched voice. I wiped away the tears and sniffled.
"No. Shut up."
"Are you seriously crying because you think I'm pretty?" Lloyd laughed in shock, shaking his head.
"No, Lloyd, I'm crying because you are pretty," I corrected with a thick voice. His fanged grin widened, eyes squished in joy.
"You're extraordinary," he whispered, placing a hand against my face. My heart stumbled.
I cupped his cheek, smiling softly.
"If I'm extraordinary, then you're out of this world."
Lloyd hissed a laugh through his fangs.
"Smooth," he complimented, shifting his weight so he was more comfortable.

"Thanks," I said smugly, impressed that I'd managed to make his blush all the more darker. "I was able to come up with a few pick-up lines over the course of the week."
Lloyd grinned, lowering his head towards mine. His blonde hair brushed against my face tantalisingly lightly, making a pleasant shiver run down my spine.
"I'd ask you to recite them for me," Lloyd began in a hushed voice as his face inched closer ever-so-slowly, red eyes flickering between my lips and my eyes. "But right now, I just really want to kiss you."
I felt my heart flip and began to beat double time when he said that. Heat surged, crashed through me and both hands began to tangle through the hair at the nape of his neck.
"Then kiss me," I breathed. His red eyes widened at the invitation before darkening, allowing me to pull him in closer. Slowly, slowly. I could feel his tantalising breath fanning across my face. When his eyes fully shut I quickly grinned and licked his cheek before rolling away with a giggle.

"HEy- Y/N!" Lloyd shouted in frustration as I darted across the deck. He stood, sending me a disbelieving look that had me snickering.
"What?" I giggled innocently. "You mad?"
"One thing," Lloyd whined, slumping. "I wanted one thing."
I grinned. "Gonna have to come get it then, Greenie."
He growled, stalking forward. My smile grew as excitement bubbled in my chest. I swiftly sped to the mast, poking my head back around but he had disappeared.
"Damn, that fast?" I murmured.
"That fast," Lloyd whispered, breath brushing against the back of my ear. I squeaked, taken by surprise and leapt around to face him. His arms shot out and he had me pinned to the mast.
"That was rude," Lloyd pointed out with a raised brow.
"Correction," I hummed, closing my eyes. "That was fun."
"Yeah, for you, you little minx," Lloyd scoffed and I giggled at his annoyed (but not really annoyed) tone. My eyes slid open.

"Okay. No tricks," I promised with a nod of my head. "Kissy time."
Lloyd heaved a contemplative sigh, eyes drifting across the deck. "I dunnooo."
"What? Lloyd!" I cried.
Lloyd grinned at my complaint. He licked his lip and smirked when he found my eyes following the movement.
"That trick you pulled was pretty rude," he hummed teasingly, watching my face crumple in regret. "Ah, but what kind of gentleman would I be if I left my sunshine hanging?"
I brightened.
"So you gonna kiss me?" I chirped.
"Mmm yes," he decided before dropping the quickest of pecks on my nose. "There you go."
My face dropped. "Your revenge is harsh, Lloyd Garmadon."
"I told you, I've got evil in my blood," he countered with a lopsided, amused grin. My brow furrowed in frustration and he relented with a sigh.
"I'm kidding," he said with a genuine smile. "But it's nice to know you want me just as much as I want you."

I softened. "Oh."
Lloyd grinned, before finally, finally dropping his head and brushing his lips against mine. My reaction was immediate, stomach crashing with heat while my chest burst in pleasant pain. I grabbed his arms, clutching his sleeves in my fists as I melted into his kiss, melding against his body.
Kissing Lloyd is surreal. It's like a combustion of adoration that erupted from within the subatomic level of my being. It's like being flung into a galaxy of visceral, raw emotion of infatuation. Being held by him, hands so firm and sure, was like being cradled by the feeling of love itself.
Kissing Lloyd is like melting into him. I would gladly give up my mortal body if it meant I could be beside him, as close as this, forever.
Lips locked and passion reverberating through our veins. Anger, loss, hurt, yearning, love. All those emotions from the week passed between us as we clung onto each other, hearts synchronised and breathing laboured.
Lloyd pulled back to breathe and I had to gasp to bring in air. Ever the soldier, Lloyd pushed forth, pressing his lips down my neck, kissing one, two, three.
"Have you been waiting to kiss me since you were twelve, too?" I grinned, dropping my head to the top of his and snuggling into his blond hair.
Lloyd growled at my remark and his fangs brushed warningly against the skin of my neck. My breath hitched.
"Stop exposing me," he snarled. I breathlessly giggled.

He pulled back, pupils blown wide in adoration. I was sure I looked the same.
"We should try to get some sleep," Lloyd murmured, huffing with exhilaration. The way he was staring at me with his red eyes made my stomach twist in the prettiest of feelings.
"Okay," I agreed, not actually registering what he said, too entranced by his flushed face. He lead me back to his room, past the crayon drawings and into bed. Light off, it was dark. I couldn't see anything, but there was no fear of apprehension. No worries about what the future holds or if there were ghosts hiding in the shadows.
Lloyd shifted, pulling the duvet up and encasing us in a cocoon of warmth. I snuggled closer to him, latching onto his side and resting my head against his chest so I could hear his heartbeat.
"Y/n?" he said quietly into the comfortable darkness. I hummed in response. "I love you."
A burst of warmth erupted from within as I giddily grinned against his chest, eyes heavy with sleepiness.
"I love you, too, Lloydie," I murmured in response, every word dripping with my genuine adoration.

And though our future held uncertainty, imagining horrors of a fight I could only conceive of in my nightmares, we slept soundly.
Because it's just all the more reason to cherish this peace now.

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