twenty four

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Taylor Swift
••• Treacherous •••

two headlights shine through the sleepless night

and i will get you, and get you alone

your name has echoed through my mind

and i just think you should, think you should know

that nothing safe is worth the drive


Artist: Luci_Shads

TW: assault

Around me, things were bustling as the ninja prepared for round two. I would've stayed glued to my spot, staring at Morro, if it hadn't been for Garmadon taking me into the bowel of the Bounty.

"Maybe I'd be more help if I had these stupid powers under control," I lamented as Garmadon led me down the hallway to store me in a safe space like a child.
"It is simply not your time yet," he said hurriedly, opening a door and ushering me inside. "Until then; stay put."
I nodded slowly, standing in the middle of the room as Garmadon quickly left to help the others prepare for Morro's second wave of attacks. He shut the door. I was alone.

The ship swayed in the wind and I felt the all-too-familiar feeling of panic grip at my gut. If Morro had control over the wind, what if he made the ship crash? Nya was doing her best to drive the ship despite his attacks, but how long can she last? How long can the Bounty?
I closed my eyes and focused on evening my erratic breathing and calming my heart. I didn't know how long this fight would last or I'd stay in this room for, but it would be best if I at least tried to calm myself down before I fell into another panic attack.

I didn't have Lloyd to settle me down from one this time.

Wow, okay, thank you intrusive thought. Now I'm crying again. Damn.
There was shouting from above deck. The ship lurched and I stumbled, so I quickly surveyed the room - some old storage space, I was guessing; the lights were too dim to make out anything - and scurried to press myself between a crate and the wall to somewhat stabilise myself.
I felt dumb, hiding in the dark like a scared little kid. But I was a scared little kid, so I suppose it held some truth.
Part of me itched to be up on the deck. To help fight. Maybe even make a difference. To feel useful in getting Lloyd back.
But as much as I hated to admit it, I knew I couldn't.

These guys had specific experience in the weird and wild. The unnatural and the dangerous. They've faced overlords and evil embodied and giant snakes, among others. They have powers they can use.
I had neither experience nor useable powers. I was a sitting duck and being a sitting duck sucks.
I hugged my knees and sniffled, nails digging into my legs while chills spread goosebumps across my skin. I just wanted to know why; why Lloyd had to get possessed, why my cousin wanted to kill him and why again, I was totally useless. Why couldn't I catch a break?

The Bounty rocked in the wind and my heart rate spiked. Wood creaked. It was so dark.
My body swayed from side to side, the movement languid and slow and it made me feel sick rather than lulled me to sleep like it did during our getaway.
Was it only that morning? Had we'd really only been back not even a day before shit hit the fan?
I closed my eyes tightly and dug my my face into my knees. It wasn't fair, god, it wasn't fair but I didn't have anymore tears to cry. The tank was dry and nothing but exhaustion settled there.

I stiffened with a sharp inhale when I heard voices in the hall, but it was just Kai, Zane and Wu. I wanted to ask what was happening. I wanted to ask if I could be of any use.
"Our quarters aren't much further. Go, Sensei!" Zane exclaimed from the other side of the wall. I began to scamper up towards the door, clawing the wood and giving myself splinters as I tried to scale the steep incline of the leaning ship. "Kai and I will hold him back!"
I felt myself freeze. He was on the Bounty.
Morro was on board.
My brain was in its own battle - part of me desperately wanted to find him, to snap Lloyd out of it if I could. But the other, the more logical side of me knew that I'd be walking myself into terrible danger.

As much as I hated to admit it, Wu was right. I couldn't risk facing him when Morro was in control of his body. I had no doubt that he'd take any chance to destroy me, or even use me as a bargaining chip to get Lloyd to comply with him.
And if I were to die by Lloyd's hands... that would haunt him. For the rest of his life.
I couldn't do that to him.

Oh. Yeah. Also I'd be dead.
Which is something I'd rather avoid.

Morro roared on the other side of the wall and I recoiled, stepping back to return to my hiding spot. A battle embarked, fists against flesh, metal striking wood.
I knew that it was Morro, I knew that it wasn't Lloyd, but even then, I felt myself pinch with concern. Possessed or not, that was his body. If Morro was to be reckless or if the ninja were to slip up and fatally wound him...
I pressed my eyes shut as the ship was rightened.
No, no. Don't think like that. All you'll do is work yourself up and you don't have time to deal with your flimsy ass emotions-

The Bounty fell to the side again, dipping dramatically in the sky. I yelped in surprise before slamming my hands over my mouth, wide eyed.
The battle paused.
I just caught Kai screaming 'NO!' before a sickening thump and a body came crashing through the door. I inhaled sharply, falling back as Morro stood at the breadth of the room, the light of the hallway spilling behind him. His grin curled wider.
"Hello, pet," he tilted his head to the side with a poisonous squint of his eyes. A whimper fell from my lips as I began to scamper backwards. Morro, egged on by my fear, took long strides towards me until he had scooped me up and pinned me to the wall by my throat. I choked, grabbing his wrist as I tried fitfully to pry him off.

"God damn, Lloyd's feelings for you are distracting," Morro hissed, tightening his grip. I gasped shallowly, head growing dizzy.  "You really have him wrapped around your finger, huh?"
He leant in close.
"What is it about you?" he sneered quietly. My vision began to swam so I squeezed my eyes shut. My lungs ached. I felt my pulse throb beneath his hand.
Maybe... if I am to die like this, I could pretend that it was still Lloyd. Eyes closed, I lifted my hand from his and brushed it against his cheek. It's just Lloyd. It's just Lloyd.
Morro's breath hitched. His grip slackened.

Then Kai came barreling in like a bull and bodyslammed Morro. I fell to the ground, heaving air into my lungs as I trembled. Clutching at the wooden ground as I crouched pitifully.
"You good?" Kai asked as he stood in front of me, swords raised and glaring at Morro.
"Uh-huh," I managed to squeak, staring as Morro struggled to his feet. Gazing back at me before turning his glare to Kai.
"Come at me, you bug," the fire ninja growled, regripping his swords. Morro chuckled lowly.
"You and what powers?" he taunted. "I don't see a ninja. I just see a scared little boy trying to play hero. Without them, you're nothing."
"You take that back, you fuck!" Kai roared, charging into battle. Morro swiftly sidestepped while roundhouse kicking Kai in the back, all in one motion.
He stumbled forth with a pained splutter, dropping one of his swords. It was too fast for me to comprehend and I stared at them dumbly as Kai rightened himself and went back in for another attack.

The Bounty's hull crashed into a mountain top, opening a gaping hole in the wall. We fell, being thrown aside by the momentum.
Kai was the first to recover, seeing an opportunity to turn the tide. With a grunt, he elbow checked Morro.

Edit: bounty hits mountain again, yn gets thrown out of the ship

"Y/N!" Kai yelled, reaching out to grasp but his only catch was thin air.

I tumbled through nothing, vision blurring and incoherent to the blankness that was my brain. I couldn't even scream. I just.
Existed, falling.
The trees grew nearer, and with it, my death. I couldn't even be mad with myself. This is the way you want me to go out, fate? Bet.
A hand grasped mine and I blinked, reality rushing back to my senses. The thundering of the air in my ears as I fell, the angry pulling of gravity, the frigid coldness of the atmosphere around me. But the warmth of a hand.
I blinked. Fate, you coward.
The hand pulled me upright until I was pressed against a chest and suddenly, we weren't falling anymore. Easing into stationary.

Thunder tumbled from the storm above. It rolled and thrashed in my ears. I stared at my hands, curled gently against the chest of the person who saved me.
I slowly glanced up. Morro was staring down at me, eyes hard and cold and holding an emotion I couldn't name. He looked confused himself as we drifted to the ground, branches of trees brushing against us.
My feet touched the grass as I settled on the forest floor. Morro still stared at me with his dark eyes, a scowl on his lips.
"I-" he tried. "You-"
My lips parted. My brow furrowed.
He shook his head, squeezing his face in frustration before he growled loudly, shoving me back until I hit a tree. My head smacked hard against it and felt my body sway.

"Alright, you witch," Morro snarled, pressing his forehead hard against mine. "What did you do to me?"
My legs fell out from under me, exhaustion and pain overtaking the adrenaline until I could barely lift my ringing head. I felt something warm leak from the back of my head.
Morro stumbled back before dropping before me, placing a hand on my shoulder. I flinched, terror spiking, but I couldn't afford the effort to move.
"Y- Y/n!" Lloyd stammered, dipping his head to stare at me with wide, scared eyes.
Suddenly renewed, my gaze shot to his. Sure enough, the familiar green on his eyes had returned.
They held fear.
So much fear.

"L... Lloyd?" I asked with a quiet voice.
"I'm so- I'm so-" he stammered, clutching at my shoulders and dropping his head against my neck.
"I- it's okay," I gasped, breathing in sharp breaths as I tried to comfort him over my own panic, holding him back just as tight. "I- I- It's alrig... it's alright."
"Y- you have to stay away from me," he slurred his words in effort and fear, pulling back with a desperate expression. "This- this guy, he's... I'm dangerous."
I exhaled shortly, shivering, dropping against Lloyd's chest as he held me. I shook my head, tightening my grip on his clothes. Because if I let go, there's a chance I might never see him again.
"No," I choked out, feeling my chest crush with pain. Heavy tears spilled down my cheeks. "I- I can't, p- please, I need you, I-"

"Y- you have to," he urged, lifting my chin with a shaking hand before stepping back. I caught his terrified gaze, his irises alarmingly switching between black and green as an internal battle waged for control. His face was contorted in pain and sweating in effort. "I- I can't hold him much longer. P- promise me y- you'll go home. Forget about m- me. The others- they'll help m-"
"NO!" I cried, begged, shook my head. I held onto the front of his gi with white knuckled fists as desperation made me sob. Just the thought of walking away from this made me sick. "I can't, p- please don't make me."

Lloyd gave a desperate exhale before firmly wrapping his arms around me, dragging me into his chest. He pressed a kiss to the top of my head, trembling.
"I d- I don't want to go," he stammered, voice shaking. "But if it's to- if it's to keep you safe..."
"I don't care about me," I insisted, head throbbing.
"You should," he whispered against my head. "P- please. For me."
I stayed silent. I didn't deny him, but I couldn't reply.
"Lloyd," I whispered instead, staring hard at his green ninja gi. He hummed in response. I turned my head to look up at him. Because if I really didn't get to see him again, if this really was the last time I'd be able to hold him, I had to do one last thing.

"I love you."

Lloyd's eyes widened as he quickly exhaled in surprise. I stared back, lips trembling.
"You-" he stopped himself short, tilting his head. "You-" he couldn't get the words out so he cupped my cheek and dipped his head and then.

He kissed me.
And it was like the world didn't exist.

I had stilled, taken by surprise just as much as he had been by my confession, but I wasted no more time in kissing back. My hands found purchase against him, sliding into his hair while he kissed me with this desperation and yearning and pain that I hadn't felt before. It made tears gather against my clenched eyelashes, it made my chest ache with an emotion I didn't know I was capable of feeling.
I love him. I love him.
I love him so much that it hurts. And I wish that he didn't have to go through this pain. If I could, I'd take it from him myself.
I just wanted to see him smile. Smile and be happy.
I just wanted him to be safe.

These feelings poured through me. From me and into the kiss as we connected at a deeper level than before. Everything was heightened but soft. I couldn't feel the ache of my everything.
There was nothing but him and I'd take down any ghosts, any armies, if I had the slightest of chances that I'd get to float in this bliss again. It hooked into me like a pincer. It pulled me in and it shrouded me in pleasant warmth.
Kissing Lloyd was the downfall of me and I knew. I knew that from here on out, there would be no way I could ever live a life without him.

Lloyd pulled back, his nose brushing mine. He opened his eyes before I did mine and he was staring at me with a deeper look than he'd had before. His grip was warm and familiar and it coated me in a feeling of nothing but adoration.
But then he stepped back and the warmth disappeared.
"Go home," he said quietly. "Please, go home."
The peace around me crushed and I could feel every ache and injury that scarred my body. I squeezed my eyes shut, sniffling as I wiped my cheeks.
"Be safe," I whispered, sending him a watery stare. "Come back to me."
"I will," Lloyd replied softly. "I promise you, I will come home. I just need a little more time."

I swallowed sharply, nodding.
"I'll wait for you."
He exhaled slowly, a small smile growing across his face. Lloyd crouched before me again, held my face in the most gentle of grasps and placed his lips against mine in the softest of kisses. Chaste and sweet and holding all the love in the world.
"Thank you," he whispered. "I love you, too."
He stood. Stepping away. I watched as he backed away, the beginnings of Morro's retake over his body.
"I'll see you soon," Lloyd said quietly before he slipped away and Morro left without a word.

I stared as he ascended after the Bounty, watching him get smaller and smaller in the sky. I hiccuped a sharp sob as the world crashed around me again and a weight so heavy, so suffocating, began to crush my chest.
"I- I'll wait for you," I gasped between words, rubbing hard against my teary cheeks as I leant my weight against the tree.


It was morning when I woke, curled up against the tree.

I don't think there was part of my body that wasn't in pain. I stood, using the tree for support while I hissed and made sure all my limbs were still in working order.
I didn't get to see where the Bounty had landed, if it had at all, but I still started hobbling in the direction it was headed, anyway.
It wasn't like I had a map and my phone was still in tiny pieces back at Steep Wisdom. I doubted that there was service, anyway.
The world was quiet. Nothing but the soft wind tousling the leaves and the chirps of birds. The silence was unnerving. I needed the bustle of people. The existence of man. Out here, in the middle of the forest, I felt like the only person on the planet.

I felt gross. I needed a shower.

I hissed in pain as I stumbled forth, feeling my body cry out in pain with each step I took.
"Ouch," I said aloud as I walked, just to fill the silence. "This sucks."
"Y/n?" came a familiar voice. I widened my eyes, turning towards the sound of a friend.
"Zane?" I called out hopefully, praying to god I wasn't hearing things. Something came slipping through the bush and then Zane emerged, a concerned look on his face.
"Thank goodness," he sighed before holding up his arm and talking into his watch. "Located Y/n. She is alive and relatively uninjured. We will be heading back to the Bounty promptly."
A small voice replied in affirmation and Zane approached, pulling out a bandage from his waist pack.

"Are you alright?" he asked before wrapping my hands. "You look terrible."
Not much for bedside manner, I gather.
"I feel like I was hit by a truck and then stepped on by a mountain," I groaned. "And I'm smelly." Which is infinitely worse.
Zane smiled dryly. "I am sure you will survive. Did you hit your head again?"
I winced when his gentle touch brushed against the wound at the back of my head.
"Yes," I said with a grimace. He didn't look pleased.
"You must stop injuring your head like this," Zane urged as he pressed his chilly hand to my injury. "If continued, it will lead to serious consequences to your health."
"Well, gee," I murmured. "I guess the next time someone attacks me, I'll just ask them politely to avoid my head."
"That sarcasm was unneeded," Zane raised a brow. "But seeing as you had quite the traumatic experience, I will let it slide."
I fixed him with a small smile. "Thanks."

We began walking back towards where the Bounty had landed. Zane assisted me most of the way, letting me lean my weight against him as I tried to not reveal just how much pain I was in.
When I said landing site, I should've said crash site. The Bounty was situated haphazardly amongst trees, resting metres above the ground. Lloyd's parents were there, as was Wu, as they discussed something with deadly serious looks on their faces.
"Y/n!" cried Nya as she emerged from the other side of the clearing. Cole, Kai and Jay appeared from their own sides of the clearing, apparently having spread out to locate me.

"H- hey," I stammered, limping beside Zane as he pulled me up to the little campfire that had been set up.
"When I heard that you fell out of the ship, I thought you-" Cole cut himself off with a shaky inhale.
Kai pushed past and unhesitatingly smothered me in a hug, holding me tight. Like a big brother.
He didn't say much, but the quiet 'I'm sorry' was enough for me to break down against him, releasing all the stress and fear that had built up within me. It felt like a relief to cry it out. It was what I needed and Kai knew that, silent as I leant against him and sobbed.

I hugged him back just as tight, because he also lost Lloyd. Everybody did, it wasn't just me. These people were closest to him, grew up with him, raised him. If I felt like this, I couldn't imagine the toll it had on them. I was just more vulnerable. Fragile. I didn't know how to be strong and hide my emotions yet.
"I should've caught you," Kai said as he pulled back, his warm hands on my shoulders. Everything about his was warm, warmer than normal. I suppose that was a perk of being the master of fire.

I shook my head, desperate for him to not blame himself. He had enough to deal with.
"It was stupid of me to chase after him like that," I hiccuped, hiding my eyes behind my arm. "It was my fault."
"What happened?" Jay asked as we sat down. Misako and the others had shifted closer, their own conversation dying down. She handed me a bowl of hot noodles and I took it with a shaky, but grateful, smile.
"He caught me," I said, cradling the hot bowl closer. The pain of the heat made everything feel real. A reminder that I wasn't stuck in some nightmare. It grounded me.
"Lloyd?" Nya asked. I shook my head.

"Morro caught you?" Garmadon repeated, sitting back in surprise. "Well that... that's certainly news."
"Do you know why?" Wu asked. I shook my head again. I shivered.
"I'll get a blanket," Misako murmured before returning to the wreckage of the ship.
"Did you see Lloyd?" Cole asked. I nodded, glancing up at them with a look of helplessness.
"He said that he's fighting Morro. He told me to stay away from him."
Silence fell. Kai spoke up first.
"He's looking out for you," he soothed, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Staying away is probably for the best. Nya can fly you back home-"

"No!" I stood quickly before stumbling. Zane caught me. Jay caught the noodles. I held my throbbing head and closed my eyes in pain while Zane guided me back down to sit. "S- sorry. But I have to stay. I can't go home, not after what I've already seen."
Nya was the quickest to accept, earnestly nodding in agreement. It almost seemed as if she knew I was going to say that before I did.
"I think she should stay," Nya vouched. "She and Lloyd are close. We could use that to our advantage. He's already appeared twice because of Y/n, he could do it again."
Jay frowned, handing my noodles back to me.
"So you're suggesting to use her as bait?" he asked worriedly. "Isn't that dangerous?"
"I'll do it," I spoke up before she could reply. "Anything to help get Lloyd home."

Wu stood, looking half-complete without his staff. He had a look on his face that held a million words.
"Y/n has spoken," he murmured, turning away from the group. "We need all the help we can get."
I stared at Wu as he shuffled away. But then my stomach grumbled and the noodles smelt way too good to ignore. I skimped on dinner considering I was stuck in the middle of nowhere and my body wasn't having my neglect.
Everyone dispersed until it was just me and Garmadon staring at the fire, accompanied by the soft clinking of the chopsticks against ceramic.

Misako retuned halfway through our silence, lugging over a large book. She flipped it open and began scouring the pages. She forgot the blanket, but I couldn't blame her. It looked like she hadn't slept at all. She's got bigger things to worry about.
"I- I'm sorry," I spoke up. They both glanced up. "I... I should've... done something."
"There was nothing you could have done," Garmadon replied sombrely. "Don't beat yourself up over it."
I hugged my knees.
"I just wish I could've done more," I murmured. "Lloyd... means the world to me. I know that he does to you, too, so..."
I glanced up at his parents. We shared each other's pain. I knew how they felt and they knew how I did.
It was a weird connection but it was a connection nonetheless. It was pain that bound us and though I hated the situation, I couldn't help but feel relieved that I could trust them during this weird, terrifying time.

"I promise you that I won't stop fighting until he's home."

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