twenty two

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••• Smoke •••

then we kiss and his lips turn into sand

and the whole of him cascades through my hands

making a castle on the floor

then i'm alone again


the storm.

TW: panic attack

I woke at dawn, shuffling a little in the blanket that had been draped over me. The ocean was a reflected canvas of pinks and reds, making all breath escape from my chest. It was such a pretty sight.

An even prettier sight was Lloyd, sitting atop the sculpted dragon head at the front of the ship. Cross legged and back to me, I tilted my head to the side. Was he meditating? It would be the perfect time and place. So silent, so peaceful. Even the temperature was perfect.

I slowly stood with a stifled yawn, pulling the blanket tighter around myself before pausing in confusion. When did I get a blanket? I didn't fall asleep with one. Somebody must've grabbed one for me while I was still asleep.
My gaze flickered to Lloyd. Wow. What an absolute sweetheart. How dare he.
Actually, ouch. My back ached. Sitting against the wall wasn't the best place to sleep.
I feel like I should've known that.
I crept closer to Lloyd, not wanting to break the silence but wanting to be close. I was sure that I was totally quiet but that didn't keep Lloyd from noticing me.

"Good morning," he said out to the ocean, directed at me. I jumped, not expecting him to talk.
"O- oh," I stammered, flustered at being caught. "Good morning."
"How was your sleep?" he asked.
"Good," I replied, feeling awkward. Something dipped in my gut and I felt on edge. Why was I so nervous? "Yours?"
Lloyd nodded. "Good."
A silence stretched on and I shifted anxiously, gulping. Lloyd's eyes opened and he turned back to face me. The gentle wind fluttered his shirt and ruffled his hair.
"What's wrong?" he asked, standing atop the head. He leapt to the deck, landing silently and straightening, looking worried. "Did I make you uncomfortable last night? I'm sorry."

I flushed, thinking back to our close encounter.
"No," I quickly shook my head, averting my gaze. "It's not that. I don't know, it's just..."
He tilted his head, waiting.
"Emotions are a mess," I huffed a chuckle, clutching my stomach with tense fingers. The hairs on the back of my neck stood. The sails rustled. "I'm not sure if it's just me or... but something... feels wrong."
Lloyd took my hands in his, a concerned look on his face.
"You can tell me anything," he reassured. "You know that, right?"
"Of course," I nodded, falling into a sheepish smile. "You'll think I'm silly-"
"I won't," he silently swore.
"It's- it's the wind," I finally caved, shivering as a harsh breeze cut across the deck. "It feels... off... dumb, right?"

A worried look crossed his face. His hands gripped mine a little harder.
"I felt that, too."
My eyes widened at his hollow voice. "You did?"
Lloyd nodded in confirmation, worrying his lip with his teeth. "Ever since I woke. Something shifted while we slept... I don't like this."
"What do you think it is?" I asked, the blanket falling off one shoulder. Lloyd pulled it back up.
"I have no idea," he sighed, picking at a thread before his eyes jumped back to mine. "Let's not worry about it right now. We can ask my parents and uncle Wu about it when we get back. Sound good?"
"... okay," I nodded hesitantly. "Sounds good."

"Okay," he smiled, pulling himself up taller. "Let's get some breakfast."
I nodded quietly, letting him lead me back inside the ship. I stared at his face while he watched the floor, smile falling as worry overcame his expression. If it had Lloyd this on edge, then it must be something truly worrying.
I sighed shortly, dull panic gripping at me like fingers through mud.
I really didn't have a good feeling about this.


Four days had been and gone before we knew it. It felt like we had only just arrived before we were setting off back home again.

I sat at the table in the bridge, picking apart a contraption for Jay while he steered. It seemed simple enough. I hope he didn't need these wires, though...
Lloyd sat opposite me, pouring over some scrolls. Ever since the weird shift we felt a few days ago, he'd been discreetly going over what scrolls had been left in his uncle's room. I called it snooping. Lloyd called it info retrieval.

We decided to keep it on the DL from the others, just in case it did end up being nothing - perhaps a change in direction or the beginning of the temperature drops leading to Autumn. Still, Lloyd scoured through the scrolls like a madman, reading so fast it made me dizzy.
"Find anything?" I asked quietly, setting aside Jay's contraption. I picked up a discarded scroll and peeled it open, revealing chicken scratch and doodles. I blinked again and then the chicken scratch seemed to make sense and the doodles began to glow and-
"Nope," I snapped the scroll shut abruptly, tossing it back onto the pile. "I can only handle one prophecy at a time."

Lloyd glanced up, irises flickering at me from behind his eyelashes.
"Nothing?" I asked.
"Nothing," he said, sitting back. "It's like he purposefully left all the useless scrolls in here! Check this out - 'two of blue shall sail the sea; to achieve what lies beyond lock and key-' this doesn't even make sense!"
"Probably because it doesn't apply to us," I murmured. "I mean, does our scroll make sense?"
"I dunno," Lloyd grumbled, slouching. "They refuse to let us know anything."
I hummed, bringing the contraption back towards me. The Bounty jolted with a force of wind and it made my stomach lurch.
I met Lloyd's worried gaze.

Before long, we were arriving back in the city. Because the team were going to help Wu set up some tea shop on the other side of the city, I was being dropped off with Lloyd in the outskirts close to my home.
"You don't have to carry my bag," I sighed, shouldering my backpack while Lloyd took my duffel bag.
"I want to," Lloyd answered.
"Chivalry isn't dead," I hummed. He grinned, knocking into me gently.

We made our way across the back streets before making it to my home. I knocked before entering, announcing my presence loudly.
"I'm home!" I shouted, letting Lloyd shuffle inside before shutting the door to keep the chilliness from the air con inside. I almost wanted to weep with relief at the change in temperature.
Mum called back from the living room. I grabbed the duffel bag from Lloyd before dropping it and my backpack at the mouth of the hallway for me to deal with later.

"What!" I cried, having not caught her words the first time around, grabbing Lloyd's hand and pulling him with me. He eagerly followed.
"I said that we have guests," mum chirped, smiling at us in the doorway. I glanced up in surprise before my eyes narrowed at the boy on my couch.
"Well, aren't you going to introduce Lloyd?" Mum asked, raising a brow. I closed my eyes and tried to subdue my annoyance.
"This is Lloyd," I gestured towards the suddenly awkward teen. "Lloyd, this is my aunt Rose and..."

My cousin grinned wickedly, yellow eyes regarding Lloyd with sharp eyes. I sighed, dropping my hand to my side.
"Simon," I said tiredly. "My cousin, Simon."
Lloyd smiled, pacing forward to shake hands with extended family members. Simon held on for a breath too long before dropping Lloyd's hand as if burnt.
"Well, this is great timing," mum stood. "I'm about to make some tea. Do you kids want anything?"

We all declined politely, watching as the sisters disappeared into the kitchen, joking merrily all the way. As soon as they rounded the corner, I stormed up to Simon and planted my foot on the couch beside his head, leaning in close with a snarl on my face.
"Alright, toad," I snapped venomously. "What are you doing here?"
Simon's eyes shifted to Lloyd, who was watching me with a surprised expression.
"Well, I don't think you'll like the answer, cupcake," Simon's grin stung like knives as his gaze lazily slid back to mine. I growled, leaning in closer.

"Try me," I challenged. "Every time you show up, disaster follows. I'm not letting you destroy anything anymore."
Simon's eyes narrowed more. His grin widened.
"What makes you think that I'm the catalyst this time around?" his yellow irises glinted. "I've got some friends."
I snorted. "That's a first."
"Y/n-" Lloyd condemned my tone but was ignored.
"I know you know who he is," Simon cut him off, swiftly standing up and making me stumble back. Lloyd caught me before I could fall.

I rolled my eyes, recovering.
"What are you talking about?" I snapped. Simon's smirk jumped in amusement.
"The green ninja," he hissed, poisonous gaze jumping to Lloyd. He played dumb, squinting his eyes in the perfect poker face while I stiffened, unable to hide my fear. "And I'm going to find out who he is. And I'm going to take him out."
I swallowed. "N- no, I-"
"Please," Simon scoffed pugnaciously, grin curling cruelly. "I'm a thorough guy, Y/n. Do you really think I would accuse you of such a feat if I didn't know for myself? I would never have guessed you, some scrawny little half-breed-"
"Hey, watch it," Lloyd snarled, fearlessly stepping up, pushing me behind him protectively.
"Why are you doing this?" I asked angrily from over Lloyd's shoulder. "What do you have to gain?"

"You want me to lay all my cards on the table?" Simon rolled his eyes and pushed his glasses up his nose with a finger. "I'm not that gullible. I am, however, making a list of suspects. Do you want to know who's at the top?"
I felt my stomach sink when his gaze slowly turned to Lloyd. His smirk jumped at the corners. Lloyd reached behind him to hold me back before I could even think to step forth.
"Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon," Simon purred. "You've given me a lot of reason to believe it's you. Thank you, for that. I'll be sure to use it against you when I have my undeniable proof. First, I'll show it to the world - how funny, how pathetic; little Lloyd Garmadon is really the famed green ninja... and then I'll have your head."

"You're sick," I snapped, fists curling tightly at my sides. How I wished I could use my powers and shove him against the wall.
Simon chuckled.
"Yeah, I am," he grinned. "And the way you're behaving really makes me believe that the boy standing here is the green ninja. You've got to work on your acting skills, cupcake."
"You deserve to rot in prison," I snapped, gripping Lloyd's arm hard - to stop myself? For comfort? Both?
"And if I am?" Lloyd asked, using the same sense of seriousness and authority that he had when he and my mother were discussing my powers. His green ninja mode. "What would you do then?"
"What's the fun in spoiling the surprise?" Simon tilted his head innocently. "Whether you are the green ninja or not, Ninjago will find out soon enough."
"I'm going to kill you-"
"Aw, but you can't," Simon pitifully frowned, walking towards me. Lloyd brought me in tighter behind him. "Not when you're dating the green ninja. You do know their code, right? Take no lives?"

Our mothers' voices grew louder as they returned to the living room, oblivious to the stand off currently cracking down.
I could feel myself shaking with a building panic attack, the stress of the past four days and Simon's words building up.
Lloyd picked up on my shallow breathing and immediately turned towards me, keeping an eye on Simon while rubbing his thumbs slowly up and down my shoulders to mimic calm breathing. I tried to follow.

"Watch yourself," Simon whispered as he paused beside us. I eyed him, tears stinging my eyes. "You might just raise the dead with your attitude."

He disappeared out the front door before our mothers' could spot him.
"Let's go," Lloyd said, pulling me out the door before we could get stopped. As soon as we were half way down the street, Simon having all but disappeared, he turned back towards me.
"Y/n- Y/n, breathe for me," he said softly, exaggerating his breathing for me to copy. I clutched at his shirt with tight hands, mind reeling, ears ringing. I couldn't breathe, I can't breathe-

"Don't panic," Lloyd stressed, beginning to panic himself. "Uh- um, you gotta keep your head up, ohhoh, and you can let your hair d-"
I choked a laugh.
"Wha- what are you- doing?" I gasped, wheezing between shallow breaths. He wiped away my tears with a pained smile.
"Making a total fool of myself, probably," he chuckled dryly. "Are you feeling better?"
I nodded, dropping my head against his chest as I waited for my body to calm down.
"J- just gimme a second," I said croakily, closing my eyes and trying to focus on Lloyd. His arms on my shoulders, my head against his chest, his heartbeat. The smell of spring. And life. And crooks bubbling over rocks, green leaves and fields of grass. Wet earth and forests. Lloyd. My Lloyd.

I finally stopped shaking but I couldn't move for another few minutes. I knew that we had more pressing matters to attend to, but I couldn't move. I needed it.
Lloyd knew this, content to let me clasp onto him like he was the only thing keeping me from drowning. He ran his fingers through my hair and I relaxed against him in bliss.
I pulled back, sniffling. I wiped my eyes and hardened my expression with a scowl.
"Let's go."
Lloyd nodded, leaping to his feet and helping me up. He conjured his dragon and pulled me up behind him. I immediately crushed my face into his back, holding tight as the dragon swiftly took off, no time for pleasantries.

"You're going to have to tell us everything you know about Simon!" Lloyd yelled over the wind. "It would be easy to deal with if he just threatened me, but he's threatening all of Ninjago. This is a code red."
I nodded. Lloyd's phone buzzed and he pulled it out. He groaned.
"I have a mission," he announced in a pissed-off voice. "It shouldn't take too long, it's just investigative. I'll drop you off with the others and then I promise, as soon as I get back, we'll sort this out."
"Okay," I squeaked over the whistling wind. Lloyd pulled his dragon up before we hit the mountain valley and steered us down towards a cute little set up at the base. A small waterfall fell behind the shop and bushes of tea leaves lining the front of the courtyard in neat rows. I didn't have time to marvel at the beauty before we were tossed into high gear once more.

The other ninja were there, dressed in some odd clothings with tea pots on their heads. I frowned in confusion as we landed and slipped off of Lloyd's dragon.
"What are you guys doing?" Lloyd asked, glancing their uniforms up and down with a scrutinising gaze. Jay groaned.
"It doesn't matter," Misako quickly said. "You have to get to the museum."
"I know, I know," Lloyd replied before glancing at me. "I'll be back before dark."
"Okay," I said quietly. He placed a quick, reassuring kiss on the top of my head before hopping on his dragon once more and taking off. I watched him go with a worried expression, hating the feeling in my gut.

A chorus of "aww," came from behind me and my ears turned red. I glanced back to see the rest of the team puppy-facing, holding their cheeks.
"That was so cute," Cole coed. "Did you see the way she stared after him?"
"Worried that you'll miss him too much?" Kai pouted. I chuckled dryly, the panic too consuming to be embarrassed.
"Y- yeah, something like that," I murmured. Jay's expression dropped, being the first to pick up on my mood.
"Alright," Wu snapped his staff against the ground and Jay turned before he could ask what had me bothered. "If we want to make this tea shop a success, then we've all got to do our part. Remember - no powers. We don't want one of you slipping up and revealing your identity. This is a civilian mission, not a ninja one."

The ninja groaned before mumbling reluctant replies of agreements, conjuring up their dragons so they could travel back to Ninjago City and do their assigned tasks. I watched them leave and suddenly felt very exposed on my own with the adults.
Garmadon sighed, shaking his head as he watched the dragons flap away.
"Right," he said, clapping his hands. "Let's not slack off now. Y/n, do you mind helping us out?"
I nodded, snuffing down my emotions and providing them with a small smile.
"Of course, I'll help."

We spent the next few hours stocking the selves while listening to nothing but nature.
It was a peaceful task and it was enough to keep my mind from spiraling into a pit of worry about Lloyd and Simon and the awful feeling that's persistently sitting heavy in my chest. The tugging had even began to play up, but there was no legitimate way for me to get to the museum.
I just hoped that I wouldn't wake up in the middle of the forest again.

"There you are," Garmadon said proudly as we surveyed our hard work. "It's starting to look like a real tea shop."
"Why did you want to start one?" I asked, setting aside a small footstool. "I would've thought that you'd be too busy with the ninja to run this at the same time."
Wu smiled, rolling his staff in his hands.
"The plan is for me to retire," he explained, picking up a stray tea leaf and placing it in a container. "Garmadon will take over their training until Lloyd eventually rises to rank of being Sensei. It won't be long before he's ready. Perhaps a year or two."
I blinked. "Oh, wow. I- I mean, he told me that he was training to be a Sensei but I didn't realise it'd be so soon."

Misako smiled as she filled a kettle with water to boil. "He's come a long way."
"I've spent too many years making sure they don't let the city fall into ruins," Wu grumbled. "It's his turn now."
I smiled tightly. "I guess it would be a stressful job. But what about Lloyd's schooling? Is he going to college?"
Garmadon snorted with a shake of his head. "He's a good ninja but he gets terrible grades."
Misako swatted her husband's shoulder. He yelped.
"What! We all know!"
"He tries," Misako said with a pique of her eyebrows. "He's just very busy. We can't blame him for that when you've got him and the others going on patrols every night."
"I didn't-!"

One of the shelves creaked. We silenced. Garmadon leapt to save it before the shelf could topple off and shatter the containers of tea.
"A- ah, a bit of a technical failure," he stammered, struggling to hold it steady. Misako feverishly unloaded it and Wu approached to do the same. Garmadon glanced at me, holding back and hovering, unsure how to help.
"Would you be able to head over to the shack and grab a hammer and nails?" he asked. Relieved to have been given a job, I nodded and jogged out of the shop, scanning the courtyard for a second building.

Upon locating the small, wooden building, I stepped inside and gathered the needed tools. The tugging on my gut grew harder. Panic grew but I tried my best to keep calm and forget about it. Holding the nails and hammer tightly, I broke out in a sweat in the middle of the courtyard.
Pain burst from behind my rib cage and I fell to my knees, first in shock and then in soreness. I stared hard at the ground, dropping the tools and clutching my chest as the pain ebbed away. I breathed heavily, brows furrowed in confusion and fear.
What was th-
"Y/n?" Misako asked and I glanced up, seeing Lloyd's parents and uncle advance with concerned expressions, drawn out by the sound of the tools clattering to the ground.

I went to stand, apologise for worrying, but as I moved another wave of pain hit - this time agonising.
I felt myself scream before I heard it, curling in on myself as it throbbed within, ripping, mauling me from the inside. An ache so strong that I felt faint. The tugging had disappeared, given up, but in its place was a punishment far worse.
I sobbed, feeling a war within my body. Hands cradled me, pulling me to my feet. I caught sight of my reflection in a puddle before I was ushered away. Eyes glowing. Hair floating. Why does this keep happening?

But then I felt it - a hole punched through my chest. An ache so visceral that it made my bones shiver.
"Lloyd," I whispered in a hollow voice.
"It's okay," murmured a voice on my left. "He will be back soon."
"No!" me eyes widened and I ripped myself from their arms. "No! He's in trouble! He-!"

The pain died down so suddenly that I stumbled in response. Misako caught me before I could hit the ground.
Nothing but an empty ache. My eyes brimmed with panic and fear. This wasn't right. Something- something's-

"Something's really wrong," I choked behind my tears.

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