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Leader: Leaderstar - Previously named Leaderyay

Deputy: Deputybutt - Has the butt of a deputy

Medicine cats: Leafyblahblah - StarClan was feeling evil that day (Icanflypaw)


Merptail - Merpppppp

Beeptail - Beep boob

Booptail - Boop beep

Willowfern -The leader was bored

Firewillow -The leader was bored

Fernfire -The leader was bored

Pineapple - pine·ap·ple


a large juicy tropical fruit consisting of aromatic edible yellow flesh surrounded by a tough segmented skin and topped with a tuft of stiff leaves.

Blueberry - blue·ber·ry


the small sweet blue-black edible berry of the blueberry plant.

Honeydew - I'm bored... YOU look it up

ToTaLlYnOtEvIlClAw - You saw nothing

Garfield - Do I really have to explain?

Cocacola - Yum (Yodelingpaw)

Shibainu - Oops! Wrong Erin Hunter series!

Icecreamsunday - The tastiest kitty ever (Nomnompaw)

Chickynuggie - Baby yoda has a shirt like this

Prissybutt - Beautiful. Stupid. Nuf said.

Bootifulpelt - So beautiful she's bootiful

Nobody - Lost his body in a horrible foam mattress accident

Dogcat - You don't want to know. You really don't. (Clawpaw)

Hairypotter - Wait... (Apprenticepaw)

Yeetbird - You can throw her! Into an abyss!

Brightbright - This is the stupidest book I've ever written


Icanflypaw - Note: cannot fly

Apprenticepaw - See where I lost motivation?

Clawpaw - The worst apprentice name ever


Nomnompaw - Try it. I dare you.


Tickprick - The crabbiest elder ever. Buy one, get one free!

Almostdead - His mother was sure he'd make it to elderhood

Badeyes - His mother was sure he'd make it to elderhood

Crinklejoint - Ow.


Babymachine - Only will ever have two kits (Thereare20ofmekit - A bit of wishful thinking; Iwuvyoukit - Pesters the main character)

FeRnClOuD - She's back! With fifteen kits named after her! (Ferncloud1kit; Ferncloud2kit; Ferncloud3kit; Ferncloud4kit; Ferncloud5kit; Ferncloud6kit; Ferncloud7kit; Ferncloud8kit; Ferncloud9kit; Ferncloud10kit; Ferncloud11kit; Ferncloud12kit; Ferncloudkit13; Ferncloud14kit; Ferncloud15kit)

Ironman - Yes. This is reality. (Spiderkit - There's no stopping me; Scarletkit - Alas, poor Wanda; Blackkit - Spooder; Visionkit - Sigh)

Perfectionmom - Was destined to make the perfect child (Whokit - See item two; Careskit - Not a soul. That's who; PERFECTIONKIT - THE MOST AMAZING, WHOLESOME, WONDERFUL, AWESOME, BEAUTIFUL, POWERFUL KIT WHO IS MADE OF RAINBOW GLITTER)


Leader: Gorestar - Don't look in the mound under her bedding...

Deputy: Bonenomnom - Avoid at all costs

Medicine cat: Deathberry - Guess what the only herb in the herb store is


Hecknaw - Has a good idea

Thissucks - Yup

Murderclaw - Die fiend

Bloodyclaw - Where does he go in the middle of the night?

Sharpenedclaw - Run for your life

Sayyourprayersclaw - Do as he says

Bewarned - Good idea

Takecover - Totally

Naivecat - Thinks her clan is the best and she won't be murdered tonight

Imwithstupid - Also thinks his clan is the best and he won't be murdered tonight


Onlyoneleftpaw - Don't look in the basement


HowdidIlivethislongpelt - I don't know. But good job.

Youngone - The young ones get murdered in the middle of the night. Why try?


Killerclaw - Will teach her kits to slit throats before teaching them to walk (Expecting Bloodyclaw's kits)

Ilikethisclanheart - Her kits will not survive. Mark my words. (Yaykit - Oh dear; Happykit - Not for long; Lovekit - This will go badly)


Leader: Dumbstar - Guess how he did on his SATs

Deputy: Evendumber - Why did Dumbstar pick him?

Medicine cats: Knowsnothingaboutherbsberry - You heard me (Willknownothingaboutherbspaw)


Geniusbrain - Smart enough to be the only warrior to survive. (Willnotbeageniuspaw)


Willknownothingaboutherbspaw - Will accidentally eat deathberries

Willnotbeageniuspaw - She has no more brain than earwax


Stupidjoint - Has stupid joints. Nuf said.

Nobrain - Why has he lived this long?

Birdbrain - Why has she lived this long?


Willhavedumbkitspelt - Poor girl 

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