Chapter 18:Saw a Dragon (part1)

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   'B' my thoughts
   'B'people thoughts
    "B" me talk
    "B" people talk
    [B] the story
    *B* expression, action
English is not my mother language so there will be alot of mistakes here

   The TBOAH people were shocked
"Where are we?..."Og!Choi Han asked,he look at his highness
   People now just notice that there is a boy with black hair and sharp yellow eyes.He was wearing a hoodie and jacket with black gloves and white headband which that they have never seen before,but Cale and Choi Han know.
   (Btw this is what i look like

The credit: さくしゃ2 コミティア140【a05b】from Twitter )
  "Finally notice me,huh?"

  'Liam...?' Cale thought

  "Who are you...?"Og!Alberu asked

  Liam smiled and said "A Fucking Demi-god"

  People-Cale are shocked.A Demi-god is still a God,that means there was a god infront of them.they are shocked but some snap out of it.

"God-nim can I ask where are we?"Rosalyn asked

I smile and look at Cale "You're in my mansion to react about the God's favorite child and your other selves"

"G-Gods have a favorite?" a noble asked

  I nodded and said "Yes,but that boy didn't know yet"

  'So that is a boy,huh?I will need him to be our side' Alberu thought

  'Hmm...I hope that boy won't ruin my plan' White Shi-Star

  While everyone are aguring that is Choi Han or theirselves Cale was eating the cookies Liam give him 'cause he is a good friend and think that is not him.

  Liam who can readmind giggles 'oh wil be surprise'

"Ehem.Hem do you want to know about it?"

  Everyone look at Liam and nod their head

  "Alright Gods' favorite child isssssss"
  Everyone forcus on me and wish that it was they

  "...CALE HENITUSE"I excited scream

   *cough* *cough* Cale who was eating the cookies are choking and other people that have heard the rumours are look at him and shocked.The redhead trash is Gods' favorite!?

  'WHAT!?'Choi Han glare at Cale,he still can't believe that a trash is gods favorite but Cale doesn't care about him

'How the-'Cale look at Liam and Liam were smiling at him.Cale have nothing to say...

*clap* *clap*"Let's reacting now,Shall we?"

Everyone look at the God infront of them and before they can process it there was a big screen appeared

"Remember that you are looking at your other selves so some personality and look are kinda different also the Gods sees your life as a novel so don't question it"

  People finally done processing their information and nod

[ Chapter 18: Saw A Dragon (1)]

"WHAT?" Some who are surprise that the first thing they react is a dragon when the dragon seem to be confuse that which dragon that they will react

"A-a dragon?"some elf are surprise and bow down

"..." Cale who know about that dragon look at the others and silently sign but Eruhaben notice that

'He know something about it'Eruhaben thought but didn't say anything about it and look at the big screen again

[ “...A dragon?”


“I’ve seen something similar once.”

‘Similar, my ass.’

Cale knew what Choi Han was talking about when he said something similar.]

"Why i with that trash?"Choi Han asked and look at the demi-god but demi-god didn't say anything

[ Forest of Darkness. He was talking about the vicious monsters deep inside the Forest of Darkness. Among those terrifying monsters were creatures that were somewhere between lizards and dragons.
Choi Han had killed that dragon-like monster as soon as he advanced from the middle stage to the final stage of his Dark Destruction Sword Art.]

'...How did that trash know about that?'Choi Han thought while the dragon are angry that he say they are like the monster

"How dare you say that to the great and mighty dragons!?"The Elves said

Cale glare at the God

*giggle*the God were giggle "Every question will be answer at the end of the chapter"
"Choi Han-hyung..."Lock was worried about Choi Han but Choi Han didn't say anything

[ “You did? How was it?”

Cale pretended to not know about the event, and asked Choi Han. Choi Han was the only other person in Cale’s room right now.

“...It was a monster.”

“How so?”

“Its appearance, its strength, everything. It was a monster in all aspects.”

“Is that so?”]

The Elves are very angry about that he said the great and mighty dragons are just like monster while the dragons are sign that is right when the humans never meet

"This human know nothing about dragons"Eruhaben sign

Choi Han is kinda embarrassed

[ Cale nodded his head and continued to speak. But his actions and his words were completely opposite.

“Then you have not seen a dragon.”]

The dragons agree and look at the redhead

'He look like know alot about the dragons'Sheerit thought

"Excuse me?"Choi Han asked

[ “Excuse me?”

“Dragons are like people.”]
  The dragons are look at Cale and nod their heads while Cale think that they want to kill him(Lol Cale no🤣)

'Look like he know alot about us'Mila thought

[ Clack. Cale put the cup with the lemonade that was both sweet and sour down on the table. He then responded to Choi Han, who was looking at him with curiosity.

“Dragons, Beast people, Dwarves, Elves, they are all like humans. Why? Because they also have emotions and lives.”]

'This human is interesting'Eruhaben thought

"I never know that you knew that much about the dragons,hyung"Basen said and Lily nods her head

"Because that is not me"Cale said without look at his siblings face'but I know a little bit'

'Oh Cale...those books I gave him not just a liitle bit but like a wiki about all the dragons..'Liam tried to not sign

'I feel like our Cale Henituse is also as knowledge as their'Alberu thought again

[ That aspect wasn’t important to Cale. His main point started from here.


Noone talk and Cale was falling asleep(Eek his so cute when he sleep)

[ Choi Han might have noticed Cale’s sudden change in demeanor. He sat up straight and focused on what Cale had to say.

“Such an existence has fallen into darkness since it was born. The only thing currently lighting up the darkness in its life is torches, and it has never even seen the light of the sun. What kind of life do you think it is having?”]

"What do he mean?"an elf asked but no one answer his question,they are still busy thinking about Cale's words

'I think I shouldn't believe in the rumors anymore'Alberu's thought


Cale tapped the table with his index finger.

“It is being forced to become an existence without rationality.”


He tapped on the table once again.

“It has had to suffer through its loneliness, without any family or anything to lean on.”


Choi Han’s gaze fell every time Cale’s finger tapped the table. Choi Han’s fists were clenched underneath the table, to the point you could see his veins starting to flare up. Cale did not know about this, as he continued on.

“It is tortured and abused every day, and is only left alone when it is barely alive.]

"WHAT?!"Everyone surprise

"How dare they..."Mila Said and look at her son.She will be very angry if it was her son

[ Choi Han’s expression stiffened, and anger was in his eyes. Cale knew Choi Han would react this way. There was no way a good person like this would not get angry after hearing such a story. He should also have figured out why Cale brought up such a story in the first place.]

Everyone nod their head

[ Cale took another sip of his lemonade, before finishing up his story.

“And that existence is nearby.”

A short silence filled the room. Cale looked out the window, before slowly turning his gaze to look at Choi Han. He didn’t know what Choi Han was thinking about, but his whole body was surrounded by a bloody aura.

‘Is he getting angry at the fact that it is abused because he is a good person?’]
'I'm not a good person...'Choi Han thought while Rosalyn and Lock look at him

Other people nod their heads and agree that Choi Han is a good person

[ Contrary to Cale’s hypothesis, Choi Han was currently recalling the tens of years he had to survive on his own in the Forest of Darkness.

That was why the silence continued for a while. Finally, Choi Han made eye contact with Cale and asked.

“Will you save it and try to tame it?”]

"What the-"Cale look at the demi-god again and look at Choi Han with the face like tried to say:'Are you crazy?' while Choi Han was silently look at the big screen

The room was filled in silent

"T-TAME A DRAGON?HOW DARE YOU?"an elf shouted while the dragons were kinda shock that their is actually someone want to tame a dragon

"Hah-Once a trash always a trash"Choi Han said and almost everyone agree with their "hero"

"Bish -shut the f--- up"Liam swore"Your trash is our gods treasure bish"
("Someone's trash is someone else's treasure"that's one my country's proverbs✨👏)

The room filled with silent again when I glare at the people-Cale

"Let's continue"Liam said

[ “Are you crazy?”

“Excuse me?”

Cale acted on reflex, and asked back in shock. Choi Han also became shocked at Cale’s questioning his sanity.

“Why would I try to tame it?”

Cale waved his hand around like Choi Han was crazy.]

Cale silently nods his head and Alberu notice it

'Seem like my theory is right'Alberu pov

Mila look at Cale and asked"Mister Cale do you want to use some tea with me later?"

Cale think and look at Liam,Liam nod his head

"Sure then"Cale said

"I'll join"Eruhaben said

[ There was no way that a dragon that was abused by humans would be willing to serve a human. In fact, it probably was full of hate and disgust for any and all humans. Even if that human was the person that saved it.

Dragons believe that they are above all creatures, including humans. This is a natural instinct for dragons, so, even without being in contact with any other Dragon in its whole life, it will still feel this way.

That was why dragons cannot grow under humans. This attitude makes it impossible to domesticate and train Dragons without using torture and abuse to break down its mind.]

Every adults have children in the room and the dragons nod their head because a human child also hate who abuse or torture them not say its a dragon who above all creatures

'But there is still a Dragon Slayer...'Eruhaben pov

[ ‘Dragons are born extremely arrogant. But, most importantly, if I raise a dragon...’

Cale could feel it. He felt like he would get wrapped up in some annoying incidents if he raised a dragon.

There were less than twenty total dragons in the Eastern and Western continents combined. Raise one of those dragons? That was pretty much the same as saying, ‘I will be at the center of all the happenings of the continents.’]

'Look like young master doesn't like attention then'Ron thought and look at his old master while Cale think that he want to kill him'why is he looking at me like that?Does he want to kill me?'(Cale...)

[ It was also a dragon that was supposed to die. It would be better for it to go off into its own little world and not get in anyone’s way.]

"Um...God-nim what did that mean?"Our smart Rosalyn asked

The Demi-God smile and said"Don't you think it kinda similar?"

"I-it can't be that dragon"Choi Han talked now everyone remember how their hero Choi Han saved a village.Yes,he kill a drgon and saved the village also the dragon

"So that is the dragon who hero Choi Han was killed?"a noble asked

"I sense a strong emotional so let's have a break than"Liam said

So there is some problem with my wattpad so i will continue is tomorrow. Thanks for ré my stories✨

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