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๐Ÿœ.( ๐Ÿ.)ย Cheap Cigarettes byย electricblue85ย 

Judgeย MikeMacColin

Engagement 18/20

After the shocking revelations in chapter 5, the pacing is taken a bit back - which really does the story good. The story keeps engaging the readers, giving just enough background information about the characters and their history to keep them guessing. Also, it finally starts to look a bit more optimistic for the main characters in this story, although one would still wonder if Elijah is right to be so much against it, or that it is just his paranoia getting the better of him. But that is just one of many reasons to keep reading.

Concept 7/10

Still, not really the most innovative concept, but it is told in a very grounded environment. The "Aces", as they are called, forming a secret society against a government that is persecuting and oppressing them, can also be seen as an allegory for any instance where this was done to minorities because they are different. Also, the fact that both sides seem to use questionable methods to fulfill their goals is an interesting factor.

Cover 5/10

The cover is still downplaying the significance and dramatic tension of the story - it doesn't do it justice. It is stylish, yes, and the hand with the fire hints at one crucial element of the story, but it is not really eye-catching and might get overlooked easily.

The book description 6/10

As the later chapters progress, the description begins to make a little more sense. It is pretty vague when it comes to the plot, and the mention of powers in the description is a bit confusing. It does give a good feel for the main character, though. Also, I feel that the quote at the beginning is out of place and puts too much emphasis on the romance part of the story.

Technicalities 46/50

Still good grammar and spelling, no apparent mistakes. Pacing is really good so far, it knows when slowing down is appropriate, but keeps the tension of the situation and fits the mindset of the protagonist perfectly. The characters are described very well, the relationship between them plays out nicely.

Total 82/100

Judgeย ridds_reads11ย 

Engagement 16/20

The start was a bit offbeat to me, it took time to comprehend some things but at the same time there were elements that made me curious so it was an engaging story overall. The descriptions of the surroundings and the characters are in definite proportions and this makes the book captivating.

Concept 6/10

The concept didn't hit as it should have. There are many books of the same kind and I found many elements not being original.

Cover 8/10

The cover is good, dark, and interesting. Suits the title but I can't relate it much to the story. The cover doesn't give much idea about the story but the cover in itself is good.

The book description 7/10

The description is a little confusing but interesting at the same time. The confusion itself makes you curious to read the book.

Though I couldn't relate to the description when I started reading the work.

Technicalities 47/50

There are no technical errors. The story is flawless. The descriptions are to the point and not at all exaggerated. The description of the characters is very well shown through words and the pace is perfect too. The sarcastic thoughts in between the dialogues are added very nicely.

Total 84/100

Total from both judges 166/200


๐Ÿœ.(ย ๐Ÿ.)ย Her Brother's Keeper: A Story of Alpha Centauri byย arkham71ย 

Judgeย MikeMacColinย 

Engagement 16/20

The book concentrates on its greatest strength: world-building. That is done with incredible attention to detail, especially when it comes to scientific explanation. As such, it is not the story that the author gets the reader immersed in, but the world itself, and it works. The reader can really imagine living in this colony, experiencing the challenge of building up a completely new world, and being part of a very different, female-centered society (which btw. makes sense in terms of efficiently populating an entire planet.) As such, the pacing is very slow, since the chapters are long and packed with explanations and descriptions while the main character lives through her everyday routine.

Concept 9/10

This is science-fiction at its best: introducing a new, strange world with its rules and challenges, showing part of the normal everyday life of a very young main character with hints towards a bigger, more meaningful personal story in the future. Focusing on a young girl like this is unusual for a sci-fi story, but it fits the context here and it allows the scientific explanations to feel more natural since she is learning along with the reader. Seriously, the effort put into the science aspect of the book might put casual sci-fi authors to shame.

Cover 8/10

I might have picked another font for the main title, to make it look more like science fiction, but otherwise, it does fit the story as far as I read it. It also hints at the two suns, which is an important factor in this strange world.

The book description 5/10

The description is its biggest weakness. It explains a lot more than it really has to, and it doesn't even do justice to the chapters so far. I don't really see this as a dystopian future. Women rule, yes, and the society works within very strict rules, but for one, it does give a much darker outlook on the story than it actually is, and second, it tells a lot of things that can and should be learned from the story itself. The description fits the overall writing style of the book, but it also needs to draw the reader in and give a quick impression about what they will find in there. To achieve this, the description should at least be cut in half, focusing on either the main character or the world. It also doesn't hurt to mention the main character's name.

Technicalities 44/50

Some neglectable punctuation mistakes during the later chapters made me pause for a moment. Nothing serious. In principle, I overlook the graphics and additional media presented in every chapter to see if the story holds its own without them. It does. The story works and is still engaging, but the media might give additional context and background, so it is more of a bonus than an obligation to take it under consideration. That is a point in favor of the story itself. At times I am a bit confused about the main character. It is stated in the story itself that she is basically twelve years old, but she goes through some intense training and schooling to be prepared for a lot of responsibility coming later. I guess this also means she has not much of childhood here. Still, some of her thoughts are extraordinarily mature for such a young girl, and I do feel that at times she does not really act her age.

Total 82/100

Judgeย ridds_reads11ย 

Engagement 17/20

The story totally immerses the reader in the world as all the things are described precisely and all the questions are answered before I can ask myself what is this and why is this? The writing can make the reader curious to learn what happens next and hook them with the plot but the only thing restricting is the length of the chapters. The story is interesting throughout but the detailed descriptions have been given so much attention that the situation in hand stalls for sometime which may cause a loss of interest of the reader.

Concept 9/10

The concept is amazing. I may have read a work on a different world with new developments but the way you've build your world is commendable. Every little detail has stood out. The fact that it is something different as well as progressive with respect to the female part of society can have a good impact.

Cover 6/10

The cover suits the storyline but the colors are dull which doesn't make the book much attractive. Also, the font is a little unacceptable meaning when we look at the cover it seems it seems like a book for children. Also, it would have looked better if the font size of the book title was bigger than the font size of the author's name.

The book description 6/10

It may attract the readers who need detailed specifications about the book but its length is too long and it is possible that some may try to avoid it. The paragraph division is good, you've described the storyline from different aspects but the description has also given away too much than required.

Technicalities 46/50

There are some mistakes that don't hamper the reading process but still require corrections.

Total 84/100

Total from both judges 166/200


๐Ÿ›.ย The First Gift byย AziaElgaย 

Judgeย MikeMacColinย 

Engagement 19/20

I am still recovering from that gutter punch in chapter 6... Geez, what a dark book! It was good that the author warned readers that this is a tragedy. And still, I can't help but get emotionally invested in the story about Lara and Ryan, learning with each chapter about their backstory and how it all comes into place. The twists in the story come almost twice a chapter, where the author really toys with readers' expectations. Just because of that I find myself not wanting to read on, for I am scared of what tragedy might happen next, but I am still hooked up.

Concept 7/10

At its core, it is a basic "chosen one" story with superpowers, but it has its own lore and rules, and it is combined with a dystopian future and a war between a merciless ruler and his followers on one side and a group of ragtag freedom fighters on the other. That would be not very innovative, so setting it up as a tragedy is a good way to shake the expectations of the readers. The strength of this story doesn't lie in its concept, but in its execution.

Cover 8/10

It fits the story and the main character gives hints about the progress of the story. It fulfills its purpose.

The book description 7/10

The main character and the main issue of the story are described, leaving enough mystery to be tempted to open the book. The warning about it being a tragedy however might have a place in the description as well.

Technicalities 40/50

No apparent mistakes in grammar and punctuation. Nothing to stumble about during the read. The later chapters feel like Ryan is actually the main character instead of Lara, cause his role in this entire story bears a lot more relevance. Especially when it comes to the revelation in chapters 6 and 7. However, putting those into context I do feel that the prologue is a bit out of character for him since in it he really seems to be a bad guy without a conscience, while the truth is far from it. Overall it is still a bit hard to really understand his motivation, even if you have read the entire book. Also: The ending leaves me a bit underwhelmed. It is very sudden. On one hand, I am glad that Elena finally got her comeuppance after the story displayed what an evil bitch she really is. On the other hand, it was a bit too easy and too rushed. Suddenly Lara is not only able to use the gift that was given to her, but also the gift of teleportation, and she just goes there to annihilate everything. Even the final confrontation between her and Elena does not live up to the epicness it was building up towards. Instead, it is in my opinion treated like a side note, like getting it over with to get to the more important parts of the story. This really surprised me, when the title of the next chapter actually reads "Epilogue".

Total 81/100

Judgeย ridds_reads11ย 

Engagement 18/20

The story is at a perfect pace that makes you want to read further. The scenes are satisfactorily described and have the capacity to build the world of imagination before the reader's eyes. There are some instances where the surroundings are described more than required. Some Dialogue writing on those parts would've been great. Overall, a captivating work.

Concept 6/10

Can't say that the concept is totally new. In fact, some things were quite predictable. The war between different realms has been used as a theme many times but the element of getting a gift of power and not being particularly born with it is good. The backstory of one of the sisters getting selfish and having a war to gain more power is also not a unique idea but it is presented very nicely and doesn't let you think of any other book at the same time.

Cover 9/10

The cover is eye-catching. All the elements required for the story have been included in the cover. The font is mixing a bit with the background but apart from that, the cover is designed beautifully. The girl on the cover has the same emotions on her face which the main character of the book depicts.

The book description 8/10

The book description is good but it gives away most of the storyline. The description would definitely attract readers.

Technicalities 47/50

No grammatical or punctuation mistakes found. The character descriptions were more than needed, more attention was given to the looks of the characters than their dialogues. Even if there was any flaw in the descriptions it didn't disturb the flow of the story. The storyline and descriptions were flawless but the dialogue writing needs a bit of improvement. The dialogues were quite plain and didn't give any unique factor about the character.

Total 88/100

Total from both judges 169/200


๐Ÿš.ย All the Stars byย mirrormybookย 

Judgeย MikeMacColinย 

Engagement 17/20

While reading, I find myself wanting to know more and more, so it is definitely engaging. It is also quite fascinating that, while Riana is not per se a sympathetic character, or at least not a very social one, it is still intriguing to learn more about her and her attitude towards other people. She might not be the most pleasant company to have around, but she is interesting. The story is picking up in later chapters, raising the tension with a bang in the middle. So far it feels like a really good binge read.

Concept 8/10

I'm still not sure whether sci-fi is the right category here, cause so far it would make a great modern world mystery thriller. Not that I mind that, but it could get a lot more readers who in principle would avoid sci-fi novels. For me, it is good to see how Riana's rationality is challenged with the seemingly irrational flaws and unexplainable situations on the campus.

Cover 6/10

The cover fits the theme of the story and gives a good idea about the characters involved, but like in the concept, it doesn't really hint at sci-fi. It looks like a typical high school drama book.

The book description 8/10

The first two paragraphs sound like a romance plot, before the other ones unravel the conspiracy story, just keeping me interested enough for the moment. Nicely played!

Technicalities 46/50

Again, no flaws worth mentioning here. The characters involved in the story are described in the unique way of Riana's analytical and rational thinking - except for her encounters with Diana Ross, which show a lot of swooning and romanticizing that seems to me a bit atypical for what I know about her. But maybe it is a factor of the story, that Riana had no idea that she was capable of such feelings, which is also helping her character. What I do admire is the deduction about her chatty friend Lenisa which also gives us a good impression of how Riana approaches and evaluates people.

Total 85/100

Judgeย ridds_reads11ย 

Engagement 17/20

The story is engaging for me. It's a good read for those who are into teen fiction. Though at the start it was a bit boring but it got interesting later. There were many questions in my mind about Adriana's behavior which made me read further. Overall it can have a good ranking in the teenfic genre.

Concept 7/10

The concept of the story hasn't been well translated as there is not much of any Science fiction element in it. The way you tried to portray the college differently due to its bend towards technology by providing students with tabs and 3D maps on it is a good addition but it would've been far better if you would have added more elements to enhance the theme.

Cover 7/10

The cover suits the story and can attract many readers who love to read teen fiction. The placement of the title on the cover can be changed. The font for the author's name is not that great, it doesn't match with the background. It would've been good if the title was eye-catching.

The book description 8/10

The book description is very interesting. It caught my attention and made me read the book immediately. The description is not less and not more. It's short and perfect.

Technicalities 46/50

There are no specific grammatical mistakes. The division of dialogues and description is not properly done though. The main character too doesn't speak much and keeps thinking things inside her head which is a little annoying because I am not expecting to read the diary of a teenager, I want to see her thoughts come into play. There is much less action in the story at the start but later the pace has increased and made the story interesting.

Total 85/100

Total from both judges 170/200


๐Ÿ™.ย Subjective Justice byย NgoziGardeniaย 

Judgeย MikeMacColinย 

Engagement 18/20

From chapter 6 the story begins to progress into something more dramatic and engaging than even before - not only does the protagonist have to deal with her injuries throughout the next few chapters, but also with a totally different situation than at the beginning. Also, the introduction of the new characters which, unlike Akio's old team, we meet and get to know along with her, helps with the story immersion. The pacing of the story gives the reader the needed feel of the urgency of Akio's situation. Although I do have a feeling where this is all headed, and that the entire plot might have much sinister background, there are still some twists that even I did not expect in that way.

Concept 8/10

At times the concept still feels familiar, but what elevates this book from others is the colorful alien world and the different species populating it. It really gives some good space opera vibes here, mixed with the internal and external conflict of the main protagonist. The interaction of the different new characters with Akio feels at times like a good role-playing game.

Cover 8/10

It gives a good impression of the alien nature of the protagonist. It could have used a few more characters from the book that way since there are a lot of different species that play a part.

The book description 8/10

The description is very fitting for the book, although, since I read till chapter ten, it might have told a little more about the later story than it would have been necessary - the fact that the vigilantes she is supposed to bring down actually welcome her with open arms (which is not entirely accurate, given the reaction of some of them) could be put in a more ambiguous way. Still, the description works in giving a good impression of what is to come, and so far the book lives up to it.

Technicalities 47/50

A few mistakes, one that was causing a bit of confusion on my part (Fluffy is a character right?). Still, fast pace and yet good world building - this is a fine line not easy to walk, but the book pulls it off. The later chapters concentrate on the strengths of this book. Seriously, if the action scene in chapter 5 is reworked to match the impact it has on Akio and the later story, this book could be at the top easily.

Total 89/100

Judgeย ridds_reads11ย 

Engagement 16/20

At the start, it is a little confusing as I didn't understand what type of creature the Alien is when it comes into view. It would have been better if the appearance of the character was described precisely at the start because I couldn't imagine how the character looked. Yes, there are descriptions about the character but it doesn't give me a clear picture. The random and completely different things have kept me hooked throughout my reading. Some things were hard to comprehend at the start but once I started reading I got to know more and more things and craved for more background story.

Concept 8/10

The concept is totally new, I haven't read anything like this before and the different species with different characters have really stood out. It is hard to imagine but reading the book gives you a different perspective and increases your imagination power.

Cover 8/10

The cover is eye-catching. It suits the story but somehow at first look, it gives an impression of a superhero book. The font style is good and the color does give a sci-fi background feel.

The book description 9/10

The book description is short and to the point and urges the reader to read further. It doesn't exactly give away the storyline as after reading it you've very few things to predict and that is what makes you more curious about the plot.

Technicalities 47/50

There are minor punctuation mistakes that are totally invisible once you are immersed in the book. I didn't find any other flaw. The pace was perfect. All the chapters are titled very nicely and give an idea about the chapter. Though I couldn't imagine the characters, I could connect to their emotions. The dialogue writing is very good.

Total 88/100

Total from both judges 177/200


Congratulations to all winners!

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