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" Zaynie, Maria is coming over for a project what do i doo?"

 Niall half yelled half whispered into the phone. 

" It's not Zayn ..It's Liam. " 

"What did you do to  Zayn!? I am calling the police" 

 "I didn't eat him..technically I did,  but he is in the washroom now"

" Yuck! I don't need to know the details of that" Niall howled.

 "Who is Maria?" 

"A beautiful lassie" Niall said dreamily into the phone.

 " I will ask Zayn to call you when he comes back..but I can't gurantee" Niall could feel the wink in his voice.

" Yeah whatever " Niall huffed into the phone." Tell Zayn that I am crowning Louis as the king"

"What.." Liam mumbled into the phone which has already been cut.

He got up from the messed up bed to  make coffee .This was the first time he truly felt that he wasn't wasting his time during the summer holidays. He couldn't believe that all this had happened so quickly..he remembered when Harry literally had an emotional breakdown when he confirmed that he was dating Zayn. He could only wish that Harry would hu-man up and ask Louis out. His heart clenched when he remembered how Calum had treated Harry , how broken Harry was before he met Louis. He believed that Louis would be different. He had asked Zayn a million times about who beat Louis up that day..but he wouldn't tell him...he would always say  "It's his secret to tell" and then proceed to kiss him to make up for the disappointment .  This only made Liam trust Zayn more. 

Shaking his head, he made his way to the bedroom where Zayn was dressing himself.

 " Hey " Zayn whispered walking up to Liam, kissing his earlobes.

 Liam chuckled and handed the coffee mug to Zayn , while sipping some from his own. " Niall called ..he wanted some advice on how to handle Maria "

 Zayn let out a laugh. " He is a shy boi, Niall is"

  "And also he said that he would crown Louis , king." 

" WHAT!" Zayn yelled almost spilling the coffee.

" Why didn't you say that before...." Zayn said running and almost tripping over the carpet to grab his phone.

And Liam watched Zayn tenderly if not confused...

* Hope you like this Ziam Chappie.. - Love Lou*

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