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Louis was officially confused. He couldn't judge what was worse: 

The consequences of loosing the tea cup or the drama of Uni life.

 Louis was fairly popular all over Uni for his outbursts at the teachers , his occasional but classy pranks and his rare but major parties. Even then he didn't feel the need to announce to the crowd he was bi. After all it was none of their business. If anyone had asked him he would have told them but then again in the society he lives in the default sexuality is ' straight' . 

As Harry and Louis walked together into the campus , he was left wondering whether Harry was in the closet too..Since he met Harry at the babysitters and co. and they started dated during the break , the topic was never initiated.. So he voiced that thought.

 "No! I am proudly out..."

 " Were all of your friends accepting? Louis asked softly rubbing his arm partly due to the cold and partly because he suddenly felt insecure. 

" Sure I lost some.. .but they were not worth it " Harry smiled as he rested his arm on Louis's shoulder. 

" So you are still living in the closet"

 " I have never felt the need to come out ... I have never had a serious relationship with anyone " 

Before Harry could question further, four of Louis' football team mates rounded the two.

 " At your service Captain Tommo" one of them saluted before he hugged Louis . " Why didn't we see you at Omar's party" 

" Ah my lovely peasants ..it is only natural that you miss your king, and sorry bro had some babies to handle." 

" It is still hard for me to picture you as a babysitter.." One of them said chuckling.

 " Haha.. This chap right here helped me survive the ordeal"

 Harry cheeks slightly colored at the comment , memories flooding him.

"Hey ..I am.Nick , this is Brad, Tom and Josh" 

" Nice to meet you lads Harry here" He said as they shook hands.

 " Why haven't we seen you around ?" 

" I am a junior..its in the next block"

 "Good for us ..we would have a hard time getting girls with you around" Brad said cackling.

 Harry was about to let them know that he didn't care about the girls and he invested on guys but Louis interrupted him.

" We should get going guys.."

 "Ohh yeah get you arse to that Chem. class ..Danielle is waiting for you" the guys laughed as they patted Louis on the back. 

" I am really not interested... "

" Yeah sure that's what you said about Eleanor but look what happened " Tom winked " Besides  you are single and you can't deny that Danielle is the hottest catch. " 

Harry hoped that Louis would correct him but of course they weren't 'serious ' yet. Feeling dejected he excused himself before he speed walked to the next block. 

" He must want to attend that class badly " Josh commented .

' I doubt that was the reason ' Louis though sadly .

* Hmm..what do you think will happen next? Can you blame Louis for acting this way in our cruel society? What do you think he should have done? Let me know of your thoughts below.. Love Lou*


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