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" The tea cup was ceremoniously handed over to my family because of our loyalty and financial contributions by the Tories party decades ago...and it was  sealed in a  metal box which could only be opened with an access card and the access card of course  was with the elected party leader which this year ended up to be my dad." Louis sneered involuntarily.  

" Okayy.." Harry said confused why all this party politics would interfere in their innocent (if that) college lives. 

" We were three children..My brother  Alec, My sister Daisy  and me. My brother ran away from  home before Daisy was born." Louis whispered running his hand through his hair. 

Harry couldn't bear to act indifferent to the pain Louis was going through at the moment. He sat down next to Louis on the bed and held his hand. 

"One day my dad called my mom telling her that the box was need in the party office.It was in the morning I had classes. Since the house was going to be empty she took Daisy with her. And the next thing I heard was that they met with an accident and was in the ICU . "

 Louis bit his lips hard to stop the tears that were threatening to spill..he refused to cry in front of his friends. 

" My mom escaped with minor injuries......but my sister. It was not an accident! It was all a plan to steal the box " Louis yelled with rage as the three boys tackled him into a group hug.  

Louis sniffed back his tears and stared into Harry's forest green eyes..

" Your family did it....."

* Aha! What so y'all think about this? Vote and comment! Stay Safe - Love Lou*

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